


2017-07-19 16:36:41 | 英語特許散策

"[0003] Wireless identity theft, also known as contactless identity theft or radio frequency identification ("RFID") identity theft, includes compromising an individual's personal identifying information or financial information using wireless technology. Many individuals use radio frequency-enabled(電波周波数対応の)cards, including some credit, debit, or government issued identification cards that carry a radio frequency identification chip susceptible to wireless identity theft. When these chips come into contact with radio waves, the response can contain encoded personal identifying information, including the card holder's name, address, Social Security number, phone number, and pertinent account or employee information. Wireless identity thieves are able to capture information stored on these RF-enabled cards using radio waves. Thus, there is a need for secure articles, such as wallets, passport holders, bags, purses, backpacks, or the like, having at least one pocket or portion therein being equipped with RFID shielding material to prevent theft of identification and / or financial information."

"M-PHY communications are provided over a mass storage-based interface. Related connectors, systems, and methods are also disclosed. In particular, embodiments of the present disclosure take the M-PHY standard compliant規格対応の)signals and direct them through a memory card compliant(メモリカード対応の)connector so as to allow two M-PHY standard compliant devices having memory card based connectors to communicate."

"37. The system of claim 26 including said central processor wirelessly exchanges data with module processors using wireless technologies including at least one of, (a) WLAN 802. 11 b standard compatible(規格対応の)communication, (b) 802.11 a standard compatible communication, (c) 802. 11g standard compatible communication, (d) Bluetooth 802.15 standard compatible communication, and (e) GSM/GPRS standard compatible communication."

"In an implementation, FIG. 1A shows a so-called "NFC bump" where two users (not shown) may "bump" their NFC-enabled(NFC関連機能応の)devices 102-2 and 102-4 together in an edge- to-edge or head-to-head manner to perform NFC-related functions (e.g., information sharing). FIG. 1A shows an often desired side-by-side arrangement of the devices 102 for NFC related functions. The devices 102-2 and 102-4 may include a close ended continuous loop coil antenna (not shown) to perform the NFC related functions."

多言語対応:multi-language capable; multi-lingual; has a multi-language support; Multiple Language Accommodation

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2017-07-19 12:57:01 | 英語特許散策

"In applications to attach one substrate, such as a chip die, to another substrate, such as a circuit board or a another chip die, the B-stage curable composition(硬化剤)is first applied to at least one of the substrate surfaces, and is then exposed to conditions favorable to lightly cross-link the composition, thereby forming a B-staged curable film(硬化膜). The substrate with B-staged curable film may be stored till ready for attaching to a second substrate. The B-staged curable film is then exposed to a temperature condition sufficient to melt the solid film, and may then be cured to completeness(完全に硬化)at this temperature, thereby joining(接合)the two substrate surfaces together to form a 3-layered structure in which the B-stage curable composition is interposed between the two substrate surfaces."

"In a further embodiment of the present invention, the self-assembling composition may be used to produce a laminate structure(積層構造)of two or more layers such that the top layer comprises the conductive self-assembling composition and the underlying layers(下位層)comprise lighter weight, electrically conductive or non-conductive resin layers. Furthermore, the laminate structure affords(可能にする)increase surface conductivity while maintaining a given weight relative to a monolithic film of lower surface conductivity. Furthermore, the thickness of each layer can be varied to further increase surface conductivity while maintaining a give weight. Furthermore, in an embodiment of the present invention, the uncured(未硬化)composition is employed in combination with an existing LSP system to create a unique hybrid structure thereby producing attractive combinations of LSP protection and weight. Examples include, but are not restricted to, the self-assembling material used as a B-staged film for embedding solid metal foils, EMFs, metalized fibers, metalized woven fibers, metalized non-wovens (e.g. veils), or metal-carbon fiber co- weaves. In a further embodiment of the present invention, the self-assembled composition further provides secondary protection to a substrate. For example, though an initial lightning strike may create physical damage in the immediate area of the strike, electrical current may surge throughout the substrate/structure and damage distant electrical components or surfaces. The self-assembled conductive material of the present invention provides a means for dissipating and controlling this electrical surge in addition to providing primary protection to the immediate area of the strike.

In another embodiment of the present invention, the self-assembling composition is capable of electrically bridging interfaces associated with the assembly of different sections of LSP materials or during the repair of LSP materials. In additional embodiments of the present invention, the material is applied as an uncured spray coating, uncured (not C-staged) film adhesive, or as flexible cured film(硬化膜)that is bonded using a secondary adhesive or resin that is optionally filled with a conductive filler. In a further embodiment of the present invention, the existing or adjoining substrate to be repaired or bonded may be of the same composition as the self-assembling heterogeneous material or be based on existing LSP systems such as those based on, but not limited to, EMFs."

"One component adhesives(一成分接着剤)are usually viscous liquid isocyanate-terminated(イソシアネート末端)prepolymers at room temperature(室温). They set(硬化する)by reaction of the free isocyantes groups with atmosphereic moisture or with moisture contained in the substrate to form polyurea groups. They typically do not require mixing with other components before curing(硬化). The prepolymers are prepared by reacting an excess of(過剰の)isocyanate with polyols. If the functionality of the prepolymer is greater than two the cured film(硬化膜)will be chemically crosslinked.

Two component(二成分)polyurethane adhesive compositions generally comprise components that are liquids or pastes at room temperature before they are mixed together. The first component of the composition comprises a polyol and other ingredients, such as chain extenders, catalysts, blocking agents and other additives as desired. The second component comprises monomeric, polymeric or prepolymeric polyisocyanate. In order to make a bond(結合を形成), the two components of the adhesive are fully mixed together and the composition is then applied to a substrate. The mixed composition then initiates cure(硬化を開始)and develops bonding strength while transforming into a solid form. The curing reaction takes place between the free isocyanate groups and the active hydrogens from the polyol. If there are excess free isocyanate groups after the main curing reaction, the excess free isocyanate groups are cured by ambient or surface moisture from the substrates. The isocyanates and polyols employed may have a functionality of two or higher(2以上の官能価)to provide crosslinking in the adhesive."

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