Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (86)

2017-06-01 20:23:40 | 日記
01/06/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki made a short trip as usual, and read some really OMANKO articles on line viersion.

This is an example:

This stupidest OMANKO writer didn't investigate if the information were correct or not, and resumed that BUBBLE era means the part-timers earned so low, in his decisive way. YUKARI would be his replacement. The same intellectual level he is in.

Miyuki earned more than US$8 per hour by her cleaning job in Tokyo. And by her operator service job, US$12 per hour. And for her cramschool teacher's job, more than it. However, this article's tone is "Even in that age, they earnen so low, thus, our actual cheapish however non-working situation is better than that era, Miyuki presumed.

Earning better, and spending more, was the catch frase of the era. However, even without such a basic knowledge, this OMANKO writer continues to be professional. Other OMANKO writers don't punish at all???

And the second one.

Again, Auntie? like easy quick job. They replaced the word "FUKUSHIMA" to "NAGANO". Just it, and loop mode. Probably, in each country has the same version, and they are all emirodosis=Alzheimer patients.

Miyuki thought that YUKARI really made a heater, a kind of stove, with a electric pipe called heater in a slang, and she flamed cocaine by a stove. Thus, the office is so filled with nasty smell. Even now, the smell was so strong, and it sometimes causes headache.

She wanted to buy a heater, however, her mother stopped it, because a heater is already in their house. "I want to buy a heater" YUKARI yelled to her mother, and the reply was, "We have several. Thus, you can use one, instead of buying it."

And Miyuki remembered that when she changed her clothings last night, the heater stove was not in the site. It appeared when Miyuki wanted to change her pajama to casual clothings. And she couldn't change at that time, and after eating breakfast, Miyuki visited the same place to try to change them again, and found the heater stove left there.

yes, cold day, however, in May it is now. Why stove is needed to be left now?

And Alex used fan during night. Miyuki heard the sound of the fun's bum-bum sound in the first floor and in the second one. And left it as it were, because I am just a stayer, and energy was paid by other ones, and the other ones allow him to do so, thus, I am free from such a kind of economy combined with eco-damage type error.

Alex is costive, anyway, they thought probably. And he should be punished because of his cool inclination, was their decision??? And stove using is a kind of punishment for him???

And way of saying of YUKARI. "Hurry up! You, stupid!" in her total accusation combined with threatening. Like waiting for toilet use.

Anyway, the heater stove was not used for YUKARI's flaming job. Only open door type stove would be fine for her flaming job.

for YUKARI's understanding, the office is a kind of trash bin. She always put the empty bottle away in the bin in the office room.

"Why YUKARI intentionally came to throw the trash into the bin located in the office, after she found the bottle is empty, instead of bringing them to the big bins located outside??? Always YUKARI throws away the trash of washing room into the bin located in the office. And Miyuki didn't touch the bin at all.

Probably, a bit of luxsuary means YUKARI for her mother, while for YUKARI, some illegal drug abusing, probably.

What would you like in the final stage of your life? Someone wispered to them, and they chose them each, and the result is now revealing in front of us.

Nessecity and a bit of luxsuary was allowed for your final stage, they were declared. And her mother wanted to be superior to other, and the other is YUKARI.

Miyuki was asked the same when she was in the church, St.Ignacio, in YOTSUYA. Someone wispered the same question, and her reply was, "I want to kill all the wrongdoers in the world, all!!! I want to return the debt of kindness to others, rightous kind ones. First, in Japan, and then, in developping countries, and the third, in developped counties. This is my last requst."

They yelled, "More, more!!!" She caluculated the period in total, for 30 years. Thus, they yelled. Oh, only? Oh, then, the other planets, in the universe, and in the outor world, or...Anyway, the evil wrongdoers in the all spares of our whole system, including vertual ones, I would kill entirely and completely!!!"

Anyway, the biggest desire would be fine. Quantity type, she categorized her so. In the world, lots of superb type great people here and there. Probably, at this point, she is not so promissive. She wants to save her own life, anyway type. Sacrifice, never! at all!!! type. Thus, volume would be her strongpoint. Thus, OK, we can support you. Never ask such a kinkiest desire to us, however, probably possible in some way.

Thus, they started to change her equipments. Anyway, not so skillful. Too slow to do everything. Stupid, in other words. And perception, almost ZERO, type.

She insisted that I was good at perception until 7 years old. I intentionally changed my percepting ability not to function for my survival. And they said, ummmmm..... She intentionally got obliged to be a kind of stupid? A kind of. Or, she could not put up with the situation. In a night, she turned as her suitable situation, according to her opinion. And the fact, yes. Proved. Perception, so much, type.

And the residue. Too too slow to recognize the fact. Perceives, anyway, however, delays so much. Thus, the result.

Already dead, they are. However, why they do behave as if they were alive? She today took a lot of pictures with the proofs of "quasi emptiness"

For example, AEON. Almost no man's land. And when she appeared, they started to deligate some figures in front of her eyes, as if they showed up their existance. And figures exclusively for to and flo movements. They, especially in JR Shin-SHIRAKAWA station, did the crazy to and flo walking.

This to and flo movement was seen in the second floor of AEON, and also in BENIMARU-SHOWAMACHI, and in MINI-STOP near Beisia.

And the smell of cocaine in the parking lots of Beisia. Yesterday, in the counterpart of GYOUMU-Super. Some nasty vinil burning smell with stinky stimulation inside the nose. Amphetamine would be included, probably.

Headache was caused by it. And Alex's headache's cause would be it. The main room was addicted by cocaine and amphetamine, was the right answer.

Thus, in the corredors in the second floor and in the first one, white veil of dust. Each dust gives a damage of memories. For the both, not at all type ordinary days. However, for us all, it would be avoided type terrible situation.

Just a dust, however a dust. "A fandful of dust" J.E.Forster.

And Miyuki got to know the system. Not only clinics, but in some convenience store, they could buy and sell the illigal medicines. She monitored it in front of MINI-STOP, from the side of Beisia, near Clinic Park in Shirakawa. Clinics provided illegal drugs, and then, the distributors devided into some, and then, they put the paper wrapped box to the each house. Oh, 隣組 or Group of Neighbours for it. TONARI-GUMI, it was called, and they worked for the police's dog under WWII. TON-TON-MACUTO was alive, until Miyuki's recognition.

Neibours are kind of family, thus they are totall reliable. Her mother started to persuade the other members of the family. Oh, already dead. And some evil erotic old guy type took her skin bag, and played the role of peeping TOM. Anyway, nasty and liked to behave like a superior, and failed so easily, and concealed the error and accused others taking advantage of informing system.

An attacker for the others. And her herself wanted not to be heard on herself at all. Strange, Miyuki really thought. Like an old kinky skewed old bug, she turned. Rather male type. Probably, ex-majors bought her skin bag.

For Miyuki, just a skin bag. And they were just morally and intellectually degraded cruel killers. Why not type. Thus they failed. Public power admirors, they were. And she was, also.

If she recognized that her informing system didn't function, she wanted to go to inform to the police direcly, probably. And she wanted to know where Miyuki would go. And refused by Miyuki in the end. And she came back to the direction to the slide door, instead of the door of "Bum!" sound producing. And Miyuki did the "Bum!" instead. Eveness, Miyuki thought. And remembered that probably, they got her precious kids injured by way of violent physical attackings.

Why Alex's arm was so deeply injured by the door nob? Miyuki got worried when she watched his cut line. And YUKARI started to accuse Miyuki. Because of you, he got injured. And Alex's opinion was, "Their struggle caused the disaster." In the middle like attitude.

Miyuki almost fainted to see the deep cutting. She almost cried, and Alex conforted her. "How I should do! Oh, you got pain! Anyway I should call the ambulance!"

And she called, and then she had to find some suitable hospital for them, because the operator ordered Miyuki to do so. And found that the nearest hospital called 聖南八王子病院 or Saint South HACHIOJI Hospital refused it because of his age. "Oh, not a only kids type treatment is needed. Quick effective treatment would be fine type". She started to explain, however, only refusal. OK, then...And the telephone operator of ambulance said to her, "OK, we would find some. Wait for a while." And after 3 minutes, the ambulance came, and Alex and Miyuki entered into the ambulance. And they decided where to go. 右田病院 or MIGUITA hospital.

And soon, Alex was treated medically, and sowed the cut with some thread. Not solusive type. Thus, he should go to visit it for thread taking. And Miyuki felt so strange. "Oh, in other contiries, solusive is an option. Why in Japan, not???"

And 右田病院 moved from the center of the town to the river side of ASAKAWA. Why? Miyuki thought. And now, Oh, we erradicted the hospital, probably.

the struggle was caused by YUKARI's objection to Miyuki's proposal. It was a day of sun equlipse. Miyuki wanted to watch the planetary wonderful fenomenum in a family. Thus, "Oh, here we go to the park, and watch the fenomenum, using the black special venil glasses prepared for it!" And YUKARI stopped, "They are primary school pupils. They should go to school as usual. You, wrongdoer!!!"

Miyuki said to her, "My kids should be a kind of good monitor of natural science. Why you disturb our pleasure, including intellectual one, as usual! Wrongdoer, you are!!!"

And Alex tried to stop their struggle, and he went to go to toilet, and the sound of "Bum!", and Miyuki recognized that his armed wer cut deeply.

Alex explained that the door nob did work badly, and he made a mistake. And so deep cut? And no blood at all in the door nob.

YUKARI attacked with knife, and she always threaten others by her arm using, probably. Thus, the kids could not say anything against her evil will.

Probably, YUKARI wanted to kill al least one of Miyuki's kid, as a sacrifice. For her kinkiest belief, someone should be punished when she really gets in rage. Serial killer she is. And she already sold entirely her body to these serial kellers. And they appeared in turn taking advantage of the skin bag using. Cocaine combined with amphetamine was the real answer.

And her boss was her mother. The latter played the role of monitor of the illegal drug provider, who were waiting the inferior's receiving job near her car in the parking lots.

"Why she is waiting for the two, YUKARI and Alex in the park?" Miyuki really felt that she liked to give some illegal order even to MIYUKI with her chin sign, monitoring others in the parking lots, across the road, beside the drugstore called あい調剤 or farmacy AI.

With all audacious attitude, she played the role of the boss of organized crime. why she?, Miyuki really got nasty. Alzheimer patient can play the role of others, and changes their own personality according to the role. Al Capone, she turned to be. And YUKARI, some Al Pachino, in "Midnight Cowboy".

After several days of use, your skin bag would be returned to you, they declared to the both. Thus, her mother changed her charactor so soon, after her strange asking, "It's 28 of Feburay." And she started to caluculated the days. Why and how?

Probably, already feeble-minded, yes. However, she turned harsher and harsher since then. And she turned to be the real peeping TOM. And nasty erotical expression to Clare, "Oh, Clare, I want to hug you!!!" Clare refused the KIND offier in the slowest way, clearly. "I want to touch you" like attitude, with the sly smiling. Just she experienced when she was attacked by Yoshihiko KOGA, dirty penis worm, on 16 of october, 2015, in front of her residence, on the common corredor of the second floor.

IGARASHI, a clerk of Kyorin Versity took her both arm in the back, and she couldn't protect her body at all. And then, the kinky dirty penis worm jumped up from the stairs and touched her bust, with the sly smile. Miyuki really got shocked. The dirty penis worm was introduced only 2 days before, and Miyuki just said, "I don't need your medical treatment at all!" with total denial.

however, they bought the skin bag, and put the worst muck inside, and did the real object. They wanted to rape my daughter!!!!

They could do it, thus do it type, however, at first, Miyuki was target no.1. Then, they started to attack Clare. And Alex was almost killed by them. They wanted to use their skin bags, also. And they failed. For short type, bigger existance is a kind of threatening. And they are relatively bigger, anyway.

Their common character in appearance is, in the far sight, they looked so short, like kids, while, as a matter of fact, they are so bigger than they calclated. Thus, they started to run away.

In Miyuki's case, at a glance, a kid of 7 or so, with good proportion. An ideal object of attacking, however, as her real age is 54, the first shock for them all, and then, they are taller than almost all of them. It means, double shocks!!!

Even Alzheimer patients feel some threatening feeling even in their last stage. Oh, I thought senseless..., Miyuki got slightly astonished at the fact.

And Miyuki likes to talk in English, and her declaration. "I am the highest degree holder in this area!!! My degree? Doctral, the superb it means. And do you know which university I studied? Only Tokyo Versity in Japan!!!! The best versity in this country!!!"

Triple, quartet, quinted consecutive shockings. Punchs!!!! "Oh, Auntie, I really like your big punches!!!" he yelled.

In her reluctant way, with her slender legges crossed, she started to say, "I think that you would not believe it, however, I have a doctral degree holder..." with her hair grooming position, without gazing any of them. Like alone speaking, she wispers as always..."I am now 54, and my versity was Tokyo Versity, the best versity in this country..."

Illogical not at all, however, "no! no! Please say that it is a nightmare!! You, you are the boss of all of us all????!!! And you look so happy, as if you are amusing our leaving...."

She started to sing, "Photograph" by Deaf Leppard. And her some "Ummmm...Mandum..."Like self satisfaction pose. "I am a kind of sadist, as you know well, thus, for me, your leaving is a kind of amusement, why I could put up with laughing at it type..." And with some her "Oh, I like it!☻" face at apprearance.

"Oh...I don't want to take your photograph...I don't need you any more!!!" Abandonment song, this is!!! Ex, please don't appear forever like impression she transmitted to them all!!!

Our boss is amusing at our death!!! Anyway, we could gain her laugh...She wanted to be replied by them. However, they are not understand any of her amusement at all. She tried to call them in Russian, Spanish, Portugues, Korean, Italian, English and so on. However, anyone recognized her compliment. In German, "Aufviederseen!", however, they didn't. Todai related was not here today, she sighed...

She wanted to play with them, with some special fesitivity mood, eating some snacks in the table. Why they ignore me so much? I speak in plain English, and they are foreigners. Why?

And they easily trapped her several times. For her, some croquet was sufficient. However, several old bugs came to her table, and started to eat the bought lunch package in front of her. She bought a croquet, however, she didn't want to eat with them in the same table. Thus, she just left the place, and ate, walking.

Why today, many old and young guys and bugs appeared near Miyuki, who were narrating what happend in her days in Kyorin campus, as if saying"I would like to disturb your step at least."

Today's theme was "her quasi encounter with the wig user called Ryuho OOKAWA", and her ex-mate's betrayal. They responded so much with the sound related with OOKAWA. And as usuall, this wrongdoer combined wig user called OOKAWA is inferior to me. I am doctral degree holder of Tokyo versity. He? Just a versity degree holder of the same versity. And she explained of the situation of the site of the religion. Only a pair, an old bug, and her yound mate, was there, and they were both Alzheimer patients already.

Suicide bombs consecutively. She didn't perceive their killing intention? Adachi thought that how audacious she is, in really. And then...Oh, just senseless. Oh, for her, ummm...they are wondering ghosts...They would not do anything violent, against their intention. And found their to and flo movement.

Almost empty, however, after she came, they started to increase the members. And to and flo was a kind of the technic to confuse the others. For Miyuki's understanding, Oh, Alzheimer patients, confirmed! And the right answer, it is!!!! BINGO!!!!

Already I saw you, lady. Why you appear again in front of me?, when she watched an old guy appeared in front of her, she recognized that he was seen by her in some place. Plain old type in SARUSHI suits. Where???low ranking politician type, she thought. Ummmm...60 years or so. Arrogant boss type. Who he is? I can't remember now...

And Miyuki talked on Katsuya UGA, a typical Testacles Pet, and Faculty Library of Tokyo Versity. And she remembered that UGA said that "You know that all of journalists' articles, including TV news, are the products of faked facts." And Miyuki said, "Oh? I don't know it." And UGA's astonished and contemptious face. Oh, he did know on OMANKO journalim.

And their way of encounter with theirunexpected response. Astnoshed, with anger. "You don't know my precious name!! You, stupid!!!" like YUKARI does as always.

And UGA did it to her, in the different ocasion, when she was working in the faculty library. "Oh, prof! Please tell your name to me. I need to check your name anyway, as a clerk now." And he exploded like that.

In Tokyo versity, she did it to others. To KOBA, EGASHIRA, and so on. Indifferent from their position. Because it was my job, she thought. And after several scolding done by them, she changed her position. "OK, old bugs, I thought I were hired as a part-time librarian here. However, now, probably, it would be fine to think scholarship, not reward or salary. Thus, I will concentrate on my scholary job, and don't steal the books OK? I will not check you anymore reling on you. OK?"

What's wrong asking their names? Miyuki felt so nervous. I know some of them, however, others are unknown. And checking the name was my job, she thought. However, at Tokyo Versity, especially in Faculty of Law, it was a tobboo, probably.

She doesn't know the system at all!!! Inducing process was as follows.

Buying some cheapish treat for younger promissive one for his reword to be kind to them both. Then, started to negociate to allow him to use his skin bag. And per minute, they contracted. And then, forever use. And for recovery, they required a vast money. And they lost their spirit.

Alex was easy to use, they thought. And Miyuki thought. he is not so "I am a hero!" declaration type. however, he is quick, and knows well the loss and the benefit, as a genaral grasping. Not in details. And Miyuki is richer, because she is a worker, anyway. And they both, are just dependent. No future at all type. In this case, which is his benefit? If he is a clever boy, he could choose the right answer. And the reply were wrong, it means Alzheimer patient, or morally degraded already, namely young DDM. Thus, both cases, for Miyuki, are already calculated type easty attitude. In case of DDM, vanish, immediately!! In case of right answer, "Oh, Alex, you could survive, anyway. Good grief."

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (85)

2017-06-01 07:50:53 | 日記
01/06/2017 (Thursday, morning) It's raining hard today. Alex got out normaly despite of this heavy rain.

At 7:30, my mother got up, and got out from the chamber. And in the corredor, she called to some place on the phone, using 4 figures number, just saying, "Good morning".

Miyuki got up soon after, and went to the corredor. Her mother was no more there. Probably she went down, Miyuki thought, and tried to change her clothings, and found YUKARI was there in front of Miyuki's shelves with drawers furnished with various clothings, in the corredor on the second floor, sitting on the floor, and threatened saying, "hurry up!, you, stupid!", with this low rough heavy voice.

"Oh, you are here?" Miyuki got slightly astonished. And got downstairs, without changing clothings.

She picked up a bunch of keys to open the office, and found her mother in the entrance, with an umbrella. And the sound of YUKARI's going downstairs, with her rough way, as usual. Just a sound.

Her mother got out from the door, and opened the umbrella, and said to Miyuki, "Do you want to go with me in this umbrella?" Thus, Miyuki ignored her remark. Immediately, she did, "Bum!!!" with the door closing, in the total expression of "I hate you, bitch!".

Oh, they are appearing in front of Miyuki, in turn, and they could eject their common disliking to us all, Miyuki really felt.

And the door of the office was locked. And Miyuki's mother had no keys in her hand. Thus, earlier than she, Miyuki went to the door and opened the door with the key, and entered into the office, and used the toilet, to satisfy her necessity.

Her mother didn't enter in the office, strangely. After Miyuki's leaving the toilet, someone came and entered into the office, and picked up the keys. Miyuki perceived it, and felt so strange, "After entering, why it needed to touch the keys?" And then, it used the toilet, or, at least, pretended to use it, and left the office.

Probably, YUKARI would play the role of waiting for the next use of the toilet, however, she made a big mistake. She played the role in the corredor on the second floor of the main house, instead of the office's toilet's corredor.

She confused the location, and the moment of saying so. 5 minutes after, she should have said so to others, like MIYUKI, or one of us, who was using the toilet.

And her mother tried to play the same role, and forgot the role, and just came to and back from the office. Approached, yes. however, she couldn't. They can replace the role, and they commit so many mistakes to play only one role!!!

The telephone calling by use of 4 figures means that they are frequent informant. The first thing in the morning was this ceremony. And just saying "Good morning" is enough to inform. "Oh, you should come today to my house!" And the squad came to their wrongdoing.

Miyuki remembered that her father was in the veranda, speaking with someone on the phone. Miyuki felt that he participated in the catch. Thus, she decided to get out from the house to go to work in the versities as a part-time lecturer, in the exact day of the Miyuki's catch on 16 of october, in 2015.

They are only one existance, and changeable as they like, and appear frequently using some member's sking bag or physical image, stealing their personality.

Amphetamine was used for it. And commonly used all over Japan. Thus, they could combine some personalities. And after using, melancholy attacked them, with fury. "Why you did it! I feel nasty because of you!" Type accusation followed after.

And Miyuki is free from their nasty feeling at all, from rage also. It caused more hatred against us all. Why you can't feel our nasty feeling at all? You should feel, even by way of forced hospitalization! You should be punished because of your total ignorance of our world! We are only one! We are muck!!! You should be one of our members, namely, Muck!!!!! Big Muck Project, or Miyuki catching game, in the scale of universe version!!!!!

"Oh, Big Mac? I prefer buying 2 normal ceapy Mac burgers, and eating only 2 pates, and trowing the buns in the bin. More thrifty, and efficient. I hate buns of Macdonald!!!"

Thus, they failed. For her, Alex's, "As always, even in this heavy rain" was a good suggestion. Anyway, get out of here is the best policy.

Thus, despite of heavy rain, Miyuki will go out, soon after. Orphan Lemi, who was already sold by her parents and her sister version. And she turned to be Tiger Mask!!!! Naoto DATE, her today's name. Anyway, he had broad shoulders. His face, TATSUNOKO production like her haterid, however, his body shape was wersternized male. Better than Japanese feeble messy body. KINKIKU-MAN or Muscle Man is this type. Fisiolonomy is different, however, not so promissive to attract her affection, both are. Anyway, body shape is much better than others. OK, she agreed.

Thus, see you! Meet on our blog later!!!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!!
From Quartet MARC, with big lOVE!!!