Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (106)

2017-06-10 19:30:15 | 日記
10/06/2017 (Saturday, evening) It was a too spooky cloudy. Miyuki took a runaway walk as she said in the previous blog. She recognized that the number of DDMic cars reduced so much.Our bombs functioned a lot, Quintet MARCK really thought.

She visited Public Library to investigate on the mechanism of vehicles, and found that there is no reliable description in books on the shelves of physics and in magazined on the shelves of hobbies.

And she got surprised that DDMs classified female fashion magazines as those of vehicles...Oh, thus, they chase Miyuki! She is a no.1 target of raping!!! Oh, am I attractive to DDMs? This lean one with petit bust? Why they changed their inclination of big bust????

Lack of milk providers? I can't produce such kind of liquid. Miyuki refused immediately. However, possible after change type...Oh, thus, kinky dirty worm KOGA and his team mates tried to change my body, and continuously my mother said to me, "You are too lean. You should gain weight." Like Dr.Dull in HASEGAWA hospital.

They can change sex and age. Thus, they prefer to be seen younger than the real age. And skin bug should be provided by kins of Miyuki, the real power holder of this planet.

They sold the spirit, and we remained to be ourselves. Alex was in the middle, at the time of attacking. Now changed his mind. He decided to be more liberal, as much as possible. Now he is leaving from his uniform world. For Miyuki, nasty habit, uniform wearing is. However, for him, a kind of symbol of school life. Thus, he tried to have amusing type, like AOYAMA GAKUIN high school. And then, catastrophy. They started to attack him because of his uniform playing. They pledged to borrow him the uniform for free. Then, they started to require money. And threatning service. Miyuki refused to pay clearly. Only they should pay for his childish play.

She recognized that HOSONO resides in School in Hachioji with his team mates. Strange kids. And they cook. Like dormitory. IKKYO believers' way of life, Miyuki presumed. And HOSONO found that Miyuki would save them all. If they are rightous ones, Miyuki proposed the condition, as always. This is the neckpoint. Always her condition is the same. Thus, Miyuki likes to call him, "Now, HOSONO XXVI, like Benedictus, Alex?" Such kind of play Miyuki likes so much. For her, Efemerous Army or Solomon Grandies. Thus, how many HOSONOS, and actual HOSONO is which number????

She likes to play with them in these ways. She is so nice!!! Too too nice to be your mother, Alex!!! For Miyuki, any rightous ones are really good. Indifferent from their appearance. In this case, yes. Any formidable old guys. In this case, OK. Nards? Rightous ones, only. And they vanished!!!!

Nards should not be realized their dream of doing it, was their legend. Oh, generally speaking, yes, some nards are so keen to be isolated from others. However, other ones are more possible to do it. It all depends. And their other skills. Independent from their nards characters, they have several chance to do it. Why not?

Too too broad to accept others. Easy and quick. Why not. The different system. MIYUKI is pilot case. And they bit to the side for losing. Miyuki would not accept Kabucky's over production. Anyway, he beliebed that they did it, and found that Miyuki only didn't know the fact. Anyway, out team. OK, your are my friends. She said clearly. Only friends? What we are? Oh, boss, you said that she would recognize us immediately. Oh, boss, your presumption would fail, with her denial. How about the case in the near future? And what shall we do???

And after her recognition with crystal clear astonishing voice...Oh, you are OK, anyway, probably it meant it for him, and if it is it, for me, OK. After act agreement. 追認 or TSUININ, in japanese Technical term. OK, accept, of course. Rightous ones, only.

Miyuki didn't know their system at all. "Produce, anyway, enhance the territory on the earth." Oh, Old testament. 産めよ、増やせよ、地に満てよ。IMEYO, is Produce!, FUYASEYO is Increase!, and Chinimiteyo is Cover all the surfice of the earth! Oh, Miyuki's line. Generation Creation. Only MIYUKI would accept it, PLATINUM TRIBE all said.

OKINO and MORIKO refused immediately, when they received their kind offer. We could do it, without it. They, who?

Dr.Who!, Yukari liked this TV program. Like SAKURA cronicle. Time and Space, he and his mates could jump over.

Hay diddle, diddle, cat and the fiddle, the cow jumpt over the moon!
The little dog laught at the dish runs away with the spoon, spoon, spoon,
The dish rans away with the spoon!!! ♫♬

  Oh, she knows our key words. Anyway, quantity weighs. Vast scale would be fine. Don't worry, I will colaborate on this point. The same belief, at this point, within some condition, beside rightousness. Thrifty standard, and independence inclination. Weeds' case, these latter two were already surrendered. Thus, only rightousness means.

Kabucky almost fainted. She remembered me!! Too rare!!! Alzheimer patients, he thought. however, so so got attracted by me. Idiots, anyway. However, always, "Oh, Kabucky, you know, this is the messiest place. With this nasty gray prisoners wear, I am not so pretty. I would like to wear more amusing clothings. This is a prison, in practice. You look so gorgeous, with your fur like ivies. And your distincive way means that you are kind of meat eater type. Like more Korean rather than Japanese, as a metaphor. Anyway, you are a kind of boy friend, you know... And in the snowy day, she said, "Oh, Kabucky, you suffered lots of this cold temperature. OK, common with me. We will see you soon, probably in NZ. In NZ, it is summer, thus, we would enjoy our date there. We would be a good pair or team mates, anyway. Don't forget our pledge!! See you, soon!!! My Kabucky!!!"

Thus, he decided to bit the chance. OK? Only once. With rightous ones. No chance for him. The last try. And she was the last one. Others? Not at all type. Anyway, cold. Thus, we should do it hurry. And her common, you can be on me..."

Thus, he took it as agreement. And she, "Where is my Kabucky? Oh, he found another girl, probably. I came here far away from Japan to New Zealand to see you, however, I can't find you, anymore. It's not hot as I calculated. OK, you are popular guys, thus, you can enjoy your summer with her. Anyway, see you next time!" to him, in a voice.

Miyuki, you are so liking him, and gave up him so soon? Why not? I need to find the next. I lost one, then, I should find the next. The sooner, the better.

And they all failed!!! Miyuki didn't know the system at all! No one told her at all. She should decide the way. Oh, Fauna & Flora, and our supporters, all under the Gods of Justice and the universe. Without saying.

Thus, they failed. They bet for human figures' world. And failed and failed. And Miyuki's families split into two. Common, as usual. We have our own opinions. As we like. Each one decides its own way. Others not at all.

Individualism, yes. And they should know the rule. They really sold Miyuki again and again. Miyuki's skin bag would be sold so higher, probably, because of her popularity, they calculated.

捕らぬ狸の皮算用 or TORANU-TANUKI-NO-KAWAZANYOU, in Japanese, or, "Calculation, first, even though they are not cathing the game." Thus, they calculated the price of her post death use. Then, they shifted to kill Miyuki, on behalf of their own benefit. Costive, she is, they thought. And the early death would be fine for us all, they calculated. And they decided to kill them all. Miyuki's related, included themselves. Thus, they both should kill themselves, at first, ladies!!!

For Miyuki, not at all type decision, and their team mates colaborated them. Thus, they lost their spirits all in a once. They thought that Miyuki would agree all of their plan, including YUKARI's succesion. Alzheimer dream.
Miyuki is smiling. It means that YUKARI has no power to do it.

Kinkiest younger sister, from the begining. different, anyway. Miyuki treated her as a strange disbeneffited poor girl. And she gradually degraded physically and personally, year by year. And recently, her degradation is a kind of wonder. She can't remember even so trifle order, and just evades as usual, with her own arrogant way. For her, like Mary Poppins. For Miyuki, just an Alzheimer patients' concealing of her level. They were the both sisters? Even DDMs got astonished at the difference. Miyuki was caught instead of YUKARI, they both explained to others. YUKARI should be the next target. Thus, YUKARI should be protected from others. MIYUKI is already dead in a certain meaning. However, YUKARI is useful for us all. This is her mother's explanation to others.

Mad dog, she relied on. For her super unusual appreciation system based on affection or impulse, or "maternal instinct", YUKARI is necessary for her, and she, her mother, was the boss of Shirakawa residents. Thus, she was so arrogant, and declared some strange orders without any explanation.

Isabella Peron, probably. I think of it, at first, and then, I think of that, as I said before, and any explanation of the change of the system. 朝令暮改 or Morning order is different form evening order. Japanese proverb.

Not Lady Eva Peron, the some Virgin Maria of the heroine of Musical and the film. The third wife of Peron, after the Lady Evita, pretty lady like Grace Kelly. And it induced Argentine Authoritarian Regime, Miyuki read a book of Latin American history, which was written by Youichi MATSUSHITA, modest Latin Americanist.

Miyuki predicts that they both would vanish so soon, because they exist like one creature, and each oner thinks that it were suprior to another. Satisfaction only world. Alzheimer disease's last period. They are super egoistic, and in their world, no man exists. Only they live, thus, they should kill others, when they recognize the existance of others. Miyuki is a kind of Lizzard, a big one, called Comoro giant Lizzard.

Miyuki remembered an article of the explanation on the new drama called, "The daughter of IGANA", originally written by Moto HAGUIO, and played by 3D artists. For them, I am a kind of Lizzard, in her own charming way, like, "I like Giant Lizzard and Iguana, also! Reptile lovers, we are!"

Already rode on Turtle, the rare species called Garapagos Marine Giang Turtle, in UENO Zoo. In the Zoo, there was a small part in which some common animals were concealed to play with kids. Garapagos Big Turtle was popular, and the kids, so small kids like 2 years to 4 or so, could ride on him, for free. So popular, thus, the kids should wait until he gets another. Only one minute or so. And they got satisfied with the adventure. "So big, and he could get me on his back! The high concave was not so stable to ride, however, I could sit on him, and not failed!" She reported the result!!!

After clothing the attraction because of critics done by some animal lovers, she felt a bit strange. Yes, we enjoyed a bit with him, and could remember how he was big! Almost half of my hight at that time. I was only 2 or 3 years old, and his back armour was so giant. And he was so so similar to elephant. He moved so slow, and I didn't fail. We can pass the same amusing minutes at that time. He looked like ET. Wise face, he had. Anyway, vast. yes, he was alone, isolated from other mates of the same species, however, all kids there liked him. Any kids harrased him. We were patiently waiting for the turn, and soon after, we seded to the next kids. It was the role. And we were so expected to come the turn. It would be an aim of criticism?"

And monky train? Monky is the boss on the train. He drove, and the supporter, an old uncle with a uniform, human being. We took a circle ride in the train. For us, the monky conductor was amusing the job as an entertainer, and thought that "better than narrow cage. These kids are nasty, however, better than other adults."

Why playing with animals with their agreement would be thought abuse? Who decides if these behaviours are evil harasment for them?

Animals also want to play, if they have some time. Miyuki and her mates thought, thus, she was loved by them all. Pets, a kind of. Thus, any play should be fine, Clare thought. And they, both, turned to be kinky erotic idiots. For Miyuki, surprising change. For them, greediness combined with erotic desire situation at that time. Non stop mode, in anyway.

They were controled as domestic animals, at that time, already. And they wanted to conceal the fact. And they lost their spirit forever. The last order, they already did. For her mother, a big house. And for her daughter YUKARI, minor. Their will. Controler should be returned to the rightous place. Animal like life, they prefered. Namely, animal farm, they prefered. Animal should be fine for us, because we are cute. Domestic type. Pet would be.

And Miyuki refused their offer, anyway. Reliance not at all type. The vast animal farm for them? Miyuki said, "Rightous animal only. If you are rightous, you should be power holders of this farm. If not, I, Dr.Miyuki SATO, under the total control of Gods of Justice, manage the farm, yes."

Just a bit. Common. Put your finger in our mouth, Intiryme yelled her. Thus, she put her left hand, and it bit her finger so hard, and Miyuki escaped from this hard bite, using her effort to pull the finger out from the teeth. And then, Miyuki took a distance from it. For her, it looked like her mother at that time.

In front of IKKYO kids, it did it. If Miyuki behaved like a stranger who was attacked by the horse, it would mean that she were not reliable among the farm, anyway. And soon, after her feeding of reisons ended, it shifted to the direction to the kids, and started to obey to them, especially, the plumpy IKKYO teachers responsibles.

Thus, she decided to keep distance from the farm animals. And she behaved like a rightous owner of the farm.

Only a bite would be fine, they thought. And they did a big bite. And Miyuki felt that it wanted to cut her finger, intentionally. And it was so eager to eat anything inside Miyuki's bag, and tried to search inside with it nose. And it forgots who am I. Thus, degradation she felt.

Thus, she kept silent after the accident like the expression of the disliking of it, and trap after inducing reliance from her. Just a bite would be enough to inform her their evil intention. They are the same existance. Don't worry, they says both, and then, trapping. Always, we should be worried about ourselves was right answer.

And now? They can sleep easily rather than others. They induce speep when others come. Crazy kinky ladies on the second floor. Always chatting without any fact. Always based on their own supositions. They would kill Miyuki, even today. They called to the police, saying, "Oh, my stupid eleder sister wants to come back to the house, however, she is an Alzheimer patient, thus, she can't. Please take her to this house. We all worry about her kinkiest bahaviour. her hight would be so tall, slender, long hair holder, and she is a kind of bitch, you know. She can do it with any male. Without exception. Thus, look, these kids. Semi-blooded. Japanese should not have such faces. She is degraded so morally. Catch her, immediately. From now on, I would be the IX, of this family. I called to you, because I wanted to order it to my police. Private police, you belong to. OK, we are rich. We should pay for this game. Amusing. You can play the role of the police, and just catch her. And she would know who am I. Just a bit of nice words would be fine to seduce her. She is an easy goer. Then, they showed their own legs.

Contract was canseled, against their will. Why? They are incapable already, and committed such kind of error repeatedly. Even faked police did know it type. Alzheimer patients, they are. And they called again. They were caught immediately, and explained that "We would not repeat such kind of playing more!" as usual.

Miyuki perceived that her mother was getting out at that moment. It means that YUKARI would remain in the main house. And they would come to ask her plan of next catch. As always. We contracted you two already, and this time you should attack her and accomplish your task completely!

Oh, they remembered them??? For them, young guys would be fine to lead them to INFERNO. Thus, they should do the job. OK, altogether. Ma-Jong. 東南西北 or Tong-Nang-Shao-Pei.

  According to their vague memory, Tokyo would be more eastward. Thus, they started to walk. And then, they found that the end was not for their runaway.

Miyuki found a traffic sign, a big road guide, in a description of TANAGURA/Shinshirakawa in the same direction, and Shimogou, on the right hand, and the name of the roads were both route 289, and after Shimogou appears Route 4.

??? type all error type signs. Only Alzheimer patients could made it type big plate was hung. They use automatic inducing system called Animal Farm as slang. Thus, no plate is needed. However, if someone normal exists and started to read the plate, this sigh would lead it wrong. This is the reality of them both.

Why they reduced the number so much, abruptly? This rural village's geography is so similar to the recognition of them both. No man's land, faked officers only, private and public properties are confused. No reliance at all.
This rural village called Shirakawa is established on the base of their brain. Alzheimer wonderland.

Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Only a pray would be fine to reign the village. Just a play to "I would like to kill others as I like" Oh, Jason's Playing Park! Miyuki didn't know the system, and how evil they are. Devastated forests, Miyuki recognized, then, pederasties. And cruel popular reduction by funeral company. Unnecesary medical treatment were done just to kill others. This is an example of Idiocracy of Japan.

Jealousy would be fine to induce her to go to hosptal???
For them both, medical treatment is a kind of charity. And for themselves, DEUS ME LEVRE! We both are mentally sane, according to their remark. And they tried to persuade them to go to their mentality, including the possibility of killing others. They did the test, and the result was positive. Informants only world's residents, they were.

for Miyuki, they were the both same DDMs now. And for others, the same. Violent type, and accusing expert. A good combination. And Miyuki watched a messty mad dog with an old guy near Shopping Mall of Mega-Stage. They wanted to approach to Miyuki, and she refused it. Messy, in fur, anyway. Just like YUKARI, Miyuki recognized so soon.

messy hair holding was why? At least, why doesn't wear cap to conceal her dirty nasty sweeper like hair? Evidently kinky type impression this nasty hair gives.
For her, any swwper like hair would be fine. For Miyuki, long hair. They thought. Good girl YUKARI, while nasty bitch Miyuki. And who is the mother of the both kids? They should explain what happened inside the house, during her absence. Alex almost got caught because of their attacking. Anyway, I will sleep ealier than usual. You two should learn how I wa offended by you. Bye for now!!!

They wanted to connect a line to his chamber. Vast money is paid for the system. And now, it turned to be a trash. Miyuki disliked to use of wi-fi, and now, they started to learn on wi-fi, because of usage of telephone. For them, necessity. And others, a ind of amusement. In case of necessity, we could use normal phone. Why they are insistent to have a phone? Because they bought it recently. To play the role of killers of Miyuki. Easy to inform to the police. Already they put poisons and trapps for the others. They were the seeds of headache for others.

Clare suffered from headache so much. However, she put up with the pain, and decided to be a medical doctor. And then, she gave up to be so. Too too nasty to feel the sansation of faint and winking of the light in the bottom of the eyes, and vomitting. They did it. Always they caused it to use the poison. They changed Miyuki really felt. From the begining, they were sly, and some erotic nuence.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (105)

2017-06-10 08:23:17 | 日記
10/06/2017 (Saturday, morning) It's cloudy today. Last night, OCN stole the contents of this blog (103), thus, we couldn't provide the important information inside the article. Miyuki spent almost 3 hours, despite from her sleepy mode. How cruel they rob from the result of our products. Habitual stealing job holders, they are.

It was a debut of Kabucky as a new member of our selective team called Quartet MARCK. He came to our IGNOLANDIA, although he was categorized as "sage", who deserves to stay in the wage men only land. He came on behalf of Miyuki's army, and Miyuki introduced him as a new strongest member. Thus, the damage is tremendously vast.

In Miyuki's case, the cost of psychological damage is calculated 1 galaxy per second. However, in his case, 1 universe per second, because of his categorization.

The same as KUBO and his team member of Happy Dragon V. They should be paid earlier than us, because their sufferings were so so cruelest in the universe. They was concealed in the hospital of Tokyo Versity, even after their death. They concealed their spirit in the evilest hospital in the world. Until Miyuki came, no one has known what kind of medical treatment they had. Just a mormot, with slight care of flamed skin. Chinkoro!!!! You were peeled by the wrongdoers after death, while KUBO and his team mates, during their stay in the crazy kinkiest hospital, were the cruelest tortures for long long time, for many years. Thus, they should calculate by second.

It happened in 1956. And until Miyuki's visit in May, 2015, their treatment was not revealed at all! Like a messy rural hospital in our villege. Worse than SHIRAKAWA KOUSEI Hospital. Incredible!!! First, Miyuki thought it as if an old parking building from outside, then, from inside, nurses' dormitory, and the next moment, she found that this is the expert hospital for the big disaster in the world!!!! Century level disaster, the experiment of explosion of BIKINI ragoon. How many creatures, of course, so so respectful and beautiful like Happy Dragon V's team mates, lost their spirits in the disaster? Beyond our imagination.

yesterday, Miyuki noticed the difference between hydrogen explosion and atomic one. The former, the level is particle's one, while, the latter, atomic bomb's case, neclear level change. Thus, despite of the name, the former was a kind of neculear change type explosion, not only hydrogen one.

It is called Hydrogen Bomb, however, cheap trick!!! Hydrogen explosion, we all, kids of junior high experienced acording to the instruction of Ministry of Culture and Education. Ogigen is requisite, and they produce H20. Hall and Oats.

The same system is adopted in hydrogen combined so called ECO-Car, or hybrid car. The explosion induces the piston movement, which makes DDMs feel sexually so active. Honda Civic is an example of this cheapish cars. Cilinder moves and the body transmits the wave like movement and shaking, like Rocking chair. Thus, sleepy, and easy to fail on the road. Hot Road. Taku TSUMUKI.

Recently, Miyuki got to be induced to write with errors because of her drowthy mode, by way of some hormone related stimulation. They can produce it, take advantage of Miyuki's brain control system. They stimulate her smell memory and her sense of nose is so acute like a dog, thus, they could make her faint, and did it.

The last resort, they yelled, and did, and failed. Total control system was revealed. Miyuki almost faint in so many place, despite of her any attempt to avoid it, including cafein reinforced coffee drinking. However, they did.

Oh, on the way back home from IWAKI Aqualium, and on the road of Route 4 and Route 16, when she drove in August, 2016. Oh, the same situation, Miyuki is now. And YUKARI wanted to call to the police, according to her saying in the morning.

They did call, on the day 6 of August, last year, and it caused big damage for her, and for us all. They caused her catch. Miyuki recognized how evil they are.

Thus, see you next time. Miyuki should avoid the nasty game, done by Alzheimer patients. They dreamt Miyuki's catch and sloughter, and acted for them. Both, already done. And confirmed by Miyuki herself. Despite of their stupid appearance, they did. This was the cause of this devastation of the universe. sages yelled Miyuki to go forhead. She doesn't know the unit beyond the universe. Sages???? Don't know. Thus, try, anyway!!! We should ask more assitence to resolve this type of audacious cruel attempt done by imcapables. They didn't recognized any basic requisite for living creatures. For them, now, Miyuki's catch is a kind of dairy hobby. Terrible. They talk a bit, and then, "We will call to the police" Yukari declares. And the police came. The police is the side of the DDMic patients pair in Miyuki's family.

See you for all of us all!!! We are all ready to catch them both. Try more audacious, show your hatred to them both. How they behave, it would be fun to watch it...Just call to the police, Miyuki already knows it.

Slight disliking is enough for them both, like, "She is so nasty ant stupid. She doesn't help us at all. How cruel she is! She should be punished. Let's call to the police, and they will kill her. Good grief."

VANISH! DDMs!!! They are BUSU Bitches!!!!

From Quintet MARCK, with Big LOVE!!!

23007 Operations Manager, Science Operations - Plant & Food Research
At Plant & Food Research we conduct research that adds value to horticulture, cropping and seafood enterprises. Our science and commercialisation supports the production of high quality, sustainably-produced foods and beverages that earn a premium in international markets and benefit human wellbeing. Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer, you'll work in partnership with our General Managers of Science, Science Leaders and Business Managers to build and maintain our relationships with key Government agencies. You'll assist with co-ordinating the... more>>

Rabby and Chinkoro : News Flash (104)

2017-06-10 00:49:54 | 日記
Oh, thus for DDMs, mouth and ass are hole, the same existance. And they also have no recognition ability of the difference between inside and outside.
thus, eating from outside via mouth, is equivalent with evacuation from inside via ass.

Thus, YUKARI put her muck into the plastic mug. Thus, Alzheimer patients put muck in the fredge. In the final stage, they do this habit. No recognition ability to keep sanity in body and health.

Snake vanished into the grass. Before the scene, it tried to steal some eggs in a grass, and it failed. it could not get up when it went down to the grass. Oh, muscle gistrophy it suffered physically, also. It wanted to continue the job of performing like a rightous smake. And it tried to enter into the black tunnel, and stopped, and changed its mind. So flamboyant.

And Miyuki remembered the scene of Paris Subway. Blade Runner like film called Parisian SUBWAY was seen by Miyuki on Cine-fil-Imagica. She visited Paris in 2015, and passed one night. When she first took a subway, thought that this is a kind of malls' tunnels. When once one made an error, thus, it would have looked for the rightous tunnel with vast difficutly. The firlst is the critical point. she trid to pretend to be a Parisienne, however, failed. Thus, she tried to find the right tunnel, and she asked so many French residents to tell the right way. And any white figure didn't respond to her, just ignoring her. Oh, parisiens are so unkind?, Miuki was dissapointed. She tried to ask black guys, and they showed her the exact tunnel.

In Paris, only black people are kind, Miyuki wrote on the newly discovered fact in her cronicle. And next morning, when she took a ride to the airport at 7:00 in the early morning, only blacks were in the train.

All Blacks, like a rugby team in New Zealand.

And she remembers that the flows of white resdents were so smart looking, and smooth in moving, like a so called smart cars on the road. They used the animal farming wi-fi system to play the role of smart parisience? Sarcozy's gift for them? Individualists, Youichi HIGUCHI explained on them, in public. However, presumably, they did commit a big error. And Miyuki found the fenomenum, and expressed it on her clonicle. Oh, my gods!!! They looked like a smart waved, and they couldn't hear my request at all.

Smart cars are just operated by some system, or pre-set mode. And today, she found that many DDMs were stuck in the back of the cheirs and extended their hands in sticky way like two twigs, without benting the elbows. Unusually distant between wheel handle and the back of the chair. And found one totally contrary to this position. unnusually she stuck on the wheel hundle. Plump, rather fat middle aged female DDM, she was. And the rest, all of them posed like a wooden doll called DEKU or 木偶.

In Japanese traditional expression, 木偶の棒 or DEKU-NO-BOU means Stick of Wooden Doll. Oh, they already stuck on the back, because of their sticky physical movement, and until the end, they continue to drive, pursuing for their pleasure felt in the car, like a cradle's shaking with a vivlation. Oh, big vivrators, the vehicles are. And cofin, in the end. funeral non-needed, because they vanish soon.

And Miyuki finds that they moved like in a mesmarized attitude, smoothly, without using break. Stop, sometimes, in front of red signal, however, they are not flaxible at all. Parisians turn to be domestic animals, while Japanese counterparts move just like them. Corrent oriented.

Oh, piper of Harmeln. If someone conducts, they follow and can dive from the cliff in a body, at the same time.

The conductors were religious leaders of each religion. Thus, they devided into so various teams, and separated in different colours. Stupid marks with a colour here and there. The same religious believers, they are. And the highest rank one was Moon Seng Ming. Shirakawa's religious groups were prioviders of orphans.

Miyuki didn't know that they came and stayed for more than several decaded from the other planet called MONOLIS. Miyuki believed that kind people could do it almost all, because they know the limit. Miyuki is a kind of religious leader, according to DDMs. The last one would have chance to order to all DDMs, because of their supiriority. And Miyuki's belief is being rightous to others and to themselves.

KABUCKY would be a plant shape alien, probably. And he could find a mate. They can do it, without touching. he wanted to yell Miyuki, and gained her passionate adiration. Oh, Kabucky, you are distinct among your team! You prefered to be different. and he chose to be gorgeous. For Miyuki, nakid man wearing fur, like image. Gray Stork, Miyuki imaged. And his choice as human shaped representative was...Robeta Close!!! And Miyuki liked it!!!

Adachi recommended her, and Miyuki liked her, because of her broad shoulders. Bow Derek type. Oh, Bow, you died so early. With 60 years or so? Olivia Newton John, also. They were good shape lovers. Why healthy inclinated actress died so earlier than usual? They were rich, and could take care of their phisical body so much. Why?

Probably like pop singers and stars. They were inclined to be the aim of DDMs, and got targetted into death squad's eaning money.

Roberta is pretty, as all of Brazilian recognized it, indifferent from their some sexual orientation. And gained a populality. And she is cheerful, with gorgeous mood. More night club performer like taste, she has. And big, anyway. If she wore like manish suits, she would be fine to play the role of male actor, yes. And could do skewed X shaped leggs, in his all charming gesture. And when he fails, he could say, "Ooops, sorry. You know, I am not accustomed to be so manish...I am...more lady like existance!" And pose like, Saler Moon, saying, "Punish you, instead of the Moon!" Big westernized Saler Moon, he would play!!! Miyuki liked the idea!!!

Big is good for us all. Costive, yes. However, Miyuki likes to eat, thus, she accelates to eat more. Why? Oh, she! Kabucky would eat meat like Miyuki. Thus, like Roberta, he needs to eat. And Miyuki is almost a bear, wondering, "Where is the cheapy food?" saying.

Today, Miyuki wanted to know the mechanism of DDMic acepharos cars. First, she tried to observe under the wheels, however, it was difficult because the engine was closed by the surfice metalic existance. Thus, she tried to look at wheel holding toys in the shopping mall. AEON is only one toy shop holding mall in this rural village. Or, DAISO's cheapish toys of US$1. And she found that AEON prepared for non-showing the exact part, sticking the toys on the paper box. Oh, neuro marketing was used for concealing the fact. Wrongdoings' accumulated nest, here is. Pederasties, here and there. And Miyuki found that tracks and patrol cars, embulance, and recycling cars were prevelent in Shirakawa. They are the representatives of the pederasties. NISHIGOU is for pederasties only place. Thus, they could buy the boys and girls as they liked. And tracks were inducing curiocity on the evil monstrous killing tools. They induced, stimulated and then, the kids got dead under the wheels. Herman Hesse would mourn their early death. Mass killers, they were. And the villege concealed the fact.

Central government also concealed the fact, because it was the shame. Sheme, thus, we should know the fact. Or, victims could not do revenge. The victims always pray total vanishing of the all wrongdoers related. Miyuki dared to to say, "Vanish! DDMs!!! Including my DEAREST families!!!"

Thus, they should vanish all in a body at once. Her rage is beyond their expectation. She, as always, in her wispering voice, declared to vanish, without exception.

She assisted her father's copying 5 songs into CD, via PC, and found that IT programers' skill was under Miyuki's, now. She described herself as a kind of IT blind, however, at least, which is a big error of IT programming. Just criticising costs not at all. Thus, she could maintain in the universe. And the rest, in the middle. YUKARI is the wrongdoer No.1. She could do it, as she liked. And others, YUKARI is a kind of poor girl. For Miyuki, a trash. For others, Auntie, anyway. Astonishing, however, they are mesmarized even now. Thus, always YUKARI is their priority. And Miyuki left their wrongdoings, leaving them in the hands of Gods of Justice. Or, YUKARI starts to attack others, including them, the protectors.

Thus, they should face to the fact. YUKARI did it, and then? Conceal or leave her into the hands of Gods of Justice, as Miyuki did?

For them all, protecting is their line. And now? Even now, YUKARI wants to trap Miyuki. Chasing her, by way of evil magic. Poor girl? Not at all! Ugly BUSU bitch!

They use neuro sience for it. Tabboo No.1 in the universe. Miyuki liked to show her disliking mood in expressive way, and chose her, Roberta Close, because of her way of dynamic punching effect. If your cute girl should turn to be a boxing champion suddenly in the bed? And she already had such an amusing experience. Oh, she is...she is...professional boxer of extra fly class...Chicken class, probably. Anyway, champion. Her punch was so acute. No one put up with her sudden attack. Abrupt change is useful to threaten the pederasties!!! Kinkiest erotic rural village with lots of plesures for them all!!!

Muck has no sex nor age, Miyuki recognized, thus, Miyuki started to criticise her own family. They changed their characters. Suddenly and gradually, both. They sold their spirit and body, a bit a bit, and then, the forth period of syphilis. For Miyuki, this is the end of DDMic world, thus, we should celebrate it with a ball room party type super good change. And DDMs? Despite of the change, they prefer to live in the same, concealed in their own chambers, doing anything, except wrongdoings. Just nasty erotic peeping Toms, they are!!

Today, Miyuki visited NANKO park to confirm the chemical raid from the sky by helicopter, according to DDMs. And found that it was not done in a vast area, anyway. However, after she checked, she found a small notice, saying, "We did the devastation by poison, thus, until 18 of June, you should not enter into this place, for the sake of your health. It would cause some serious problem, however, it all depends on your physical character. In case of any problem, go to Shirakawa Kousei Hospital."

Oh, they admitted to do the wrongdoing, the taboo no.2. Devastation of forests. And tried to conceal the fact, and at the same time, to take advantage of non entrance situation to extend their iligitimate territory. The worker style wrongdoers were so many, even after the raid. They faked to be a worker, however, just wondering, only. And sometimes, a squad member. She watched that someone wanted to catch Miyuki, and she took the scene. For her, they are just an ETE-KOU, the last ranking fiman figure.

And she watched that some female rural old ladies took the sythe to attack her. They faked to be a worker in the field. However, they couldn't. Stuck, and just downward pose to the earth.

Milk causes so sleepy feeling also today. She needs to drink so much of milk, to protect the reduction of bone.

Just sleepy is enough to trap her, they decided, and did also today. All curtons were used for it. Before packing, they did put a bit of medicine to induce her to sleep. Not unusual for them at all, however, many of us are astonishing facts. Miyuki resists agains their attampt to kill her, everyday.

And when she came back to her block, she smelled Cocaine, ampetamine, and now commer, L.S.D., and some resembling one. Once per month, to conceal the fact of being addicted, they hold a party. Wild party, it is called. Thus, sometimes, YUKARI came back so late from outside.

And she found that a bunch of Trovelers Doves in the cage of KATO's house. Why abruptly? She took the picture of it. Miyuki' presumption is, "They came back because they knew the direction, and they wanted to show up effectively. Own feeding type, probably. Door opened, of course.

They induced Rabbit tribe to get out, just to watch their unhappy face. And they should vanish now. They did devastation already several times. This is the pursur for happines among DDMs.

Precarious like efemeras, and they stay here than we calculated.

Miyuki should go to bed, she is so so sleepy after her drinking milk, especially ふるさと牛乳 or FURUSATO Milk.

See you next time!!! For us all!!!
Rabby would like his date with...Oh, Rabby!!! Oh, your pledge???!!! Don't worry. As a shape of Kabucky. A kind of boys' meeting. Rabby, your another inclination...Attacking on Kabucky!!! Mate eating....Not at all. Just a bit of bite!!! Oh...You should not be!!! Any leaf, should not be eaten, however, if he gives one or two for you...

Miyuki is worried about her mate's earily death by her own team member. Oh, yes, thi guy is super seducive! Oh, Daddy, not! Another prohibition!!! Daddy, my Daddy, you don't forget me not!!!!

Edelwise, Edelwise, so white flower you have!!! ♫♬

 Miyuki's presumpion transmits to Chinkoro, and caught it rightously to prevent the disaster. Rabby, Rabby, My Daddy, Kabucky is new to here...You don't eat him!!!!

Chinkoro would like to say so for their sake. yes, seducive. However, to get along with, we should know each other, yes. And...the result...some itchy bitchy spider cases of Miyuki...Alergetic to the leaves!!! Oh, rackers!!!

Racker furniture producing is so common in Japan? Who buys such an artisan type products? However, OMANKO journalist doesn't refrain from showing up their own Alzheimer patients like audaciously stupid articles.

Jackson? Strange name. Old history? Illusion and illusion. They presumably wrote in halusion.

Miyuki got to know that L.S.D. has the smell like wrapping the face from ears to the throat in an big transparent mask. Strange expression, however, thus musician wanted to use it, they understood it. Ears' sense increaced. And more aqute sharp mind, precariously could gain. And it smelled in the begining of KAJIMACHI area.

See you, we should free from these uninteresting illegal medicine. We have a lot of amusings indifferent from it.

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly, Itchy Bitchy Slider!!!

Go downward to INFERNO!! 99 sesunas. Sorya-NeNa...Ha-Ha-Ha-Harman!!!

From Quintet MARCK, with big LOVE!!!