Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (119)

2017-06-21 08:28:57 | 日記
21/06/2017 (Wednesday, morning) It's Sayumi HIGASHI's birthday! Happy Birthday to you, Sayumi!!!! Equitorial Day, she was born on. She came from OOITA, and participated in Platinum Tribe. And her predisessor was Mariko TOMOSUE, whose predicessor was Shozo OHTA, satanic alzheimer professor of law at Tokyo versity.

We lived in the same chamber, on the first grade of Tokyo versity. She liked Roberta Flack, Earth Wind & Fire and so on. And she liked Paul Newman type. Thus we watched "Virdict", at the cost of OHTA, in Guinza. She was targetted as a candidate of Bride of Satans, namely, OHTA himself.

She was a eleder sister with beautiful and healthy body shape, and pretty face, whose fisiolonomy was Masaya OKI, an actor who decieased under 40 years old, who was categorized confirmed gay. Probably, "Oh, U2!" type.

His death was explained as suicide, because the police found a letter to his supposed mate called HIKAGUE, saying, "I will wait for you in NIRVANA". 涅槃で待つ.

MIYUKI's first impression is, "Oh, he wrote in so difficult chinese character. If I were, in case of such unusual moment, I would have write in more easy letters, like, "I will meet you in INFERNO". Why he used such unusually difficult letters?, was MIYUKI's question. Bar's name????

Or, NENAIDE-MATSU? I will wait for you, without sleeping? He was reported that had been adopted by the man called HIKAGUE, as Testacles Pet, who took advantage of his beautiful fisiolonomy, and obliged OKI to be his Pet. Like Ramboo, under Verlane. ????

MIYUKI read a memoir of Ramboo, and he claimed to Verlene, "I want to sleep, guy! I just want to sleep in the bed. I don't want to do it now, OK, guy!" Probably, erotic satans misunderstood their remark, "I want to sleep in the bed" as "I want to make love with you".

Oh, Miyuki's remark, which was written on a amature magazine for the first grade, would have been taken wrongly. Miyuki wrote like that, "I like to eat Ramen, MYOJO, Charmela is my favorite, only with MISO version. And my hobby is sleeping in the bed." Anyway, I am sleepy, she wanted to say. Probably, because of anemia, Miyuki later thought of. And Miyuki was a long sleeper, when she was a kid. From 20:00 to 6:00, Miyuki slept in deepth. Thus, she believed that kids should have long sleep like her, at least 10 hours during primary school days. And long deep sleep made her clever and bigger. A kind of religious belief.

And then, appeared several articles, saying, "after 22:00 to 3:00, developping hormone ejects so well, thus, kids would be fine to sleep during these hours." Oh, my theory was confirmed even in the field of natural science. 寝る子は育つ。Sleep, well, boys, thus, you grow up well, in Japanese proverb.

At the same time, so similar proverb in pronunciation and grammer, saying, "寝た子を起こすな”or namely, "Don't wake up the sleeping kids." in Japanse. Double meanings are included.

One is, literally, "If you see kids are sleeping, stay them alone.It would be fine for all of us." Liberalistic interpretation.

Another is, "Don't tell the fact to the kids, or they would inform it to the rightous place." The strategy that satanic DDMs are taking even now in SHIRAKAWA.

If you recognize that the system is really rotten, inform to the rightous organs, as much as possible. This is the totally rightous theory that we all adopted.
However, in Japan, and in almost all of the countries, adopted the second interpretation. The satanic world's watch dogs were DDMs, who were located at least one in each family.

In MIYUKI's family's case, in case of emergency, they showed their own legs as satans. Both. Domestic wived, they categorized themselves.

This morning, Miyuki got up at 6:00 in the morning, and felt so sexy, soon after awaking. Miyuki heard the sound of someone in the kitchen, and then, her mother got up, and soon went down to the kitchen. They made a short conversation, and one of them told with YUKARI's voice, some remarks just for Alex, instead for her mother, and Alex was not there. To her mother, YUKARI like voice talked the remarks especially for Alex.

And soon, her mother came up to her chamber, unnecessarily. She put something in the table, and went down, after convirming MIYUKI was in the mood. Then, she appeared again, unnecessarily. In this case, she pretended to search someting in the wallet. However, her sound was totally crazy. For opening the wallet, just the sound of "click!", and for clothing the wallet, zipper sound. And found that her mother is the real representation of erotic satans, old male type guys.

MIYUKI heard lots of zipper sound, in the woods, especially. It means, "We have already raped some kids." Thus, her mother is now rapist. She wants attaking MIYUKI, and Miyuki prayed, "Go to INFERNO! Your place, mother!"

More than 100 times, she yelled in her inner voice, with her team members. And the mother refrained from the chamber again.

At 8:00, Miyuki went downstairs. On the first floor, the mother was waiting for her, saying, "I want to take off your bed clothing off, only the surfice one. How do you think of it? Do you agree?" And Miyuki ignored her completely. MIYUKI perceived that she wanted to trap her. If Miyuki said "YES", she would replace this affirmative word, as a recognition of their faked victory. And she audaciously, stayed in front of her, disturbing Miyuki's going forward. She touched Miyuki's body. Violation, in material sense. She did it! We all yelled. She said, "You stupid! The door of the office is open. You don't need to pick the bunch of the keys!" However, Miyuki continued to ignore her totally, and picked it in her totally quiet version, and went to the office, and opened the door of the office, which was already unlocked. Indifferent from her remarks, Miyuki decided to conduct in every field. Thus, total ignoring would be the best protection against these satans.

Empty buildings were rented, the Japanese government said to satans, and they came, and her mother and YUKARI made several spares of the bunch of the keys, and provided them to the satans. We are all in danger, because of these stupid Alzheimer patients, Miyuki claimed. They all claimed, and found that they satanists already thought that they were the owners of these houses. SATANS are crazy, as Miyuki felt so deeply. Just want to die on the belly. They claimed, and some satans agreed this superb idea, and looked for the evasion, and found the result, mistakenly interpretated in the positive way. Moriko, OKINO, MIYUKI. 切腹するより腹上死, or Death on the belly, rather HARAKIRI.

Now, MIYUKI should run away from the attacking. See you, on our blog!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly erotic monsters, you are!!! Pink Lady.

21/06/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki came back from her rainy walk. Today, Miyuki caught a tremendous volume of shower, cold and shabby, in every place in the rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

Miyuki remembered that when Miyuki visited Platinum Dormitory in May, 2015, she watched the cartains of each chamber were put, and the dormitory seemed to be able to use even at that time, however, the plants were almost jungle, in a positive meaning. Birdies paradise, Miyuki got impressed, and put her visiting card into the courtyard, asking the birdies to inform that Miyuki was there, working alive, anyway.

Birdies are generally speaking, so reliable, Miyuki thought, and they would inform so correctly how Miyuki suffered regarding Kyorin-Tokyo Versity problem.

And today, Miyuki thought of that the Platinum Tribe were killed in a body, soon after Miyuki's leaving. Possibly, Miyuki thought because there are so unpopulous world, and the culture is really low level, academism also, thus, the tribe would not put up with the situation, really Miyuki sighed.

Miyuki left there because she was obliged to do so morally. Miyuki was the president nominal, of the dormitory. And Miyuki made a big mistake. She didn't expect the existance of a girl, who didn't insist to rent a chamber, during in a certain weeks, and the number of chambers was less than necessity, and the newcomers were already preparing for coming. Thus, Miyuki chose to quit the resident of the dormitory. One chamber for Miyuki would be used for the members, actual and new, both. Thus, in short, Miyuki was pushed away from the dormitory.

However, they came exact day of collective moving. The day was open for the families of the newcomers, and they took advantage of it, and raped and killed the Shirogane Tribe. Satans, they were. The same type, who MIYUKI met in Supreme Court, on the wall of this evilest highest court in Japan. 9 figures, all in the worst fisiolonomy, Miyuki's impression is just Criminals, revealed their names and photos of portrait, each, as "Who are working inside this facility". Oh, laughing joke, Miyuki thought. And now, probably, this was no joke, and the Jasons already took the place, and put their own Glory, on the wall, Miyuki recognized.

Miyuki was almost in the position of being raped, when she was attacked by Squad of Kyorin, on 16 of October, 2015. "I am forced to be killed, watching these satans' ugly faces. My life is the lowest graded one.", under the 6 figures of all men in black.

Oh, they were killed like that! For her, until now, never happened such a tragedy type astonishing fact. However, considering the situation, it would be possible, she started to recognize.

Promissive kids, first theory would be applied, and Todai related contracted the Jasons, as killer squad.

One chamber, in a body. One by one. They did their job, so mechanically. Alfred Jari's nightmare, they realized in the dormitory. Mr.SEKI fought against them, and lost their spirits, including his precious families...

Never believed that Tokyo Versity related were so so black. Miyuki's understanding was so so narrow skewed, they thought, in reality.

Family related satans were the worst problem. Miyuki's case. However, they believe that Miyuki does cut the tie of the evil sister YUKARI. And then, with her parents. For Miyuki, all satanas were obliged to be treated equally. Affection, already lost. I was sold by them to satans. Thus, they are wrongdoers.

Unusually rightous not at all, however, unusually logical, and far from common choice, in a positive meaning. She is far from any relative problem at all, they yelled.

She is reliable, they confirmed. Not so promissive, like us all, as Miyuki recognized, however, always, "I would like to work for us all, as much as possible." Thus, at least, we have chance to get out of this concealed place called INFERNO.

INFERNO, itself. We need to be free from any comtemptous accusation, Miyuki explained her own eastern Timor's nasty experience, and they got relieved. Oh, if all were like MIYUKI, it would be too too simple like math...

For Miyuki, just a play. However, for satanas, it would be a reason of Miyuki's accusation, to call to the police. Satanas are Alzheimer patients, and like to punish others, despite of their own big sins, or rather, to conceal their own big sins, they target to kill others by way of thier slightest trifles, instead of being punished. All agreed.

ADACHI's case, only MIYUKI felt sorry for his death. Too too young, and promissive as naughty boy...and then, Miyuki found that his points were almost all As...Astonishing fact!!! Why you didn't recognize it at first! They yelled...Naughty boy who resembles me so much, was her impression. ADACHI got dissapointed...Oh, Miyuki, it is your interest? I...gained better point during my short stay in Kyorin...I am a good boy, rather than you, Miyuki...Thus, he decided to train MIYUKI as a teacher. Not promissive at all, however, I need to earn money, anyway, thus...You are allowed to do as you like, within the limit, OK, pupils?...Too too rough...It is not teacheer's job, ADACHI almost cried for this misunderstanding. Tokyo Versity related. Doctoral degree holder, she is. Not promissive as a Testacles Pet, OK, however, "I dislike teachers, all!!! I hate educating jobs. So so evilest and harmful. However, I need money, you know? Thus, my position is paid professional primary school student, you know, pupils!" Declaration only. Thus, "We paid for your salary, prof..." like KUSUMOTO, ADACHI claimed. And Miyuki's catching was, "Education is harmful. Only one good education is SEKF Education. Thus, I don't interefere your SELF Education at all. Thus, I refrain from any harmful activities called EDUCATION, OK?"

ADACHI wanted to be a teacher of English, however, changed his mind. "DEGUCHI English is enough", he really thought, and she started to explain the method to her own kids. Junior High's English is muck. You, Clare, Lady GAGA is good trainer. Alex, just gesture is OK. One work English, also, marvelous. I learned Portugues, like that.

Doctoral degree holder learned foreign language like DEGUCHI. It was too too impressive for them both. Exists? Exists. Who denied the necessity of Education entirely?

Sirious gag. The super power holder in the actual period denied any education except SELF...Big Decradation, of 21st century.

Miyuki didn't know SHIN was killed...No! They did. Like Miyuki and TOHOHO's way. Killed in her own residence. Like trash, she thought. Oh, her feeling I syntonized, probably.

MATH major. More than 30. Why she didn't gain any profission? She got so pleased with her success in KOBE versity. KOBE was her birth place. Why her professor responsible didn't recommend her to the versity????

Because of the prof responsible, she was killed. Oh, Alzheimer prof...Like Miyuki's informing. In MIYUKI's case, many males came, yes. SHIN's case was used females. Religious advertisers???

A kind of. Watch Tower like, she thought, and left they rang the bell. And they left. And they came back with a bunch of keyes. They thought that she was abscent, and they tried to use the residence...Empty Building Law...

Any precarious stay would be fine. Any building would be used, by them all. totalitarians. And SHIN said claredly, "You, criminals, get out of here!" in a loud voice. And they got upset, and called the police, and the same as MIYUKI...She was forced to stay in the detention. And SHIN thought that it was a good experience, like MIYUKI. And SHIN was a good girl type???????

Astonishing fact. SHIN is a good girl type????

MIYUKI didn't believe, however, she thought that it was a good experience as the last stage of my life. My life was just a muck...????

Life time study, it was done. Already this planet was robbed by the aliens, was her and her mate KATSUTA's impression. Cold hearted, and unkind to others. Especially, promissive kids like us, were treated so harshly...

MIYUKI did know well they were getting along with each other, despite of the difference of age. And if they do it altogether, it would be left for them, as their private choice. MIYUKI is too too rightous and cool, so much. For others, not at all????

Miyuki did know some LEsbian couples. Some "supposedly" yes. And in case of common people, OK, their problem. I am not so closest friend to know it or not.

MIYUKI's non curious matter, a kind of. I want to do it!!! My necessity!! Frustration itself. It is the real matter. If others have mates, "I envy you, two or three...or more. Anyway, I have none...Just ZERO. Since birth, until now, ZERO. Such an attractive guy like me, should not be alone, MIYUKI really thought....

For others' sake, anyway, more than zero. Miyuki envies...

Thus, the real fact of the society. Satans. They can't attack MIYUKI? Attacking everyday. However, they can't do wrong so much on me. Protected by all my mates and supporters, especially, Gods of Justice.

MIYUKI liked SHIN. A kind of example of poor scholar or its candidate, in natural science field. Thus, they thought that SHIN was prejudiced. And Miyuki would think that delayed however, at least, she would gain some position in good renoun versity, probably. yes, kinky, like us all, however, common. A kind of index. At least, she would be to the point like.

Thus, SHIN thought that "I am a kind of litmus test paper" Oh, I thought exactly, already, before caming to Tokyo versity.

Oh, U2!!! I am felling good in the side of minority. Not "I will help them" type volunteer spirit good natured one understanding, not at all. Always, when recognized, already minority, and feel relieved like, "Good grief. I am not majority's side, anyway." Some kind of "I am specially benefitted" type pride, happens at this point...

Thus, at certain point, we could put up with the situation, even we are not so primissive at their standard. However, MIYUKI's family problem is a kind of serial killer including fairful horror comedy. Spooky anyway, and each time, the spooky fenomena continue.

Satanism, we all in the same result. And Miyuki thought, that we could manage the situation anyway. Thus, I am concealed here in SHIRAKAWA. MIYUKI thought that it is a kind of mission, and MIYUKI's part is played by MIYUKI herself. Thus, always, Oh, I am astonished!!!! Are they are too too idiots? Oh, of course! I should have known it before!!! like discoveries here and there.

And today, Miyuki was pushed our from 3 places all!!! First, from the house. With threatening of, "I kill you, this stupid!" from the adults of the family.

Then, when she was in public library, walking arrownd outside the terrace of it, a faked clerk came to MIYUKI and said, "For the sake of you, you should refrain from here. Watch out your step!" Miyuki got upset. She was walking on the big pebbles wich cover the courtyard, at first, and then, she moved to walk on the wooden corredor like Terrace deck. Thus, safe, already, on the terrace.

And Miyuki took the pictures of the scenes and Miyuki turned to escape from her. Then, she said, "I would lead you to the library." And she disturbed her way to get out of the nasty area. Miyuki's clothing was touched by her hand!!! Dirty hand!!! Touched!!! Impoliteness!!!! You did it!!! You did it!!!! And Miyuki took the picture of this dirty crazy satanic DDM's ugly face. She said, "Don't take a picture." Oh, I did it. I don't want to your dirty ugly face's picture anymore. Just for a proof. Don't think that your were my model, ugly short dirty bitch satan!!!

And Miyuki ignored her totally, and got out of this nasty dirty place, without saying anything more.

At the third time, when she was in DAISO, a faked clerk accused her, saying, "Ms.Consumer, don't enter into our precious luxurious shop with a paper cup of green tea, please." Thus, Miyuki ignored her, and left the precious shop of US$1 only, without saying anything.

When she entered into this US$1 shop, before the entrance, throught glass windows, the two clerks started to recognize her, and one started to write something on a white paper, and another, was prepared for catching MIYUKI. So obvious, and how audacious, she thought. DAISO's real end!!!

These were only some example of MIYUKI catching game today. Anyway, material violence intenced version, today MIYUKI suffered.

On Route 289, almost all of vehicles splished toward Miyuki, and she got wet. And remembered Mr.BOO's series, and thought, "Oh, they want to see my sky blue jeans transparent legs, probably!"

Too too cold day, it was. Miyuki put two fat coats altogether, and yet felt cold. And also, Miyuki remembered that Bow Derek, in Splash, mistakenly. Daril Hannah, correctly. Anyway, Splash!!!

And on Bow Derek died only with her 60 years old, Miyuki remembered. Muscle inclined super beutiful body holder, she was. TEN, she played the role. Dudly Moor, the short little guy, and BOLERO of the same composer of Pavane for Dicesed Princess, Ravel, was used for the best BGM for doing it. only 3 minuts, so moody, however, Dudly should change the record TEN times in the process of doing it.

And thought, "Bolero is good for after it. Anyway, slow. For relux, good. However, MIYUKI would prefer no music, or spontaneourly played type distant music, not with listening to music type way of doing it...Imagined, as TOHOHO, who never has it...If I do it dreaming mode, MIYUKI entered.

And in front of URBAN apparell shop, 6 old bitched tried to trap her. Miyuki recognized that outside of the shop, there were several boxes of goods, left without clerks, and the warning papers, saying "Picking is crime. We will help the police to catch you." Oh, all monitor system's audacious declaration we found!!!! Miyuki yelled, and got chilled. Many rightous consumers would have been killed by their trap. Only idiot Satans could do it type.

The monitors turned to be deceibing witnesses, so easily. "Anyway, we are majority. She is alone. We should win, because we are right." Satanic majority system, they belived.

And another squad of faked latin type of 5 figures approached her. She already had the similar experience before, in the real OPPABU-HOTEL called New MARU-NO-UCHI Building, on the first floor, the exact front of Tokyo Central Station. Forein boys came to catch her, and she recognized and they ran away. One boy delayed, and thus, they failed.

They should have been punctual. Thus, Dean OOKAWA, the real Alzheimer Dean at Kyorin versity, failed, because of unpunctuality. Satans got rotten in so accelated mode. Alzheimer patients, satans are.

In Sayumi's case, the real tragedy. Ohta liked her so much, and wanted to get married her, and trapped her. For Sayumi, he is a kind of old friend. Just it type. OK, I will visit you, in your chamber. Sayumi came, and they attacked her, and raped her, and ate her. This is the real fact of this satanism. They ate human figures and human beings, both, as their foods.

Thus, as a matter of fact, they don't need to eat anything at all. Just a kind of pleasure, they eat. Not sattisfaction of tongue, but that of gaining the power of diceased victims. Like primitive tribe did it.

Miyuki remembered the Jared's remark on Destruction of Civilization on human meat eating habit. It was the tabboo No.1, and the tribe who did it all without exception vanished at once in a body.

Alzheimer patients would be replaced their loss of memory by eating of others' brain. Satanism recomended canivalism, and they failed. BSE spread easily by their kinkiest rituals.

Anybody could not be proved by a criminal, was their catch frase. Thus, IKKYO became stronger at once. Human meat eaters, they were called.

Thus, they were easily proved as evilest criminals of canivalism, literally speaking. DNA, also, smell, also, and downward eyes, also. Just a bit, they recommended to human beings, and they found that DDMs are rather their relatives, not human beings.

Easy, and quick. And gained a lot, was their catch copy. They did it recetly is the smell of ointment ORONAIN resembling one.

First, it was put for the ointment use. However, they turned to be habitual user of this ointment. It would be the mark of this smelling jobs. Habitual users would be the targetted one of the canivalism.

Ointment means sick. Thus, they should be killed. And they put the sign in front of the house. And they put other member of the family also. Multiple or Mass Devastation, they planned.

Miyuki liked to put some skin milk usualy. Thus, they put it. Unnecessarily.

They imitate me, as if they were able to be forgiven me. Just their satanic messy sobstory inclinated "I believe thus I try" type choice, they did.

For example, they put cap on their head, imitating me. They put blue tunic on, imitating me. They faked to check the price in datail, imitating me. They started to eat testing food, just after my eating. Just imitating surface, based on his kinkiest religious belief. Just faking is all enough in your life, theur religious leader said to them.

大根役者国家 or State of all ignorant stupid faked actors and actresses. Laughing situation comedy. And they are all satans. Mark Twain, "Strange Boy" was this prodessesor.

Replaceble, is their catch frase. And anyway, changeable. TAKAHARA suddenly turned to be 12 years old girl, in front of MIYUKI. They have some skill to change the characters so easily.

Before being rotten, it functioned so much. Like an atomic composition completedly done type reliable skill. However, after rotten, they were all BSE patients, and forgot some kind of key to regain the original figures. Thus, vanishing only, now.

rotton, because of mummal milk drinking, Miyuki presumed. And meat eating as ritual, also supposed. However, some certain guys were killed only because of their desire to be superior to the victims.

Oh, KAKISHIMA, thus she killed YUKOYAMA. And forgot, after eating her.

Thus, fatus eaters were lower runking. Killing figures whould have targetted certain figures. In OHTA's case, Sayumi. She was in USA, because he called her to come to join one summer with his family. Faked family, Sayumi, perceived. And they were pretended to be a good warm family, as MIYUKI's one. However, strange, she felt a bit. Because they wore a black on the bottom, and sometimes white on the top. In USA? Yes, spooky. And they said to SAYUMI, "We would hold a special BBQ party for you. You would like our American life."

And BBQ party, and then, they did it. Comtemptious, however, we should inform it all what we could catch from their kinkiest life.

Miyuki would feel so so right to feel strange when OHTA said to Miyuki, "you know, SAYUMI came to see me all the way from Japan to USA, and I refused her despite of her audacious attempt to attract me." Sayumi is anyway alive, and strange thing he said, because he was not so attactive at all except his being professor of Tokyo Versity.

Is she so active to induce him to do so? If so, and If I were he, I would have took advantage of this special chance as the lucky chance to get her. Why he refused him???? Crazy guy!!!! He didn't know what is valuable in his life? Chance, just a chance. OHTA, you lost, already!!!!