「レスター・レヴェンソンのリリーシング」- I'm trying to show you the entire way.

Lester:「私は、あなたに全ての道を案内しようとしています。」 2015-10-04-09:45JST

KISS BUTT teleseminar - (2010年6月3日、14:43)

2013-04-22 15:09:03 | KISS ReleasingSystem
KISS BUTT teleseminar - (2010年6月3日、14:43)

KISS BUTT teleseminar Stephen Seretan Lester Levenson Release Technique | A Midwest Journal

There's a KISS BUTT teleseminar starting this Sunday which you can learn all about how to release all those programs which are keeping you from getting as rich, famous, sexy, and healthy as you want. Here's the explanation...

June 3, 2010, 2:43 pm (2010年6月3日、14:43)
sedona method How to attend the KISS BUTT teleseminar and release your stress...

« あなたがすべての富、幸福、健康、および一般的な成功を得る次の後に何をしたい?
セドナメソッドが終了するとあなたのために働いて-次に何? »
KISS BUTTのテレビセミナーに出席し、あなたのストレスを解放する方法...

Teleseminar is live from Santa Monica, CA.


Another great Sam Beatson promo on the upcoming (THIS SUNDAY) KISS BUTT teleseminar.

Of course, I’m being real corny here. Stephen Seretan has always promoted the “Keep It Simple, Sweetheart” version of Lester Levenson’s release technique.


With this seminar, he’s now examining how you can use the BUTT technique (as in do nothing except sit on your butt to get everything you want or need). Now, he’s already pointing out some key points I didn’t know – such as the BUTT technique (even his KISS version) doesn’t work necessarily for newbies. You are going to apparently invest some serious time and work into getting a great deal of all you native desires released in order for this to really help you.

現在、彼は、私が知らなかった若干のキーポイントをすでに指し示しています – 例えば、BUTTテクニック(彼のKISSバージョンさえ)が、新入りのために必ずしも機能するというわけではありません。

But let me tell you what Sam just sent me:


Programs are deeply ingrained in each of us from where we have been “programmed” by our parents, teachers, the media, books, movies, our friends and peer groups and by what we have decided to believe at times in our lives, especially times where we perhaps perceive ourselves to have been traumatised.


Programs hold us back and literally make us sick, broke and miserable because we’ve believed at some point that holding on to them is going to give us protection, approval or control at some level. The truth is that it is by deleting these programs that we are liberated.


How much time have you devoted in your life to erasing the garbage infested programs that have been dictating your life’s outcomes? How much have you blamed people, circumstances or things that appear outside of you? Ultimately, has it ever worked? Or have you found youself going through the same old crap (to put it bluntly) again in your life, despite your best intentions to learn from the past?


sedona method How to attend the KISS BUTT teleseminar and release your stress...The Programs course pioneered from Lester Levenson’s work and teachings has never been offered to the public as a live SIMULCAST except as offered at the below link:

link: http://www.kissreleasing.com/butt-method.html

The people attending this Simulcast event (web broadcast, teleseminar and handouts simultaneously via the technology we use to get Lester’s Method out in its original form) have already decided to learn the Programs course from one of Lester Levenson’s friends and aides, Stephen Seretan, a true teacher of the Method Lester promulgated through the Sedona Institute. Steve is a trained pilot and flight instructor and an accomplished composer (for example, he wrote the theme music for the law series “Paperchase”) and has constantly striven for the spiritual answers to life’s problems during his life.
On the course, you will hear some of his stories of what Lester used to say to him and how that can be applied to finally be rid of your destructive programs.

The Paper Chase: Information from Answers.com 

Composer(s) 作曲家
Stephen Seretan (1.0, 1.1, 1.5, 1.7, 1.8, 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, 1.18, 1.19)
Charles Fox (1.2, 1.3)
Thomas Newman (1.20, 1.21)
Richard Shores (1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12)

Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/the-paper-chase-tv-series#ixzz2RB9cyf00 )

Put simply, when you rid yourself of your programs, you find the answer to all problems and start manifesting amazing results that will take your breath away.


You’ll also learn:


= How to find and identify the core programs that are the root of all the seeming imperfection in your life

= How precisely to wedge out these programs and lever them away
= 正確にこれらのプログラムを外にくさびでとめて、離れて彼らをてこで動かす方法

= The test to see whether you are truly able to let go of your program after working on it

= How to take your releasing to the next level

= What releasing really is, what it means and how to use “KISS Releasing” – Lester’s Way to release
=実際にリリースすることは何か、それが何を意味し、また、「KISSリリース」を使用する方法。 – リリースするべきレスターの方法

= How to knock out abundance limiting programs for good

= Why health programs can cause cancer and how to deal with such programs urgently
= 健康プログラムはなぜガンを引き起こすことがありえて、そして、どのように緊急にそのようなプログラムに対処するべきか

= Lester’s secrets for letting go – life advice from a master
=レスターの手放すための秘密? - マスターからの人生の助言

= Skills that can be used for a lifetime to increase your joy, abundance, health and prosperity

Over the next 4 weeks (starting Sunday June 6th) at 4PM Eastern time (1PM Pacific, 9PM UK time) we will be conducting live SIMULCASTs of the Programs course with live interaction (so each attendee can get direct one to one help in identifying their program and working on it).

If you can’t attend on the day, you can listen to the recordings later and use the handouts provided for you.

Sign up now: http://www.kissreleasing.com/butt-method.html

Kind regards,

Sam Beatson
“Worldwide Releasing Support”

PS. Remember, the first call is on Sunday. Sign up now to ensure your place on the course. Live retreat planned in Santa Monica this year. Your enrollment will give you benefits for the live retreat.

PPS. You can enroll for the full Programs Simulcast Teleseminar and Live Web Broadcast (plus recordings) and learn to identify and remove your programs using KISS Releasing for instant and immediate results in your health, relationships and financial prosperity by signing up and joining the “gang” – the exclusive club or group who will be sharing time and program deletions together this coming month. Don’t disappoint yourself, sign up to the course using the link provided and imagine getting what you want effortlessly from now on…

= http://www.kissreleasing.com/butt-method.html (includes article on Lester’s Butt Method).

sedona method How to attend the KISS BUTT teleseminar and release your stress...

Again – if you want to know the difference between Stephen Seretan’s KISS version of releasing compared to Larry Crane or Hale Dwoskin, then you need to visit http://lesterandme.com to get his book. (And tell him I sent you…) And there is a bit more information on this seminar at http://shop.lesterandme.com – where you can sign up as well.

再び - あなたがラリークレーンまたはヘイルDwoskinに比べて解放するのスティーブンSeretanのKISS版の違いを知りたい場合は、彼の本を取得するhttp://lesterandme.comを訪問する必要があります。 (そして、私は...あなたを送った彼に言う)そしてhttp://shop.lesterandme.comでこのセミナーにもう少し情報がある - あなたは同様にサインアップすることができますどこに。

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KISS - Leaster and Me - YouTube

KISS - Leaster and Me について

Lester Levenson was a Research Physicist and Successful Businessman who was dying of terminal Heart Disease at age 42 when he decided to research the causes and cures for himself. This quest started him seeking answers and finding answers about health, love, happiness and prosperity that no one else in Western culture has ever proven in such a definitive manner.

"How? I say its simplethe Sedona Method. It happens to be the fastest, the most effective way to achieve this high state of being where we are in total control of our universe, where every moment is a wonderful, wonderful moment, where it is impossible to be unhappy and I say thats our natural state when these negative feelings are released.

But if you want to do it faster, try our way, I promise you youll be very satisfiedTry it; youll like it." -- from Lester's impromptu talk in NYC

 作成者: SteveSeretan1 
登録日 2010/04/29






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