


2017-07-08 22:18:26 | 英語特許散策

"1. A rotary sprayer(噴霧器)for a fluid delivery(吐出)device, the rotary sprayer comprising: a clip including a fluid inlet(注入口)having a discharge orifice(吐出口)and including an arm having a distal end section axially spaced from the fluid inlet; and a nozzle including a deflection plate, a pair of spaced apart(離れている、離間した)walls extending away from a first surface of the deflection plate and defining a channel on the first surface of the deflection plate, a spindle extending away from an opposite second surface of the deflection plate, and a passageway(通路)in fluid communication with the channel and an end space between the pair of walls, the first surface of the deflection plate including a perimeter section(周辺部分)that ramps(傾斜している)away from the second surface of the deflection plate, wherein the fluid inlet is positioned in the end space and the spindle is mounted to the distal end section of the arm such that fluid exiting(から出た)the discharge orifice flows through the passageway and through the channel and contacts an inner surface of at least one of the pair of walls to rotate the nozzle.

2. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the end space is a depression(くぼみ、凹部)formed in an end(端部)of one or both of the pair of walls.

3. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the distal end section of the arm includes a recess opening toward(向かって開いている)the fluid inlet, and the spindle is positioned in the recess.

4. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: an outer end section of an inner surface of one of the pair of walls is curved toward the other of the pair of walls.

5. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the pair of walls are spaced inward from a perimeter(周辺部)of the deflection plate.

6. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the pair of walls are joined by an end wall such that the channel opens toward(向かって開いている)one side of the deflection plate.

7. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the channel opens toward opposite sides of the deflection plate.

8. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: a deflection peak extending away from the first surface of the deflection plate between the pair of walls divides the channel into sections that open toward opposite sides of the deflection plate.

9. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the deflection plate is circular.

10. The rotary sprayer of claim 1 wherein: the clip includes a hook for mounting the clip on an enclosure."

"23. The container of claim 17, wherein the first and second spouts噴出口)are generally parallel to one another.
24. A method of dispensing(吐出)a first liquid and a second liquid from the container of claim 15, the method comprising:
decreasing an interior volume of the first enclosed body to cause at least some of the first liquid to exit(から出る)the first enclosed body and be discharged(排出)in a first liquid jet(噴射)through the dispensing aperture of the first dispensing opening"

"A liquid dispenser(ディスペンサ)for dispensing(吐出)a liquid from the rim of a toilet bowl(便器)such that a controlled, consistent amount of liquid is dispensed into each flush(噴出;*初出でeach). The liquid dispenser includes a bottle for holding(収容)the liquid, a base for holding(保持)the bottle and for providing a liquid feed conduit(コンジット;*管路、導管)between the bottle and a dispensing plate, and a hook for suspending the base from the rim of the toilet bowl. The dispensing plate is integral with or attached to the base, downwardly inclined at an angle of from about 10 to about 30 degrees from the horizontal(水平位置), and serves to(作用する)distribute liquid from the feed conduit to a dispensing position on the upper surface of the dispensing plate where the liquid is contacted by flushing(噴出)water from the toilet bowl"

"11 The liquid dispensing device of claim 10, wherein:
said dispensing plate further comprises at least one drain conduit for draining(排出)water from said dispensing plate in the area of said at least one barrier wall.

12. The liquid dispensing device of claim 10, wherein:
said dispensing plate further comprises a venting slot whereby atmospheric air may enter said bottle to displace liquid dispensed(置換)therefrom into the flushing water."

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