Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (96)

2017-06-06 19:58:09 | 日記
06/06/2017 (Tuesday, evening) Miyuki came back from her orphan like wandering arround the village. Her mother is already confirmed Alzheimer patient, like her evilest sister YUKARI. Thus, they possibly trigger the gun easily to others, namely, inform on our so trifle private preference to the faked police, and it would cause a big damage for us all. They are now in their kids days in mind, thus so childish and always "If you did nasty thing for us, we would inform you to the power holders!" mode.


 "You don't do it, you don't do it, we will inform it to our teacher!"🎶

 This is the song sung by kids, when Miyuki were in primary school. All over Japan, this is so common for kids.

Inducing, and instructing song for kids. The song was composed spontaneously, not by some kind of famous composer. And the original meaning was, "We rely on our teacher, thus, you don't do such a evil thing".

However, considering actual situation, just "You find a possble stranger, inform us, kids!" type betrayal inducing song.

Miyuki found that swallows are so amusing Miyuki's performance, and no.1 singer in their world! Anyway, amusing! And they also like carps! A kind of admiration. Oh, you are big, and you are some kins, becuase we have penguins as relatives. Look, thus our tails and clothings are alike!!! Oh, they are dating! Thus, spallows fly so low over the river! Oh, beyond the boundary of the species world, they entered in! Oh, so quick!!!

Anyway, quick! And they act, soon. Thus, the name of the ship is Swallow, probably.

And these days, many birdies have some games in their mouth. Oh, they are in the period of hervest!! Mainly, incects, they are. And Miyuki found that some berries, except stwarberries, like rusberry and blackberry, in NISHIGOU area. Thus, the berry party would be realized so soon, if DDMs were pushed away from our beautiful universe!!! VANISH! DDMs!!!

Today, she refrained from her sprinkling job a bit. Not in a mood, she thought. yesterday's nasty experiment, she remembered. Old erotic kinkiest guy attacked with electric sythe, was the scene that promissive kids were experienced before Miyuki's arrival. She got shrunk, and wanted to avoid to go the farm. "already I sprincled there, and declared our rightous legitimacy on reign and property holding, several times, thus, OK, we will wait for the result a bit." Miyuki thought.

Instead, she visited the Tunnel No.1-1, to meet our team mates, and said, "If you like to be my kids, of course, you can. You know, I can't provide financial support for you, and not good at any care giving job at all. however, if you manage these some troublesome problem, for me, OK! And if you like, of course, you can use my family name, so plain, not promissive type name, 佐藤 or Satow. It all depends on your choice. For me, any name would be fine. Just a proposal. Don't worry. I am not a kids abuser at all, at least. Just to ammuse among us, much more!!! Play the game, play the game! Freddy Mercury.

She brought a milan fried chicken with cheese. And gave only a bit of their representatives, big standing girl, and a sitting boy. The contray of HACHIOJI 加住 or Kazumi Primary School's statute.

In this KAZUMI school's courtyard, there in a big statute of standing boy with a pose of Mr.Clerk, and a sitting girl, which represents Male should be a boss, and Female should obey the boss male. "This is public school. Why this school is not accused by the sexual prejudice?, was Miyuki's question.

She had an ex-pupil who graduated from this primary school, and he was not so interested in the matter. However, when Miyuki refered to the big frog stature, he said that he did know well.

Male should order, while femal should obey. Too too symbolic, and nasty. The parents of the kids don't claim on it at all?, Miyuki got in wonder.

Always some message on this type. Psychological oppression on both sex. And this world is not grounded on these oder-obedience relationship. Too too feudalistic. This is Japanese society.

In witch country I am living? Miyuki felt so nasty, reflecting on her mother and sister's kinkiest behaviour. They respond only by impulse, Miyuki got to recognize it, and they are brought up according to this principle. They are even now believe this old religion. When Miyuki was a kid, already it was a dead one. However, they move under this understanding. And when they are accused by others because of their failure, they themselves are incapable, and they trigger to others, easily.

And she thought on OZON story, Warming problem, and North Pole. And understood, that OZON should be incleased by the enhanced leaves of plants. On the contrary, DDMs started to devastate forests. And they were confirmed that intellectually desqualified in the end. For them, just devastation just for their jealousy was enough to legitimate the wrongdoing. Jealousy is for the key of understand their evilness.

And Miyuki did know well how evil and jealous at the day before the death of her dearest Rabby her mother was.   
Miyuki's mother started to attack her husband because of betrayal, on the day. According to her, he had a dinner with his female friend called 藤田 or Fujita or so, in a restaurant near Silver Lake or NANKO called Don Quejote.

And she started to accuse him harshly, and he, started to get upset so much, and he fainted, suddenly, and vomited. Miyuki got astonished, and her mother said to him, lying on the kitchen, "You deserve to do so."

For Miyuki's understanding, he got in rage, thus, it caused his fainting and vomitting symtom. Then, her mother concealed all of the knifes from the kitchen, saying, "We should take care so much, because he would attack us. Anyway, we should run away from this evil house."

And the mother forced Miyuki and YUKARI to prepare for leaving from the house, and took a taxi, and ran away to the house of Miyuki's auntie and her mother's younger sister. And they passed one night there, and the next day, Miyuki came back to the house, and found that Rabby was dead.

Surprised, and so shocked. Only one night trip caused his death. Because of lack of feeding, Miyuki thought at that time, and appologized to him, saying, "Sorry, Rabby, Sorry, Rabby, Sorry, Sorry...So young, and healthy you are. Thus, only a trip would not cause any harm to you. Sorry, Rabby." And she started to her job. "I don't want to forget you, Rabby, my mate. You are so beautiful. Even with your dead body, I feel that your are my mate. I want to thank to you, for your coexistance with me, and I can't put up with this loss...Rabby, my Rabby, my special friend...I...I want to draw a picture of your dead body...You are so promissive. Wild type. Like me. We are so similar. " And she copied his dead body, sketching him, and put the name on the picture...死にウサギ or SHINI-USAGUI, or Dead Rabbit.

My friend diceased suddenly. How should I do? Sorry, I can't do any play with you, Rabby, however, I just want to thank for your appearance during my difficult days. You are my real mate. My Rabby, wild rabbit like domestic animal. Too too rare, and I love you, Rabby.

Miyuki didn't know the real reason of his death. And he berried him, alone. He liked かえるっ葉、or KAERUPPA, or Flog Leaf, or OOBAKO, and HAKOBE, and clover...

Miyuki remembered that his father liked rabbit tribe so much. And Miyuki, recently, asked on HAKOBE,to him, saying, "Do you know HAKOBE tastes AMMONIUM. Probably it include this chemical essence. ", after her tasting of the leave. For the first time she ate this species, and she was in the mood to look more unusual salada's ingredients. And found it. And his reply was, "You ate it? Who eats such a weed?!" And Miyuki's reply is, "Rabbit." And he responded, "Rabbit can't eat HAKOBE."

Oh, he forgot these days, Miyuki sighed. Aging, probably. He forgot he himself had guided Miyuki to feed Rabby with these weeds, saying, "HAKOBE is one of rabbit's favorite."

Oh, U2?!, like dissapointment, Miyuki experienced.

Returning to the day of death of Rabby, Miyuki was left in the house, and her mother and YUKARI stayed in Miyuki's Auntie's house for one month.

One month, Miyuki passed with him, without Rabby. Lonly, yes. However, without Rabby's disaster, not so messy life at all. She felt any loss of her mother nor of her sister at all. Anyway, for her, normal days. Without them, more quiet, and no any nasty claiming at all. Miyuki was not so interested in domestic tasks at all. And she didn't contribute to any domestic tasks, almost. For her, not at all, my days are playing with her mates, going to school, designing, doing craftwork, reading, writing, illustrating, watching TV and so one, like impression. Why not? As a matter of fact, she disliked females.

According to her understanding, she, and her mates, are kind of males. And Rabby was male, she thought, indifferent from his penis holding or not. As a matter of fact, she didn't know Rabby had it in reality. And he is male, she thought without question. Thus he is male.

For her understanding, females are different creature. nasty, flamboyant, irrational strange existance. Suddenly, they start to accuse without any reason. She was accostomed to be blamed by YUKARI so many times, and she disliked this non rational sister. And her mother was also irrational, also.

Rabby is not alive anymore. It was a big loss for her. The rest, just a trifle dispute among the family. Rabby's death is so important for her.

Probably, my mother asked squad at that time to kill us all. Rabby was killed by the medicine. he was sensitive. And she proved the effect on Rabby, and then, she put on her husband. Thus, he fainted. Miyuki remembered her way of saying, "You deserve to be so". So cold, without any facial expression.

As a matter of fact, Miyuki didn't know what happened on her parents. And for her, this is not important at all. It caused Rabby's death. Thus, Rabby, sorry, we are so egoistic, like appology to him.

"I could kill you" was her message. YUKARI said one day to Miyuki, "When a guy kills an animal intentionally, it means it would kill human beings also."

Probably, at that time, cat was cut and left in cruel way, and the journalists informed on the problem, and her explanation was on the above.

And Miyuki thought, "Probably at this point, it would be the fact. "

And now, Miyuki really thought that her mother killed Rabby at first, thus tried to kill her husband, and failed, thus, she got afraid of being killed by him, by knives or so, and ran away from the house, and stayed in her evacuation place for one month with YUKARI.

It means that she chose YUKARI as her team mate. Miyuki? She would be killed by someone with him. This nasty kinky strange girl like boy like just point-getter type eloquent creature. She is always pretending to be superior to her mother, me, Harumi SATO.

My mother wanted to be a widow, and if she could, wanted to get married with more richer guys. It was a good chance to get rid of this messy terrible rural town called villege. I want to live in Tokyo. I have yet some chance to get married with other guy. I want to reset my life. Anyway, this rural town is not suitable for me at all!!!

Thus, she found a clue to accuse him, and did it. And the result? Rabby died, yes. Disaster for us all. However, at least, we two, my father and I survived.

Sofie's choice, she did. And just Miyuki didn't know the fact. He was hatred No.1 of her mother!!!

YUKARI is always good for her. This morning, Miyuki got astonished. YUKARI did something, and her mother, started to praise her because of her creativity or invention or some survice, in her own so exaggarated way. In front of YUKARI, her mother is really apple polisher of YUKARI.

A kind of theatrical play? Miyuki thought repeatedly. YUKARI is less than zero, objectively. however, her mother relies on YUKARI so much, and alwasy her mother believes YUKARI's groundless accusation on others. Oh, Ms.Responsibles and the nurses in HASEGAWA Hospital, Miyuki thought in deep sigh.

Yeah, the same as faked shopkeepers in supermarkets in Shirakawa. Irrational, and always forget which role they play.

Miyuki bought yogurt and a package of two Alfafors for her late lunch. She paid in the self cashing machine, and she received the receipt, and on the vision, appeared the discription, "wait a minute. the cashing matter responsible will come to help you." ???, Miyuki thought. I have already paid, and the proof is the receipt. Why the clerk would come?

She ignored the description, and an old female clerk dashed to her machinery, and said, "Oh, sorry, I should change the roll of paper for the receipt. The last roll ended up like this." Miyuki blew her nose, and spet, saying, "Your job. I have no obligation to wait for your job. Why the machine and this old bitch disturbed me unnecessarily, appologying superficially? I did pay, I gained the proof and the products. Why they did such a cheapish trapping job? Because they wanted to catch Miyuki with some reason, anyway. Irrational, also OK. Reason? No needed. Just catch her! It would kill her, and killing her is our job in common, they think presumably."

yes. Miyuki's mother is in the mood means that they should obey her. Her mother is harsh type, and she could kill others. Her mother and YUKARI are Jasons. They can't stop their intention to attack MIYUKI ever. For the both Alzheimer idiots, MIYUKI should be punished in any way. This is their last desire.

Miyuki recognized that this morning also they cut the twiggs unnecessarily. Everyday, they cut them. Why they repeat the movement? Just they are in the mood.

yes, they need to move from their house. They are desqualified as human beings, like other DDMs. We can kill you type, we could say so. Coexistance? Not at all! We prefer die rather living like her. how shameless! Thus, they should vanish!!!

They just dislike Miyuki's way of life. She is autrageously wild. For us, more feminin type, her way is so rough, thus, we can't put up with such an impoliteness. Thus, we choose to be killed, they responded already.

And confusion. Alzheimer like one. They thought that Miyuki had recognized to be killed!!!! Replacement again and again. For Miyuki, astonishing, however, now, considering these situations, understandable. They pledge, and then, they forget, and start to think on their own benefit. Thus, repeating attacking.

Almost all of the population were killed like that. They are just some examples. They wanted to be killed, and they changed their mind, and they were thrifty also. Thus, replacement. Any of the family would be the replacement. Thus, they attack the most possble one as their replacement.

We have guts to do so. Thus, who doesn't do so means chicken. The feeble one should be attacked. We are stronger than Miyuki, because we are always two, and she is lean and alone. Attackable.

Harsh, because they can kill anyone. And the government induced them to do so. Only for Miyuki catching game, this bad taste nightmare for us all, this goddamnit country called JAPAN sank completely. Already dead, Miyuki says as always, as Godhand HOKUTO. However, they attack and attack everyday.

Jasons, they are. And everywhere they appear. Today, at least three figures tried to force MIYUKI to say hello to them. Why? For them, politeness is the superb value. Killing is suicide, a kind of crime. however, for them, politeness only effects. And for Miyuki's understanding, they are so impolite. They should be punished because of your impoliteness. Who is the superb degree holder in Japan? Miyuki is one of them, too rare one, yes. And in this region, only she. It means who should obey is they, not MIYUKI. Alzheimer disease is not the reason of evasion. They shall die!!!

Only one DDM can destroy our beusiful universe. They are the most cruel evilest ones. Impulse related jealousy is the reason of push the button of the master devastation of the whole universe. Thus they should vanish immediately entirely forever!!!

We are planning a lot of amusements for the end of the DDMic idiocracy. Only the existance of DDMs disturves our pleasure. Without them, we are able to enjoy perfectly satisfying life. We should kill them, until the last ones. They should vanish!!!

They are extra-terrestre or aliens, yes. They sold their own spirits already, and muck now. Just a sking bag broblem. No any same personality at all. They changed means they already were killed or sold their own spirit.

They are all cold hearted. No need to pay attention to their yell at all. Ignorance is the perfect manner to them all. No thanks, the best way.

Just a politeness means I will kill you when I think you are impolite. Thus, Miyuki yells, "you should vanish because of your impoliteness. Betrayers, you are!!! Impolite. You passed in front of me! How impolite! You appeared with such a nasty messy appearance! how impolite! You should be killed now! Impolite, you all are! DDMs, you should vanish, immediately, because of your own impoliteness!!!"

I rent a chamber to her, however, she is so impolite to her. She deserves to be killed. She talked with YUKARI and decided to kill MIYUKI. "Are you OK? I will attack you her at 9:30 in the morning. You should prepare for it. She would resist probably. Thus, she should be shot by the police. The gun is necessity for us all. Thus, gun shop is necessary for us all. We should protect us each other. And Miyuki doesn't have a gun. Thus, we should shoot her nwo, before she gains a gun. Bung!!!!

For them, 666 is happy number. Thus, they prepared the catching game for this D-Day. 6 of june, at 6 oclock in the morning. And they started to work earlier than this time. However, Miyuki got up just at the time, and started to her writing job. Then they changed their mind. Also at 6:00 in the evening, they started to prepare again. And Miyuki disliked their hush hush mode. Like, "I want to do it immediaty! Why these kinkiest ladies order us to do the job at the moment of being in the mood? I just want to do it. Doing it is not killing her at all! Just doing it. No killing matter at all!!!

Eros & Tanatus. Alway inpulse oriented type means Alzheimer patients. They use heroin yes. For them, it is allowed to protect them, feeble ones. Weaker than males, thus, females should protect their weaker body.

And laughing game would be for us, yes. And they want to imitate our way. Thus, recently, just laughing, when Miyuki approaches, without any reason to laugh. Just faking is enough world's residents, they are. Thus, MATSUKO's program is broadcasted. No any laughing conduct at all. And they like to transmitted their sympathy among them.

Miyuki is really sleepy now.
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ungly BUSUs, all of you, without ecxeption.

See you next morning, for us all!!! We should protect our beautiful universe.
From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (95)

2017-06-06 07:15:14 | 日記
06/06/2017 (Tuesday, morning) It is beautiful Tuesday. I woke up at 5:00, and immediately YUKARI started to get away from her chamber, and went to the office, and to occupy the kitchen. Soon, my mother got up, and went to the kitchen, and the meeting started.

Miyuki got up at 6:00, and started her Chichenerella job, sprinkled water to her dearest friends, harb and fruits gardens. And found some special abilities of them. And the harbs responded Miyuki with smell! Oh, like a essencial oil's flavour, some mixtures of them, and Miyuki felt so cheered up! Yelling from them!!!

And the harbes absorbed more than other plants. Their terracotta pot was dried up, and others were semi-dried up! They need plenty of water!! Thus, their shapes are so similar of the water grass, sold as the friends of gold fish. Oh, fennel is the most aproximate of this weed like water grass. They are relatives!!! Long stork with tiny thin leaves like cider's ones. Oh, Cider Tree is also good flavour provider!!! Probably, they are kins!! Tree type and grass type!!! Both flavoury speacies, they are!!! Tiny nail like leaves are represeinting the distinct, a bit acute, however pleasant, smell of these species!! Oh, pine trees, also!!!

Oh, they are connected! Thus, they have good smells!!! In the woods of neil like leaf trees, we feel so good, reluxed and refreshed. And they are "ever green trees", it means, even in winter, their leaves are green. Probably, dried air is disliked by them, however, at the same time, up to some point, they are eudurable despite of coldness. Oh, thus they came to me!!! They can put up with the coldness caused by DDMs' wrongdoings, and broader leaf type are more sensitive to the matter. Thus, Basil gets yellow, and not so fine, although they are OK to survive, with fainted face. Anemia, they suffer from, in metapholic meaning. Not a serious disease, however, after long suffering, they weaken so much...Feebleness, they would gain, if they were not treated rightously.

Probably, they are likely to suffer some hormone inducing attacking. Thus, under the wifi using situation, for them, it is too hard to live. They are escaping from death, anyway type, like MIYUKI.

Oh, they used waves, electric and sound ones, and caused early maturity. And Animal Farm abused it. Shirakawa 's animal farm was one of the pilot farm for the experiment. Too grow up animals accoring to their evil object. Accelator. They wanted to grow up them soon, and to give a birth to the next generation, as early as possible.

They controled body watch inside our brain, and existed and exist some counter effect. Slowness was caused by the same wave. They affect individually, thus, slow learner gets slower, while early leaner gets mature earlier than usual.

Miyuki's case is a bit different. Miyuki's brain gets quicker with these waves. Sharper, exactly. And the body, as she asked to Gods of the universe, slower she grows. Thus, despite of her many glorious performance, her legs are so short even now. OK, going on my way is the best policy. Someday, I will have beautiful legs. Not so soon. OK. The life is like that...

And individualism causes great difference among Fauna & Flora. In short, for rightous ones, their strongpoints develop, while evil ones, weakpoints enhance. Each one should choose to protect themselves, was the order of Gods of Justice, in this moment of divine ordial.

Thus, DDMs protect with their indulgence and threatning. This is the mark of them. Any confusional marks here and there, however, the common characters are these ones. And they came from inferiority complex. Protection means attacking to superiors even with usage of unfair measures. Attack your superiors, is actual catch copy of DDMs in common. Obedience was forgotten already. Religion? What is it? Forgetfulness strengthens their evilest cruelity. Alzheimer disease is their strongpoint, according to their interpretation. I am free from any accusation, and I always can accuse you all, without any fear. This is their mental condition.

怖くない、あああん、怖くない! あなたとだったら、何でもできる! 山口 百恵。

 No fear at all, A-Haaaan! With you, I can do every thing. By Momoe YAMAGUCHI.

Probably the three idols at that age, this Momoe, 森昌子 or Masako MORI, and 桜田淳子 or Junko SAKURADA got married with the same religious leader called Moon Seng Ming. Thus, these so plain, not good at nothing type girls were so popular in Japan at that type. Miyuki, IZUMI-san and MAKIKO had no interest at all in these three so called "idols". Why these not so pretty type are so popular? was their common question. Now the reason revealed. Oh, they are all OPPABU-BABAAs. Just it.

And the leader's favorite is the last one, Oh, Junko! Tsuyoshi NAGABUCHI.

She entered into the religion, and it was advertised openly, and she got married soon with her faked husband, and gained a baby. Faked, was also declared in public. "My heart and body are all for him, our leader Moon." Moony sisters, they are!!!

And they are rather BUSU, compared with averege girls in Japan. Non promissive type. Just they sold their body and spirit. It was enough to be idols.

And Bitch type was needed. This is 松田 聖子 or Seiko MATSUDA.

And Miyuki felt so drowsy now. She was put some heroine like illegal medicine by her mother or sister. Abused yes. And they want to catch her, and they want to attack her when she is in the office, sleeping.

Thus, Miyuki should leave here now. See you next time!

They are all mad dogs now!!! All my supporters, please protect us all, expecially Miyuki! This poor cute girl in the world!!! Smuck!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!! They are so BUSUs!!!!

From Quartet MARC, with big LOVE!!!