「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

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Chapter 8 - Setting and Attaining Your Goals
第8章 - あなたのゴールを決めて、遂げること
(第8章 - あなたのゴールをセットして、そして実現します)

Chapter 8 - Setting and Attaining Your Goals

In this chapter, we’re going to explore a very powerful application of the Sedona Method: setting and attaining goals. While I cannot guarantee that the process described here will help you achieve every goal that you set, I am able to promise that it will dramatically improve the odds in your favor. Not only can this process help you discern which goals are ones that you truly can and should pursue, it will also help you to let go of goals that are inappropriate. In addition, you’ll begin to feel better about goal setting in general.

この章では、我々はSedona Methodの非常に強力なアプリケーションを調査するつもりです:

When you hear the word “goal,” does it conjure up strong positive or negative feelings? We live in an extremely goal oriented culture, yet most of us have mixed feelings about setting and attaining goals. We have internalized so many shoulds and shouldn’ts that dictate what we’re supposed to want and strive for in life that the goals we pursued in the past, or that we’re pursuing now, often do not feel like our own.

注記:shoulds and shouldn’ts => should and shouldn’t

Do you work in a business environment that imposes goals upon you? Does your family have an undue influence on your life choices? Do you feel as though only certain goals are acceptable to your friends and peers? If you answered “yes” to any of the preceding questions, you are not alone. At times, most of us have felt pushed or cornered into pursuing goals that we probably would not have chosen if we were given the choice.


We have also had diverse experiences when we were striving to achieve our goals: some good, some so-so, others frustrating. Although we’ve pursued certain goals with our full hearts and minds, we’ve ultimately given up on them, because they took too long to realize. Other goals we’ve achieved without even trying. These kinds of experiences color our impressions of goal setting and generate a broad spectrum of emotional responses. In short, there’s a lot of confusion around the whole topic.


As Lester Levenson stewarded the creation of the Goal Process you’re about to learn, he was aware of the confusion so many people feel. By designing a simple system, he hoped he could alleviate much of the suffering associated with goals. He purposefully crafted the process in such a way that, besides creating what we wanted in our lives, we would gain another major benefit from releasing on our goals: imperturbability.

(レスター・レヴェンソンが、あなたが学ぼうとしているゴール・プロセスの創造をスチュワード (幹事) したので、彼は混乱をそれほど多くの人々が感じることを知っていました。)
(レスター・レヴェンソンがゴール・プロセスの生成をスチュワード (幹事) するとともに、彼が同数の人々が感じる混乱に気づいていたことを知るところです。
Simple past tense and past participle of steward.
steward: スチュワード;幹事

Becoming “Hootless”

We all spend much of our time either moving away from, or moving towards, the actual or potential contents of our lives as a result of our attachments and aversions. These are the real or imagined objects that we hold in awareness and grant the power to bestow or take away our natural state of happiness. Attachments are those things that we desire to hold close. Aversions are those things that we desire to hold away. In both cases, the operative word is “hold.” Since they are the leading cause of our unnecessary suffering, a primary definition of freedom would be having no attachments and no aversions.

When you set a goal and use releasing to achieve it, you bring up into your awareness the attachments and aversions that you have about that particular issue. Then, as you release your attachments and aversions to the goal, you’ll either achieve it or you won’t. But, either way, you’ll have lightened your load of suffering. You’ll become free.

The way results are achieved is by reaching an internal feeling state that Lester called “hootlessness.” Hootlessness is when you do not give a hoot whether you achieve a particular goal or not. Contrary to popular belief, you do not attain your goals when you desire them strongly enough. In fact, if you honestly examine your past experiences, you’ll discover that most of the goals you’ve achieved are the ones that you let go of wanting―even if not by choice. Most people focus on the struggle that leads up to the letting go and then attribute their results to the struggle rather than the release. They miss the point.

As you journey through this process, you’ll discover that the struggle is unnecessary. This does not mean, of course, that you won’t take action steps to achieve your goals. It simply means that the actions you do choose to take will come with less effort and drama. When you allow yourself to release to the point where you are hootless about getting your goal, two things may happen. Either you’ll find that you abandon the goal altogether and feel lighter because of it, or you’ll be much more likely to achieve the goal than you were when you wanted it. As Lester used to say, “Even the impossible becomes completely possible when you are fully released on it. And you know when you are fully released on it when you don’t give a hoot.”

Now, you may be concerned that if you become hootless you won’t enjoy the fruits of your labors. Let me put this fear to rest. In my experience, it couldn’t be further from the truth. The more hootless you feel, the freer you are to enjoy whatever you have in this moment without the usual fear of loss or disappointment.

In Chapter 6, Taking Your Releasing to a Deeper Level, we looked at our motivations and how we have a tendency to confuse objects with feelings. We want approval, control, security, and separation―as well as their opposites―and we erroneously believe that objects give them to us. So, another reason why we may have mixed feelings about goals is that, even when we do get something we believe we want, it never truly satisfies us.

After all, how long do we enjoy a new car, stereo, or pair of shoes? Usually, not long enough. Almost as soon as we get one item on our list, we move on to the next, because the happiness we seek is not truly contained in any object. Rather, it is our natural state of being. When we get past seeking objects and outcomes, we become hootless.

Does this mean that you should stop pursuing goals? Absolutely not! I highly recommend that you pursue your goals using the process in this chapter until you achieve them or you let go of wanting them. Denying that you want something will not cause the desire to go away. Until you acknowledge a desire, and either achieve it or let it go, it will eat away your insides. Rest
