Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

言葉にできない気持ち (Indescribable Feelings)

2017-02-17 11:57:11 | MN生活(7年目) (MN2016‐17)
Hi there!

How is your day going?

Mine's going pretty well.

So, I mentioned this a little bit a couple of articles ago, but I was actually transferred to a different Caribou store in the beginning of February.

This is about the last day at the store I worked for the 5 and the half years at.

The buddy that I worked last was Stein. He's super funny and easy going. He and me are a tall&short team.

Stein's so good at chatting even with new customers and I was very impressed by him making them giggle many times.

Of course, he made me laugh a lot and I had great shifts with him.

This is Graham. He used to work at Caribou with me.

Actually, I was working with his brother earlier that day and their mom showed up to see him.

At that time, I told her, "This is my last day here." Then, she said "Oh, we're going to miss you! I have to call Graham and tell him to stop by the store tonight!"

Just her words made me happy enough and I didn't expect it would really happen at all, but Graham showed up to see me!!

To be honest, the more I want to say "Thank you." to the person, the harder I have to tell them "I'm leaving." at the same time. At that night, one of my favorite regulars, Marv and Lois were there, so I asked them to take a picture with me.

They nicely let me take the picture and when I asked them to use this picture here, they kindly said "Of course, hon!"

I actually wrote about a story between Marv and me here before.

Like the story with Marv&Lois, I have tons of memories with the regulars at the store.

These sweet guys brought back yammy Japanese foods to me when they went to Japan for work.

その時の記事はこちら。エピソード① エピソード② エピソード③
Here are the storeis. Story1 Story2 Story3

I met a lot of people at this store and wanted to tell every single of them "Thank you", but there are too many people to do that in person, so I got a permit from my boss to put my "Thank you" message" in the store.

I thought some people knew me, but they might not remember my name, so I attached my picture with the message. Andy recommended me to add "Thank You" in Japanese, so I followed his advice.

I'm writing this only 1 week after I left the store, but I already miss it a lot.

To be honest, I cried a lot the night before my last day when I looked back the last 5 and the half years and Andy also got tears in his eyes for me too. (I can't describe the feeling well, but it's mixture of a little sadness and tons of gratidude.)

Also, I was actually wondering if I wanted to transfer to the new store until the last minute, but things started rolling forward without intentionally trying which pushed my back, so I made up my mind by myself in the end.

The new store has a drive through and it's busier, but we don't have much time to chat with each cutomer.

I guess, if I had started my very first job in this country at the new store, I wouldn't have survived this long.

If I put this in other words, the last 5 and the half years at the old store made me grown up enough to deal with the new store.

I don't know what's going to happen from now, but it makes me stronger to have a place that I can go back to anytime, so I want to make myself grow up more at the new store.

Seriously, thank you so so much for the great 5 and the half years. I hope I can see my favorite regulars when I become moer grown up.

Oh well..., I miss everything about my old store, but I'll hang in here!!!!

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