Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (126)

2017-06-24 20:06:29 | 日記
24/06/2017 (Saturday, evening) Miyuki came back from her daily walking arround the rural village called Shirakawa.

Miyuki found also today brilliant metalic malacca blue black thin stylish dragon fries in the river side of YANTA River. And she thought, that recently, Miyuki watched this type sometimes, and this is her actual line. They are so similar to Miyuki. Extremely slender in the body shape, stylish inclination, brilliant under the sunshine, sexy sometimes, in her ROBERTA mode. Oh, I will wear like them. She remembered that she have a lace black tank top, which was bought in H&M, at US$5, lest year, in Tokyo. Sexy type. And she would put on her casual sax blue Jeans at 56 cm of the waste. Sporty, in the bottom. For night club dancing, it would be fine, she thought, however, she changed her mind. After cleaning up the area called SHIRAKAWA, all satans would vanish completely, and she would wear them as casual use!!!! I would wear as I like, and the plants would love Miyuki's everyday's callenge to wear differently.

Nakid, is a kind of choice, and bikini also. And boxer shorts, also. Miyuki's summer wears collection, Plants want to see so soon.

And Miyuki recognized that plants suffered damages so hard near the road. Hot Road fenomenum happened along the road side. They were splits because of the noisy sould of the acepharos vehicles. Miyuki felt so noisy at their passing. Why they, machinery, in vain drive, every day? Just for feeling shaking as a sexual plesure substitute. So impulse originated manner, they chose, and always "I want to do it" mode, like YUKARI. OMANKO vehicles, they are.

The sound, why they need? Just shaking is enough, in that case. For them, sound makes shaking????

And they can pop out. Thus, no vehicle world would be realized among them. Just use some big cradle with shaking in a space. Like KOMINEs or Public library, collect them, and just "Spin them arroud" ACDC???

Noisy and nasty. It caused early dropping of flowers, and early drying up of some sensitive weeds. Thus, Miyuki pledged, that we regain the original quiet world. Not so noisy. Only so natural voice like calm world, they want.

Miyuki is noisy, however, understandable. Her inclination, and difficult to stop her wispering. It would be a torture for us all. Thus, weeds ceded at this point. However, for OMANKO cars, the story is different. Unnecessarily, they chase eacn other. Miyuki found the system of RUITE DELIVARY system in Tokyo. And they accused Miyuki's family because of noise making procedure. They accused the use of machinery in case of unnecessary washing.

Miyuki washes the machine once per ten days, only. And put almost 1/4 of the ditergent, bacause her washing clothings were not so big.

However, Miyuki's family consume lot of detergent and water, and make a lot of noise during a day. Miyuki thought that they are really incapable, however, they intentionally want to kill Miyuki's mates. They are seriel killer type, both. They already killed so many kids, promissive type, in case of their repeated attacking.

Weeds are my kids, legitimate, Miyuki declared, and they started to attack on the courtyard. For them, killing kids is a kind of amusement now. Jason's combined with Hannibal, they are.

YUKARI dyed the hair, and her hair turned to be fat bob, now. her mother's favorite style, and Miyuki hated it. Said to her in a belly, "Bitch, ugliest! Go to INFERNO!!! Vanish, right now!!! Nasty!!!" And she recognized that Miyuki hated her. Now, again? For Miyuki, a kind of joking, however, for them, YUKARI & HARUMI, "I didn't know it. Now I recognize. I would change my mind so soon." and YUKARI decided to kill her hair, finally, in more commercial related facility,and got disliked by MIYUKI.

The last chance, they promissed as usual. Who would be the most beautiful lady in the house?, was their common theme???? Both ugly bitches. Monstrous beauty contest? For us, ugliest lady chosing process.

And they found that MIYUKI really hated them both, now. And tomorrow, they popped out from INFERNO, again???

To protect the two, OMANKO vehicles came to help them. Just for consoling, they insisted, and the stupid Alzheimer ladies agreed it. And they failed totally. They sold their spirit already so earlier than Miyuki thought. From the begining, they were muck, Miyuki thought. They were just muck like life wanted to continue, Miyuki really thought now.

Only messy food OK, while not delicious food not at all, because they were prisonners, was their religious leader's last words. And they came here not to eat much. However, ate lots, and wanted to eat so many.

KOME-KUI wife's story, itself. In secret, they ate a lot. In front of others, only short small eating was enough, for them all. After the kitchen job, so small volume they eat, however, in the middle of Miyuki's absence, they started to eat so much. Oh, they want to be plump now? Alzheimer's repetitive meal eating, they started.

yesterday, in the morning, YUKARI came to throw off the match like object into the bin. SO4 smell it ejected. And she came from the water zone of the office, while she was washing faked job. Why in use of electric domestic machinery called washing machine, she unnecessarily devides the closhings, and chooses to wash them separatedly, in turn.

Alzheimer disease they suffer from, yes. However, they all should be punishable. They chose the result earlier, and now, the result appeared. Delayed, and not as they wanted to do so, however, in a certain meaning, it worked. Devastation, they wanted, and we are living creatures, thus, we should yell Miyuki as much as possible.

Now, Miyuki should work so hard to write the result what happened today. Why they attack on Miyuki with threatening even now? They want to kill her, and end up the devastation completely. They are not quick, however, combine easily, and pluralism causes us the sensation of being threatened.

Miyuki is concealed by DDMic families. Thus, you should take so care care of what they did on Miyuki. Now, MIYUKI should put up with the desire of doing it...OK, I am. for several days, they leave soon. Thus, don't think of doing it, as much as possible...Ummmm...I will try, however, imagination is difficult to control. Thus, when I think of doing it, I will change the topic, toward more gag oriented one, or more childish so faked merchen like neance mode. Miyuki likes to make sexy dangerous jokes, however, now, they don't want to be amused so much...Laughing mode would be refrained....Ummm...I would try to only smile, rather, laughing....

Miyuki, you are too too cruel to the enemy, because they wanted to celebrate your disastrous death, however, instead, they are now really facing to their own death...mass vanishing...Good relief...

Miyuki, you should avoid to think of your possibility of love with the beautiful German Shephard. He is in trouble with his ex...Oh, I have chance... OK, I will wait a bit...

Miyuki is so cruel to them all. She tries to stop laughing, and now...Laughing in her silent mode...Only facial expression of laughing would be fine.... KEN-KEN or Hajime HANA...

U-SHI-SHI-SHI-SHI-SHI, or HE-HE-HE-HE-HE....HA-HA-HA-HARMAN! should be avoidable...OK, I will try.

For them, treating like a pooh is a kind of blasfamia...Oh, how arrogant!!! Less than pooh requiers to be treeted more than pooh. They have no legitimacy to force to do for us...However, Chicken Miyuki knows well that they audaciouslly attack without any legitimacy at all. Thus, try to avoid to laugh...Name of Rose, Umberto Eco.

What is the name of the rose? Maryline Monroe!!! Umberto Eco adomired Miyuki's fastest quickest naming of her total desastrous tragedic romance with her German Shephard in Los Angels..Goethe got upset to hear the title and subtitle.

Dr.Fausto, the first volume, the fastest way of quit the love. The love is ended before it begins...

When I fall in love with you♫♬

 Miyuki wants him, however, he refuses her. The end...

So so cruel for Miyuki to know that the possibility vanished...Her love ended before it began. This poor lost love kids should gain some reward of the love. What do you want Miyuki? Him. I will try to seduce him...Probably I will gain, in the near future!!!!

Thus, they got upset. They are good team mates now. Even after the end of their short period of some kind of factual marrige, they should live together, and avoid the nasty result. Don't worry so much. They got upset...why, why this messy kid like woman splits us in two...Because, she obliged to chose their own ways. Rightous or wrong. Thus, faked mates, now. Thus, Oh, German, Hesse, you would run away, as soon as possible, from her...For your safety. She would turn to be a MAD YUKARI. Fatal, anyway, out of control. Devil of jelousy!!!

Ummm...even he, chose wrong...thus, I should change my mind...I will use prevention. It would be better to avoid the desastrous result.

The longer version was ended in the scene of the black dog appeared in the first scene, it was a representative of the devil, Mefistfeles. The next page...blank. Just white pages for writing, as notebook. Thus, the second shortest version, which Miyuki produced yesterday.

The most shortest letter of the world, was done between Victor Hugo and the publisher.

Hugo: ?

  Just it. Miyuki, your joke making ability is superb!!!! International literature association gives you the medal called, "The most quickest response as the next title of the writer promissive".

Miyuki tried to write a play for BBC, because it probides the radio drama based on the result of the competition. Miyuki, before started, she won!!!! Oh!!!! Laughable like of Dr.Miyuki SATOW, who is she? Geneus, or sissors???? The result...Both. Cut it!!!!!

Miyuki, you like to resolve the riddle in the centuries. Stone henge gave a power to Tess, the Durvaville, yes. And the fat trees atart to attack the houses arround them. Oh, counter attack!!!! They can do it!!!

Recently, the eathquake stopped. Until the end of the year, in Shirakawa, so often, Miyuki felt earthquake. However, thereafter, earthquake stopped. Why???? Especially in the night, the earth shaked, so many times, and Miyuki felt, "Even now, the residue of the big earthquake continues. So so long. After 5 years, yet, now. Strange..."

And remembered that the situation of the rural village called Shirakawa, on 16 and 17 of March, in 2011. Yes, desastrous, however, not so much. Cracks on the roads, fell down roofs, destroyed walls, and so on. repairable. Not so "master devastation" type. Better than she imagined. However, the TV news, especially on the explosion of the Fukushima Nuclear Energy Generator I, caused Miyuki to bring her two kids from the village to Hachioji, by way of FUNABASHI.

Just a hidrogen explosion, the anouncer explained. However, Miyuki thought of the possibility of more explosion and not only normal hidrogen combines with oxigen type explosion would happen, she imagined. Thus, after one night of sleeping, she decided to bring the kids from Shirakawa. Anyway, the air was poluted 10 times more than HACHIOJI. Miyuki thought that she didn't put up with her kids to suffer from radiation, because of my thrifty. At least, the same level or better than Miyuki's level, she thought...Because, younger age, the result of radiation would cause worse than older one.

She was rightous under the condition. And IIDATE village? Under the condition, Miyuki thought that they did so correctly. The central government didn't provide enough information for them. and they got to know that Self Defense Force, which had came to save the residents, started to run away, informed by the superiors. Some residents got to know the fact of this runaway of Self Defense Force, decided to leave the village, without any objects. They ran away, and in the place of their evacuation, suddenly, they cought rain, and it caused radiation on them.

Tragedy. And the message was, "The government targetted the residents as the fated tragedy." The govenments, central and local, both attacked the residents, as sacrifice. Satanic state, Japan is!!!!

Miyuki got to know the episode from the photo book on the village. MITSUISHI, the photographer's name is, probably. And the contents of the interview done between him and the village people, YMCA, omitted intentionally. Probably, censorship, they did.

They thought, and tried to attack on the point. However, OMANKO journalism was conceling the fact, as much as possible. And now, laughing OMANKO journalism. No journalist at all. Just repetition, in loop mode.

Why such a trifle theme like moving of TSUKIJI market or YOYOGUI olimpic new building, were treated so many times, as the top news of the newspapers?, was Miyuki's question. Just a kids' meeting's theme. And the kids would resolve much better than the politicians, in 30 minutes meeting, Miyuki calculated.

Too too strange. Promissive kids group thought of it, and said to the teachers. And the result...They attacked us all!!! Don't ask me, nasty pupils! You should obey me, just it!!! Oh, my mother, or the religeous leader!!!!

Kinky kids...they were called. For them kinky is a kind of, "Superb" probably. And for us, a kind of replacement of "unique". For them, kinky is a value of should be level...Depends on the contents.

Kinky as minority, generally speaking, is a replacement of Unique. Different from plain others.
However, in sexual field, kinky sometimes means "skewed" and "rapist". Thus, they turned to be rapist. For them, superb value, as the religious leader taught. The practice of the religion. Betrayers who are so eager to practice their religious superb value.

Only OMANKO did she, was YUKARI's tumb's discription. Epigraph, already chosen. Laughing desctiption No.1. And so many Japanese DDMs' tumbs were the same. HASEGAWA Hospital was just for it. And they were treated like indulged infants there.

Halloween only was celebrated in the hospital. Why? Spooky night's only version. Only once, a sweet was provided as a dessart. Strange choice, Miyuki felt deeply.

Monotonous days, they repeated. Especially, they were all addicted by the medicines. A lot of tablets were probided, and they were forced to take them all. They tried to check if the patients had taken them all.

terrible disaster. However, anyone couldn't claim of it. They were in the prison, in practice. Miyuki tried to object, however, the staff attacked harsher than she imagined. Anyway, obedience. Reason? Don't ask us. You should obey, just it.

This is the Japanese hospital. Everyone cried, and yelled. Miyuki escaped from the disaster, anyway, after 3 months torture. Eveyday, terrible attack happend even in the monotonous life. Nurses were totally cruel, and accustomed to kill patients, and so so forgetful, and they accused patients because of forgetfulness, instead of themselves.

Fenomena were so similar in Shirakawa. The residents were upset because of their own idiotis, and accused us because of our fact finding process. They claimed on Miyuki because of the rightous activities for us all. It was wrongdoing already. Disturbing the activities for Gods of justice, would be the fatal error of them all.

They avoided to be revealed the facts, and they called to the police for the replacement of YUKARI with MIYUKI. MIYUKI is quicker, while YUKARI is slower. And YUKARI is now preparing for someone, changing the hair, dying in black. And she is ashamed of all of her wrongdoings...Oh, remembers???

Some yes. Probably, she did. And others, not. Already forgot totally. Always, good girl type, according to her mother. 30 years ago's mode, they are now. YUKARI was promissive kids for both of parents, Miyuki doesn't believe. Dumb, not creative. Just repetition type. Miyuki couldn't enjoy conversation with her at all. All in vain. So superficial, and changeable. Thus, it was so rare to get along with her. And with her mother, also, not so good at all. Mainly, Miyuki didn't make a conversation with her mother. Anyway, her intellectual level was so low.

They were domestic type, and their work was so rough. Idiots, both were. however, subjectively, superb, they categorized themselves.

What is the ground of their enhancing territory? Miyuki got in wonder, and found the answer. Just threatening. No reason, at all. Miyuki thought at first. However, they were both informants. They used the power to imforme to the public agencies. And the public agencies abused them. They took advantage of their feeble mindness. Incapable, appearantly. Thus, who trapped them would be also accused.

They should not have done so. However, they chose the wrongway, thus, they all shoudl vanish!!!! All public agencies, including any tiny private company, assisted the game. And they got rotten. When they recognized, the sticky body started. Trigger to be sticky, Miyuki drew already!!!

Suicide bombs, they were called. Always they repeated the same conversation, on their younger ages. And they were caught to be killed. for them, any accusation would be fine to kill MIYUKI. Slight trash throwal was enough for accusing her. Thus, they pretended to trap her again and again. And monitoring system. Downward eyes, were because of it. Miyuki felt so nasty, when she entered into Markets. The consumers showed their hips and avoided to be caught their eyes. Always. Thus, Miyuki felt that there were so many monitors here and there.

Today, Miyuki made an errand in US$1 shop called DAISO-MEGA-STAGE, and the clerk's attitude was beyound her imagination.

Clerk: Do you want to use a plastic bag?
Miyuki: (No, in gesture)
Clerk: Then, may I put the seal instead?
Miyuki: (Stupid! I have already responded. No plastic bag. Thus, you should put it, idiot!, in her belly)
Clerk: Then, do you want to use a plastic bag?
Miyuki:(Oh, she forgot that she had questioned before. Alzheimer, confirmed!!!)
Clerk: (Upset, her hands started to move toward under the counter, and seached a bit, and finally, she took a plastic bag, and wrapped Miyuki's good, by it. And with rough sound of "I kill you!", she said, with total hatred) Thank you, Mr.Consumer!

Miyuki started to laugh at her stupidity. Face was not so bad, however, so so stupid, and she hates Miyuki so hard.

And on the contrary, a new young clerk of Gyomu-super acted well. She, while Miyuki searching her coins, started to attend other male, and when Miyuki put all the coins, she restarted to attend Miyuki. After miyuki's errand's done, she immediately sifted to attend to the other, in the quickest way.

Ms.Drable liked a boy, who are in a busy mode. Miyuki caught how she felt. "Quickest, as much as possible!" was her expectation for the promissive kids. Arther Ransom felt the same. Why Shirakawa residents dislike figures with quicker mind, and started to behave to kill it, as soon as possible?

They all love intellectually slower figures, rather than they themselves. jealousy. Thus, they want to kill all of the guys who are superior materially. Satans are so jealous, cruel, stupid, forgetful, skewed, and don't know the limit.

Now, Miyuki is sleepy. Miyuki should move from the office now. They are all attaking Miyuki in collective way. To where, she are going? No choice. She should get out of Japan. She should fly to USA. Chris of Los Angels provedes some keys. Two kids are enough to bring. talk to them all. and find the solution. "Do you go to California?" Just say so, and wait their reply. They both reply yes, it would be the time to go.

Passports. Miyuki have. They need to renew. It is the problem. Have passports of each country, and old passports. however, in the cofre. Thus, Miyuki would ask her father to take them.

Miyuki should avoid the nasty result, however, no chance for them, yes. And they would threaten Miyuki to put her in custody again. Miyuki can't put up with the repetition. More ability is needed to avoid the disaster. More quiet Miyuki. good quiet silent girl Miyuki. Miyuki doesn't want to talk to them at all. Thus, correct the errors. They want to follow your direction.

VANISH, DDMs, please, all in a body, por favor!

Miyuki, you are too too right to say so. Thus, you shall kill them all!!! Vanish, immediately!!!! Totally, forever, all in a body!!!!

Miyuki you are rightous, anyway. Why we should allow their big mistakes? Goddamnit country called Japan. They played with life...Kokushi Kishimoto.

Miyuki got to know his name, by way of her pupil. Teater participant, he said. Played the roles of males, and of females. Like Shakespears' era. Miyuki praised him, because of his good performance, however, the others, except his class mates, didn't recognize the value at all. Why? And chose the two girls, as if they were already prepared for the prize. Contest for what? Thus, Miyuki and her class gave him their own special prize, "Get an order on mind prize! or KOKORO-TOTONOE-MASHO, and the prize was handed by Miyuki, it was a hair dye in blond...Cheap, yes, however, it worked. Anyway, she is superb!!!! Thank you!!!

For others, conpetition was already prepared. however, for her class, a kind of sly game. YAOCHO or 八百長, it is called. Already fated to fail, their massage was. Miyuki's class performance was superb, however, they were led to respond on the contray. Or, you should be dischaged, they were threatened.

Skewed versity, they all thought. For Miyuki, team members were good, active, quick, and amusing. however, sometimes, they changed. When she asked on the age of Reika TAI or 田井怜佳, they responded, unanimously, "18 years old, of course!!!" with all smiling.

Miyuki got shocked. Why they did, in a body????

always, they replaced them as usual. They could do it. They had no choice. Just to kill!!!!

Another option, we thought. And Miyuki refused. Nervana!!! No! Of course!!!! Nervana with sexual course means OMANKO wonderland of YUKARI's counterpart. Nervana for asexual is unsatisfaction total!!!!

Thus, Miyuki won!!!! Miyuki is so so cool to bahave like that. Satans should be killed right now. They showed up their majoriy rule, and Miyuki recognized that just IDIOCRACY by Jasons. Satanic world, no more!!! Hiroshima.

They killed as they liked, was their dying message. For Miyuki, astonishing fact. However, for them, not at all. Crime. Homicide. Murder. Even under Japanese criminal law, killing others has been prohibitted.

Thus, we should correct the history. No killing country, we pledge. any fatus would not be killed. Of course, including flowers, and plants, animals, our supporters, also.

Playing with life, why? Greediness, for the first time, and now, just a convention. No reason, however, they want to do play.

Miyuki felt strange, when her father changed the lieout a bit. Why now??? And felt so fear, when he approached. Trapping, he planned? I don't know. However, I want to avoid the nasty disaster. Thus, I should sleep well, to observe the end of this goddamit rural village called Shirakawa. Gottam city. Spider man.

Miyuki should behave so hard today. And tomorrow, also. Put up with up to the level, yes. They, with short memory, start to spring, in a body.

Today, along the NANKO silver lake, Miyuki got so thrilled by an old bug yelled her, "Good Afternoon" twice, repeatedly, forcing Miyuki to respond her in the same way, with threatening mode. Miyuki kept silent, and she and her squad moved toward Miyuki. Miyuki should change the direction, and walk rather quicker, to avoid them all.

Normal old bug turned the team leader of the squad. Miyuki's impression was just "Mr.Responsible".

just a precarious way. Refraining from her naughty boy mood was the key. Behave like a Parissienne, with idiot mode. CHIGU-LIN. Miyuki played to like to play the role. Similar to Miyuki herself. Chigu-Lin with wispering mode. No thanks at all, thus, quiet dumb Chigu-Lin. Only few day's pacience...I will try....

Naughy boy is their hatred No.1...My favorite No.1...

Chiken mode Miyuki, just it. OK.

Thus, see you next time, early bird call would be fine to find your playmate...Oh, bunny boys!!!

KYO liked to play the role of Bunny girl, they all thought. Not at all. Just a comtemptous experiment. However, for them, not so harsh. Because some costume party, they thought. Stupid!!!

How they treated the girls??? Like the real bar attending women....Ummm...It all depends...

For you, bar attender in male mode is acceptable. For, OK...Anyway, we should alive!!!!

Thus, a bit contemptious, in this period. No way for them period. They wear in black, anyway. Thus, someone would lead them to the suitable place called INFERNO.

SATANAS was refused by INFERNO, thus, popped out to the rural village called SHIRAKAWA. Thus, in the corner, they popped out. Just prepared for popping, for the several dacades, and played the role of the diseaced ones, and they couldn't play well. Sometimes, they appeared in wrong place.

Today, Miyuki did know that a green Tshirt guy, appeared and walked almost 50 meters, and then turned the corner. And Miyuki, who were following him, found that the same guy, appeared again from her back!!!!

The second appearance, he was with a bag, yes. Slight change. However, he.

then, evasion started. In the parking lots, two guys started to change clothings near the car. And the car was a kind of wordlobe for them. color change, probably they did.

See you next time on our blog!!!
From Wild 7, with Big LOVE!!!

Vanish! DDMs! Ugly BUSU bitches, turned to be erotic Alzheimer Satans.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (125)

2017-06-24 06:50:49 | 日記
24/06/2017 (Saturday, morning) Miyuki found the fact that the charger of the battery of the camera was replaced or stolen from the set location, namely, near the desk. Oh, for it, they searched the desk side, and robbed it, and raped my dear Paddington Teddy Bear!!! Poor Parington! How terrible he felt!!!

And now, they in the reality, violated our safety, and derectly disturbed our activities for collecting proofs of the satanic wrongdoings of the past and the actuality. They, alzheimer satans, after the total loss of the war, even as prisonners, did, clearly, the biggest wrongdoing, which is, attempt to erasing the past and stopping the accusation done by us all. BLASFAMIA absolute!!!

VANISH! DDOs!!! You are so dirty, and stupid!!!

This is the biggest suicide bombs rather for them, the satanic army. They lost the last chance of evasion. The crystal clear proof of their actual top class wrongdoing. Miyuki and Paddington, and our wild 7, are the witness. Wrongdoiers, be shot right now!!!!

Miyuki already took a picture of the site of the crime, last night. She didn't recognize the vanishing of the charger, however, this morning, she noticed, and already informed the fact to the rightous mates in the universe. They are too too sly. Just a TV set, Miyuki thought. However, they stole or robbed our measure to collect the proofs of each wrongdoing. Their intention, not only the impulse, was rebealed. They even now could do disturbe our rightous activities, in the level of the reality. We witnessed it all.

Daily threatning in the psychological level, was used by the satanic army. However, they also threaten us violently, in fact. Not "hypothetical" level. All were revealed. Satanic army exists, and continues to work for their sake, even now. Especially, to erase their past cruel wrongdoings!!!!

Satans do only one per month, only in the full moon, it, and it is done among all of them. Wild party is their object of living. Only for it.

And now, Alzheimer patients, they are. No limit of tabboo conscience. Just, "I want to do it, everytime, any where, in every place. " Situation. Too too cruel they are. For them, doing it is eating it. Canibalism, total!!! Thus, they want to attack the target. Only total vanishing would work in this period. VANISH, satans, all in a body!!!!! Even Alzheimer condition, they should vanish, immediately! Or, our universe, namely, KOSMOS, would vanish. And at the same time, KAOS would vanish. Thus, suicide bomb, this absolute wrongdoing. However, they did it! Any warning would not effect at this stage. You should refrain from staying in veranda today. Just on the second floor , in the corredor, you should dry up the wet clothings after the washing!!!

Good to know!!! We already grasped it. Miyuki relies on her team mates, and they are superior to Miyuki, mainly, intellectually. Thus, the photos sent by Miyuki was soon analyzed and found the vanishing the charger. All claimed, "Why this stupid guy didn't recognize the important vanishing of his most powerful tool's equipment??? Anyway, she left the problem in the hands of her reliable team mates, and started to her own personal job. Eating. After hugged Paddington, she ate it! Ate it!!!! After such a tragedy, why she is so hungry???

Miyuki has no mercy, we insisted. However, they tried, and took the advantage of it. They attacked her several times, and in the final stage, left the legs. All were black, in her family. Miyuki wanted to save them, however, they were too too honest to her religion, respeting others. Thus, failed. They didn't say anything at all. She is the last one, and should survive. They concentrated the power for us all. Thus, we should survive anyway!!! Weeds came!! And garden plants, if rightous one, welcome to participate in our army!!! She yelled, and triggered the last hope of the seeds. Presents from the other planets!!!! Come, come, everyone, everybody, how are you!!! Come Come English Conversation. However, only rightous guys, only! Exclusively!!!!!

thus they failed again, and no more!!!! They attacked her nose sense, and she found that she is recovering the sense. And she leaves others to feel as common sense altogether. Every feeling should be the proofs of the wrongoings of the satans. And satans only exist in illusion. However, these illusions effect negatively. They did, when they were younger, shaw up to now. However, they did beyond it, and wrongdid, again and again. Counterattack is superb!!! And the nervana, Miyuki refused. The existence of NERVANA is acceptable, like Honey Moon in each life. And Miyuki's honey moon's image is almost 3 days trip twice per year, like a resort or vacation.

For ever??? Not at all!!! For 2 weeks, even so hot ADACHI & ROBERTA, would get tired of it...Too too good, to feel total satisfaction in the special area, however, foever doing it is the same as YUKARI's every day and night OMANKO musturbation life. I hate it!!!!

Nervana, they contempted you!!! You should counter attack!!! INFERNO, it the reword for satans...On NERVANA, thus, you doesn't work...You just exists....Too too idol....

NERVANA songs, they loved. Oh, UCHIYAMA!!!! Miyuki liked? I felt Anglo Saxon vaveation type, a kind of swing music, in the base led sound. Afrcan beat's counterpart. It sounded in the belly. Thus, Miyuki grasped that it syntonizes the inner organs physically. I understand the pleasure to listen to NERVANA song...Not my type, however, soul song for Anglo-Saxon type, Miyuki thought.

More cheerful light version is marching. Pop type is heavy metal sound. Thus, soul sound. Heavy base sound. I don't dislike it. However, only it, all day and night, for more than 2 weeks??? Torture, for us all, in generally speaking.

Thus, all want to be common guys. However, they should take a rest a bit. Like a SPA, in the resort town. And all they said the same. 2 weeks after, it turns to monotonous INFERNO...Just at the first period. Thus, marrige is torture for us all. They deeply feel now...

MIYUKI, you are TOHOHO, however, so so good to presume the situation. They got caught, and put into the jail called NERVANA...And found a mate, each. Oh, less then the worst. And found, monotonous...Anyway...tired. Yawning of Haruhi SUZIMIYA...It worked. We claimed, "Oh, guys, you promised perfect happiness. However, just it is so so monotonous. For satans, it works, like what is happening in the earth and the emperor, as the planet. And, they should be replaced with their own NERVANA namely INFERNO!!!!

Just doing it causes being rotten. Thus, they turned to be MUCK soon. Now, just smell. Shit, Muck, Diarrea, SO4, and so on. YUKARI did it, on behalf of her team mates. She triggered the last suicide bombs. Just advertise the family would be fine, they wispered, and YUKARI started to her peeping jobs. She really started Miyuki's memory. And she thought that the charger would be the memory holder...Appearance is the pivot of their recognition...

OK, I need to dry up my 10 days' washed clothings... And I am hungry.

I continue to my fact finding jobs, as always, in more effective way. Agenda would help me! My dearest olive green coloured leather covered specially made in Italy products, of 11 inches. Miyuki should regain the power of this acctivities, and will found the charger, soon!!!!

Thus, see you on our blog, soon later!!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! Satanic army!! So cruel, so ugly, and so...stupid!!! HA=HA=HA=HARMAN!!!!!!

Then, for us all, righouts brothers, all happiness criating world would be fine!!! We pursue it, accoridng to our each choice!!! With Big LOVE, from WILD 7!!!