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Uncover Life - (生命の覆いを取ります) by Craig Wildenrad - 2

2013-01-01 16:04:06 | Sedona Method
Uncover Life - (生命の覆いを取ります) by Craig Wildenrad - 2

 How to Begin Using the Sedona Method and Feel Results Today

(注記:http://www.bloomverse.com こちらのサイトは、今はなくなっています)

Uncover Life (生命の覆いを取ります)
graceandcharmblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Uncover-you-Free-report.pdf (全23ページ)

How to Begin Using the Sedona Method and Feel Results Today
by Craig Wildenradt

Uncover Life
1 ~ 14 (Uncover Life - (生命の覆いを取ります) by Craig Wildenrad - 1)

Uncover Life

Suffering: your self-inflicted punishment

What comes to mind when you hear the word “suffering?” Probably not anything
you are fond of. But if you’re like most people, you experience suffering more
than you’d like. I doubt you would have made it this far into the book if there
wasn’t at least some suffering you wanted to get rid of.

But what causes suffering? To examine this, let’s take a common example of
something that a lot of people suffer over: money.

Let’s say you think you don’t have enough of it. You’re looking at your bank
statement and you’re toiling over what you see next to the word “balance.” This is
likely to result in some amount of suffering. It’s likely to stir up some unwanted

But ask yourself this question: What is causing the suffering? Is it the amount of
money (or lack thereof) in your bank account that is causing the suffering? Or is
it your feelings about the amount of money in your bank account that cause the

I’ll give you a hint: it’s the feelings.

If you don’t agree, ask yourself this: If you didn’t care about how much money
was in the account, would you be suffering over it? Not likely. The fact is you
never suffer over anything that you don’t have an emotional charge around.

So bearing that in mind, take a look at something you happen to be suffering over
in this moment. Once you have something in mind, ask yourself: Is it that
particular “thing” that is causing your suffering? Or is it your feelings and
emotions about that particular thing? Yep, you guessed it. It’s the feelings and

So in essence, there is nothing external to you that causes you any suffering.
There is no one to blame. There is no thing to blame. Because there is no one
person, object, or situation that can possibly cause you suffering. It is only your
emotional responses to a person, object, or situation that give life to suffering.

But where do these emotional responses come from?

If you actually examine the way you go through life, you’ll see that every single
thing that you feel an emotional charge around, you are either trying to pull
towards yourself or trying to push away from yourself. This is called attachment
and aversion.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

As long as there is any attachment or aversion to anything in your life, you can
bet there will be emotions involved. And consequently, there will be suffering as

Ego: your own little personal troublemaker

Before I get too much deeper into all this emotional talk, I just want to take a
quick moment to talk about the ego sense.

If you have read anything by Eckhart Tolle or similar authors, then you are most
likely familiar with what is referred to as the ego sense. If you haven’t, this may
be a new concept for you. I don’t want to get too involved in it since this book is
serving as an introduction to the Sedona Method, but it’s important to have at
least some understanding of this in order for the rest of the book to click. This
subject by itself is enough to write an entire textbook on, but for simplicity’s sake
I’ll keep it pretty basic here.

In the most distilled terms, that identity you believe you are is the ego sense. The
ego is what has attachments and aversions. The ego is what responds
emotionally. The ego is what gets hurt feelings. The ego is what suffers. The ego
sense is what you conceptualize when you think of what or who you are.

That’s enough about that for now, but just know that is what I’m talking about
from here on when I mention the ego.

So back on track: How do your attachments and aversions manifest?

The core wants

So long as there is a sense of ego at work inside of you, there exist 4 core wants.
These core wants are the manifestations of all your attachments and aversions
and subsequently, the root causes of all the suffering you experience. They are:

• Wanting approval
• Wanting control
• Wanting security
• Wanting separation

Every single unwanted feeling, thought, belief and emotion you experience can be
traced back to a core want that your ego sense perceives is being left unsatisfied.
No exceptions. An example of a typical chain of events is as follows:

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

Something happens ―> A core want is frustrated ―> An emotional response
happens ―> You suffer over it

But that may seem a bit vague and ambiguous to you, so let’s take a look at a
more intellectually friendly example. We’ll use the money example since it’s fresh
in your mind.

You look at your low bank account balance ―> The core want of security is
frustrated (you’re feeling financially insecure) ―> You respond emotionally (you
have unpleasant feelings about it) ―> You suffer

Just to shed a little more light on how this works, let’s take a look at another
example involving a different core want:

You stand up to give a presentation at work in a meeting ―> The core want of
approval is frustrated (you’re wanting approval, but not sure you have it from
everyone) ―> You respond emotionally (sick to your stomach or some other
feeling you don’t like) ―> You suffer

As you can see in these examples, if the core want in each scenario was not
perceived to be frustrated or denied in any way, there would not be any resultant

But what does all of this mean? What are you supposed to do about this?

Releasing chunks vs. releasing chips

As you saw with the basic releasing process, you can release on individual
thoughts and feelings and get immediate relief in the moment. However, you can
actually go deeper with the Sedona Method to release much larger amounts of
suffering and limitation. Time for another visual:

Let’s say you are walking down a narrow path and you come upon a large
boulder that is blocking the entire pathway. There’s no way around it.
You’re going to have to break it apart in order to get past it. You reach into
your backpack and pull out a hammer and chisel. You begin chipping
away at the boulder in the hopes that eventually it will whittle away to
nothing and you can continue your travels.

A little while into it, you remember that you have a large crane at your
disposal with a wrecking ball attached. You put the hammer and chisel
down and jump inside the driver’s compartment of the crane. The
wrecking ball rears back and with one flick of the controls you send it

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

barreling towards the boulder. The boulder is obliterated into bits at the
point of impact.

This is of course another silly example, but the point is to illustrate how you can
either release chips of suffering and limitation with the Sedona Method or go
deeper and release larger chunks of suffering and limitation. Nothing wrong with
either choice as they both accomplish the same end. But releasing larger chunks
is obviously faster and more efficient.

So using the example above as a reference, letting go of individual thoughts and
feelings is kind of like chipping away at the boulder with the hammer and chisel.
Again, this is not to say there is anything wrong with that. As you’ve seen, you
still get relief by doing this.

But digging deeper and releasing on the underlying causes of our feelings and
emotions―the core wants―is like jumping behind the controls of the crane and
slinging the wrecking ball into the boulder.

Taking your releasing to the level of the core wants allows you to
release much more in a shorter amount of time.

The core wants explained

Before we dive into a process to help release as I’ve been talking about, I’d like to
take a moment to explain the core wants so that you can easily identify them
during the process.

Each core want exists along with its opposite polarity, so I’ll be explaining that as
well. Think of a coin; there is a “heads” side and a “tails” side. If I give you a coin,
I can’t just give you the heads side without the tails side along with it. The two are
always there together. It’s the same with the core wants, where there is one
polarity, there is also the other. There is an attachment side as well as an
aversion side.

Approval – Wanting approval is quite literal. You’re wanting approval
from others. Some practical examples are wanting to look attractive,
wanting people to like you, wanting someone to agree with you, wanting to
be accepted, wanting to fit in, etc. Bear in mind that you will also often
times want approval from yourself.

The opposite polarity for this is wanting disapproval. You may or may not
be as aware of this, but it too exists. Some examples of wanting
disapproval are wanting to disagree, wanting to rebel, wanting to agitate
someone, etc. But not all examples are what you would consider active.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

Have you ever wanted to appear in a likeable way to someone but felt
uncomfortable when they gave you a compliment? That is an example of
wanting approval and disapproval at the same time.

Control – Wanting control is also quite literal. You’re wanting to get in
there and control! However, there are some synonyms for wanting control.
Some are: wanting to figure something out, wanting to change something,
wanting to manipulate, wanting to push something away or pull
something towards you, etc.

The opposite polarity for this is wanting to give away or forfeit your
control. This is also something you might not be as aware of, but it’s just
the flip side of the coin. Some examples are: wanting to give your power
away, wanting somebody else to do something instead of you, wanting to
give up or resign, throwing your arms up, etc.

Security – Wanting security is wanting to survive. It can mean you’re
wanting to be physically safe, but it can also relate to financial matters and
any other issue that makes you feel insecure.

The opposite polarity for this is wanting to die. You may or may not be
aware of this want, but it exists. It’s not necessarily in a suicidal sense. If
you think about the body aging as it does without ever dying, you probably
wouldn’t want that. That’s an example of this polarity.

Separation – This is actually the want that is closest to the core, and it is
essentially the want that is the basis for all suffering and concepts of
limitation. In other words, wanting approval, control, and security all stem
from wanting to be separate. If there was no wanting to be separate, there
would not be any of the other wants because they are all based on the
concept that you are a separate individual.

And that’s what wanting to be separate is. It’s wanting to be an individual
that is separate from everybody and everything else. It’s wanting to be that
individual person that you believe you are.

The opposite polarity for this is wanting oneness. Wanting oneness is what
you feel when you pursue spirituality. Wanting oneness is what you feel
when you want to connect with others on a deeper level. When you’re
empathizing, that’s wanting oneness.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

Time for a quick breather

I realize that so far in this section you’ve been presented with a lot of information
to chew on. I know, I promised you that the Sedona Method was simple (and I
assure you it is). For that reason I contemplated leaving this entire section out of
the book, but ultimately decided to include it to give you even more tools to get to
where you want to be.

The good news is that you don’t need to fully understand all of this. It’s just some
foundational information for the next process. If you do understand it, great. If
you don’t fully understand it, that’s fine too. The actual releasing process is much
simpler than all of this intellectual explanation, so fear not!

To bring you back into the realm of simplicity, here’s a quick summary of what
happens when you experience a thought, feeling or emotion you don’t like:

Something happens ―> A core want is frustrated ―> An unwanted feeling is
generated as a result ―> You suffer

Now let’s go through a Sedona Method process that you can use to take care of
this situation.

Digging deeper: releasing the core wants

You’ll see that the process I’m about to guide you through is similar to the basic
process but has some slight differences. The differences are:

1. You’re going to go farther and release at a deeper level.
2. The “could you, would you, when” questioning is consolidated into one
single part.

As a reminder, remember the key points that I went over with you during the
basic releasing process and use them here: Stay present with what you are feeling
right now and just do the process as best you can. If you notice the mind wanting
to go into memory during the process, just acknowledge that it is happening and
bring your focus back to the present moment.

If you’d like, you can release to the supplementary audio program at this point.

Let’s get to it.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

1) Allow yourself to focus inside and think of a problem that you believe
you have. It could be about money, relationships, a health condition, or
anything you view as a problem. The first problem that comes to mind will
2) And once you become aware of that problem, notice and welcome the
way that you feel about it as best you can.
3) And now dig a little deeper and see if that feeling is coming from
wanting approval, control, security, separation, or oneness.
4) And whichever want you are most aware of in this moment, could you
just let it go?
5) And then could you let go of the feeling?

See? I told you it was simple. ☺ Repeat this process as much as you’d like, and
you’ll keep letting go of more and more of the feelings, emotions, and concepts of
limitation that you don’t want.

A quick note about letting go of wants

You may have been reluctant to let go of wanting approval, control, security,
separation, or oneness. This is common, and it’s usually because the question is
misinterpreted. So to clarify, here is what you are being asked to do:

When you are asked to let go of the core wants, you’re being asked to let go of the
feeling of want. So for instance, if you were aware of wanting control and were
asked to let it go, you are not being asked to let go of having control. You are
being asked to let go of the feeling of wanting it.

There’s nothing wrong with having things. There’s nothing wrong with having
approval, control, security, etc. Where we get into trouble is with the feeling of

Want = lack. Whenever you are wanting anything, it’s because you feel like you
lack it. So when you have a feeling of want, it’s causing suffering because the
underlying feeling behind it is lack. And consequently, lack is what you are
projecting into your experience. Lacking is obviously the opposite of having.
That’s probably not what you’re looking for in life.

All that being said, just let go of the feeling of want in association with whatever
you’re present with, and you’re headed in the right direction.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

One down, four to go

In this book I have shown you one way of using the Sedona Method to let go of
your unwanted thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and emotions. There are actually five
ways in total. The other four ways are:

1. Welcoming – which is a process of simply opening to whatever you are
experiencing in the moment.
2. Diving in – which is a process of diving into the very core of a feeling.
3. Holistic releasing – which is a process of getting in touch with opposite
polarities of any feeling and alternating back and forth between them.
4. The 5th way – which is a process of self-inquiry that directs your focus to
the presence of awareness itself, creating spontaneous releases.

Each technique has its own very useful applications in life. For instance,
welcoming is extremely useful for releasing in action when you might not
necessarily have time to go through a process of questioning. Diving in is useful
for bursting what seem like huge, insurmountable feelings. Holistic releasing is
highly effective in shaking loose deep-rooted feelings that seem to be stuck firmly
in place. And the 5th
way is a wonderful technique to experientially transcend
your ideas of what is real.

Each technique could justifiably have its own book written about it. And
eventually, I may do that. ☺

But for now if you are interested in learning more about the Sedona Method, I
highly encourage you to head over to the members’ area of BloomVerse.com.
Take advantage of the resources there at your disposal (with more added
regularly) to learn more and further your releasing. Want to go even farther?
Take advantage of my personal Sedona Method coaching services and interactive
workshops. I even offer a free introductory coaching session.

Moving forward from here

What you have learned in this book is the basic foundation for an incredibly
powerful and life-shifting technique. Incorporating the Sedona Method into your
life can change the way you live in a very profound way.


The Sedona Method is your personal toolset to have anything you want in life, be
anything you want in life, and do anything you want in life. The only things
standing in the way of you and everything you want in life are your limiting
thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and emotions. That’s all.

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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Uncover Life

The Sedona Method works to deconstruct your limitations from every direction
imaginable. Using the Sedona Method, limitation does not stand a chance.

Now you have the basics.

But just like a set of mechanical tools, you must use the Sedona Method in order
for it to be useful. A mechanic who is building a racecar can purchase $40,000
worth of tools and store them in an impressive toolbox, but they won’t
accomplish anything if they just sit. They’ll only look pretty.

However, if he uses the right tools for the right circumstances, eventually
components will get installed. Bolts, gaskets, wires, clips, cylinder heads,
manifolds, and all kinds of other things come together. Before you know it, the
end result is complete.

So moving forward, roll up your sleeves and use the Sedona Method to uncover
life! The freedom, happiness, and peace you are searching for is already right
here, right now. It just needs to be revealed. You now have what you need to do it.

Have fun!

© 2009 Craig Wildenradt .::. http://www.bloomverse.com

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