「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

"KISSの解放システム"の基本的なコース - 5ヶ月目 (終了)

2013-03-04 01:57:06 | KISS ReleasingSystem
"KISSの解放システム"の基本的なコース - 5ヶ月目 (終了)

"KISSの解放システム"の基本的なコース 人生を変えるプログラムのコンポーネント(構成要素)
 2012-11-19 21:00:23 | 感情のリリース

KISS Releasing System Home Page http://kissreleasingsystem.com/

Lester Levenson's Scientific Method for Manifesting Money, Success, Wellness, and Happiness

お金、成功、健康および幸福を明示するための Lester Levenson の科学的研究法

Benefit #1
The "Seminar-At-Home" Basic
Digital Audio Course

These five audio sessions were recorded during a live teleseminar event. You get over six-hours of hands-on practical instruction. You'll hear me teach you how to use KISS Releasing exactly as Lester Levenson taught him.

正確にレスター・レヴェンソンが彼を教えたので、あなたは私が KISS Releasing することを使う(使用する)方法をあなたに教えるのを聞きます。


Audio Session Five reveals... (オーディオ・セッション5は明らかにします...)

* How to allow more love into your life!


* How to break free from the shackles of the past! (Never again feel doomed by past mistakes or missed opportunities.)


* The best way ever discovered to get whatever you want! (In some cases, it's as easy as sitting down with a piece of paper and pen.)


* Why you keep experiencing the same or similar types of problems! (Stop doing just this one thing and watch as persistent problems vanish for good.)


* How to solve all your problems this fast and easy way!


* How to discard all the past emotional baggage weighing you down! (You'll feel so relieved when you do this. Like the weight of the world is off your shoulders!)


* A surefire way to make the right decisions! (Do this exercise any time you are unsure what course of action to take. The right answer will inevitably come to you in no time.)


* The only true reality we have... and... why the so-called "future" does not exist! (Stephen explains this in detail so you'll never worry about the future again.)

我々にはある唯一の本当の現実... そして、... いわゆる「将来」が存在しない理由!

* The real reason we do not achieve our goals! (Fact is, it has nothing to do with not trying hard enough... not wanting it bad enough... or... anything else you've been led to believe. Here's the truth about why your goals often slip out of the palm of your hand... and... how to make sure that doesn't happen to you next time.)

(実のところ、それは十分に一生懸命にためさないこととは無関係です... それが十分に悪いことを望まないこと... または、... あなたが信じさせられた他に何か。
あなたのゴールがあなたの手の掌からしばしばすべる理由についての事実は、ここにあります... そして、... なんて、確認するために、それは次に、あなたに起こらないでしょう。)

* And much, much more!

How to Quickly Solve Problems (問題を迅速に解決する方法)
 2013-03-03 18:58:24 | Stephen Seretan



* Why you keep experiencing the same or similar types of problems! (Stop doing just this one thing and watch as persistent problems vanish for good.)



* A surefire way to make the right decisions! (Do this exercise any time you are unsure what course of action to take. The right answer will inevitably come to you in no time.)

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