「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

感情のリリース - The 5th Way(第5の方法)- 6

2012-04-03 05:43:47 | 感情のリリース
感情のリリース - The 5th Way(第5の方法)- 6

The 5th Way(第5の方法)について。

 The 5th Way(第5の方法)は、「自我([注記]私:記憶の中の私)を越えて観察すること。」を意識的に訓練(練習)する方法です。

 自我(私と感じているもの。)は、記憶の中の私、経験の中の私といえます。The 5th Way(第5の方法)は、「記憶の中の私、経験の中の私:自我」(私と感じているもの)は、存在しなかったとできます?と自分に問いかけます。

The 5th Way(第5の方法)



*これはもうラマナ・マハリシの、「Who are you?」と同じ。

the 5th wayの英文

Whose feeling, thought, or story is this?
The answer will be "mine".
In this moment, if you do not go into memory, can you actually find this "me"?
If there is no me in this moment, is it possible that there has never been one?


 自我の展望はまさに 3D で、時間、空間および重力までに制限されます。

The Sedona Method releasing Club - Fifth Way

The Sedona Method releasing Club

Fifth Way Oct 1, '11 9:21 PM
by David for everyone

セドナ・メソッド リリーシングクラブ (コミュニティー)

5番目の方法 '11年10月1日午後9:21、
皆のために デビッドによって

This is a series of thoughts on what has come to be known as fifth way releasing. It seems most of Hale's new stuff is heavily influenced by this style of releasing. In my mind, it is strongly linked to much of the ideas in Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism) that Lester studied and taught during his life. The releasing itself seemed more focused on feelings and wants, but the philosophy behind it all seems strongly influenced by the nondual.

So in my thinking, Hale hasn't created something new so much as he has integrated Lester's teachings with the actual releasing questions. Triple Welcoming is sometimes referred to as a kind of "quicky" fifth way method.

The heart of it seems to be centered around a direct inquiry into "one doing the releasing." Karmically, this is a little like cheating. But, at the same time it's an "essential kind of cheating." At some point, Dorothy needed to peek behind the curtain to get a good look at the wizard. In doing this, she saw something she didn't expect, but it led to the eventual resolution of her (imagined) problems. You can just TELL someone "you had the power all along" but the bottom line is that this isn't actually a helpful thing to do. The good witch in the story only tells her this AFTER she had already developed and integrated this power. She worked her ass off. Evil flying monkeys are no picnic!

My point is that just telling someone to relax or saying "it's all in your head" or "you have the power" etc. This is a bit like saying "let them eat cake!" You're likely to get your head bitten off. Some irony here in that "it's a lot of work to realize that you don't have to work so hard" but its also common sense as well. You don't get fit by reading muscle magazines or books about fitness. You do it by doing it. And yes the books DO help (once you get the right info) but all the books in the world aren't going to save you from "putting in your hours." And once you DO finally get into great shape, perhaps at a gym - learning all the while from the your own effort and the people around you - you often learn a bunch of great shortcuts and ways to save time. You realize "if I only knew all this at the beginning I could have arrived here in half the time!" But instead of frustration, you can choose to see that all learning is like this. We all must spend a little time spinning our wheels - learning what works and what doesn't and applying it to our own lives.

The fifth way is a little like jumping RIGHT to the answer key in nondualism. Instead of studying and learning and sweating to learn your algebra - your buddy stole all the answers to the quiz and is selling them for 5 bucks a piece. That's the good news AND the bad news. The problem is that if you skip the work, you also skip the learning. And everyone wants relief NOW. Solve my problems right now! And the original ways of releasing are a bit like putting in your hours at the gym or studying for your algebra exam. Eventually you DO learn all you need to know, and more studying isn't actually going to help you. Skipping right to the answers at this point is incredibly helpful. Pay the five bucks! (it's just that we all want to get there before we really ARE there.)

Ideally, the fifth way can act as an accelerant. Mixing it up with "normal releasing" works very well in the beginning. There is a learning curve for developing emotional intelligence. We need to understand at the deepest levels that our emotions are OURS. They were not caused by other people or external factors. The more we practice feeling and then letting go of our emotions, the easier this becomes. We become less afraid of actually feeling things - regardless of the feeling (pos or neg). And the more we begin to feel IN CONTROL of our feelings, the less likely we are to blame them on our friends, spouses, or the way other people drive their cars. If you actually analyze it, in most cases feelings arise by:

1) We experience some event.
2) We decide what it means (often rapidly and unconsciously).
3) We make an inner decision about which response will generate the most approval, love, and safety (usually unconscious)
4) We then feel and behave in certain ways - and it REALLY feels like we have no choice in the matter. (At this level the emotional response is more of a compulsion).
5) Then we blame the event (#1) for "making us feel this way" and sometimes feel stuck in this emotional response and believe we need some TRICK or distraction to get out of it.

At this level of emotional function it is enormously beneficial to spend time feeling and letting go as the main style of releasing. Without this emotional skill of releasing feelings we often feel out of control in our bodies and in our lives. And this skill is an essential building block for learning to release the four primary wants. When we are willing and able to feel and release at THIS level, then we really start unravelling the various compulsions to react in certain ways. It becomes a first taste of what real freedom feels like. This alone can produce such a rush of endorphins that many become convinced that they are home free at this point.

And here is where the fifth way comes in. In my hypnosis practice, I used to love doing a particular visualization where the client's body first relaxes, then gets heavy... the next step would be that it got SO heavy that it just began "melting into" the chair or couch. The body just sinks lower and lower until it fully becomes part of the couch, or even the ground below it all. When the body is fully dissolved, the level of trance is often quite deep (and this often happens in 5 minutes or less). This alone is hugely beneficial for physical stress, mental stress, and any kind of contraction, pain, or discomfort in the body. Just taking someone deeply to this level and right back out is often enough to cure a headache, back pain, neck pain, etc. And the reason I share all this - is because I have it mentally connected to the fifth way in the way I understand it.

Once you peel back the curtain, and begin to dissolve the "solidness" of this "you that you perceive yourself to be" then the problems have very little to stick to. For me, resistance is the glue - the stickiness. So the first four ways are about getting really GOOD at dissolving resistance. Instead of fighting the emotion, you learn to feel it. To feel it consciously. To welcome it. You actually invite it in like a guest you are welcoming into your home. Right into your body (it's often helpful to remind people that you ARE feeling it in your body anyway - the only difference is that in the past you were just really good at ignoring or distracting). And then like any other guest, you allow it to leave as well. In resistance, we do the opposite. We have "the guest" standing at our door knocking for eternity. It can never come in, but it can't ever leave either...

So once we have developed a bit of this emotional intelligence - built up our spiritual muscles so to speak - we then can begin to find faster and more efficient ways to relate to the problem. We are now good at releasing the feelings and the wants. Now we can see that this stickiness of certain problems involves three players. 1. Me 2. The problem, and 3. The glue/stickiness/resistance. In the first four ways we learn to drop the fight (which only glues us to the issue) which then allows us to bring elements one and two together. The guest comes in, the guest leaves. Over and over. Until we REALLY do see it as a guest. It stops being a metaphor and we really have no problem welcoming our hate, our fear, our lack of approval, etc. We remember how much relief the welcoming gave us LAST time, so we gladly repeat the process.

Now we finally get to a place were we can really question the first of the three elements (me, the problem, and the glue). Without a "me" there is nothing for the problem to stick to. It becomes like space debris - and it passes right through us. The more and more we investigate this "me" and it's supposed solidness, the less stuck we feel and become. It is an experience of lightness - in every sense of the word.

Tags: hale dwoskin, sedona method, releasing, lester levenson, fifth way
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Next: Any stories about that could help teach the Sedona Method?


12 Comments より抜粋しました。

So it's a bit of a catch 22. To observe beyond the ego. To look at essence (or whatever name you'd like to give it) - to really see it, it often helps to first look a bit at ego - and train it to behave so that you CAN look at essence - and to really see it.


And yes, no doubt. The essence that is looking through your body-mind definitely does SEEM to be located in a different spot from the essence that is looking through mine. No doubt. That is quite a universal experience. Moreover the whole experience of looking at it is being done BY your body-mind and then interpreted through it. (which makes your looking at essence a totally different event from any time I look at "mine" - different from the perspective of the mind-body-ego, that is).


Bottom line, the ego's perspective is very 3D and is bounded by time, space, and gravity. And yours is standing, sitting, or lying down in a different spot from mine. At least from the standpoint of being a body...




