情報流通促進計画 by ヤメ記者弁護士(ヤメ蚊)日隅一雄

知らなきゃ判断できないじゃないか! ということで、情報流通を促進するために何ができるか考えていきましょう

Global Voices をご存じですか~世界をつなぐブロガーズサイト

2008-01-07 07:10:00 | メディア(知るための手段のあり方)
 Global Voices(http://www.globalvoicesonline.org/)をご存じですか。私はとんと知りませんでした。年末にTBをいただき、自分の記事(末尾)が英語になって紹介されているのを知り、いったい、このサイトはどういうものなんだろう、どういう人がこのようなボランティアをしているんだろうという興味とNews for the people in Japanとの連帯ができないかなっという下心から、執筆者2名(日本の全メンバー)と先日、会ってお話ししました。





The idea that a country boasting one of the world's most active net cultures, with possibly the world's largest blogosphere and almost certainly its largest online forum, would attempt to regulate online content within its borders may appear to some not only far-fetched, but infeasible. Plans unveiled (with little fanfare) earlier this year by the Japanese government, however, aim to do exactly this, targeting a broad range of content, including blogs and personal homepages, in fairly vague terms.

In an interim report [ja] on the proposed regulation published in June by a study group under the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the broadest of three major types of online communication to be regulated was expressed in the vaguest of these terms. An article posted in June at atmarkIT explains that:


The last [type], open communication (公然通信/kouzentsushin), targets the most extensive range of content. The interim report defines open communication as “communication content having openness [kouzensei/公然性] such as homepages and so on”. With the exception of private messages used only between specific persons, in the form of email and so on, it seems that all online content will be targeted. Bulletin board services such as “2-channel”, as well as personal blogs, are also [considered] open communication.
The interim report also recommended that public opinions be sought on the issue, so back in June and July the ministry opened a space on its webpage for people to submit comments. Later coverage [ja] indicated that the government received a total of 276 responses, 222 from individuals and the remaining 54 from organizations. Whereas organizations such as the Japanese telecommunications operator KDDI and Sky Perfect Communications were in favour of legal restructuring but expressed reservations about the regulation of content, the Keidanren, Asahi Television, Fuji Television, Japan's public broadcaster NHK, and the Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association were entirely against the plans. Many organizations, including Yahoo Japan, requested clarity about the range of what exactly constitutes “open communication”.

With the publication early this month of a final report [ja] on the proposed regulations, setting down steps to move ahead and submit a bill to the regular diet session in 2010, the topic has finally entered the spotlight. Blogger tokyodo-2005, who covered the issue extensively while it was in the public comments phase, posted an extensive post on the topic of the final report, translated here in its entirety.

In the post, he began by remarking on the achievement of the 222 individuals who submitted comments against the regulation:


An “interim report” of the “study group on the legal system for communications and broadcasting,” in which [it was noted] that regulation of the Internet is led by the government, and that [as such] there is a danger that freedom of expression on the net could be taken away, drew an exceptionally large number of public comments (Note 1). Most of these were against the regulation. As a result, the final report of the same study group about the legislative system integrating communication and broadcasting, summarized on December 6th, included an expression which indicates that the voices opposing [the proposed regulations] may haven been taken into consideration. This may be interpreted [as meaning] that introduction of penal regulations was prevented, which could be seen as a major achievement (applause). As a blog which featured a series [of posts] asking [people to make] public comments, [I was] also somewhat relieved by this. However, once the regulations have been initiated, they will be intensified. And on top of this, regarding “government oversight” — the fatal flaw — there was no motion to recommend establishing an “independent administrative commission”. From here on, let's all continue to raise our voices against [this regulation] being legislated.

First, from the description (below page 21) of the final report (Note 2):
He then quotes directly from page 21 of the final report, translated below:


At the present time within Japan, the transmission of illegal information is regulated in statute laws of the Copyright Law, the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law and so on, and also from the viewpoint of improving the environment of ICT [Internet Communications Technology] usage, service providers limited liability legislation has been enacted regarding information violating the rights of the individual, establishing a limitation of liability and claims rights for service providers with respect to the disclosure of senders' information. However, compared to other countries, it is hard to say that legislative measures, directed at information that violates societal interests protected by law, is itself enough. There are a great many voices calling for the improvement of discipline, with a basis in law, regarding the implementation of countermeasures taken independently by service providers, and demanding that aid [be provided] promptly to victims.

Nevertheless, there is a danger that the government imposing direct and comprehensive regulation with regard to illegal information would invite the excessive atrophy of speech and expression. As well, there is a strong possibility that [such regulation] would be incompatible with the rich net culture that has blossomed rapidly in our country over recent years against a background of broadband network development, one that takes as its principle [the values of] independence and autonomy. In public comments [about the regulation] and so on, opinions of this kind were received in great numbers.

★「News for the People in Japanを広めることこそ日本の民主化実現への有効な手段だ(笑)」(ヤメ蚊)
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1 コメント

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Unknown (Niphonese)
2008-01-08 22:48:07
記者のChris Salzbergさんという方は以前,私の書いた文章の一節を英訳して紹介して下さって,そのおかげで一時,やたらGlobal Voices Onlineからアクセスのあった時期があります。これを読んでか,さらに中国語に翻訳した人もいたようです。そのときの記事をTBさせていただきましたので,ご興味がおありでしたらどうぞ。