Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (100)

2017-06-08 19:46:08 | 日記
08/06/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki got chilled in IZUMIZAKI, because two faked police, without any reason, forced her to stop and to declare her personal information. They would kill us, Miyuki immediately felt, and remembered the experience which happened in August, 2016. The same nightmare would repeat again? I didn't anything at all!

I was just going to IZUMIZAKI, and it happened on the way back from there to the house. I was reading the historical lies on the stone monument on exploration of the reagion, saying that the power holders there paid only 20% of the total value and gained all the land, including what belonged to the other common people, and 80% was paid by tax. Probabaly, they killed the poor families to push away from the region. And to be prased their GLORY or SHAME, they established the monument.

Miyuki was taking some pictures of it. At the moment, two young police men suddenly appeared, and said, "We were informed that someone strange was going to and flo on the route 4 from this morning, in drunken mode. We think that you were "it". What is name of you? Hand us your driver's licence. Where do you live? With whom? What is the name of your kid? "

They tried to bring me to their faked police. Miyuki said, "I want to go back to the house. Just it! ", with a crying voice, in a wispering voice, like a kid.

At first, they said, "The stranger walked in foreign language, and you were incessantly speaking in English, despite being alone. You are the srtanger, we presume. Many informants said so. You are too too strange, speaking in English. What are you doing? Too too strange, walking arround here. Japanese? Foreigner? "

Oh, walking alone, speaking English is the reason of catching me? First, I tried to play the role of foreigner. However, they were already decided to catch me, Miyuki really felt so. Thus, she changed her mind quickly. I am a Japanese Nationality holder. Here is my driver's licence, thus, according to their unnecessary requirement, she was obliged to hand the driver's licence.

They wrote her name in Chinese, and some numbers, XXX-10-23, probably, my birthday. However, the first line of figures were three digits.
And they recognized that my residence was registered in Tokyo. Thus, as their arrogant way, they forced to say the residence here. Miyuki replied, "Shirakawa." And they threatened to declare the exact address. Miyuki said, "Near NENGUMACHI. ", in her childish mode. "Which number of address?" They asked persistently. Miyuki said, "...Near the temple..." She didn't want to give any damage to her family. Thus, the vague way, she prefered. Vague, however, not false, was her line, in this case.

"And your family? " They pursued incessantly. "I have a kid." in Childish Miyuki. "What is its name?" they asked. "Why do you want to know my kid's name? " Miyuki felt so in rage, however, in this case, they are anti-humanistic existance, devils, thus, she said, "it is called Alex".

"Do you have any qualification? " They asked. "Oh, I have a doctral degree." Miyuki said in her modest mode. "How do you prove it?" they asked. Miyuki said, "Oh, I have no proof here, however..." Oh, I have a career report on Kyorin's site. Thus, "You can check the site of my working place. I am in the vacance, with paid salary. I am training English, because I want to work abroad. I talk alone, because there is no one who accompanies me. I am transilating various interesting scenes in English, especially, historical monuments. A kind of guide type training. Oh, you find the site. Good. Faculty of Social Sciences. Yes, it is. The professors' career report list. Here. Look, my name is here!" She kindly appointed her name on the list.

Strangely saying, they didn't want to open to the site. One policeman said to another. "Oh, it is here. The same Chinese characer." Thus Miyuki said, "Open the page. This is me, Miyuki SATO." Explosion!

She said, in her strict mode. "Here is my photo. Look at me! The same face, I have. This is taken in summer, thus, I was in a summer dress." And they refrained from the game..."Oh, anyway, take care...You should go to KURABEISHI on the road, and then turned to your block." Their mode evidently changed, with some, "Oh...probably, we made some big mistakes...we regret on it now..." type, "we are the losers" mode they took. Freddy Marcury.

Miyuki said, "I know well. On ONNAISHI I will turn to Big Cross, passing ABUKUMA River. I pledge not to talk in any language up to the house, not to be taken as strenger. " This is for show her knowledge the way. They said, "Then, you should go back. Take care". Thus, Miyuki, returning to her Childish mode, "Oh, thank you!" And she started to walk to the house. After 10 meters walking, she "turned arround", Ow, Ow!, and found Der Commiosors were talking something, in their standing mode. She took the picture. She turned arround, Ow, Ow!, again, and she started to walk again.

Soon she confirmed the police car was going to the same dilection. She waved her hands to the car, with her kind smile, idiot like way, taking some photos, wispering so so quetly, "Vanish! DDMs!!!"

She really got frozen, thinking of the possibility of the next custody. Informant society, now is contined. Ton-Ton-Macute. From morning, they incessantly informed on me, and they came according to the information. I would be killed, if they catch me, Miyuki really got terrified. They would bring me to their boss and gain some money, and the boss would kill me, and conceal the fact, saying, "just a slight mistake. Anyway, she is mentally illed. We would do our job. She was selected to be killed."

Terrifying story. However, this is the fact. If she continued to be in the position of "Down syndrome is a factor of being killed in the period of fatus", Miyuki would be killed. She changed her mind, after her recognition, thus, she escaped to survive. And she played the role of Phillipina, Chinese, and challenged. And after they left, she felt nothing. Just, "We won." No terrifying emotion with heart drumming. Eveness, she agreed. Thus, she could survive. Now, she is pushed away from two groups. Nards and Down syndrome. For Nard, she is not wit kid type. And for Down syndrome, she is just a monky. Not we. OK, I am a pet monky, always swing in a playground.

For animals, she should suffer from it, of course. And she agreed. Thus, she is free from the danger. They got chilled the sansation that I would be killed by being strange. Being strange is right. They should not interefer into our territory of being different from others. Uniqueness. She understood how cruel it was. And recognized that "Surprise!" in the moment of birth is a kind of admiration.

In case of Alex, "How big white hands, he has! Are you all right, Alex?" Not terrifying sensation. A kind of, "Outrageously big hands, like baseball glove!"

In case of Clare, "Oh, vertical eyes, downward cheeks, red marks, flat nose, counter 8 shape nose hole!!! Too too strange, however, pretty girl. yes, balanced. however, unusual. Too too different. OK, for me. Balanced, beutiful girl. However, surprisingly..."

She is too too express the real admiration. Not emotion of "I did it!" type self satisfaction. Rather, "Am I OK? Anyway, it is beautiful...Probably OK...However..." like consideration.

I was afraid of too much Down Syndrome, Miyuki recognized. I am a kind of it. I almost killed myself!!!

They really would sell me easily, Miyuki thought. They, majority or informants' intentions. Just singing, dancing, speaking alone outside is the reason of catching in this area. As it were natural, they police men conducted. Miyuki didn't give any lecture to them at all this time, because the situation was so so serious, at the tensed moment. They would like to kill me, Miyuki really thought. For them, any stranger should be killed. Miyuki is the stranger no.1 in the village.

I am a male, who was called modern boy in all over the villege. ♫♬


 Oh, my song! Rokers would be killed in Japan. Just a strut, or gymnastic extention movement would be the reason to be killed. Alzheimer patients have no recognition ability of the importance of the life. Thus they killed the others easily.

And after, faked formality called funeral. Always just a formality needed in Japan. Promissive. Monky is a kind of honour for us all. Miyuki really feels now. And in my Piccolo mode, I could make my nose to be counter 8 mode.

Counter 8 mode is in other words, viva hands mode. like V, with two holes. Miyuki could do it. And others??? They couldn't or didn't want to do it. Reason? Too too shocking. Oh, Clare was in rage when she was born? Sorry, Clare. I failed, yes. And Miyuki's pledge, that never say Gene modified is different from us. Pledge. Gene modified for everyone, thus, difficult not to say. Not so pejorative way, to prejudice the group, if exists. Some kind of resemblance, sometimes, can compose wrong group of people. Miyuki is exculed feel, "Oh, I am safe from it", not at all. A kind of...exists this group, in really type impression. Yes, we can make any group as we like. Flat nose group, glasses wearing group, long ears group, big foot group, third eye holding group, and so one.

This morning, Miyuki recognized that Miyuki's fear on the so limited already desdained abilities group was just that of Todai related.

They stop the development on the moment of their passing exam. And for them, it would continue until the end of the life. Too too limited. Just the result of cramschool study only.

She was chilled when the rector of Kyorin Versity said to her, "You said Dean OOKAWA is stupid, however, I have another proof of his total excellence. I have heard that he was a grade A in his versity days." Bomba!!!

Oh, these old kinkiest boys categorize persons only by their standrd of versity days. 30 years ago!!! After then, they could spend indulged Alzheimer patients' life until the end.

ETE or えて is some contemptious word to express monky. エテ公 or ETE-KOU is more extreme version of this line. ETE-KOU is not for monky or ape, just for TOKYO Versity related. Repetition inlinationed monotonous days, they live in. And the expressions like, "If we teach musturbation to monkies, they do until they die." or "Monky peals the onione until vanishing." Repeating like loop mode means they forgot that it had already experienced before. Always new to them, everytime. Forever young. Meril Streep.

How many times, Youichi HIGUCHI wrote the same episode in his book, was an example. And Katsuya UGA's repeated attack in the form of text books. For them, audience should put up with their old jokes. 一発歌手 or IPPATSU-KASHU or singer with only one hit . Saki HAYAKAWA was called like that. She sang, 異邦人 or Aliens.

ちょっと来ただけの異邦人。 ♫♬ 
 Foreiners who came in a moment. ♫♫

 Why the kinkiest lady is always saying the same words to us?, was their question. Oh, they don't know the meaning? "VANISH!" is Stop existing, OK, kids? And DDMs, are you, totalitarians, who rely on only majority system, not on logical rational thinking, you stupid!

Spetting always is good to criticise this nasty totalitarian village. Life selection, since the village got born. And even now, in the most cruel way, it continued. Miyuki would be the last victim of this matter, and they decided to kill me again. Oh? They can't do it, thus they decided???

They started to shrink, Miyuki really thought. Eco-oriented system, they explained. Not because of it. They did it. It caused bent on the back, because of pain. Thus, they are so nasty to others. Always with downward eyes. They made a big mistake like impression they showed. It means that they recognized the mistake. Thus, for them, now, no choice. Thus, they decided means that betraied again. They should not do it, of course.

Miyuki really felt that for the organization, threatening is casual ceremony. Miyuki's kids were damaged so many times by way of this nasty questioning.

Miyuki remembered that her pupils claimed that they were so many times asked by the police, when they were walking or riding a bycicle. And they did again today.

Miyuki was done it in HACHIOJI, last year, before her forced hospitalization in HASEGAWA Hospital. They do it easily, desppite their illigality and unconstitutionality. For the police, anything would be OK, if they gain some target from their imformants.

Miyuki today went to northern part of Shirakawa, because in the south lake or Silver Lake side, it would be held the raind by helicopter for genocide.

They, the police, caught some information on Miyuki from others among IKKYO believers, and tried to catch herself. She were obliged to confess her private information. Always when she tried to remain it in secret, they suggested to bring her to the police or the cell. Threatening, they used, confirmed. Flamboyant idol ladies paradise, Miyuki thinks so much. And remembered that the rural arrogant bitch mentioned to her nephew HIKARU-chan. Probably, he would be it, because young police is so rare in this area.

Why three digis? was Miyuki's question. Any mark should be fine. Just copying some parts. They tried to keep Miyuki's driver's licence for them, saying some excuse. Miyuki said, "Return me it!" however, they refused to do so, at first.

Tokyo residents could not stay here? We can't travel in Japan now? Some checking system is established? Monitoring system for it? Miyuki's major is law. however, they didn't feel any fear of this matter at all. Probably, for them, they decide what is law. And they decided to run away from the site. Miyuki didn't chase them anymomore. Just said, "Vanish! DDMs!" in her smily CHIGU-Lin mode, in a cutest way. And waved her hands, like twinkle twinke little star. A girl has a baby! And the real professor of law? And graduated from Tokyo Versity? The real doctoral degree holder? That kid? That who is waving for us, smiling, so kindly????

Miyuki's impression is just, Strange for them all. Contradictional monster. Even Oydepus would not reply the question. Sphyncus is protector of Tumbs of GIZA. Miyuki just could say, "Who am I?" to others in the Big Cross, waiting for them, in the big double bed like bench, with seducing pose. Misterious strangest male/female like existance in the Big Cross. Oudypus thanked to Gods of Justice that she was not in front of her at that moment, and Sphyncus only there. With her....Disaster...He turned to be a stone statute.

They started to get sticky, after the recognition of the big error. Then, stop moving, then, vanish. Three steps needed. Recognition, or 気づき or KIZUKI in Japanese, at first. In case of Alzheimer patients, recognition should be omitted. Just sticky situation, then vanishing.

Last night, Miyuki went to the bed, at 2:00 oclock in the morning, and found that in YUKARI's chamber, in the kitchen, and in the corredor of the second floor, all lights were lit. Oh, omni-existance YUKARI's version?, Miyuki thought. And when MIYUKI went upstairs, and started to change the clothings, appearently Miyuki found that YUKARI was standing in the dead end of the corredor, or Miyuki's first chamber, in front of the door to the veranda, doing anything. Oh, she is? Why now? And soon, after slight knocking, YUKARI entered into Alex's chamber. Oh, YUKARI is allowed to do it? Probably, for ALEX, no choice at all. Always, she enters, without accordance of any of them. their rule. Inside the house, no secret should not to have. Thus, Miyuki is a target of their peeping Tom business. "What kind of wear, she does wear today?" They asked, and they, automatically, respond, attending to their requests. Dead body, in a faked living mode. No any substantial word could gain from them both. Always claiming what happened during their trouble resolving process. Clare tried to avoid the nasty result, however, they did. They informed how Miyuki wore every day. For them, informants means a kind of rightous knights. Even in the case of Miyuki, they are harsh soldiers. The nearest target would be better for them, because they are reliable saurces. For them, as always. No choice at all. For them, colaboration to the village is the supreme order. They would kill others, because of their stupidness.

Miyuki thought of the possiblity of YUKARI and her mother's calling on this matter to the police. "My sister is vanishing. Please search her. She is wearing like that. " And they yelled them to do so. Miyuki catching game, they started.

Weeds raid, every days. For them, no rule is necessary. Always they think of something, and start to the chase called Miyuki catch.

They are working for whom?, was Miyuki's answer. She would be it, thinking of the relactunce to see her body. When Miyuki came back from her one dy trip, and entered into the main house. Clare was in the kitchen, and she talked to YUKARI like existance. Then, Miyuki perceived that they stopped to talk in a body.

for them, Miyuki's catch is a kind of game, at first. And then, turned to be a disastrous fatal threatning. They did it, and Miyuki confirmed that at least Clare was alive in the kitchen. Clare tried to avoid the last resort of the big failure. For Clare, evenness would be required type happening. And for others, they should be punished by their interntion to punish Miyuki, by way of the faked police, yes. for the others, a kind of amusement. And Miyuki adopts 10 times more system, as a naming. As a fact, more than 1 million times, at least. Way of saying, "If you play the game with me, guys, your debts would be so accumulated like a mountain range of NASU. They chilled because of this uniqueness system. Each one, accoring to the weight of their own sin, they did when they were in the real world.

And Miuki avoided to talk to Clare at the moment. Anyway, I am alive now. I need to write on today's so so cold hearted experiance, in the office. Thus, she took a bunch of the keys, and picked it, and opened the office, and started to work as usual as a writer.

She ate a package of roast beef with leaves, and yogurt. She avoid to buy milk, because it causes sleeping recently. And after her taking these products, she started to take a nap, writing. She wrote yes, as you know, however, with her rowing the boat mode. Sleepy Miyuki, again. The package was bought this evening at Benimaru-Yokomachi, and yogurt, was opened this morning. She ate half, and the rest was left in the fredge.

always, especially in the back entrance of the office, it smelled Cocain. The reason, Miyuki didn't know. And always YUKARI likes to put the trash into the bin, which is located in the office, near the Alex's desk.

This morning, Miyuki put three pieces of seals, which were gained at YAMADA electric equipments shop for free. Evengelion seals, on his desk. She liked the slender legs of the protagonists. Oh, our shapes! Exist some of nards sho like this kind of shape of leggs. Why not? Miyuki put a memorundum paper with the discription, "I gaind them for free. If you like them, you can take them. " And the date and the name of writer, Miyuki and the adreesee, Alex.

They are on the desk, as she left. And Alex came to the office, however, he didn't enter into the office's desk side, and just used the toilet, and said nothing to Miyuki. Miyuki was sleeping at the desk. And she didn't think that he were impolite. Why? He has right to refuse the gifts. Evengelion is ANIME series, and Miyuki didn't know this is his hatred characters of this period. Oh, she didn't, he thought. And he ignored. Just it. OK. As he likes type happening for them both.

Anyway, Miyuki is in rage mode, for their DDMic interpretation. Any gift would be accepted, if it were given by the boss. In case of the boss's bad taste, the inferiors should be obedient to the boss's strangest inclination. Thus, when Miyuki refused the gift, a cheapish strange old man's used mini-figure put in the bag of her mother, which her mother wanted to put Miyuki's bag, saying, "I gained a gift from Clare, as her Tokyo trip's suvenior.She is so kind for me to have given this mascot called OMAMORI, in Japanese, and she chose correctly. The green colour is chosen because it represents health. She chose so exactly. yellow for money, pink for lucks. However, she chose green for health. She is so rightous. And I will put this gift on my bag. I will give you this strap for you", and she showed a strap of strange kinkiest old man's in a doll figure. Oh, terrible bad taste, she has now, Miyuki felt so strange, and sinistrous. Old guy's strap in a bag? Deus me livre! I have not such a bad taste holder. "Your kind offer was refused. No, thanks, anyway!" Miyuki refused it.

She changed, Miyuki confirmed. Terrible! Bad taste holder, she is!!! Old guy's mini-strap. And she didn't recognize that it is so ugly and vormittable. For her, some kind of mascot, probably. And for Miyuki, nasty grotesque omnous old guy's strangest nasty unpleasent strap. She liked it. This kind of figure, she is now.

This is the reason that Miyuki hated her mother's bad taste. For her, as her precious thing, "I will give you this strap. It would be fine for you to put in your bag." type, special offer to her inferior.

And Miyuki felt so sorry for her change, which had happened recently. Nasty spooky existance, anyway.

She refused!!! My kind offer was refused!!! She would be killed by her impoliteness!!! She should be killed anyway!!! At that moment, Miyuki's mother decided to kill Miyuki in the serious mode. Refusal was their hatred no.1. Thus, one refusal should be calculated for one punishment. Thus she put the midicine a bit to the stewed red beans.

Oh, mother, instead of YUKARI. Oh, she herself, with such a trifle reason. And now, she is in fury because of Miyuki's arrival. She calculated that Miyuki should be killed until today, or she and her adorable daughter would be killed. The refusal would be the reason of the death, in their muck world. Any gift would be accepted anyway.

Oh, Dona Titta's family's rule should be kept even in the case of the so so bad taste used cheapish terrible messy strap's handing? For Miyuki, it was good chance to teach her that Miyuki's taste is totally different from her mother, or she would take that Miyuki has the same bad taste, and started to give such terrible cheapish gift incessently for Miyuki, and she would require so so expensive gifts to Miyuki, instead. Thus, Miyuki refused it, and Miyuki doesn't think at all that Miyuki is impolite. PErfectly right, Miyuki thinks even now.

And they failed because of it. Gift should be appreciated in any case, and the endress should give the best qualified thing to them DDMs immediately as the return, was their religion. And Miyuki is not such a kind of kinkiest religion. Gift is gift. If you dislike, you have right to refuse, of course. For Miyuki, DDMic world is so so cruel, and out of mind.

For them, all of the present should be calculated at least at the vast amount of money. Thus, they eargerly requiered to have property. Greedy idol old bitches, they are. Why not?

For Miyuki, a slight faint is a right answer, they decided, and started to gain the subject. Thus, Clare should be in custody of her chamber, with her faked injured leg. Miyuki disliked their way of living at all. This is just an example of their philosophy. Sleepy, and faint. The medicine was easily used by them. A mixture of some chemical cobination. Materials were used by her daughter, and the provider should be her mother. And for them both, any DDMs should have right to punish any member of their own family.

Miyuki didn't know the rule at all. It was a secret rule, and only one should know the technic, in a family. Miyuki didn't want to participate in their meeting at all. At 6:00 oclock in the cold frosty morning? They wanted Miyuki to participate into their meeting. They wanted to kill others bacause they wanted to have all of the properties of the family. For them, all of others should be the providers of the richness for them both. They theymselves can't gain any money at all. In this case, others should contribute for them both.

Others, of course, refuse their kind offer to perticipate into such king of meeting, of course. Crime!!! Planning of homicide. Thus, Shirakawa lost the residents so many for these three years!!!

Miyuki's auntie said to Miyuki, "your mother is a harsh type". And Miyuki agreed at this remark. At this point, for Miyuki, it means, "yes, she is like a boot camp's leader for the newcomers. Too strict to educate them."
However, considering the situation, it means, "Your mother would kill you, remember!"

This is the reality of Shirakawa. Alzheimer ladies killed their own families according to their flamboyant greedy desire as they liked. Their symbol was the mascot, old kinkiest sly smiling messy dirty guy.
Oh, Kazuo SUZUKI? Miyuki didn't recognize him? Not at all. Terrible, bad taste strap, just it. Why abruptly her mother said to Miyuki, was Miyuki's big hit. Kinky, anyways. She is not more my mother. Just a skin bag, Miyuki felt so much.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (99)

2017-06-08 02:05:44 | 日記
And Miyuki found only one advertisement on this matter. 20 hectar's area would be poisoned. And killing Red Pine Worms is the reason of GENOCIDE of us all? Weeds killers they are! And they are Miyuki's kids!!! Blooded kids, included!! With her family names included!!! GENOCIDE!!!

Even under Idiocracy, pimps of International Law themselves said that GENOCIDE is the No.1 crime against humanity, it means that minicipality government would dare to accomplish GENOCIDE tomorrow. Declaration of Genocide by the prisoners of the lost war. And the responsible was just "Section of Turism"

Joke like GENOCIDE they projected and expressed clearly to others. And no another advertizement at all in the region. Thus, they are targetting residents also. No information at all, for us. And they predicted the damage would happen among us, and they themselves are free from the damage, and only private semi-public hospital would take care of victims, and would kill them to avoid nasty situation in the hospital.

This is the situation of Japan. Only several who knows the information is allowed to survive. Weed killing just for deastate their turistic point. For them, devastation or genocide would be dealt with Section of Turism.

Amenity is priority, and eco-system, not at all! This is DDMic choice, in the final end. Miyuki took the picture of the advertisement, and concidered that each year weeds were attacked by them, thus no man's land came.

 Nilvana, or Anihilated situation, they themselves should face to. We prefer living with weeds.

Miyuki really felt drowthy, especially after her take milk again. She put coffe, however, it induced her sleeping. They easily use poison. Chemical products, natural plants related, extract mainly. Herb, in case of natural plants they were called. And Miyuki found promissive berries on the earth.

Soon after her berry festival's advertisement, they chose to put such an advertisement, and as a training or so, helicopter or drone, appeared. Miyuki's hands came to get warm after milk drinking. It causes sleepness so much.

Near the NANKO lake, Miyuki found three advertisements' boards, which said, "Crows, don't enter!" Oh, they recognize that Crows could read the letters. Not amusing mode. In a strict way, like these. Ligible, crows are. And DDMs do know it well, thess advertisements symbolize.

how evil they are!!! Betrayers, who deserve to be killed immediately. VANISH! DDMs!!!

They are so arrogant to disturb my sight so easily. Miyuki ordered them to accomplish their work.

This morning, Miyuki smelled cocaine and heroine, here and there. Some mixed type also.

Probably the KABUKI star was killed by way of FUGU dishes. Induced by some reliable fellows and he ate and died. However, for him, at least, the cause of the death is a kind of glory. It meant he relied on this fellows, despite of the danger. Failed yes, however, at least, cool, in the way of so EDO taste. In the middle of his fame, he died, however, glory he gained, KABUKI like brilliant attention calling death, like a GUIN-CHAN's step down of Case of ATAMI homicide, by Kouhei TSUKA.

IZUMI-san said that she always fell asleep and Miyuki took that she was a hard worker. Not because of some poisoning. However, in Miyuki's case, even after adding some coffee, she feels so sleepy after taking cafe au laite.

And Mimizuna, or ear sand noise, as always. Someone was killed like that, was message. Mercure was used for kill someone. Inducing reluxed mode, and then, they killed. So so DDMic way. reliance, after, death. Dirty work, they did.

Miyuki's attitude is sly, probably. And she got to know it. And she, at least, made an effort to think differently. And found marvelous answer. The clue? Her own failure. And ADACHI wispered, think like that, and solved, and in her superb decoration. Oh, me! I pushed me into the cliff near the deep ocean, and Miyuki could see the panoramic view. Oh, good! No problem. Strange kid, I was, and as always, am. And for them, I am a kind of burden, even after lots of prizes gained by Miyuki. Promissive means inducing enemies. And in her case, the real damage was considerably small, thus, she was escaped from the disaster. Clare didn't know it, and Miyuki told, "I did it. however, changed. I checked you, Clare. If now, I would not do so. I relied on medical system so much and had prejudice a lot on challenged, especially, gene related. And probably, all of us, have some gene, different from majority, without exception. Uniquness it is called. And weakpoints and strongpoints. And for someones weakpoints turn to be others' strongpoints. In MIYUKI's case, honest confession. And leaving herself in the hands of Gods of Justice. Reliance. And she changed, yes. Genetically, probably. Because she suffered some Xrays and radiation, caused by atomic energy generators and everiday's sunshine.

Stork like vein on her gold brown hands, she watched. Oh, a kind of lizzard like creature, or monster. Oh, cool! She thought, and woke up. Lizzard, she likes so much. This spring she met some of them, however, now, they reduced. They crowl on the earth, and sunshine they took well. When they run away, they are quick, while they are warming up on the stone, so reluxed. If raid happened...Disaster...

They already put poisons several times. Miyuki remembered that the air planes used for sprinkling poisons, and the broadcasting was done by public agencies. When she was in a primary school. For her, nasty a kind of public nusance, and they got worried about their own body. "We already inhaled the particles?" they asked each other. " way..." Thus, they were matured earlier than normal, and gained short legs, probably. They didn't mention the risk at all. Always, this is necessity for us all. Public order...

Legal ground? Not at all! They decided and did it. Oh, killer bombs, they dropped already. As we, as small kids, felt the danger, and this was right rather than their choice. Damage on the earth. With poisoning. And MITSUBISHI Pulp Fiction. They faked to work to decorate this nasty messy rural town to show up with their smelly chemical poison. Too strange smell. And the result, fish vanished, and the exception was big carps. Anyway, they could put up with the smell. And after their resistance, gained robust body. Gozzilas, Miyuki got astonished. In SHIRAKAWA, more than 60cm is average size of carps. And took the pictures, and sent for us all. Big! Gozzilas fenomenum. And Miyuki thought because of radiation. No! Mitsubishi pulp fiction was the cause.

And Miyuki found the colour change among them. Grayish black guys started to be reddish. Oh, sex change? Miyuki did know that fish tribe sometimes change. Yes. Even big type, do so. Not astonishing at all. And ADACHI espects it so much. Me too. However, both is better for us all. And efficiency. I am now with hole type. Thus, it would be fine, at first, enjoying, taking advantage of this body, and then, with P. Why not???

OK, you are the boss, anyway. For flexible type, any challenge would be fine. And yes, I did, would be at least sincere. Under her so limited knowledge, she decided, and failed, and changed the mind, and found another perspective. Promissive kids were here and there. And they can be your family. OK, always with some my kids case, and some candidate of those type...anyway, mates, OK...Now, anyway, so so rare to encounter with some males...or human beings...

No mans' land. And always ego-centric, including you, Miyuki. for her, at least, necessity, she thought then, and started to learn, thinking of the third kid, and find the right answer. Marvelous! Even animals and plants would not think so vastly. Promissive, this guy is!!! And confessed, audaciously, because now, I don't feel any regret. Not because of her arrogance, but because of her choice. Past, it would be punished, yes. however, for the future, I will not. Confirmed. And her pragmatic way of thinking, in the near future, no hospital, no examination at all society would come. Thus, even someone dreams it wrongly, it can't do it. Prohibittion? No! Impossible! Unnecessarily, they obliged the same species to refrain from create new generation. Too natural to have kids for every species. However, for Japanese, in oficial scenes, not prohibittion, however, in the real society, no choice at all type strict tabboo world. In this society, all of us are a bit skewed, including Miyuki. She said, "I am a-sexual" and it meant "not popular among them" yes, however, better for her tribe, because, at least, they could escape from rapists' attacking.

For Miyuki's clear image of making love is just "Obedience to be done it" like Madoka's expression, "Putting up with the duty" or OTSUTOME-WO-SURU. A nasty expression, and Miyuki got chilled. Oh, Madoka, you can put up with it? I? Not at all!!! I prefer being single, rather being raped.

For others, some kind of romantic expression, however, for Miyuki, terrible image inducer. Why? She couldn't image any scene of her own marrige. Already when she was kid, she decided not to get married with anybody. Why I was forced to be obliged to change my name, to put into domestic tasks only world, and to put up with generation producing duty every night? I am not such a type. I am a more creative type. I prefer living liberal. Why not?

For others, too natural. And for her, strange. Always. Thus, always minority. And for her, being minority among human figures is pride, and pleasant situation. Always minority was good for her. If she was in majority's side, always failure. Thus she failed. The best university, according to the appreciation based on majority's choice, she chose. Why not? No other reliable information at all. Thus, she failed. however, at least, found the clue. Always someone wispered, "OK, Miyuki, are you OK, with it?"

At that moment of Clare's check, Miyuki was so agonized by her prejudiced opinion or fear to different figured monsters called DOWN Syndrome. Thus, she watched the boys and girls, and found some similarities. They were westerners, and flat face holders. Oh, Asians origin, Miyuki thought. Some genetical change happend among more convect type, and flat faces loved each other and the result. Flat faced kids. Asians. And some similarities like wrinkles on the head, the location of the ears, sleepy eyes, short fingers, especially the tiny baby fingers. All, she has. Oh, Western type turned to be an Asian. Prototype. The origin of Asians!!!

Gene modification, happened, along the history. And she wanted more cheerful life. Why not? She pledged revenge and pledges more and more, yes. Thus, she is here, and doing the job. And other place is better to do the revenge. Here, yes, some pledges, we should do, however, with Jasons, how should we do? Just watching, investigating, writing, meditating, feeling, as much as possible.

Regret, yes, what I did to Clare, yes. She was in danger, in a slightest way. Like, I invided her to come, and then, "You should wear this blue dress, OK? Or, you can't enter into our ball room." Debut, would be frustrated.

According to her, Miyuki should be punished at first, because she remembered at the moment of contemption. Oh, your mother did it! We didn't know it. Oh, Clare? You did know it?

And her frank confession. Oh, Clare, sorry, I did. I failed. Yes, I should not do it. I changed my mind. I failed yes. At that time...

For Clare, just dit it was enough. She should vanish now type anger. And more! She is always, "OK, however, I think..." Always however...type. And sometimes, her remarks are so persuasive. She is so ego-centric, however, now, reformed version. She knows well on the society. And she is doing a good job, compared with others. We should do our best. And devastation? She should stop it, saying, "Now, we are in danger of being killed by the raid." However, why she is so relaxed mode? Because she already has known that they did it, and vanished, in a body. The residue. Flo and To, only. Like crows represented. Only in front of us, appeared like shadows. And continues us to attack. And they wrote erroneously. 20 hectares? More than big dome! And no sign except the advertisement. And drone helicopter came today. When I was a kid, they came in a sesuna plane, and no training. Probably they mistook a date. And turist section? Why they manage such a big project under the name of tourism? For tourism, nature should be protected. When I was a kid, they did under the name of agricultural object. Not on behalf of tourism. Always, they put the name "section of Tourism". For Machinery, drone flying is a kind of tourism, yes. However, with poison? Why? Just destroy the universe!!!

Clare is superior to me, Miyuki says always. And believes that she knows well on it. And Alex? Probably better than me, however, he is training his skill yes. Considering his age, good, yes. Better than Miyuki with 16 years old. However, he is a bit different to understand the inclination. Thus, the category is different. Not superior or inferior problem. Younger generation is better in skills, yes. However, they are more conventional than I.

Too too rightous for us all. She recognized their superiority yes. however, not independent yet. Under some more care needed period. However, the care is different from that should be done for 5 years old infants. More substantial conversation would be fine, Miyuki thought. Not chatting only type. Some playing or eating or so. Lunch picnic would fine, or just walking. Not so difficult to plan. Not costive. However, it is pragmatically difficult. And they are independent at the matter of communication. They themselves should choose their chaps. Miyuki is a kind of old chap or younger kid for them. Different from same generation type. thus, after weaking the influence of DDMic wind, of course, Miyuki tries to induce them to her IGNOLANDIA, yes.

She doesn't want to change to live in the other world. IGNOLANDIA, she chose. Of course, why not? Ignorance, we experience, yes. however, prejudice, should be broken. and she recognized her own prejudice on this matter. ADACHI said, "Oh, U2!" type. I had yes, however, considering the situation, you would be right, probably. ADACHI gained the medal. She needs to recognize her own blindness, he said, and she started to try to recognize. And the result is this. Vast devastation of DDMic world, and cleaning up business. And she found that SATO is so common in these region, and almost all blocks has SATO, especially in the corners. SATO only world, OK, for me, she said. Not monopolization, just a stragegy to enhance our territory in pragmatic meaning.

Under the name of SATO, we occupy the vacant prefablic houses, and already lots of SATOs inside the field, and enhance toward the neighbours, like what they did before. And we have lots of SATOs now. Thus, prevalent majority itself. Just grow up, or some birdies already occupy and manage the vacant prefablic houses. And they can call them as Speed Swallow Miyuki SATOW, Quick Swallow SATOW and so on, and do the same job of the weeds. Easy.

They put some injections directly to the red pines, for disposing worms. Now, why they wants to do the raid with vast poisoning? Genocide, including Gens, human beings. Multiple Genocides, they declared, in their own secret way. Pearl Harbour again. Chemical attacking, like Vetnamese War! International Maritime War would be applied to them. And Central government leaves these kinkiest IDIOCRASY done by Alzheimer patients, called Jasons, as they like. It means that central government agreed to their evilest plan. The central government didn't stop the betrayal of the local government at all, and assisted it in some particular way. Thus, co-actors, they are. Thus, they should be punished at the same value. Top Valued punishment for MICCHIKU related governments all, forever, or for AEON, in Greek.

Thus, until the predicted raid hour, they all, DDMs of course, whole in one, should vanish immediately right now for AEON!!

AEON, more? NO, NO! AEON, MOU Japanese.

They prolong and prolong the end roll, and Miyuki yawned so repeatedly. How Milk functions well on me...Carcium is a cause of relux inducing yes. however, with coffee powder, I always was more active mode. Why I can't be in a sharp mind, after taking these cartons of milk called FURUSATO? Sleeping mode, anyway. Oh, Clare's sleeping mode?

Miyuki presumed that anemia is the reason of sleeping mode. Lack of iron and animal protains. Miyuki tries to eat guts food, however, only cheapish canned foods like eating style, escaping from anemia is so difficult. Milk is the best way to substitute the meat, however, now, not reliable. How should we do?

For them, OK, however, for us, anemia is fatal. We should resolve the problem.

Miyuki should clean her body in the bathroom.
Miyuki learned a lot that fatus killing is not accepted by Gods of justice. She thought that the matter was serious however, not related on dead or alive type topic. However, now she recognized that Clare was forced to be in this sleepy situation several days. Time loss, yes. Thus, she is sleepy so much. Anyway, physical training is the best way to wipe up the sleeping, beside good nutrishing.

Clare requred eveness of punishment to Miyuki, and Miyuki accepted. Thus, OK. Miyuki experienced her agnized situation, and contemptious feeling as if she were unwelcomed baby...Welcomed yes, however...

Always, yes, however...Admission is enough type Clare was right at this point. And just an evasion. Not because of it, your nose is flat, and your legs are robust. Yes, some possibility would have, however, slightest factor at this point. Main factor would be...

Too long. Don't say any more type. However, I am.... Shut up!!!

Miyuki's way of saying is a kind of laughing in the meeting. OK, at this point, yes, however...Good to apply in a certain matters, however...Chinkoro likes to fake Miyuki in the meeting.

According to her own theory, "Any rabbit tribe, even in the most excellent type like Chinkoro, his real name is Chinkoro Miyuki SATOW, namely, I, fail. For example, I...probably...near future...might be...break..." like some falure, you know, academic audince, like you, majesty...(to be continued)"

Chinkoro likes to iitate Miyuki. So so simple in mind, however, likes to play the prof like costume play especially with her jeans mode. Probably it would be a kind of crazy drunken guy, who wanted to be a versity professor, failed to enter into the versity, and worked as high school degree holder, and sometimes fakes some typical relative of him, master digree holder or so, with spet...the audience thinks, and informs, as they thinks, and bomb explodes!!! No one believes the story at all. Rabby culculated the number, however, any one believes!!! Miyuki, you are too too right!!! Appearance weighs society!!! Jeans prof doesn't exist...controled by somebody like sheep by its own prejudice. Controlled IDIOCRACY, enhanced mode. Prejudice is increasing in the society. Any opinion against the prevalent kinkiest illogical irrational way of thinking would be excluded by all of the members of the society.

See you, for us all!!! Straight coming out is enough to gain reliance. Yes, sincerity should be required. However, better than concealing jobs.


From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!! Explosive Bombs!!! With laughing!!!