Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (92)

2017-06-04 19:36:47 | 日記
04/06/2017 (Sunday, morning) Miyuki found that she took Saturday as Sunday, and today were Monday. She felt so strange, however, probably, her sense of time is changing now, thus, for her, only one day before is thought as if it had happened two days before. It doesn't mean she is crazy, but she is gaining quicker mind.

And she remembered the discription of IVONNE on the street kids in Rio de Janeiro. She got astonished, "I asked them when it happend, and their reply was "aincient age! one week earlier than now. " For her, "yesterday, it happend" was the rightous reply. however, for them, so long long ago!

When she read it, Miyuki thought, "Oh, poor boys! They are drunken or addicted by some heroine, thus for them, date is not important. So messy, their mind is!!" And sighed. they should be provided better education. They deserve to be educated. At least, they should go to school, and they turn to be a good member of our society, poor boys...

And when she recognized superiority of wild animals, Miyuki understood correctly. "Oh, they are so quick, thus, for them, many things can be considered at the same time, and so many things happen during a day on them, thus, for them, one day is equivalent so many days, long long time. Thus, they should be said that their mind is quicker than us, common people, and their way is much more better than almost all of common people. Some clues were sufficient for them to deduce what happened in Rio, in fact. Thus, they knew well. Reliable informants they were. Thus, they were killed by the squads, attacked repeatedly, under the order of the power holders, especially, the supreme power holder of the country at that time, namely, Collor, the rotten president.

Until the last one of them, we should kill them completely, or we would lose our honour, he thought, and ordered to clean up the marvellous city, Cidade Maravillosa, and called to the police to the "cleaning job".

Oh, DoDoMerda, he is!!! Total abandonment, was his predilection, and he was appearently "lindo", with handsome face, and his gesture of faked macho or faked Rumboo, Silvester Starone.

And he was an OMANKO journalist, and rich boy, who liked estravagance with his team mate, like water jet skiing, and enjoyed his Miami life, during his evacuation period for 8 years, and he turned to be a senator.

Oh, amphetamine abuser, he was and is, if he is alive, at least as muck with his superficially handsome skin bag.

And Miyuki remembered that when she entered in the graduate school at Yokyo Versity, the first remarks done by one of her colleages, when they met at first time, "Oh, your major is Brazilian law? Oh, the president of Brazil is so handsome!"

Her name was Mizuho TANAKA, and was said one of the relatives of famous medical doctor. Her major was Chek politics, especially, Havel's era. "Oh, you know his appearance? Well, a kind of handsome, however, lacks guts type. More feeble or fragile impression, I have on him. However, for me, it is marvelous that you, who are not related with any Latin American studies, know well even on the face of the actual president of Brazil. Thanks, anyway for your attention to Brazil."

And she explained that she liked Havel because he could managed the difficult situation. And Miyuki mentioned, "Chek is famous of Karel Chapec. A humorous personality holding nations, Chek people are."

In 1969, they passed "Spring of Prague" however, the military related with Russia crashed the possibility completely. They, chek nations tried to start new system, equality oriented free society. However, someone betrayed, and failed. Miyuki learned the fact when she did her tough cramstudy job, especially on world history. She had a small grossary on each relevant case or name of the history of the world, and memorized all, almost, with her training. Curiocity related mamory traning. And she could remember some important subjects in the history. She had passed almost 10 years after her cramschool study, however, some impressive facts are unforgettable, thus, she could make some conversation related on Chek, at least, when she reffered to Spring of Prague.

And TANAKA's appearance, in body and mind, resembles Akemi YUKOMURA, a harsh one, who could kill her family member in case of honour type.

Strictness, and nationalism oriented scholar, Miyuki predicted. And she fell in love with her mate called XXsuke AMIYA.

MIYUKI recognized that AMIYA's name in the regular staff of TSUDA women's college. Oh, he could find a good job here. However, she had never seen him, at all. Where is he??? At least, Miyuki talked him on a cafe, watching the impressive scene of "Yelzin took advantage of the abscence of Golvachov, on the war style cattepilar", with Yumiko NAKAGAMI, and Shigechika UNO, and three were all politicas study majored ones.

She felt lonly in law study, and at that time, political studies were more interesting rather than her mates in lega studies. Yes, she liked her own legal studies, however, the mates of legal studies had no common topics with MIYUKI. Thus, she prefered to talk with political studies pupils.

And NAKAGAMI and UNO, she got to know in the class of Ryuichi NAGAO, using Deogenes Laertios's books on Greek Philosophers. At least, better than legal studies' pupils, to make a conversation.

No choice world, thus, some boy meet girl situation here and there. Thus, for her, oh, common! Conglaturations, anyway for two! type ordinary happening, when the MEE of Mumin like Political Studies' pupil informed her the Big News in the faculty.

Miyuki wanted to compliment to him, and wanted to ask, "Oh, how about Mizuho?" not to contempt, but to warm up the old some kind of friendship. However, she couldn't meet him. She thought, "Oh, I frequent here only once per week exclusively on Friday. Thus, for him, probably, Friday is off, probably."

Only few days they appear, and soon after their class lecture, they leave the versity campus, was told so many times, by her pupils of Kyorin versity, on her colleagues. Presumably, the same kind of professor, he is.

And Shozo OOTA of Tokyo Versity confessed that "The number of the professors who like to do their scholary job is so so few, even at Tokyo Versity. Your type, who love scholary job, is so rare, in fact."

Oh, dull workers, they were!!! Jobless, however rich type, probably. Why they are rich? Because they could earn money on behalf of other's work's result. Steal Jobs!!! Apple Company?

Apple and Pen! Piko-Taro.

Pig Pen, messy and always with dust, mean amphetamine users, and Oh, Apple Computers were Political Studies majored pupils preference. For them, Marifana, Cocaine and Heroin were a kind of object of admirarion, perhaps.

NAKAGAMI liked OASYS, a rock group, because of their marifana allowence like remarks. They combined Dust of Heroin and APPLE PC, Adult Video Clip. Thus the result is Sex and Drug.

Pen Pen is used by my class mate as a real registered name, Alex said to his mate called HOSONO. For Miyuki, "Ikkyo kids like name. Any name would be put. Efemerous existance, they are!"

Too too nice to think so. Sadistic MIYUKI, she is called among them. My mother is a kind of sadist. A rightousness only type. And according to her secret mate, they are the same type. yes, sadists, double. And the plesure of Rightous Sadist really effects like dorpamine, and induces almost sexual indulged feeling. The real sadist, Miyuki, my mother turned.

Exist? for them, wonder, yes. Even the two, at first, oh...we are so called...sadists???? Oh, how good!!! Scandalous!! However, it's so difficult to stop it. Oh, another discovered pleasure!!! Oh, it estimulates my sense! Oh, how should I do!! Too too good!!! Almost like a kind of some...prohibitted special chemical medicine...Oh, oh!!!

New deiscovery for two. Dorpamine orientator, this "rightous sadistic experience". Ummm...I didn't imagine that I have such a debue as sadist in this field, over 50 years old...Ummmm....Too nice....I would like to work in this area!!!

I am a kind of bartender...night work, included. Liquor privided situation OK, and I feel it while I do work so seriously. I am inclined to do so. What is my job????

The riddle has super confusional answer. So many figures thought wrongly from her insinuation? Almost all of the human beings thought her wrongly. Oh, not only figures????

Oh, thus they should decide to be an Alzheimer patient or a human being, including MIYUKI. "What is the profession I should have in the near future? I am so promissive in every meaning. I am almost multi-talented. However, jobless, in practice. I am the professor of versity in Tokyo, Japan. Any my major is law. I have a doctoral degree holder, and the degree was given by Tokyo Versity, the best versity of Japan. I want to work almost in every field. I am so flexible. Only some special jobs I can't do at all. Just jumping boxes, and some dangerous ball games. I applied to many renoun and unknown versities in the world, and I was practically refused of all of them. I can work, and I am so good at financial sense. I try to have some jobs, icluding construction, agriculture, farm running and so on. My appearance is so nice. Good performer also. Within the limit, I can do work in any field. Withing the limit means "not against our common sense" or "without immorality". Why anyone wants to hire me, in the world??? Even now, I have received no letter, no comment, no response at all from them, nor my acquaintance. Why? I try to look for the job, by way of e-mail of NTT related company, the biggest so-called reliable company in Japan, and its blog, mainly. Why? Who knows the result, please tell me???

I have no comment received as a result of this blog. Where are my friends? They are all DDMs??? Why not???

Miyuki recoginized that some of her so called friends are just betrayers. She doesn't rely on any neighbours surrounding her. And also her families. She recognized that her two kids doesn't appear in the office at all these two days. In this office, there is only one toilet. Thus, it is impossible my kids don't use it day and night, even it is Sunday today.

YUKARI appeared, with her amphetamine powder like Pig Pen, and her father appeared just in time when she arrived the house and started to her courtyard job, a harb garden owner, now she is.

Where are they? She remembers that yesterday morning Clare showed her some, "Oh...You are here? Oh, I calculated so bad..." type facial expression. Alex was absent since yesterday.

And her father appeared this week on the moment of her leaving and arriving in the house. Too too strange coincidence.

Today, her mother, immediately after her getting up, said, "I already said that I made a mistake of the time, one hour earlier I got up and awoke you, because of it. Sorry. I said. You should forgive me, OK?", with her determined harshed way of saying. And Miyuki ignored her entirely.

Oh, you have right to express your own opinion, however, who decides is I, Dr.Miyuki SATO. I will never forgive you at all, in every bit. My ignorance means I refuse your kind offer of giving a chance to forgive her and her mates, namely, DDMs. VANISH! DDMs!!! Especially including this old bitch!!! Family DDMs, should vanish right now!!!! Immediately!!! All in a body!!!!

And even now, YUKARI did wash the clothings, unnecessarily. Last night, she did, in the middle of the mid night. And today, soon after my arrival.

This week, she came soon before my going to bed, she appeared and started to occupy the changing room, thus, I couldn't use basin to brush my teeth, although I was so sleepy. I was obliged to wait for 5 minutes or so, however, I could brush my precious teeth anyway.

And in turn, they appeared so precously. In the morning, my mother, then YUKARI, in the main room, or near the office, Miyuki met them, each per time. And in turn, in the courtyard, my father. Never two altogether. Always only one member, and they appeared incessantly, in turn. Like some system is already set among them.

And my kids, except Clare in the above case, didn't appear at all. Strange fenomenum. YUKARI is the frequent user of the toilet, relatively now.

And today, Miyuki felt burnt Elingue mashroom's smell in the kitchen and the courtyard between the office and the main house. And keen acute sense of amphetamine powder, when YUKARI passed.

Total devastation, they already did, probably. And this is their residue???

And Miyuki found that someone cut the plants in a garden like unnecessarily. And this one is the real wrondgoer, because it cut plants are in the middle of blooming. Miyuki liked a bunch of pink flowers near the corner of the school and Kojima family, and almost all of them were cut, and their dead bodies were left on the earth. The one doesn't recognize the difference between blooming floureshing period and resting period.

Miyuki wispered, 気違いに刃物 or Knife for Mad Dog. Who ordered this mad dog to cut them, handing the cutting tool???

My mother asked YUKARI to cut them. Why amphetamine abuser can be allowed to use such a dangerous tool? This week, YUKARI is a really cocaine and amphetamine addicted, and her situation is so critical. And her mother promised something with her, saying, "OK, 9:30 oclock, in just".

If YUKARI starts something in the addicted condition, she can't stop until the vanishing of the effect of the medicine. Like "Humer-Homme" written by Jali Alfred, French author. Russeling, also, Miyuki monitored one year earlier than this winter. 3 hours, in total. Incessantly.

And her washing job, also. Almost 4 hours, per day, incessantly. And her ocupation, just standing up in the kitchen, for almost 3 hours. If she starts, she can't stop, and continues for several hours, with her non-facial expression mode.

Oh, DDMic vehicles' drivers, is the same mode. Oh, amphetamine abusers can't stop by themselves on one so devided detailed job, simplest one. Just repetition. Only one, with so enthusiastic way, like sexual desire. Oh, if YUKARI starts to do it, she can't stop until the end of the effect, thus, when someone interfers her doing it, she gets upset, and lost her mind, if it exists.

3 of June, Sunday, would be D-Day, someone wispered Miyuki, and she caluculated and she decided to be destant from the house from earliest possible to latest possible. And probably, my kids ran away, recognizing the dangerous condition of YUKARI.

For her, repetition is sexual pleasure, when she uses amphetamine. She is in the mood. And she could feel so nasty after she does it. Thus, the face downward.

Ango SAKAGUSHI, Osamu DAZAI, both were famous of some drug use, killed when they were almost 60 years old. For them, a kind of luxuary, and for DDMs, necessity, in 1960s, already. In case of necessity, it is allowed to use for DDMs, and YUKARI took advantage of her faked DDMic society's membership. She got to knew according to her reliable DDMic friends, and started to use to commit suicide, at first, then, to punish others. For her, both are pleasures. Just impulse could manage her, now. Thus, amphetamine prohibbited situation causes fatal disaster among families. Explosive bomb, she is now.

however, in this case, final measure should be used. Miyuki took the first step to do so. She shall die!

Why her chamber is always lit up, even she is absent from there? And her thrifty mother says anything at all. Always YUKARI objects against her mother's remarks, and the mother accepts all of her saying, even it is so illogical and irrational. Gag comedy like conversation is done in the kitchen, like in HASEGAWA hospital, every morning.

If one of them, YUKARI or her mother gets up, the other gets up, soon, and starts this horror comedy.

And Miyuki found that some switch of the electricity control board is related with sound waving. Keen "silent" noise, Miyuki could feel, in the office. Like bee's flying sould in highest tone. Miyuki calls it "耳砂" or MIMI-ZUNA, or sand of ears.

Sandman!!! Oh, earstern european countries use it to make the kids sleep. They controled the basic needs of human beings, like TOYOTA system. And in USA, at first, it was used for domestic animals, and then, for human beings, also. Bewatched!!! Oh, Daren was advertisement company's psomissive clerk of the creative project!!!

Daren's role played by a nice guy type, with DUMBO ears, and Miyuki got astonished that he suffered from melancholy, according to catalog of famous actors in USA TV and films, borrowed by public libraries. This cheerful guy was agonized by some melancholy???

For her, good fellow type. Witches, DDMs are! Lilis, yes. Cheerful version, yes, like "Pretty Woman", however, "Leaving Las Vegas" version, negative one, is the reality of Shirakawa, including my family.

They use magic called amphetamine is the right answer.

DDMs use a bit, if they want. Thus they are arrogant, because of lask of any talent. Thus, in the final stage of IDIOCRACY, in each type, appear the female collectiveness, or, acording to M&A's rightous words, "FEMI-LEZU-OMANKO-BITCH". In Tokyo, Miyuki watched this fenomenum, and now, in Shirakawa.

And Miyuki remembered that a daughter of her neighbours in Funabashi, Chiba prefecture, deciesed in the middle of her promissive life.

MIYUKI was forced to push out from Platinum Dormitory, because of her calculation error, and started to reside in HACHIOJI.
A couple called Mr.& Mrs. ASAHINA, kindly offered their old house, flat type, a kind of terrace house for two families, with kitchen, big one room, courtyard, and an old Japanese toilet, for free!!! Miyuki lived there for almost 2 years. It was near the house of her grand mother. Thus, MIYUKI asked to use bath room and toilet, for her uncle and his wife, and her grand mother, and they all agreed Miyuki to use it, for free.

She was a graduate school student, thus, probably, they didn't require any money, considering her poverty, Miyuki thinks so.

And her grand mother wispered to Miyuki, Mr.& Mrs. ASAHINA had a daughter, and she was going to get married with her fiance. Soon before of her marrige, she died of so unusual disease. She was working for some renoun company as a clerk, and suddenly, she was diagnosed as the tragedic fatal disease, and died soon.

Too earily, she was only almost 25 years old or so, and like a drama!, in negative meaning, Miyuki really got surprised.

The couple never refered to her early death at all, however, Miyuki perceived that they thought something of the matter, and daredly kept silent, however, decided to never forget it at all in detail.

Quite couple, rich. Miyuki remembered that they had another building for apartments, when Miyuki was an infant. One of the resident was high school girl, who lived ther to go to school, because her family lived in some rural area. She had a comic 少女コミック or Comic for girls, published by Shougakkan, and she remembered some names of the writers' name or titles of their products. However, the stories were too too long for Miyuki, thus she read only some gag scenes. She remembered a title called ニクイあんちきしょう, or Goddamit guy!

Later, Miyuki got to know that this title is some expression of affection. In Japan, some strange provervs exist, like "嫌よ嫌よも好きのうち”, or If you say no, it means yes for us. Oh, terrible! Rapist's evasion!

In Japan, such kind of rapist's explanation was accepted by judiciary. Thus, sueing under the name of rape related crime means the vistim's affection for the raping guy. Terrible, however, this is their interpretation. And always Micchiku related guys won. Rapist's paradise, Japan was.

They were accustomed to buy kids in Southern Eastern countries. For them, going abroad means to go to buy kids in foreign countries. Thus, they thought that Miyuki was doing it. And caught her to give their instruction. "Not buy the kids. You are lady with two kids. You should behave like a mother. You should not make a trip to France for the sake of so called research. You should be punished severely, old bitch! Man like me with such a high status is OK to do buy kids in foreign countries, however, you lady, you should not do so! Too impolite. You should behave in lady like, OK?" Thus they prohibitted Miyuki to go to investigate Frence and Portuguese judicial systems' comparison.

They asked every week, "Do you go to make a trip abroad?" as always. Only 3 days of her absence were imagined as such kind of trip. They knew how to buy kids, Miyuki presumed by their way of asking. "Well, then, until next week, what will you do, especially during weekend?"

Is this the question, that the sychologist asked the patient of melancholy? And when Miyuki refused, they asked repeatedly, "Is it true? You pledge?" persistently. Like an investigator on sexual activities only. Kathy TAKAMINE, they are!, Miyuki really thought.

For men, any sexual dream would be realized, including death on a belly. Then, how about female DDMs? What do you want?, someone asked. And the result was this OMANKO idiocracy.

Some of DDMs, faked consumers, understand Miyuki's remarks,because they responded in some negative gesture like spetting. She tried to sing some Brazilian Music, and they responded slightly. She sang, "Bebado e Equilibrista" by Joan Gilberto, and "Sena de Sangue no Bar na Avenida Sao Joao", by Caetano Veloso.

Ney Matogrosso, Miyuki liked. Thus she said to Masato NINOMIYA, and his reply was, "You should not refer to his name in public, or you would be disliked by common Brazilians, because he is a kinkiest fellow." Oh, I should fake my inclination of liking a good voice holder to get along with some powerful lawyers????

Conceal your own inclination to any thing, and pretend to be a plain dumb, was DDMic order. And it was so nice for less qualified ones, and too too harmful for more promissive ones. Thus, as a standard of common sense, our principle, MIYUKI is highly appreciated. So nice for common people, while so nasty for DDMs. Litmus test paper, Miyuki is. Her genuine real inclination. Always minority type. Why? And she feels so equilibrada or balanced in mind, when she is in the side of minority. Strange to say, I feel so nasty, when I am in majority's side, she confessed to someone, who approached her. Anxuiety. Majoriry fail. We know well, and in fact, they fail. however, they don't recognize the loss at all!!!

Why they don't believe that we are in the period of transission from evil old system called IDIOCRACY to the rightous one? Divine Ordial, why they don't believe? Why, because they have no future with this new system. They are already dead, or brainless, already.

Shirakawa residents are all Alzheimer patients, Miyuki claimed. And in fact, they are!!! And they tried to kill her in squad, several times, and by way of big and small vehicles, also. They attacked incessantly, and they failed. Only one fail is enough to know their own value, their kinkiest religious leader declared. Thus, they started to conceal the failure. Even in case of evident failure, they deny the fact. From slightest to biggest ones, and for them, the value is the same for DDMs.

Today, someone wispered, "how should you do, if your kids were killed by the other members of their families?" Miyuki's reply is, "If they were rightous ones, they would survive. If they were DDMs, they themselves should vanish. They are already in the hands of Gods. They would be protected like as me, if they were rightous, by their own mates or Gods of Justice themseves. I am free from their matter. For me, my death or alive weighs so much."

ADACHI was shaking by Miyuki's coolishness. Like he was caught by thunder storm. And Miyuki recognized that today, it was strangely cold, even with blue sky.

Now Miyuki is sleepy. Thus, see you next time!
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!

From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (91)

2017-06-04 01:32:20 | 日記
And Miyuki remebered that Masato NINOMIYA said strange remarks, almost 10 years ago. He said, "In Brazil, there is a mechanical worker, who can operate surgery, and he gains a big success. " Oh, some of old generation of Machinery-Human figure. 人車一体, or Human Vehicle in a body.

For Miyuki, they are just old nasty kinky bitches, however, they chase Miyuki to gain some her interest. Oh, how nercistic they are!! Trash, or Muck, or Shit!!! They shall die!!!

Now YUKARI came into the office, pretending to put some trash away into the ditch, after her long long bathing time. Suddenly Miyuki felt sleepy. Why? Anphetamine effect so soon when it is a powder. Anyway, thirsty.

Pain killer, at first. Then, just for amusement. Now, only for doing it.

Today, Miyuki felt Cocaine in MEGA-STAGE,and in BENIMARU-Showamachi. And some in Shin-Shirakawa area near route 289. Always drowsy means someone put it.

And amphetamine causes some chilled feeling during the side effect. And Miyuki is so sensitive with chilling.

And Miyuki remebered that in Brasil, after April to July in 1990, Miyuki felt so cold, and slight cold like feeling for 3 month full. Why?

Miyuki is too too sensitive to amphetamine. Thus, if some particles enter into her nose, already some symptom starts. Like a german shepard like. Oh, Glogan Dog! You wanted to say, "We are always sniffing this powder incessantly. We can't put up with this situation."

Why am I so drowthy when I am in Brazil? And her reply was anemia. I need to eat more iron including foods. Only one particle would enough her to get slow in mind. Thus, if they put the max quantity of amphetamine or the similar on her, what does it mean? Just a fatal desaster!!! The universe would lose the chance to survive!!!

HASEGAWA Hospital tried to make her take maximun tablet of ablify, or the equivalent of amphetamine. They wanted to induce her to move as they liked. And failed. They felt so stinky in throat, and avoided to take it.

For them, sleeping inducing medicine, and for others, killer tablets. Always maximun, Dr.Dull or CHIGU-TOMI prescribed her. Without any explanation. He couldn't explain the effect not side effect, and declared her, "You yourself investigate it later." Oh, Doctor, you forget that this is a hospital and I have no tool at all to know it. Dr.Dull didn't recognize that the patient should be provided medical information as they want.

阿片 or AHEN, like in the last stage of 清 or Shin, in China. Thus YUKARI often appear in the office. And probably, she took a bath before her father to make him sleep in the bath. He took so long hour in the bath. Probaly he sleeps there, as she planned, however, long bath taking is not so bad, generally speaking. Warming up accelate inmune system. Thus, Miyuki prefered taking a long bath in the final turn twice per week.

YUKARI uses it her bath taking time.

Now Miyuki watched the big wheel, under the track. Probably this is the scene CHINKORO watched and he should transmit to Miyuki his image. Too big. Like a big prefablicated house itself. Like her same age girl who was taken a big wheel when she was in high school called 安積 or ASAKA girls high. Just to involve someone into the black dark box, using the wheel.

And Miyuki knows well that the structure of the smart car is a kind of toy motor car, which she had several when she had in her primary school girl. Forhead, two wheels altogether are hundled, and the motor only provides energy to move to the backward. It means that the drivers don't manage the backward whiles at all. They just follow. Not manageable at all, it means.

If they started to turn, we should take care so much. They intentionally dushes to catch us all to involve in the middle of the forward wheels and the backward ones. Defected products, from the begining.

And in the toilet of MEGA-STAGE, for women with a baby type, Miyuki found that in Japan, any product which was confirmed their safety by Ministry of Economy and Insdusty, are not free from the fatal danger of baby's dropping from the convenient bed, thus, the shops put a lot of warnings adversatisement, saying, "Don't use it."

Total contradictions they are doing even now. The existance of the equipment means, "Please use!" however, the warning says, "Don't use it, or, you will drop your precious baby into the floor or inferno. Mother, are you all right to do so? Then, you can use to get the baby to fall.Japanese government is free from any responsibilty of this licence." It means that Government is just for the Mr.Responsibles' financial sake, not for us at all.

We are obliged to pay tax for these evil wrongdoings, even now. Do, and Don't, at the same time. Which is which type, error inducing Alzheimer advertisement done by Government admiring companies here and there. Seven-Eleven holdings are one of the typical example.

Today's Miyuki's mother's confusion on time caused early starting for the festival. It means that they wanted to apple polish my mother. Probably she is not interested in such a festival at all. Nor my evil sister YUKARI the broken robot, either. For what, they do?

Miyuki should go to bed now. She is sleepy anyway.
Chinkoro understands Miyuki was far tribe, not so long time ago. Miyuki is similar to their tribe rather human beings. Just a skin bag, she is different from them all. her habit is a bit nasty to human beings, while as rabbit tribe, too too natural, and understandable.

And meat is not so bad for the tribe. Leghon, she decided. Pork also OK, and beef. Some trial meat, also OK. Rabbit meat, not at all! And she remembered that she ate mormot meat in Lima. It was called CUI, and Indian food. She tried it, however, in case of emergency, it would be eatable. however, probably, leghon use is more recomendable type experimental only food, Miyuki categorized. TOTTOKO HAMUTAROU or とっとこ ハム太郎 was broadcasted in Bogota, and her mates mentioned that HAMU-TAROU is cute, however, they feel strange when they watch him, because he is so similar to CUI, the eatable big mouse. Thus, Miyuki was so interested in eating it.

In Columbia, it happend a big case, related to her study, namely corruption of judiciary. Big news. however, when she visited Supreme Court there, they managed the situation. And when she asked on the problem, at least, their attitude was, "Oh, our boss made a big mistake again, and it was revealed by the journalits. " Again, Auntie? like some reluctant expression. At least, for Colombian journalism effect in correct way, and the lawyers acts among their limit to correct their judicial system. Anyway, we should go forward. Don't refrain from inform to others, rightous ones. We are not wrongdoers. We should prove it. We need to do it, even it is a bit audacious to us all.

Colombia was thought a bit dangerous city, Miyuki thought before she had visited the country's capital. And she walked arround the city, even in the night, alone. And found, at least, even at night, a lean oriental faced female could walk without any nasty experience. She met lots of police men with a dog, German Shepard, in the city, and in the versity campus also. And always asked, "Where is this building?" And always, "Oh, again, the fellow. She appears here and there. I met her yesterday also. Why she is always searching something? Always the first word is, "Donde?" namely "Where" in Spanish.

The most used words No.1 in foreign countries by Miyuki is, "Onde?" "Donde?" and "Where?" The weakpoint caused by her direction problem. Probably some fatal error in her fetus period. So similar to Alzheimer patient. We worried about her so so slowness to recognize the geographic localization.

however, not her failure. Her mother took it. KINOHORM. HORMON related fermacy cause some mental disease. And probably, her head is sometimes too too slow. Strikinine, was her deduction of KINO related word. A strong medicine against tropical fever. Strong KINA or the wood powder was used. And for the females at that age, it was common to use to avoid morning sick. It means that in the early period of the fetus, it should be killed. Easy way to abort the fatus. And Miyuki escaped from the death. Too early, they thought. however, Miyuki decided to come, thus came. From begining, Miyuki was a kind of lucky guy type. A kind of some exceptions of this goddamnit country called Japan. Death and life are under the hands of their kins. And Miyuki didn't know it at all. For her, absurd! Just assasin crime. For them, not at all. Even now, they think that they have right to kill others, when they felt nasty. Alzheimer patients, since they were born. For Miyuki, astonishing descovery, for DDMs, natural way of life. DDMs doesn't work, just rob the result of the working done by others.

INFERNO. And they should know the limit. Why they are so decisive on my life? They have no right at all, and the intervention on our lives are just crimes. Why they are so cruel to others? Because they are muck. M&A replied to others, and they agreed. Muck is replaceable like machinery. Thus, they are so cold to others' death.

Thus, their place is always called like North Pole. Polaris was the name of another MONOLIS, and Solaris, was the name of the film, produced by Tarcovsky. Russian and mono-crome lover. Science fiction, we all thought. however, probably, a documentary. Solar was of the sun.

原始、女性は太陽であった。平塚雷鳥。 In the earliest age of our existance, we, female was the sun, Raicho HIRATSUKA said.

Yes, they turned to be MONOLIS, cold residue of muck. Polaris, they should live, and another name of them are the same...INFERNO!!!

Even now, you should obey me. You are able to live under our permission, you stupid!!! They yell everyday like that. Even in the worst moment, for Miyuki, they were at least kind, Miyuki thought. however, not at all. They sold Miyuki to several companies. For them, why not type natural cause. They live in another space. Just a precarious pacience, however, with them, not at all!!! Miyuki is away from the house. It is a good answer, and they recognize that their period is ending. For them, crime means that only betrayal against their own rules. For them, Dr.Dull is the nicest promissive medical doctor. Not changeable at all type, the both.

For them, all OK, even Miyuki is not alive, because she is nasty and so resistents. Why they don't punish her so harsh? was their answer. And no one could correct their audacious attacking on Miyuki. Miyuki gained their hatred so concentratedly. Thus, she should be free from their idiocratic reign. However, she should do her job, at least in a part. And she does it, now. Planting some seeds for us all. Leaves!!! Eatables, as someone likes, you can pick up like easy agricultural farm. And mixtures of several plants are fine to plants growing. Her herb garden is a sample of the weeds and plants growing process. Some kind of ASAGAO-NIKKI, or journal on Petunia, which she and her mates were obliged to write when they were the first grader in the primary school.

Everytime, she finds some the real fact of plants, she started yell, "Oh, EUREKA!" Eucredes would like the way to say so. Every scholar at that age, in Greece yelled like that. Because, "I found it! I am the first discovery's honour holder!!!" type expression. Only Alkimedes said? Not at all!!! Almost all of them yelled like that. However, without any clothings, only Alkimedes did!!! Nakid, however, Miyuki was so understandable to the situation.

In Greek era, nakid was some kind of sport wear. Cheapish type. Better than non bathing Gorrilla! And with oil!!! To glease their body. Brilliant, it means. Black dark skin holder would gain the competition of the skin, at that era. however, after DDMic age, they started to turn white. Cold, and for DDMs, white skin is necessity to survive.

They like to use umbrella under the ultra-violet line. And always they use it now. Even in winter, they used. For Miyuki, cap is better. And her choice is the best. Cheapy and light, wind could enter into and from. Cool means the fever of priction is avoided situation. Friction causes heat, and for them, heating is fatal.

They decided to sell their skin bag, when they were called from Kyorin Versity. "Oh, are you two the family members of Dr.Miyuki SATO? We can provide our money to your dirty nasty job. Don't worry. It's easy and you can earn a lot. By the way, you can think of our marrige with your promissive son????"

Alex was targetted to be the nest victim. Getting married means leaving the house. Too early, Miyuki thought. However, for them two, TOUHOKU versity is the second best. Thus, they induced to get out of the house, and live with his mate in SENDAI. AKASAKA? A flamboyant girl. Total idiot DDM. And he lost any friendship with her. Bitch, she was described by him soon after.

They are just crazy old bitchs, Miyuki discovered. No more than them. And their qualification on Miyuki is the same. They live in another world. Todai related should be punished so much, because they manuplated them. Oh, thus, just I said on my mother to my father. "She is just an evil Alzheimer patient, like Tokyo Versity pimps." Thus, they got relieved. The same as Tokyo Versity related. It means "No more human beings at all!"

Already dead type. Thus, they liked to wash clothings so many times.For Miyuki, strange habit, however, cleaness would be the last value as domestic workers. For them, total abandonment of their own spirit.

Too too strange kinky lady, she is! Our first impression on her. She is suffering from Alzheimer disease, we presumed. And wispered to them both. "What is your final desire? " Youth, they both replied. Youth to repeat their shames, done at the past. For Miyuki, they are the twins, and their way was not ours at all.

Anything thrifty, was Miyuki's categorization. And now, Miyuki is thriftier than the both are. And Miyuki's way is more stylish. Naughty boy like amusement, yes. For them, stable is the most important. And for them, new is the best choice. Always replaceable from the old to the newer. YUKARI suffered from Alzheimer disease earlier than her mother, Miyuki thought. However, she learned from her mother. Always they decided by their both's will. They are the real twins. And not any more type. Vanishing, gradually. However, too too persistent. Harsh type, and everyday, they commit several big errors. Fatal sometimes. Thus, runaway is the best answer.

Tomorrow, again, their catching game starts, probably. And Miyuki felt nasty to live with them both. Why we should be obliged to be hospitalized because of them? No more!!! They should be done so.

For Miyuki's recognition, they try again, and fail again. Everyday. No power any more, they tried to persuade them both. however, they paied for it, they said. And the result. nothing. Thus, they claimed, and started to claim to the others, more stronger ones.

Today, Miyuki did comic band like mission in front of them. I can't keep away my looking from you, hugh stone. Downward song, with the roling of her fingers, she positioned her hip more under and left, and the declaration, "Vanish! DDMs! All, in a body!" in SHIKEI or 死刑, Death Penalty!!!

Thus, it's all for today! See you next time!!!
Chinkoro likes her book shelves. Anyway, good choice! he would have been scholar, probably. More square type trad wear liking type. And with boston type glasses. With the square 正ちゃん帽  or cap for the boy for the only promissive school boys are allowed to use type. With fringe, of course. Like graduation ceremony's gawn combined type. For him, a kind of black bag. Thus, it would be avoidable. "Where is my right arm? Oh there! I will kill you, DDMic cars!!!"

How high, and fear for them!!! Miyuki prefered non-vehicle world, for the sake of Chinkoro. Better. We already knew the big falure. Life is not important for the user. Just "as you like" type traffic manner, they took. Manner for what? Just for fake politeness.

Miyuki felt strange, she could remember the scene. It would be solved in the future type miscelaneous attitude done by her. And in the future, they would vanish, and the real peaceful beautiful life would come soon.

Why they came without any notice earlier?, was Miyuki's question. However, for them, Dr.Dull said so was the sufficient explanation. Miyuki said, "I will go alone" to them? Not at all. For her too too natural to leave their alone. With all staff, on her shoulders, probably. Not so much, just a bit heavy. And they came. YUKARI came! Why she, unnecessarily, came? She should avoid to meet me, because I already paid her to discommunicate from me entirely forever.

Probably, for YUKARI, already past, and she wanted to be more evil existance for us all.Monster or mad dog, she is!

See you anyway in the blog!
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so BUSU, or ugly!!!

From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!!