Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (98)

2017-06-07 19:40:26 | 日記
07/06/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki made a trip arround the village.

It was spooky cold cloudy today. Almost all day, it would be 17 degrees under, according to Miyuki's temperature presumption. She put a blue down jacket and a thin wool pullover, and two leggings, and a white bellet, knitted by her grand mother UME-san.

However, Miyuki found a lot of figures who wore like as if they were in mid summer, no sleeve one piece girls, semi-sleeved middle aged clerks and so on. Light wear was today's choice for these strange Alzheimer patients, Miyuki perceived.

One day before yesterday, Miyuki was deceiped by a female clerk in DAISO in Showamachi. She handed her a coin of 50 cents instead of US$1 equivalent coin. Miyuki was flamboyant at that time, singing some light music, as usual, and after her, there was another consumer, thus, she hurried up to move from the casher.

Then, in another supermarcket, she recognized that she was trapped. She had US$1 equivalent coin already in wallet. She did know well it, because she tried to pay the value by using it, and gave up, and handed US$10 note, instead, to the evil clerk.

She should hand to Miyuki two US$1 equivalent coins, however, Miyuki found only two US$1 equivalent coins, and found two 50cents coings, when she was paying the value of the products. Oh, DAISO, common, you would like to give presents for us all!!!, Miyuki perceived. If I would have a concrete damage, it would be your next ordial. Prepare for be anihilated, DAISO!!!

And this afternoon, the chance came!!! I went to BENIMARU-YOKOMACHI, and found a bar of Rishmont Blee Cheese, at US$2.5, with 8% of tax, in total, US$2.7.

MIYUKI looked at her wallet, and found US$2.23, only!!! If the sly clerk had not cheated her, she would have bought the bar, her ideal dinner for these AMBULANCE or Camping period. She sighed. They always frustrate our cheapish happines, in this terrible collective work. Faked cosumers exist for it. To confuse common peoples' normal judgement. Anyway, hush hush you should do, or you would be categorized the dropout of this busy society like pressure, they give. Thus, DAISO failed. Only US$0.5, the most prevalent US$1 shop vanished.

One year before, MIYUKI gave an idea of US 50 cent shop, instead of US$1 shop. Exist already US$1 shop, US$3 shop, US$10 shop. However, US$0.5 shop, not yet. Why not?

And now, DAISO chose the wrong way. This company continued to hire the evil clerk, in the shop. Oh, she is in, Miyuki recognized slightly, when she passed the store, without buying. Almost vacant, today. Only she and Miyuki like situation. Miyuki left, and thought. Oh, soon, this shop would be run by our army! Kids would like it! Good training to learn Business Manner and Management system, and minimum morality in Economy. Adam Smith's experiment should be done, using this newly created US$0.5 shop, runned by only kids. KIZZANIA, by PIRANIA KIDS!!! River Tribes relatives. Business model providers. OK, fauna & Flora, you can check the qualities of each products, including gene modification problem!

Only because of US$0.5, US$1 shop failed. Because of lack of minitoring system. They didn't give any sunction on the evil clerk. It means that the sign of "We protect her, as usual". Thus, their choice is the clerk, rather than Miyuki, our rightous representative. Miyuki recognized it, already. However, she wanted to appoint the fact of their wrongdoing, in the most impressive way. And today, she is full of smiles. Oh, my cheese!!! If I had only one more US$0.5, I would have been happier....My right of pursue happines was destroyed completely. Cheese! My favorite Blee cheese!!! My precious respectful dinner! Oh, Damage!! I would be killed by my strong desire to eat this delicious cheese, discounted 30% only for this evening!!! They discounted US$1, because the emeritus date is 9 of June. Only two days' special discount, and only two bars were left on the shelf on the sumermarket. I was forced to say my dearest food, the long good bye....Noman's Land Chandler....

Presumably, is this writer Indian? Miyuki thought. Chandla is common name of Indian Families, like SATO in Japan. Spanish thus, Pannol, in France and Mendonca with c giria in Brazil turned to be Mendonca in Asuncion, in Paraguay.

The professor of Institute of Constitutional Law had the same name of his father, and his grand father came from Brazil. Thus, their family name was Mendonca, with c giria, instead Mendonza, more Spanish way. Father prefered to be called Mendonca with c giria, in Brazilian way, and the son, he prefered to be called Mendonca. Not Mendonza, but Mendonca, without c giria, with common simple c. His choice. And Miyuki, respected his choice, as much as possible. And to avoid this confunsible names of Father and Son, both are famous constitutional law professors, for Father, Mendonca with c giria, while for Son, Mendonca, with c simples.

And Chinkoro chose to put Miyuki's name completely for his human being resembling name. Chinkoro Miyuki SATOW.
And his father is Rabby, only. And Miyuki agreed already that all of her mates, if they need to have some human being like names, use her name, for the sake of convenience to accelarate the process to open the new age. Any our team mate can put her name, if you like. Like Suzushiro Miyuki SATOW, or SATO, or SATOH, as they like, ICHIGO SATOW, like suger spilled sweet strawberry, or Water Lily Miyuki, or Rose Miyuki SATO, Pen-Pen Miyuki SATOW, for example. Thus, her weed son is called Pen-Pen, and her mother, original Miyuki, almost jobless, Lum-Pe, or Shorn Pen, or Pig Pen SATOW.

Chinkoro, as nickname, only simply Chinkoro, OK. However, in case of register, Chinkoro Miyuki SATOW. Please remember, this is his identification matter.

He recognized that Miyuki could feel just how he felt at the exact moment. And he prefered laughing story rather sobstory. I am not so childish sobstory's protagonist, he decided. And Miyuki, with respect, wrote a story to express how he felt at the moment in public, on this blog.

And Miyuki leaned a lot during this period of ordial. Miyuki recognized her big error no.1. For her, "Oh, I had confessed already, and changed mind already, and yes, I can say in public on this matter. Yes, I already expressed this wronged oppinion to others, and this is the fact. If you criticise it, of course, I accept it. Not slight matter, heavy, however, now I am free from any worry at this matter, thus, OK, I will right here on this matter.

Fatus related. A kind of prejudice included. And now, challenged is a kind of expression like, a bit strange, or a kind of "different from the averege", like Miyuki's sleeping mode. Thus, so easy to say so.

When Clare was in her belly, she did a blood check for avoid "it". "it" means gene related serious problem, mainly regarding on DOWN syndrome holding kids.

In case of this kid, she, after her almost one month of consideration, decided to stop to have it. Selection of the life, she did.

According to her understanding at that time, DOWN syndrome means that this kid's abilities were limited so much, thus, even in the top of its most excelent version, after 15 years of all effort of its parents, it would reach the best prize gainer in national level in a speech contest. For her, as a professional, she can't make her effort to educate it until to reach the level, and it would not be a good mate of Alex, rather too too heavy burden for our family. And decided to have a check for it.

And then, started a great anxiety. Blood test at first. Easiest way. The result, "Your possibility is being the parent of it, would be 10 times more than averege females." or so. Thus, Miyuki got thrilled. Thus, she had 2 ways. Knowing the further on this matter (A), or Giving a birth without any further seearch (B).

And she chose (A), because she already decided to exclude in the case of it, as she descrived before. And after gained the result of the rough blood test, she decided to do another more detailed check, taking a water of womb, despite of the slight danger of lose her kid, fetus Clare. Almost no, however, exist the possibility, yes. Like an encounter of drunken driver on the road.

Thus, Miyuki, after her consideration, decided to have it. And only several minutes of simplest surgery like blood taking job, which was treated as "One night hospitalization as a register" without a real hospitalization,and the result. Clare, fetus at that time, had a chance to be "it", 1/200, it means 5 times more than averege.

Thus, agony started. OK, of course, I will have a baby, in any way. however, it have a chace to be it. 5 times more than normal? What does it mean? And she thought and thought for 1 week, and the result. "My Clare is a healty girl. Don't worry, Miyuki. 1/200 means "If you have 200 kids, like mates in a school, of the same age, only one is "it", or, after my 199 times conceptions, it would appear at last. Think, you have 200 kids at once. Is it possible? " Thus, she decided not to proceed her detailed check any more. Contrary to the impression of "Your possibility is several times higher than normal females", it means that Clare is healty girl. Thus, OK, I am now free from her DOWN syndrome holder problem.

Thus, she sifted to next matter of Clare's nationality and middle name matter. And planned to go to foreign country to give a birth to her.

Yes, Miyuki did a big mistake. Serious error. She, as a hypothesis, thought of selection of fetus. DOWN syndrome kid should be excluded from her kids plan, yes. She categorized this gene holders as in the middle between human beings and apes. Because according to the descriptions of medical articles, their gene were skewed and showed similarity rather Chinpangee than human beings. At that time, Human Beings were located in the top position of the hirachy of animals. Ape kid? Mine?

Then, she started to concider this matter. She checked their figiolonomies on some sites. And checked the some distinctive characters. Short fingers, ears are lower than averege, sleepy eyes, flat face...Oh, I! That is OK, at least, appearance doesn't matter, at this point.

For her, "After all efforts poured to the kid, its only one wtrongpoint is just a prize of speech, at the highest intelligent version. Only? I don't want to have a kid non promissive at all, almost ape, with a so so limited possibility of developping. My kid should have been anyway holder of chances to develop, in every field. Of course, it would all depend on itself. However, as equipments as standard version, at least, they should have minimum to live independently. "it" would not have the minimum. Thus, if the result of the test is 100% "it", I prefer avort it."

yes, totally prejudiced skewed vision, she had. And for most of DDMs, she thought unnecessarily deeper on the matter. However, at least, checking of the disease means, "In case, I would do abortion", I should recognize it. Nasty, however, you have dared to do so, yes, was the logical answer. Only who agree the result, should have a test. And I did the test yes. Rough and detailed, both. More detailed exists, yes. And Miyuki satisfied with the result of the second grade. Only a rough check, already means "I will do it, in case." Why not? Logical answer.

Then, after more than 10 years, Miyuki changed her mind. She started to think of chance to have the third kid. And this kid would be brough up by her mate, as a hypothesis, until they gain some independent condition, in other words, until their diaper taken off. After without diaper, I can play with the kid, however, I am not good at such a care taking business. Thus, if the supposed mate agree this so narrow ranged proposal, we would have chance to have the kid.

Thus, she started to think of DOWN Syndrome kid, because she is almost 50 at that time, and the possibility is bigger than Alex and Clare. And the result. Welcome. Gods would not put excessive burden for us. If it comes, it means that I could put up with coexistance with it. It means that it would be playful guy, at least, even it would seem a bit strange for us all. DOWN Syndrome is just a name. Probably, we have lots of different gene shapes and arrange of orders, just DOWN gene is easy to find type. Some similarity it would have, yes. Big glasses wearing kids type. Looks a kind of Nard. Oh, Miyuki!!! Thus, thus, OK, even it has a possibility. As her preference, avoidable. As it happened in case of selection of gine contributer of Alex. Just like, "I prefer good eyes kids, if I could, thus, I avoid some guys with glasses necessity type." However, OK, any. For me, more important is they can play with me, and I am rich enough to feed them, and they can live independently, or with others' assistence, without me,only. DOWN or not, weighs not at all! Other serious disease holdings are highly important, or morally degraded or not. Minimum, OK. Like IgnoLandia's requisit. Error should be corrected after it recognizes the existance. And refusal of recognition should be calculated another big error.

Thus, Miyuki survived. Miyuki thought up to the bottom, at that time. Slight check, and more slightest check, would be a admission of fetus eating. She admitted, and expressed it so clearly. She wrote to the medical doctors in her report. And fetus eater, she was categorized by them. Oh?

Yes, and she changed mind already. And she recognized, Oh, I! Probably miraclous example of DOWN Syndrome type monky kids, who gained the best degree in the world, with doctral degree of the best university in a country. And now, "OK, OK, blooded OK, adopted OK, with apes, OK, with crocodiles, OK, with plants, OK, with trees, OK, with weeds OK!"

She sifts so quick. Quickest rather than Chinkoro. He said, "If I were she, I would be agnized to have a kid between me and weeds. I, weeds eater, while, she or they, weed or weeds. And kid? Eatable???? Kid eating is prohibittion or tabboo No.1! Who I would not get agonized with this problem...I would take more than one week to reach the result. Theorically yes, however, practically, so so difficult, like her touching problem."

After the result, persuasive to her, it means totally logically for her, it is easy to take an act. Swift at this point. Fatus eater, the test would be! She recognized it, and at that time, for her, as a hipothese, the best for her. And then, Oh, I escaped from eating myself!!!

She looked like a strange monster, Miyuki was said by others. Oh, so? Pretty kid, I am. She believes so as always. Maternity blue, exists? was her question. And her mate in Sao Paulo, mate's of Fabio with Kenji, said, "In my case, exist. After having a baby, I burst into tears, when I was watching laughing type light TV program. Strange for me, however, probably it was Maternity Blue."

And Miyuki? No. Cheerful, more cheerful, after having kids. Maternity doesn't exsist inside me, probably.

No sensation as mather. Just, "Oh!" type, has no such strange feeling. Mother is created by society. For her rare case, anyone obliged her to be mother. Just in the name. And she refused such a calling to the kids, and declared in front of her pupils, "I hate to be called "Mother"". How audacious, MIYUKI was!!! Maternity doesn't exist, she said clarely. And this is the killer frase to them all. Faked kindness was called like Maternity. Inside, just egotism. I am fragile, thus please take care of me so kindly like indulgence. Feeble minded OK, however, attacking others so easily is sin. Fatus eater, she turned to be easily, and now turning.

And Miyuki was a kind of the monsters. And she recognized it. And she thought it not so serious, and just "I made a big mistake at all. Big, however, passed. " like, "Oh, sorry, I triggered WWIII, however, I didn't know that I did it. After, I recognized it, thus, I changed my mind, and now, I am so peaceful in mind. Yes, I should recuperate from the damage. And yes, concrete damage had not happened in the case of Clare. Thus, yes, theoretically, I triggered, yes, however, pragmatically, even considering further possibility of having third or more kids, I am free from the damage at all. Thus, I fell so relieved as always. Nasty not at all. Down syndrome is just a name of the easiest grasping of the kids with some strangeness. Nards, probably. Like deaf, blind, crooked legs, short finger holders, short penis holders, tiny bust holders and so on. Different appearence, just it. And they attacked challenged, especially gene skewed type, as underdevelopped. Miyuki, like you, you among Animal wonderland. Pet, you!!!

Our boss is challenged and Down syndrome holders? And she is good at everything rather than all of us???? DDMs disliked the result.

Why almost all of characters of the factors adopted for identification of Down Syndrome are applied for me?, was Miyuki's question. She got to know the factors, when she read encyclopedia of HEIBON-sha. Some doubts appeared on her mind. And when she was in versity, she thought, "I am not good at memory. Probably because of this syndrome???"

Exists who got doubt of Down syndrome's holding of her own among Platinum tribe? Fu-san rememberd Miyuki's shocking confession, "Why I don't know, however, almost all of requisite I fulfil on the syndrome...Am I it???"

Serious confession. Not a joke. Exists? Exists...She...Dr.Miyuki SATOW. Super Monky Son GOKUU. Dragon Ball Z!!!

Thus, she should act the role of her grand kid, also...Childish GrandPa, came here!!! Vagabond's Father's Father, came now!!!

She could play the role of the all members of Dragon Ball Z, including the enemy, Piccolo. Why if Miyuki does the face of Piccolo, or AWL, they express some response, anyway? Impulse level disliking, probably. "How nasty her facial expression is?" was their feeling. For her, just a rage of AWL. For them, beast. Yes, beast, however, not so different from real my face. A more animal like Poseidon like face. Just it. Not so bad to do so sometimes, looking into the mirror in the toilet especially to take her nose muck.

Why always my nose hall has nose muck, one per each. I look so stupid this two nose muck...I take every time, however, when I enter and look at the mirror, always two nose muck in my nose hale. Stupid! I don't look like a Doctoral degree holder at all...Miyuki's sigh....I thought that this is my fountain of pride. however, my looking betrays so much, especially with these two nasty objects. Always. Cleaning up, however, always with them, whenever I look into the mirror in the toilet.

Do you have the same problem? Always with one muck, appearantly, per hall. Worse than Vagabond's Father. In his case, only several nose hole hair, per each. In my case, muck. Worse!!! Much worse!!!

She was in danger also today in Silver Lake or NANKO area. A helicopter, probably Drone, was in the surfice of the lake, and suddenly changed the direction, and chased her, who was watching it and taking several pictures of it. And it landed so so near of her. Sythe, it would be. They could cut the head, easily. She knews the evil case, already. Thus, she ran away from the place, taking the proof of their attacking as some pictures.

And found that relatively many figures appeared as walkers, drivers and workers of cutting jobs, in front of her. And on the south side of the lake, she found a big hit wrongdoing...and so shocked. Almost stuck on the place. It said, "On 8th of June, from 10:00 to 16:00, we will sprincle poison to fight against worms of red pine trees on the NANKO area by Helicopter. It would cause some syndrome to some of them. In case of the happening, you would dash into informing to us.Telephone number of SHIRAKAWA-KOUSEI-HOSPITAL". Oh, raid by helicopter.

And thus, in Hachioji, in the center of Tokyo, there was no plant situation, we experienced. And in HACHIOJI, even cockroachs were rare to appear, and if they appeared, they were too too slow and easily hit by Miyuki, a famous gymnastic no promissive ex-kid. Why? Degradation even in the society of cockroachs????

Oh, they did it already, and repeated so many years, thus, the legs of the babies in Tokyo were so short, and they were all sleepy as always, and too too calm like dead bodies.

And in Shirakawa, probably, they changed the date, and the acepharos vehicles and transportation related equipments made a big mistake. One day earlier that the exact day, they did the job already. Thus, from eariler in the morning, car chase like siren, fire engiens, and ambulance cars, dashed and vanished. And helicopter appeared.

Miyuki sighed, and today she found that the ponds are filled with Japanese water lilies, with blooming in pinkish red. Nirvana or peaceful situation or ataraxia, in an epicurian way of saying.

倫を知る, or NORI-WO-SHIRU, or "You should behave within the limit" was Epicurian remark. They know well on the limit, while DDMic society took him like an erotic beast. Ryuichi NAGAO wrote on it, and Miyuki liked his essay on the matter. For whom knows the limit, any amusement is OK, probably it would refrain from the wrongdoings."

Liberal, it would be. Liberalism is tabboo here in Japan. For shrinking of size, they took poison and electric and sound waves, wind shaking and so one, just to confuse the hormone ejecting process inside the body. For impulse type, erotic movement would be fine, because they are now in the age of kinkiest mass destruction or GENOCIDE.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (97)

2017-06-07 08:03:07 | 日記
07/06/2017 (Wednesday, morning) Miyuki awoke at 6:00 in the morning, and from that time to 7:30, every in 15 minute, siren of ambulance and patrol car chasing and fire engine, happened. In total, 6 times. Exactly. What does it mean?

yesterday, I watched a scene of fire of Shirakawa Chuo junior high, which happened in 1972 or 1973. The exact scene was painted in the Tunnel No.1-1, by Promissive Kids Tribe. They did know it happened? Miyuki got surprised!

Yes, it happened in the night, or rahter, in early morning, at 2:00 or so, ealier than the sun rising. I was watching it, and beside, my mother. She said, "It looks like a raid done by USA during WWII, witch I had seen in Tokyo, when I was a kid."

She explained that she and her family escaped from Tokyo to Funabashi, only several days before of the raid, later to Miyuki. Why she did know the scene? Miyuki now recognized her some confusion in mind.

yes, everyone has such kind of confusion. Probably, she has some mates too similar to her, and the mates watched the scene, and they could feel as if they themselves had experienced as themselves. Sympathy transmission fenomenum, probably.

Thus, I could feel the shocking scene of what Chinkoro experienced at the last time in Shirakawa, this evilest rural village. Some kind of special ability. And now, my mother feels sympathy to YUKARI so much, thus, always they says the same thing, and according to DDMic doctrine, two witness is enough to prove, thus, always Miyuki is in danger. YUKARI creates some illusion with hatred against Miyuki, and this hatred was tranmitted to her mother, who believes YUKARI's illusion as if it were the real fact, and my mother is a kind of informing maniac, thus, the pair does the dirty work as usually. Sympathetic Transmission!

And Promissive Kids Tribe could accept Miyuki's feeling, thus, they could know what happend in 1972 or 1973 in the goddamnit school. They knew well! A kid, with so Brazilian like face, moreno type has the same inclination to imagine what is and was happening, like MIYUKI. He was smiling, and sitting like Miyuki is a narration mode.

Oh, the Bergian addopted Brazilian, a big daddy type was like that also? He turned to be a tail informant, whose armed force is imagination and talking. Miyuki bought a package of CD book of old tails, western and Brazilian, spoken in his own voice. Soft, low, amusing kind warm voice. We could feel the same! Imaginary world believers!!!

Door to everywhere! When Miyuki felt so lonely, Miyuki used this, and thought, "If I were a mate of Swallow's Ship member? Or Amazon's invitated guest? " Oh, Titi is this type!!!

And more modernized version is SAKURA clonicle's heroine. She can see what happened in the past, now and in the future. Card Chapter SAKURA, the original version is. And ANIME version was broadcasted by NHK, and one of my son Alex's favorite. When she is in sleeping mode, she can visit several different places and periods, and experiences lot of unnusual happenings, and in the end, a kind of some loneliness, she feels.

In Miyuki's case, yes, the sympathy she feels, however, more cheerful mode. No affection put type. Thus, laughing stories, for her, in the end! Romantic stories, NHK provided. However, for Miyuki, unusual rare experiences, and a lot of gags!!! Seriel killer gags!!! Chinkoro burst for it!!! Oh, I couldn't put up with these illogical fanomena!!!! Out of mind!!! Oh, Oh....

Thus, Chinkoro came to Miyuki's Ignolandia. Good closed friend, he is. And Rabby can be proud of Miyuki. She wrote it finally. She should work for us. In doubt, however, she needs to express her "What I felt when I encounter with the unusual scene".

My mother is jealous, however, at least, not "Masumi HAYASHI", Miyuki categorized. However, in the end, "Oh, Masumi is here and there. She is one of them." and almost all of Japanese ladies are serial killers like Masumi and Miyuki's mother and sister YUKARI. They are the same in a body. They can destroy our beautiful universe, just by their impulse.

Miyuki thought that "Maternal Instinct" didn't exist. And for some conventional type, as a kind of anti-scientific belief, it would exist, Miyuki presumed. And thought that it was based on kindness, which is a kind of humanity.

however, Miyuki's vision was too too Good ol' simple minded Simon. Simple Simon, met a pieman, said to the pieman, "Give me a piece of your pie!" ♫🎶

 Oh, for Miyuki, "For free, you can eat as you like" is taken literlly. However, for them, "For Free" is invaluable, or, tremendous value of money needed.

DDMic society is related to MONOLIS, or Polaris, the coldest place in the world. Scott or Amunsen? Miyuki's reply...Miyuki!!!

Nansen also included. Miyuki!!! If Miyuki were a clue of them? Miyuki would have run away, because of Chillblain!!!

Stupid boss killed the young promissive boy, and he left the cruel house, and lost. Miyuki read the article correctly. Don't follow the kinkiest ladies. However, their way? They followed, and all failed. In a body!!!

They did it, they called to the police, and the police caught her in Tokyo!!! They yelled. Oh, Miyuki! You did it!! You are one honorable member of naughty boys!! And then? DDMs should vanish right now, eternaly, immediately, all in one!!! Golf!!! Whale in one!!! They are going directly into INFERNO!!!

And Miyuki got wonder, why the big girl hugs the pinky pig? Tantony's pig? Not dirty ugly swine. Some pet.

And Miyuki found the key. Oh, I copied a light verse of Luis Carrol on the memory book for graduates.

"A pig was sitting beside a well, he cried, saying, "I want to fly".

Oh sloughter song. He wanted to get out of the worst situation. If I would have a pair of wings...

Miyuki put it with her some kind of irony. This bood is for Teachers' Pet producing system. Spet! However, at that time, Miyuki felt that she were not so attractive at appearace. Thus, pig is fine to use as her metaphor.

However, teacher responseble called Tadao KOMURO's comment was out of mind for her. Kind, in a certain meaning, however, not at all for me type. He mentioned to her epecial experience. She could to jump over the bar, and burst into tears, with some emotion, not so messy one. "I could do it! I could do it!" like BUBUKA.

However, he took wrongly. "By my assistence she could do it, and for demonstrating her thanking, she was crying." Thus, soon later, Miyuki visited him, and asked him, "Please don't mention to my climax emotion expressed by tearing. Please. You know, I am a guy. I would be ashamged that someone would know in public that I cried with tears. They would think that "Oh, she looks strong, however, inside, she is just a sissy boy!" And he agreed.

However, he commented, suggesting her own special moment...Oh, teacher...Your understanding is so simple minded. Not for you, I burst into tears. I am an olimpic gymnastic title holder, at that moment. yes, as you know, I am one of the worst pupil on the subject, your major, gymnastics. However, I could feel the sensation of vistory. I cried because of it. Like "Eureika!" of Alkimedes in Physics. You took wrong...

And now she smelled, exactly at 9:00, cocaine. Who put it?

And after milk taking, she gets always sleepy, she recognized. FURUSATO milk, she took, this morning. Yesterdy, she opened, and drank, and fell in asleep. Milk induces her sleeping.

Thus, she should leave her now! We should perceive their dangerous plan for today.
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly! BUSU-VICHs!!!

See you later, soon, for all of us, friends!!!
From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!