Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (127)

2017-06-25 19:19:21 | 日記
25/06/2017 (Sunday, evening)

first, see the news:

mail providing company, Google, as natural cause, did and does peep all the emails of the clients. The company thought that peeping is allowed socially, especially in case of business use. Alzheimer satanic company no.1, actually!!!

They admit this categorization, with their own robust pride. No shame fot satans. They can't recognize the difference between wrong and rightousness. Satanic character. Thus they eanrned a lot.
In Inferno, only money works, in Japanese famous proverb says so. Miyukis version is, "Infernal Satans work for Greediness." or 地獄の沙汰も金次第 or JUGOKU-NO-SATA-MO-KANE-SHIDAI.

SATANs mistook that SATOW family were their kins. Deep sighs. Miyuki explained, "At least, I am a kind of devils, not Satan, at all. A Demonion, a cute little devil, not satan, at all. Yes, I am sadist, like Satans, however, my sadism only works against satans, not for us, at all!!! You, satans, are sadists, yes. And you should continue to do your satanic sadistic work only among you, satans!!! Thus, you can torture you, yourselves, and kind dr.Miyuki Satow, assists your sadistic work, because I need to gain my bread, at the same time, I should enjoy my life, including my sexual pleasure, thus, I accept the offer to be sadistic to you, satans. I am too too kind enough to you, satans, OK? I am superb existance, compared with you, OK? I am cute little dimonion, who accepted the mission of devastate you satans all, OK? I am so so kind even to you, satans, OK? Usually, dimonions don't communicate with you, satans, because dimons are so clever and quick. However, Miyuki should work for us all, because of her last category as a cute pretty dimonion, OK? Business, she is doing, not just a trifle hobby, like aroma-therapy, Hawaian dancing, or ORIGAMI, OK, old bugs!!! Miyuki the cute devil, should destroy you all, you, satans, OK? This is war, between rightousness and wrongness. And Dr.Miyuki SATOW, despite of her total inclination of failing in every ocasion, parcipated into the team of rightousness, and gained a lot of successes, you know, satans. She is not your kin, at all!!! You should know the fact. ENEMY, she is enemy. Not your friend, nor kin, OK, satans!!!!"

Miyuki yelled so many times, however, they chased her, even now. Deep sighs. Why they can't recognize the difference between enemy and friends???? Because they are all Alzheimer satans.... More deepler sighs, almost near pooh... OMANKO KUSAI!!! NAKAYOSHI! not at all!!!! We hate you, satans!!!!

NAKAYOSHI, was used in Tokyo Bay Detention, as the word of complement. What does it mean? Bianca, the 814 asked Miyuki. Probably, the name of the comic only for girls, or some "we love you, guys!" like remark, and Bianca said, "In phillipines, NAKA-YOSHI is just SEX!!!"
The same origin, probably. Getting along with means we have possibility to do it. NAKAYOSHI!!!!

NAKAYOSHI, Friends, Ribbon, Chiao. These lines of girly comic magazines were producers of DDMic life. They influenced lot on Japanese girls, in their earily age, and tried to teach them DDMic world.

Miyuki disliked the world, because always the dirtiest ugly bitch, short and plump, gains the most popular boy in the class.

DOJI DE NOROMANA KAME DESUGA. ドジでのろまな亀ですが。"I am a kind of erroneous turtle, slow in moving". Chiemi HORI.

Stewardess Story. Mieko YOSHIMURA liked to imitate the protagonists. She hated the HORI, because ugly bitch type.

Mieko is a cleverest guy in our grade, among Platinum Tribe, in 1981. She entered into Liberal Arts I, the best of this field. She is a kind of sadistic type. No for us all. Even slow Miyuki didn't suffer any torture from her.

Her target was the ugly bitch, who stole the richness from the rightous guys like us all. Mieko's mother died earlier than we calculated, and we all felt sorry, because she was a single mother's kid. She lost her father in her infancy, and her mother, only when she was in her late 20s, diceased. Too too unhappy...Not so unhealthy family. She turned to be an orphan, earlier than we all. Why, she????

She has a younger sister, and Mieko almost never told on her. She is a DDM??? She did it???

Miyuki's case is similar to hers. DDMis sister, younger type, Alzheimer like syphilis. Mad dog situation now. Anyone should be refraining from her. The same period, they, the younger sisters, YUKARI and Mieko's sister, suffered from the syphilis, probably. Late 1980s, and early 1990s.

Bubble era, yes. They smoked, marifana, and they did it, among the hallusion. Feeling good, they yelled, and they tried, and went superb. Doing it easily with others...

Ugly bitch type. No one expects anything to them type. However, they liked to do it, and because of their inferiority complex, they didn't do it. Thus, with the assistance of marifana, they could do it.

For Miyuki's astonishing, this morning, at 5:00, Miyuki's mother started to move in the mechanical mode, like a russeling job. Oh, she is doing it, despite of her 78 years old??? Miyuki felt strange. And she stopped after 15 minutes, and got up, and went downstairs.

Miyuki was listing to the supposed conversation between YUKARI and her mother. However, no conversation at all. YUKARI was not in the kitchen. And after 40 minutes, her mother went upstairs with her messy foods in a tray, and opened the window, despite of Miyuki's lying on the bed, at 6:30 in the morning. OK, I will get up, earlier than usuall. And I will inform that you did it, and got me up like this.

Probably, for her, punishing Miyuki means a kind of purification of her own sin like doing it. Thus, satans do sacrifice. They do wrong, and instead of them all, they punished us all. Victims are sacrifices, for their ritual of purification. Thus, cleaning job, they prefered after their punishable behaviours.

Cleaning the kitchen means I did pea here. For them, the kitchen is toilet now. Thus, they pushed away Miyuki from the kitchen. Only between them both, it worked. Thus, we need to purify the kitchen all. Your job, OK? They replaced the kitchen as their toilet. Thus, they targetted Miyuki to eat in the kitchen.

Today, Miyuki was too too slow to move, because her feets had some wounded spots. Oydepus, Miyuki made a fool of herself. He liked to resolve the riddles, like us all. Miyuki's another strongpoint is, she can't give up until she resolves the riddle. Thus, she found a lot of hypotheses, and gained a lot of prize. Even Alex started to respect Miyuki. A kinky guy, always walking arround the rural village called Shirakawa, taking the pictures, so many times.

Alex asked Miyuki, "What are you doing everyday?" Miyuki responded, in short. "Job". Alex asked, "What is your job?" Miyuki's reply was, "Law related job." Alex asked, "You sifted from your previous one?" Miyuki's reply was, "I had already did this job. Now, I enhanced the territory. Not changedd." And Alex recognized that Miyuki never changes. Always the same attitude to him. Didn't say any concrete profession or place to work. Alex asked, "Where are you working", and Miyuki kept silence. Miyuki felt that it were similar to her mother's peeping curiosity. Thus refused to reply it. And he said, "You were seen near our school, when you were taking pictures beside the bus stop." Thus, his mates do who is Miyuki, and how she wears. Miyuki is famous among them, probably.

What is your mother's job?, Probably Alex was asked by his mates. And he will be obliged to respond. Thus, now, he can respond like that, "Some law related job. She is a kind of researcher in the field of fundamental rights. She always does the same job. She needs to work anyway." Thus, Miyuki would gain a big success. Honesty. Even to enemy. No lie at all. In case of her suspition of unreliability, she kept silent. Just it. Enough. Alex was afraid to be said, "Not your matter, stupid!!!"

Miyuki is always cool, and even to her family, she keeps her own secret. She is working anyway. And gains some money, sufficient to sustain her. In case of necessity, they ask her some money. Depends of the necessity. Objective necessity. Your salary is how much???

Alex should confess that he gained so so bit. Just a messy unnurtrishous foods, as feeding. They treated like that, "We paid a lot for you two, thus, you should pay now at once. And you have a rich mother, thus, she should pay for us two all."

Ignore the declaration of these kinky Alzheimer old bitches. They are incapables. No effective legal act they can do now. Just ignore. Nasty, however, ignorance at all. Or, they try to attack you both, arrogantly. Alzheimer bitches. Your grand mother did it early in the morning. With 78 years old. And started to torture Miyuki. Too too early for her to get up, because she went to bed so late last night.

Thus, she needed to take a rest in every place in the village, and finally, in front of RISAIAN, in NAKAMACHI area, sat on a bench, and, without knowing, started to sleep a bit. Sleeping outside with a bag with a wallet is so dangerous, yes. However, what should I do? No place to sleep well. Just confirming her mother's doing it, Miyuki was forced to sleep in her mother's chamber????

For her, YUKARI forgot that now she were playing the role of her mother. They are replaceable, thus, only one would survive, they declared, and they did combination. And this morning, YUKARI appeared in her mother's chamber, and YUKARI is always in mood of doing it, and started to do it, and found that she made a big mistake. With her mother's skin bag, in her chamber, she did it, and Miyuki recognized it. Miyuki put her hands from the bed clothings, and showed that Miyuki was awake already.

YUKARI stopped anyway doing it, and in a confusion, went downstairs, and made her own mishmash foods. Today, the smell of breakfast was different. Always, white rice, a fermented soybeans, and a cup of green tea. And her mother ate with some sticky nasty sound, with her big teeth like a horse. クちゃくちゃくちゃ. Kucha-Kucha-Kucha.

Miyuki disliked the sound. Alzheimer sound, Miyuki thought. And disliked the figure who produced the sound.

This morning, the guy in her mother's skin bag, made some dirty smell and diry different sound. Dirty smell was like some stewed soybean sauce type. And the sound, more crispy one. Anyway, dirty.

And the guy opened the door. Usually, only after 8:00 or Miyuki's rising up, she was accustomed to open. Today, as if Miyuki were not existing, this guy opened it, before 7:00. Unnusuall!!!

YUKARI's inner world and inclination combined with her mother's skin bag, actually. Thus, she is so harsh to others.

Miyuki bought Gooseberry yesterday, at the cost of US$1 per package, and made a soaked in salty water dish, to appereciate the taste when she had done when she was an infant.

In YAMAGATA-YA, a PAPA & MAMA store nearest her house, it was sold at US$0.2, however, the quantity was almost 5 times less. Thus, almost the same price of that age. In late 1960s. The same flavour. Just to cherish the mouth, and refreshment. TONCHAN also bought the package.

They remembered the way to take poisoneus chemical particles inside the green fruits. Just sork in a salty water.

For them both, YUKARI and her mother, green fruits mean suicide food????

Miyuki never would think of suicide at all! She wrote it to TAKAHARA or, namely, the boss of the satans at that time, so so clearly. Oh, TAKAHARA, you forgot it??? Oh, Alzheimer confirmed again. 1000% bravity! Hay-Say-Jump!

Miyuki sang this song called 100% full of bravity in front of her ex-pupils. Anyway, yell song, and the zone of the voice is convenient for her. And also in front of her ex-colleague of Kyorin Versity. and Shimpou, who was the day's presentator, made laugh of her, because she yelled during the song, "yeah, yeah!"

For Miyuki, without yell, the song didn't exist. However, for them, yelling is a kind of a trifle. Why they praised each other's singing ability, and only Miyuki was criticised by yelling???

Miyuki had not had any KARAOKE going habit at all. Before Alex liked KARAOKE, only 6 times in total, she had wented to KARAOKE. For others, too too common habit. "Anyway, I have no time to go there. " and she did know that in Japan, existed that the habit of KARAOKE for it own, or HITORI-KARAOKE, or 一人カラオケ.

Oh, figures sing lonely in the dark chamber? For Miyuki, KARAOKE is at least for two or more. Only one? I sing alone. Why I need to pay to do ony one KARAOKE???

Now, they put easily the medicine on any food of their family members. For them, killing all of the family is a kind of sacred mission. And for the others, nightmare.

Alex should fight against them both, even now. Sunday one only KARAOKE, was his favorite. And he loves to do it. As you like. Take care of your life and body and soul and money. They are preparing always to steal them all.

Sometimes, they vanished. yes. Today, Miyuki watched several guys vanished immediately. She turned arround and they were already transparent or namely, pooh.

They both are in the mode of sleeping forever. Prolonged so much. Persistence was their character. NATTO eating for it????

Oh, in the staff rooms in Kyorin versity in Hachioji, in case of Faculty of Foreign Language, EDO was the practitioner of this habit, while, in case of social sciences, ODA, the new professor in 2015.

He, ODA, graduated from faculty of technology of Tokyo Versity, and worked for Japan Bank, in the AKITA department, in AKITA prefecture, and in April, 2015, he came, and Dean OOKAWA positioned him as professor. The banker, in the third category turned into the professor, without passing any lecture nor associate professor's day, while Miyuki, after she got hired in 2003, after 12 years of struggle, she was positioned in the same, professor. Kyorin system of promoting staff. Cruelty 1000%.

Anyway, ODA and EDO, the two resemble name holeders, cooked NATTO, or fermented soybeans by way of microwave oven!!!!

Smelly, at the same time, NATTO loses its value. NATTO germ, positive one, would be killed after warming up. Scientist faculty bachelor's degree holder didn't know the fact??? His major was IT using bank trading system. Sound creator also. They put some extra on behalf of his gaining, like, tax collection, only a bit % of the total.

He is a kind of all stupid boy type. And he faked as if he were father of 5 kids. Oh, you are so fertile???, Miyuki got astonished when she heared the fact from the stupid kinky newcomer. Always done already type, she presumed.

No advantage at all. Go ahead. Miyuki would like to move from SHIRAKAWA. And they didn't know the fact. Thus, they thought that SHIRAKAWA were only one place that she would adore???

Just for mission, I am here. Our team mate would be fine to move from here. No man's land, and the residue of satans. Too too stupid.

Today, Miyuki found a vehicle, on which, a blue only diplomat long number plate was put, and on the blue plate, there was a normal white plate with different number!!! Double plates, with different categories. Big shot!!!!

And she found a lot of new discoveries in Plants' world. No male P counterpart flowers, changing coloring everyday' theme type colaboration art in ANEMONE field, mixture of thin leaf, turning to be more fat cactus type, and co-existance of several modified of shapes of leaves. Berry field was cut by someone.

Always, Miyuki was praising plants mode. Wow-Wow!!! Channel.

And she felt so noisy at route 289 area. However, after the long lines of vehicles, silence visited. Comparison was so big. No man's land's quiet sound, Miyuki prefered.

Miyuki was with her hands in a praying mode, like presentation of MTV by Miguel Falabella. "Goddamnit!" it means in case of Miyuki. She, to stop saying such dirty words, instead, she put her right and left hands together, and tried to find the beauty of the plants. Individual and collective. In both way, they are the real artists. Marvelous!!!

And Miyuki regretted that we human beings were so so arrogant as species. Miyuki was believer of modern civilization. Coolish, and she thought that this rational way of thinking would save the universe!!!!

Believed, and failed...How nasty and miserable, the cars, and the buildings, Is this the result of our civilazation? Too too messy. Miyuki got ashamed...We made a big mistake.

We, human beings, were trying to create a new model, as experiment, and ended up with IDIOCRASY by satans. This is the reality. Mission completed. Nasty, not at all. Just...TOHOHO...Our civilazaion is out of category. Just seded the planet into the hands of satans, the evilest and cruelist existance in the universe, just for showing up the last period. Most shameful way, they chose. And they commited the suicide now...

For them, nothing at all, everyday's monotonous days. however, only OMANKO conduct world, they lived. Exist? Exist. OMANKO only. Muck residents, called MONOLIS aliens.

Miyuki didn't recognize that they were always targetting Miyuki as their assasin. Miyuki remembered some of the disasters she suffered in her infant days.

When Miyuki was 5 years old, a needle stang her foot, and broke. Fatal, if the rest of the needle was absorbed into her body. She could take it by herself, and informed to her mother. "Oh, you could do it! Good grief!" And she put mercury included medicine, at that days, which was in common in Japan, and appologied a bit.

In the same period, Miyuki fell from the bycicle, when she were left on the chair for kids only type, on the road, in front of the shop, near NEMO-REI's grocery. Her mother stopped and got off from the bycicle and made an errand, leaving Miyuki on the chair on the bycicle. Miyuki lost balance, and the bycicle fell with her on the asfart road. Miyuki cried with tears, and her mother recognized, and got the bycicle arizen, and put Miyuki on the chair again, and she rode the bycicle, and came back home, and appologyed Miyuki a bit.

Always a bit. Not, "Oh, sorry, all my failure. I was so so happy that you escaped from the worst disaster!!!" with big hag and tears, anything at all. Always, "You are happy to escape from the disaster" type attitude.

And when she was in Funabashi, as she descrived before, she went to GUINZA, and almost lost in the department store, TAKASHIMAYA or MITSUKOSHI. After the accident, Miyuki was drawed her portrait by some comic illustrator on the higher floor. Thus, the portrait was with her crying face. Her mother decorated this portrait on the wall. Miyuki felt so contempted, that "This is not normal me. However, it costs so much, This, a phase of my life. A kind of proof of my infancy. Thus, I was obliged to put up with it. anyway, some my character revealed in the portrait." Messy Miyuki, in the portrait.

Alex and Clare were drawn the portraits, at the cost of US$5 per each, by a professional comic illustrator. And for Clare, a beautiful face, while for Alex, a plumpy face. For him, a contemptious. However, Miyuki didn't claim at all? Oh, plumpy!!! However, anyway, he has such an inclination. Not so so similar, my Alex is beautiful handsome guy, however, as a comic illustration, at this cost, acceptable.

Thus, Miyuki decorated the both on the wall. Cute clare, and plump boy Alex. The comic illustrator was male. Sometimes, almost spontaneously, it happens. Miyuki did know well the case.

She was taken her portrait photos in a professional photograher's shop, intruduced by her grand mother in Funabashi. the effect is superb, she believed. Everytime with this portrait, she gained a success. No failure at all. Male photographer, who took the photo of her grand father. Her grand mother said, "With this photographer, you would gain a better photo of portrait." Common price, the averege. Thus, Miyuki prefered being taken by him. Twice, she did, and he, the same photographer took both.

When the third time, she visited, he was not there. A younger alsmost 30 years old clerk took the picture, and Miyuki disliked them, all. however, she was obliged to buy them all. She paied, however, she pledged that she would never visit the shop again.

Photographer did know the technic, to show up a bit. Not so distant from the real. Just a kind of brightness was enough, and smiling. Angle, and so on. however, she, the lady, was almost amature. Why she could take the portrait for others????

It happened. Generally speaking, lack of professionalism, in case of Japanese female workers. Not skilful, and not diligent. And always claimed as if they were sleepy. Lack of sleeping, and lack of guts foods. And today, Miyuki ate Fried Chicken, at the cost of US$2. And shared with her team mates, carnivolos. Common type fried.

Miyuki said to them, "Harmless, OK, for us all. Blood dracura type, or disease transmitting type are not welcome. You are sometimes nasty for human beings, yes. However, sometimes, even for us, a kind of rival of the serious fighting. If you come with a lot of mates to attack our precious foods, it would cause disaster for us human beings. However, instead of these cases, if rightous, we can coexist each other. We eat the same type. Just it. Thus, within the limit, for us, OK.

However, your kin, wet worms, were the last one we put up with coexisting. They lived in the bathroom, unnecessarily, and increaced concealed in the sponge type soft one, including brush and so one. And their infant worms were so so nasty and dirty. Black, tiny, thin, and always with lots of the similar mates. Even now, Miyuki feels the sansation of when she found them. Nasty. her both arm skin gets thrilled. Instinctively she hates, it means.

Miyuki was so nasty for both Fauna & Flora, she understood. And even she, is allowed to live here. Thus, normal fries why not, she thought of. however, some too too nasty, and strange kinky fris exist. her haterid no.1 is the wet fries. No, no, no more!!!!

Atmic bombs for wet fries!!! Miyuki hates them all!!!

UJI, or infant worms, they are. Increaced easily, and chose to live in the bathroom. Peeping Tom like. Instinctive hatred means so so nasty and unchangeable.

She found some relativity between the number of nasty DDMs and that of the worms in the residence of Hachioji. And she disposed them as much as possible, to put into the trash. So many times, she tried. And finally, no wet worm world. Good relief...She disliked these worms, not fries at all.

Yes, nasty. however, not so instinctive. A kind of resemblance we have. And after death, they turn to be good foods of birdies. Miyuki doesn't want to eat now, anyway. however, some guys love to eat. Probably not so harmful, as we thought.

And she agreed to fight against in the serious fight. She already experienced 3 fries at the same time. Near the situation of Grimms tail of "7 in a body". Thus, she would try to be the hero of the tail, in the near future.

Just nasty would not cause the reason of devastate others. However, in case of collective attacking, she is obliged to attack them. Thus, not so peaceful with them. Truth, in generally speaking. And in case of attacking, they start to fight. This is the rule. Always messy situation in their chambers. Rotten food only, in their rooms.

They loved to use insecticide because of it. Manual way is the best. Miyuki fought against Cockroaches, and found that they were weakening, and Miyuki felt so nasty. Cockroach, next generation's candidate, was dying in HACHIOJI, at that time. yes, easy to kill, however, too too slow. Why you are so slow???

And they got rotten so easily. yesterday, the female clerk in Gyomu Super, was a common worker. However, today, when Miyuki came to the supermarcket, her target, a package of cherry was already ended up, and only big one package of super expensive same cherry was there on the shelves.

And she tried to buy white asparagas can, at the cost of US$1.5. However, the same clerk, in the cashing corner, declared that "It costs US$2.5." Oh, Auntie, you said US$1.5, thus I picked this can up to the casher. And, without cinfirming the price putted on the shelf, you declared like that.

And Miyuki now remembered that so called manager of the store was wondering near the shelves. Oh, they did team play! The female clerk declared US$2.5, and the male manager confirmed the value, and they claimed me because of my stupidity or big error.

Thus, Miyuki avoided the worst disaster. She didn't say anything, and left the shop, without saying. She wanted to buy a package of coconut sweet, however, changed her mind. This clerk and the shop, should not exist type. Now, it got confirmed. Better refraining from this evil wrongdoers. Ralf Neder, again. We are noticing your wrongdoings, you two, evil greedy satans!!!

Vanish! DDMs! Alzheimer erotic satans!!! You did it, and learned from the male type the technics, and you lost your strongpoint forever. You chose the wrong way. Bye for now, lady!!!

Flamboyant guy, who visits the supermarkets often. Thus, we should target him as soon as possible. Anyway, some kind of mentally illed situation, he is in. Thus, attack, all in a body!!! Watch his behaviour, and monitoring system would record his kinkiest figures!!!