


2009-01-10 14:29:36 | Telegraph (UK)

Ten recession-proof jobs
By Rowena Mason
Telegraph:08 Jan 2009
Recruitment company Hays has identified ten jobs that are in demand during the downturn.


1 Credit controllers(信用管理担当者)

Paul Venables, finance director of Hays, claims the credit controller is the most recession-proof employee – the recruitment company itself has just taken on more of the risk-watching staff to keep an eye on credit and cashflow. Credit conrol is vital for businesses small and large to monitor cash flow as lending from banks has dried up. Tight control over payments from clients could be the difference between solvency and bankruptcy for many companies.


2 Auditors and procurement managers(監査人・調達管理者)

Renewed focus on cost-savings has caused strong demand for purchasing specialists, internal auditors and senior finance interims.


3 Restructuring experts(企業再構築専門家)

There are few companies that have not reviewed their business models in these testing times, so consultants, managers, lawyers and bankers with expertise in making businesses leaner during a downturn are invaluable.


4 Underwriters(保険業者)

Demand for all classes of underwriters amongst the insurance companies is still strong, since evaluating potential clients is key to managing risk.


5 Actuaries(アクチュアリー)

As pension funds are hit by the volatile markets, trustees are turning to their actuaries and pension advisers to maintain the stability of their schemes.


6 Healthcare professionals, social care workers and teachers(医療関係者、ソーシャル・ワーカー、教師)

Social housing spending remains high, for personnel ranging from accountants to construction workers. There is also a continuing need for healthcare professionals, social care workers and teachers.


7 Green jobs, including renewable energy specialists and energy efficiency advisers(再生可能エネルギー専門家や省エネ・アドバイザーを含む、環境関連職種)

Renewable expertise is the best skill to boast, as the UK tries to reduce its dependence on gas and oil from overseas. Energy efficiency advisers, employed by cost-cutting and green-conscious companies alike, are also sought-after candidates.


8 Engineering(エンジニアリング)

Demand for qualified engineers continues to be strong in construction, project management and civil engineering, especially for large public sector projects and work related to the Olympics.


9 Telecoms and technology(電話通信およびテクノロジー)

Information technology is experiencing the first throes of a slowdown, but technology and telecoms maintenance professionals are likely to keep their jobs as companies think about upkeep rather then upgrades.


10 Metallurgists, miners and geologists (in Australia)(冶金家、鉱山労働者、地質学者:オーストラリア)

If the recession hits really hard, jobseekers could always move to Australia and retrain as a mining engineer or metallurgist. A strong technical background in oil and gas is highly sought-after.



