Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (118)

2017-06-20 20:09:01 | 日記
20/06/2017 (Tuesday, evening) Miyuki went to Yanta Riverside and found there a series of AJISAI or Rain Frowers, with special blue bunches of flowers blooming. Blue is so brilliantly distinctive in the green leaves, and on the back, a range of dark green range of mountains. Blue and Green world. Miyuki liked so much!

Miyuki remembered that yesterday's Niagara Fall's image was Marylin Monroe herself!!! Too too natural, and sexy, and authentic, classical, and fertile and good in volume. Strong, however, not puniching type. Attractive, and cute and purity. Not secred, rather approximate, however, also divine, paradise like existance. Maryline Monroe, the rose's name is!!!!

And Miyuki found that the AJISAI did vanishing trick art. They show their pretty bunches of blue flowers only Miyuki in front of them. When she went more eastern ward, they were concealed. Just green leaves she could see. Probably, some colaborator, flying type, instructed the correct arrangement to do this trick art. Perfect. They vanished, without exception!!! Applause!!!!!

Miyuki came back at 20:00, and made a slight turn arround in YAOYACHO block, and felt that in the area, already the air was poluted by amphetamine and LSD. Thus, yesterday, MIYUKI felt so sleepy, she recognized.

And today, near the back door of the office, Miyuki felt cocaine, and in the inside, amphetamine, and soon she felt slight headache, keen ear noise, and sleepy. Someone took amphetamine here in the office, also today.

Miyuki went to WASHIO at 8:45 and waited for the opening scene of this unpopulous almost done type supermarket.

Suddenly after Miyuki's arrival there, DEVILS started to come and before 8:55, there were almost 20 figures in front of the entrance. They came with vehicles, thus, almost half of the parking lots were filled with them. And soon before 9:00, it opened, and immediately, they vanished from the entrance. And the vehicles started to go back to INFERNO.

They came here just for showing up their vanishing to MIYUKI? Almost all of them were old bugs. Male and female. And some snypers' attacking points Miyuki found. The slope of the inducing vehicles is one of the best place to watch DOWNWARD planes, or Hugh Stones. The snypers, who find the monitors, would shoot them easily.

And this monitoring space is also the best place to find strange heavy duty tracks, which are used only for Military tasks, however with the painting as common commercial use. At the same time, this slope is in the danger of being hit by the vehicles. Who were so clever brain and good eyes, like promissive kids, would find this good place, and were killed by the DEVILs, and slaughtered inside the supermarket, and left or burried in the tumbs, which MIYUKI does her orchestra conducting job.

Why this demonish Supermarket came? To start the DEVILs' slaughtering jobs.

Even now, WASHIO does the dirty job. Today, it was confirmed. Miyuki was targetted already. She was so distinctive, and easy to chase. Slender lady with glasses and a cap, who talks with plants, should be chased and the finder of her would be praised by us. Please give me the information on her. Devils' Death Note list No.1 target Dr.Miyuki SATOW.

And Miyuki found that the faked consumers' real objective was really killing Miyuki and her SQUAD 6. She pretended to wait for the rest in the parking lots, and the devils began to come near her. At the same time, the devils took advantage of comming, and started to find the mate for the death on the belly, in case of the failure. Thus, almost all of them came in a pair, or came alone and soon combined a team.

This process is similar to the sistem of assisted friendship or 援助交際 or ENKOU in short. Miyuki, at Supermarket BENIMARU, YOKOMACHO, got a success to take the picture of the scene of this assited friendship. A girl of junior high, which Clare is forced to go to, was waiting for someone in the corner of tea breaking, where Miyuki is accustomed to eat her meals, instead of her house. No house kids sell their bodies so easily. Ikkyo believers' like way of life. IWAMA's information is totally true.

Soon after, a tall guy with gray hair in a training wear appeared and started to talk to her, and then they agreed and the girl stood up to do their faked errand. Only 1 minute of confirmation is enough to do it altogether. So so easy bitch life, the girl lives.

No conversation is not necessary. Just some compliments are already OK for them two. Because they already sold their spirit and body to the devils, and the devils just want to do it. Devils are muck, thus, as their own figure, it is difficult to do it. Thus, they need to rent the skin bags from human figures.

Doing it makes them all fine, because the devils are totalitarian. Synonimus, the two words are.

Ampetamine an LSD accelate the impulse to do it. Thus, in the parking lots, there are so many guys who are in the wagons. They already were in the sytuation of hallusion. Thus, they just show the desire to do is enough.

Devils always ask Miyuki, "Are you OK for our leaving? You would be alone, probably." Miyuki's reply is, "Go ahead!!! Vanish! Immediately! Alone means without devils!!! Superb!!!! I said so already! Stupid! Idiots!!!", as always.

Why these already declared guilty type prisonners started to work in their killing job field, even after the lost war? Just betrayal against War Time Law. Execution immediate, please!!!! Bang-Bang!!!!360 degree machinegun attacking done by Miyuki herself!!!

Prisonners should not attack common people. Thus, they used black magic, rented by Devils, and lost a lot of spirits of others. Only one chance was done per each skin bag. Thus, they sold the village's all residents souls. Ineffective, Miyuki said, and immediately, they started to attack Miyuki, because she is only one guy to reveal the fact of inneffectivety. Devels' Contract. Resited by others for the first time. Oh, Sophie? How about you???

Miyuki did know the film, and if I were she, Meryl Streep, how I would reply?, she considered before. The reply was, "Who asked such a cruel question is confirmed Devil. Devel's Contract is inneffective. No one would be obliged to obey. Just say NO! to the devils. It's enough to result the innefectiveness." Thus, for Miyuki's family, easy to do so. Other's also. Everyone should do it, in case, it were not devil. If Devil, it is, just a betrayal. It would be punished so harsh, according to Devil's sadistic rules.

Miyuki's choice was thrilled by others. Oh, that's it!!!! For them, only death was the choice, they really thought of it. And Miyuki wispered, just said No to the devils.

Marvelous. Miyuki remembered that the yesterday's intentional lie was called 心裡留保 or SHINRI-RYUUHO or psychological reservation. Suberb!!!! Miyuki regained the memory!!!

Sometimes, Devils attack her memory. Just like a hide and seek game, her vocabulary hides and appears. She yelled, "EUREKA!" I found it, anyway.

She remembered that Laughing Salesman is the negative version of DORAEMON. And at the same period of the both comics written by Fujio FUJIKO, in the area of girls comics, also so many SATANISM related stories were written. EKO-EKO-AZARAKU, Bride of Satan, Requiem of 13th Month, Vimpire series of Moto HAGUIO, and so on. Gothic novels taste, Miyuki thought.

Now, Miyuki thought that some ULTRA Q like movies were produced in the same age. TAMANGO, MOSURA, GUE-GEU-GUE-NO-KITAROU, HAKABA-KITAROU's ANIME version, BEM-BELA-BELO, APPO-SHIMASHIMA-GU-GU-GU, and so one. Miyuki watched only a bit of some part of all of them.

TAMANGO was the story that a plane accidently fell in the isolated island, and the passengers found a big egg, and watched that the devils popped out from it and increased immediately, like black diety worms. She watched this film in Funabashi, when she was in summer vacation, her resort life as a petit Parisienne princes like girl, with her kins, in a night, so wet and nasty hot temperature surrounded.

After, she couldn't sleep well, and heard the summer bell rang, in so spooky tone, and disliked all of summer wind bell since it. During a day, OK, however, after evening, I want to get out any wind bell, during my life, she decided.

These films were so spooky, thus, she couldn't watch any scece without adults. And she prefered not seeing it, if she could. Only one TV period, thus, they needed to watch one same drama or program in the same place. In her case, in a room next to the living room.

Probably, my Auntie of law would be a DDM. Miyo YAMAGUCHI, she is. She, came to be member of YAMAGUCHI family, and one year after their wedding, Miyuki's grand father died. Then, they built a new modernized house.

And one year after 33 years of the grand father's death, Miyuki's grand mother died. She has a deposit of US$10 thousand, and it was all used for her funeral, exactly.

Probably, it was calculated so well, and 10 months were needed to keep her deposit to the amount. DDMs know the technic well, and they decided when they triggered the age and the date of the death of thier nasty parents in law.

For Miyuki and her mates, shocking story, however, they were already programmed for it. They should do it, in case of necessity. And Miyuki's auntie's case, she was just not able to take care of her mother in law, after she was not good at health.

Cold hearted. Just contract with care giver. Why they needed to kill others???

Killers, they are. Seriel, yes. Always they feel nasty, it is enough to kill others. SATANISM believers, and the state and the local governments assisted their marders. Marders, like Jay like way... Crying Game...

Only Japanse have such a custom not allowdable to anyone, Clare asked to them all. And Alex responded. Each country has some similarities, yes. However, not so much like Japan. Japan is the evilest. We should live with these killers, in the same building. And now, Alex is the target. Each time, they change the target. Already Alex is accustomed to be suffer from the smell. Cocaine, he prefered. Because, it is so nasty, however, not causes headache nor sleeping mode. Miyuki couldn't put up with any of them, except Marifana...Paul Anca like way...Diana's parody.

Miyuki liked to imitate their all, including YUKARI? As a matter of fact, Miyuki doesn't like imitate any of her families. Just like she can't imitate Shirakawa dialect at all.

Thus she was thought promissive kids. They disliked to be immitated by anyone????

They want to effect others, yes. However, imitation would be the last one. Alex tried to do so, and now, they turned to be his chacers. Thus, take care! Get out of the house, as soon as possible. Bycicle is so dangerous these days, as you know well. Chinkoro, the most promissive wild hare lost his precious life because of crazy heavy duty tracks. Now, he is in my IGNOLANDIA, yes. Good team leader, and called Shadow Boss.

Our team mates are all promissive kids type. Anyway quick type. Thus, we are all TOHOHO tribes. We lost the most important precious things, each. Guts, honour as the superb fighter, Carousel, it or P, Adachi and Chinkoro and Rabby, life. Miyuki, career as academician. And they all pledges the revenge against all DDMs, or namely, DEVILS. Alzheimer Devils they are. Just it. We are not obedient to any of them. Ignorance, total.

This morning, Miyuki met four of her family, coincidently. And Miyuki ignored three of them, all adults. Only Clare, Miyuki signed a bit, and she responded a bit. It was max communication between them. Almost no talking version, because Miyuki's mother was monitoring them both, wathing Miyuki with her apolled eyes.

Miyuki relies on none of them. Thus, sufficient to do so.

Adults should know it type matters in Japan would be Devil's work itself. Miyuki didn't know the system at all, and thus, she was trapped, and survived by way of ADACHI's strong assistance. However, even ADACHI, cried for their story of serious attacking on her family all.

Only 80 yens per month insurance is sold in Shirakawa. Miyuki found the advertisement flag in Beisia, and took the picture of it. And they found it, and appiled each per each. Then, they are obliged to go to clinic, in case of their necessity. Their nacessity? When some guy called to them.

Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And explained how the insurance was dangerous. And then, they were trapped all. Insurance means death inducing. Thus, all of them should protect from insurance, was Miyuki's interpretation.

However, for the three adults, insurance is a kind of necessity for living????

Only 80 yens for life long insurance? They thought and got upset. however, they explained. Try it. One month would be a trial. And you liked, you should continue????

Insurance as trial???? Just a medical use???

Thus they were trapped. They thought that YUKARI had already insurance, however, no insurance was discovered, and at the same time, she was judged as the real Alzheimer patient. As MIYUKI's saying, they both thought.

Her way of life should be avoidable. Young Alzheimer inducing way of life, she did. And she is punished right now.

Abusing of cocaine, amphetamine, LSD, as she liked. No man's land. Who cares? YUKARI confessed easily. And they said no to the cheapy insurance. However, if she should be qualified as the hypothetical Alzheimer patient, she would be a member of insurance. For the test, you should pay only 500 yens. And they paid and she were categorized the hypothetical one, and entered into the insurance.

And they were revealed the real Alzheimer patients, both. No memory on their hay days. What is the last date of your happy birthday? Their remark was, "we are ladies. We refuse to answer to reply the question." And they confessed that they were feeling like 17 years old. And they were refused again.

Like a shame collecting contest. They appeared in Beisia sudenly, and got refused, and then reappeared, and got refused again. And Beisia clerks dont care at all of their repetition of the trial of the ensurance. For others, a kind of laughing game, however, the both, and the clerks, were making the same conversation as usual.

Always from the begining, they both ask, and the clerks start to explain. All Alzheimer society held in Shirakawa. Social Dance. Shall We Dance? Koji YAKUSHO. FUSAN's favorite no.1.

Not promissive was necessity to survive. Promissive would be killed in this village. Thus, only erotic monsters remain now. A lady with a black dog, with no facial expression in a so vague mode, just passed in front of Miyuki. Living dead, or 生きる屍 or IKIRU-SHIKABANE. 死せる魂。or Dead Spirits, by Gougory.

Miyuki liked Dicanica Twon Night Tales. The writer wrote his cronicle, in his own sarcastic ways. And he got caught, and put into hospital or custody, and said to be a mentally illed guy. Like Miyuki. The same thing now in Shirakawa. Thus, I was so interested in his illusional strange public agencies related demonic existance's episodes. The hero of Dead Spirits was so similar to Masato NINOMIYA.

He never showed his eyes, when he was talking, was MIYUKI's impression. Always with a smiling, however, like sleeping, his eyes were downward. To where, his eyes were?, was Miyuki's question.

Always smiling erotic monstrous figures, these three guys. Miyuki's Bad 3, are Kouichi YOSHIDA, Youichi HIGUCHI and Masato NINOMIYA. Always her teacher responsible type. Coincidence. Thus Miyuki dislikes any educational facilities. Always, they were kinkiest and killed others easily. And after their master devastation, they forgot the fact, and if others appointed the fact of forgetfulness, they triggered to the kind pointing figures.

KAKISHIMA, YUKARI, and her mother, were famale type Big 3, among the DDMs world.

MICCHIKu world likes 3 figures, the 333 number plates were their preference.

And Micchiku was satanism only. And now, Alex is passing program of MATSUKO, and this is one of the idiots satans only type. IQ less than zero. IQ 69, was under Alzheimer level, you know?, Haruki MURAKAMI?

Miyuki was so feeling strange Haruki MURAKAMI gained popularity abroad. UROBOROS, Miyuki thought. No startig point, no end, like Forest of Norway, any relationship between title and the contents. Oh, the real chasing game world! Oh, Shirakawa is just the novel for him to describe.

Miyuki never has read his novel. Only remembered the book review on the novel, writing "A 6 finguers girl worked like a clerk of the book shop." ??? Normal. No Way for the forest?, in Shirakawa...

Just because of only one more extra finger, she should be obliged not to work as physically challenged?

OROBOROS is a snake who eats his own tail. And recently, Miyuki watched a lot of strange "cut in the middle" type cars outside. Oh, upper part of the trunk was vanishing type! Because of OMANKO economy, Shirakawa figures lost their head graduatly, thus, they turned to be headless, the strange short track like mini-van represented. Brainless, then cut the head, and then, they vanish soon.

Miyuki found that a man came in a black big wagon, parked in the parking lots in front of YAMAYA, in MEGA-STAGE shopping mall, and then, instead of him, a female DDM and its faked daughter appeared. Only a man drove the car, and he vanished, and appeared the mother and the daughter. Skin bag identification problem, they are suffering from now. Thus, sometimes, so strange situational comedy happens like that.

Degradatin process, thus, devils do the ridiculous wrongdoings. Today, near ABUKUMA river side, at YOKOMURA house building material center, Miyuki got shocked so much at their cruelty. The precious red pines, a beautiful slambers, were put into the machine to produce just chips...Bood bye, Mr.Chips.

Miyuki's hypothesis was, they confuse Tips with chips. They want to earn small money like tips, thus, they produced chips with the precious woods. Stupid like my sister and my mother. Devils, with low intellectuality.

Rural type were added cruelity much more, Miyuki really thinks. Jasons, they are. Satan's seriel killers, they are. And their shapes were more female type, preferably.

TAKARABE turned to be a female, because of his cruelty. YUKARI is admiror of Jason. TAKAHARA cut it for gaining money, because he thought it were not necessary. For them, turning to be cruel means could gain more money. Just it.

Alzheimer Jasons, are the cruel fact of Shirakawa. Today, Miyuki was approached by some of them, and felt really thrilled by their appearance. All old male type, and suddenly they came, and when Miyuki recognized, they started not to attack her. Abruptly they forgot the tabboo. Don't kill your boss. Betrayal no.1. However, when they gazed Miyuki, she looked so suitable as an object of attaking. Skirt wearing child, speaking to the plants, without noticing them at all. Special chance for them to attack the girl...And found, the girl is bigger than them, and gave up to attack. Short means that it is suitable for being attaked. Rapists want to attack any short existance. Thus, the Central junior high supils sell their body as much as possible, and the supermarket of BENIMARU-YOKOMACHI is a meeting point for them all.

Boy prostitutes, also. For Miyuki, all prostituts are bitches. Pansies, if they prefer to be called separatedly. Today, 渡辺葵羽 came to be bought. A fat boy, with nasty facial expression. How this strange name would be pronunced?, Miyuki thought. Unusual name, anyway.

Any uniform wearer would be sold more than other common casual wearers. Thus, Miyuki is thought so cheap. Probably, for free, they calculated. And found the fact that she is out of their ataccking. Sacred place, or evacuation teritory like existance, not public toilet, or YARIMA, in Japanese.

Probably, they misunderstood her evacuation problem erroneously. For Miyuki, refugee, in short. And for them, toilet used one, for ass only product...Always, so ego-centric, satans are.

SATANs not SATOWs, OK? However, they can't recognize the name at all. For them, SAT is already OK. Thus, SATOW was targetted anyway. SATOW would be the relatives of Devils, they thought so simply.

OA problem...OA exam system. OX soy sauce...OX is OK and No. Thus...recognition problem of wrong and rightous, or false and true. For them, everything is false, and true at the same time. Wrongdoings are praised behaviours. Satans are like that. Miyuki's team mates all sighed deeply.

They could catch some part of Miyuki's mind map, and construct so nasty only idiots could feel interested in type program, and they put the name, MATSUKO. 嫌われ松子の一生. Life of MATSUKO, always disliked by anybody.

無法松の一生 or Life of MATSU, a bad guy, was a kind of model life of poor gentlemen. Thus, a kind of text book for common people. Moriko liked the book. He, the protagonist, even being disliked by others, continued to be clean and gained a love of a beatiful lady, in a platonic way.

Miyuki's case was a bit difficult... As she knews well, her idealism screens so many guys from her candidates of future sex friends. Any rightous is OK, she declared. However, her plurarism was disliked by almost all of them...Oh, so many???

Any guy would be fine, however, not so good with others type was their preference?? Monopoly type???

Miyuki's screening is too too rough. Guts OK, Carousel OK, why not???? Normal. Why? All idealist, and activist. Physical type. And the result...TOHOHO. Betrayed by the society, including MIYUKI. We are common victims' league...

Comfort, some kind of. At the same time, we want to go forward. Beyond the boundary of prejudice, we want to go. Thus, IGNOLANDIA. Experimental planet.

Probably, they put us all on the colder planet Emperor, and tried to get us believe as if it were the earth. However, from Fobos and Dimos, so many satans came to attack us. Thus, their lie was revealed. Already replaced by Emperor, however, the governments of each country insisted to behave like the earth, and ordered satans to kill who got to know the fact.

Coldest place in the world, or north pole, written by AMUNSEN. Just a change of inclination would cause time change. And Emperor is slower than the earth. Thus, sometimes, they need to coordenate the gap. And wi-fi electric clocks were used all over Japan, especially in universities. Only wi-fi clocks are OK, thus, other common clocks should be broken, was the ex-bosses' order. Thus, in Shirakawa, in front of KOMINES culture center, the clock stopped at 1:12. The time of the death of this rural village.

Big Tall Old Clock, my grand father's one. Now, not moves at all. However, I love it.
It came on the exact day when he was born, and stopped when he diceased.

Tsunehiko KAMIJO sang the song. We, Shirakawa III primary school kids sang when they were pupils. However, almost 10 years ago, suddenly, this song got popularity again. Why???

Because kids know well that almost all of big clocks in the town each, stopped moving.

In KAWAGOE or 川越, Miyuki found the dead clock, like in Shirakawa. Why the most famous clock of the town doesn't move?, was Miyuki's simplest question.

Kids were prohibitted to notice it. Or they threatened to kill them both. Thus, in this came, being dumbs would be fine, they thought. And each trained not to be dumbs. Clare's case, some gymnastic admiror's taste. Sportive girl. Only sports type. Alex's case, turned to be an American guy. And sometimes, gay, included. Miyuki's case, honestly, got astonished at the fact. Appalled eyes, as always, and "Die for now!" for satans, only.

Satans, they are. And now, Miyuki? you thought that they are Devils? A kind of. I need to cut the extra expressions for them. Devils has some nuance of clear cut image with intellectually high spec type. Now, revealed that they have any minimun quality of intellectuality to exist. All Less than zero type. Morally degraded, we all know well. However, all of devils were just intellectually so so less than zero. This was beyond Miyuki's imagination. Unusually slow, Miyuki thought when she heard MATSUKO's program. Snail like existance, they would be. Oh, Shinichi HOSHI, U2????

Kids faked started to cry, with some fear. It means that soon they would be killed and eaten. Only satans could do it type treatment is done, expectively. MATSUKO is provided the dead body, thus, she is big, under the war time, in a certain meaning.

Rough Garden, Miyuki planned to have. Autonomy would be done by the plants, more vegetable type. In case of necessity, we assist. However, as a normal mode, vegitables by themselves, run the garden, and if they agree, we could gain a sufficient wvolume of their products. And how picking was ask to them, was the right answer. Sometimes, picking berry causes problems.

Miyuki found that Cherry trees have rusberry fruits. Miyuki thought that "EUREIKA! I would be a one of the first scholar who found the fenomenum of easy mixing inclination of the plants. I would have gained a lot of Nobel Prizes of Biology. Now, Nobel was killed by his own NTT, thus, No-Bell Alien Prize for Miyuki, Ha-Ha-Ha-Harman!!!!"

Black is good to eat, generally speaking. Marberry's case. However, watching the berry, the black is not eatable, at a glance. Already lost brilliance means not suitable to pick it up. Miyuki avoided to eat this spectacular discovery in the field of biology. Just for observaion, she decided.

Now, Miyuki is really sleepy. Ampetamine causes so sleepy situation. Thus, tracks caught kids so easily. Heavy duty tracks world already in Shirakawa. It would be the final Jason's attacking. Noisy and cruel. And sometimes, the black magic shows their legs. Big Fat Ugly Legs, they have.

To showup the messy house , they chose the wrong way. They gained a small amount of money from the disaster of big earthuake, in 2011. Miyuki did remember that they gained some public insurance when they categorized 50% of danger, and paid only US$5 thousand. Then, they changed their mind. It is enough to live for them all, however, for both, YUKARI and her mother, Tokyo like modern residence would be fine, they all decided. Here and there, vacant houses exists. With their money, they could buy. For it, they were thrifty, weren't they?

They lost the money, because of YUKARI's inhaling habit. Again and again, they lost, and changed their mind again. Keep some money from others would be better, under the situation. Paracite, in any case. And Miyuki ignores them both, completely. This is Miyuki, Clare deeply thought. Why we are so messy, under the total control of these Alzheimer monsters????

Always "On behalf of you, both. We love you both. Miyuki is a monster. A bitch." preached in front of them. And then, when Miyuki appeared, just kept silent. Appalled, as if they were waiting for her complement. And Miyuki passed through them both. Miyuki's cool. And this is the way for treating the both. No thanks at all. Always, in the backyard, they talk bad on Miyuki, didn't know who is Miyuki. A kind of monsters. Miyuki is a kind of name, when she starts to criticise her world and ideology. A cruel devil, she is.

Better than idiot satans. The both totally were against their monstrous forgetful only declaration world. Miyuki should learn lots more their magics. They should be in the confusional period. Personal change, so oftenly they do. And they change their voice so easily. Voice training effect, we call it. And they uses the others' voice, as usual. A kind of strange magic world, they lived. And now, Miyuki put her magic powder called ignorance. IGNOLANDIA's present to their faked protectionist world, namely, INFERNO, like Kyorin Versity.

If I would have gained TKAHARA as my bride, he would be the rotten domestic idol bug, soon after the marrige, like YUKARI. Miyuki presumed it so easily. Miyuki did not get married with any one. And it was the killer words for them both. Wedding? Shemeful ceremony. Declaration of "Oh, guys, we two would do it tonight!" in public. Too too nasty to think of it. Sheme, anyway. Public!!!!! Incredible!!! Strange habit!!!!

Thus, they all failed already. Kyorin Versity doesn't exist, anymore. However, Miyuki needs money, to work for us all, and sustain her living. Thus, only way was use the versity's salary. Or, they stole all of them, as usual. They gained money for it. They lied a lot, and their lies were so big. A mount of lies. A picketful of lies!!! Sing a song of 6 billions US dollars! ♫♬

 Miyuki thought that it were so small amount. However, International world is in danger of financial sphare. Probably, at max, this value....TOHOHO again....

They stole, we wanted to prove. And they did, as we thought. Always stole, and their explanation is "we thought that it were ordered by our boss." Always, like Miyuki's families' excuse.

Always expressed her intention so clearly, thus, they disliked Miyuki so much, because it would cause a big debt on both of them. They should owe, of course!!!

See you on our blog!!! Good night for us all!!!!

Vanish! DDMs!!! Satanists!!!! Ugly dirty cruel bitches, you are!!!!

From SQUAD 6, with big LOVE!!!! 💛