Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (134)

2017-06-29 19:44:14 | 日記
29/06/2017 (Thursday, evening) Miyuki pushed away from the chamber of her mother at 7:00 in the morning. She brouht a miso soup with smell of pooh, namely, a miso soup with raddish. Oh, this is the smell, that it was predicted yesterday by our mates, "Miyuki, your mother will turn to be only pooh, watch out of her change!"

Miyuki went to the commercial area toward JR station. On the way, Miyuki recogonized that some DDMs, including male type, were entering into the specialist creating center for care giving, namely, ex-YOKADO, on the skewed Japanese locking shape Cross, called KAKEGANE-DUKURI.

Astonishingly, a middle aged bitch popped out from the building with a big trash, and left it, crossing the road, and she yelled to the pupils, older than she, "Hi, guys! Good morning!", and they replied, "Good morning, Teacher!" Oh, here in Shirakawa, now, Tea Ceremony Tribe teaches how to kill the family, to dissert them, and to dispose them. Satanic School, it is!!!! Big Schoop for us all!!!

AOKI liked to see the bitches, several times a day. And they provided him milk abundantly, even now. They are unchecked place to dispose the body. Then, AOKI came and clean up the job.

Mutually dependent, in this case. Major SUZUKI played an important role thus, and he provided the bunch of keys to the newcomers. and said, "If someone happened to notice the change of the village, kill him".

Thus, the faked residenses, started to chase Miyuki, also today. Miyuki is targetted because She should know the facts of the result of the spooky contract.

God hand users, now. They want t play the role of medical sirvice providers. Oh, HASE-BYO nurses, they turned to be.

Then, she climed up the second story of KOMINES, in the valcony. And found that now the skin bags are not sufficient to play the suitable job. Thus, some langhing contradictional gags started to happen.

Several DDMs, in femail DDMic wife only type casual wearings, stood each cross of the road, and played the role of the physical workers, which last week did the same job, in the same place.

Muck is muck, yes. However, suitable wear was used, up to now. Because they are the creature of the religion , that only superficialiity works. Recently, even superificiality of faking figures is not inclined to be kept.

We are looking forward to seeing the marvelous scenes of this gap of manish working played feminine skin bags or vice versa. In Tokyo, Miyuki already watched them, and now, in Shirakawa, it would happen, soon.

Wehn Miyuki came back from the walking, she recognized that a yellow can, which are two sissors in, was put on the PC on the desk.

At the same time, from the entrance of the front door to the Miyuki's desk, a road, suiable for a wheel chair or an ambulance bed, is established , used the space of the floor, by the layout change of the furnitures. They are trying to attack Miyuki at the desk, it means. Easy to bring her to the funeral car or the ambulance, probably.

Miyuki is now the target of catching even in her own family. Any escape would not be allowed for her, my parents and YUKARI decided, probably. Their choice. VANISH! DDMs!!!

Even now, they think that the system of Miyuki catching game would work, and by their contribution of the game, they could servive, at the cost of me, MIYUKI SATOW.

For the conventionalists, new age of dominance of plants is not put up with, probably. Thus, I should be killed immediately, before it happens, they thought.

However, already the new age came, and we are now in the transition. Thus, we need to prepare for the happy new age!!!! Conglatulations, Miyuki!!! You did it!!! You did it!!! You chose the rightous mates!!!!
Only reliable mates could work world!!!! Reliance would get us to go forward, to the highest point!!!!

Today, Miyuki came back to the house, at 19:00. In the YAOYA-CHO block, there were relatively so many figures found. An old bitch, who put a faked baby on the back, which is so rare recently, was walking along on the road. In the courtyard, despite of so late in the evening, so many kids and their faked parents stayed there. And succesively, 5 or more vehicles passed on the road in front of the courtyard of Miyuki's Family's house. They were prapared for the supposed last chance of the catching game.

Yesterday, Miyuki cought a sinistrous message of faked Gods of Justice. As she wrote before, "You should prepare for the leaving from the world" or rather, "Go to Inferno, Miyuki!" like message, it was. According to the faked god, today would have been the D-Day for Miyuki.

As Miyuki and her team mates Wild 7's consideration, this type of omnous message was sent by the Azleheimer Faked Gods, namely, satans.

Thus, Gods of Justice should do their clean up job. If they allow such satans inside their society, it means that Gods of Justice themselves would have agreed the cruel catching game against any fundamental law. We all relied on them, and the agreement would have been fatal for our existance, because it means that KOSMOS doesn't exist, by way of the wrong choice of the gods of Justice, namely, only majority work tule, at the precious cost of minority.

In this case, KOSMOS would have not been maintained, and it turned to be satanic KAOS. Thus, the faked Gods of Justice should be punished immediately. No time for the losers, remember?, Gods of Justice. Oh, don't remember!!! Alzheimer, confirmed.

Thus, for precarious measure, KABUCKY, our emperor of IGNOLANDIA, beside us all, is obliged to work as a real semi-god, not satanic Alzheimer version.

Miyuki believes existance of Gods of Justice, namely, Fairness itself. And kindness and goodness of our mates. Better than so called the meeting of Gods of Justice. Time consuming, and doesn't work at all. Oh, Kyorin type meeting. Gods of Justice, U2????

And she believes that Yahawe, the God of Pledge, is good at memory, and doesn't betray all of us, rightous brothers. And the executors, Gods of Death, either. Minimum Gods of Justice, punished by vanishing. Plants age's Justice system. Thus, as a kind of president like existance, KABUCKY is obliged to participate in the meeting.

KABUCKY doesn't want to do such a so called KAMINARI like not so happy job...his line is always positive. However, even Miyuki, accepted the position of emperor, Kabucky should played the role of semi-god, in the positive meaning. Anyway, new age!!! Miyuki perceives well the message. Only several Gods of Justice followed our choice. Oh, Miyuki calculated that most of Gods of Justice so called were in our side, and only several few were rotten.

Miyuki's calculation was too too optimistic. Oh, so many Alzheimer satans were prevalent in the universe???

Miyuki's way of thinking was not so welcome by the conventional existance???? Miyuki imaged KABUCKY, as a frog, a Preditor II alien, sissorhands insect called KUWAGATA, a specie of beetle.

And found that in case of a frog, some technics should be necessary, however, in the rest of the cases, Miyuki could do it, she imaged. No problem.

In KUWAGATA's case, she remembered that this is BALTAN allients' representative, that the size would be the same as Miyuki. Thus, probably, it would be do it. Preditor II ailiens also. She imagied the scene of butcher like working done by them, and started to remember the ETV's factory of ox or cow meat. Too too clean, and the staff wore medical servicer like white uniform. And almost 200kg of meat, hung from the ceiling bar, moving slowly to the next process. Carnibolos. We are the same inclination to eat meat.

Fisiolonomy weighs, yes, of course. However, a kind of measure of recognition. Identification is needed. However, anyway, in case of the encounter with different species, rightous and reliable are the most important part. And added value is, being capable to do it.

Thus...even in these fisiolonomy, Miyuki is in good mood. Better than she thought. Almost all of type work...How convenient!!! However, in her real life, even now, TOHOHO only world...sigh, deeply.

Miyuki likes to play with her imagination, and all of our team mate yelled!!! Your family is all replaced by satans. Oh, already!!!

Miyuki should survive, in some condition of the team leader KABUCKY. New era's semi-god. Thus, OK, for us all!!! Common, our world. I am already in your world, KABUCKY!!!

She perceived that the planet earth is a kind of beautiful experiment as an existance. Like Litmus test paper. However, it would be work, if the experiment were in the limit, or, it would follow the instruction under the Gods of Justice, the real guys. Without any garantee of fundamental rights, it doesn't work at all. And for Miyuki's astonishing, most of Gods of Justice chose to abandon of the satanic earth, because almost no man's land.

To maintain the earth is costive, was the reason. Oh, they are Micchiku related, the first sgate version. I did't know it. More logic and long perspective type, I presumed. Or, rather, more cleverer than us all. Oh, they are probably not so clever as us all. Short sighted. Exist such Gods?? Except faked Gods, don't exist. Thus, Alzheimer Gods, faked guys, they are.

Vanishing. Now, the suitable condition is comming. Everyday's repeated chasing, why? Omnipotent, we believed, however, they didn't save us. Why these satans were here and there driving vehicles? Under the allowence of Gods of justice? Why they can't irradicate the satans all in a body???

Their choice was so clear. Devastate the earth, all in a body. Oh, KOSMOS's devastation type. Thus, KAOS lovers. Bye for now!!!

Miyuki is so quick to judge them all. Thus, some reliable guys came to our side, because they want to survive. Logical thinking. Thus, we accepted their arrival. Gods of Justice, mini-version. Thus, only reliable figures allow to exist world could come.

Good natured stupid feeble-minded figures, they called us all. Oh, Gods of Justice, in general, U2? So untolerant? Narrow hearted???

For Miyuki, they are stone head, just DDMic existance. So so dissapointed. The reality is such a sadistic Alzheimer oriented society, the universe was???

Miyuki, you are hatred No.1 of Gods of justice??? I thought that I am the most loved kids by Gods of Justice.

Up to a certain point, yes. ???? within the point, yet. Narrow hearted rather than I? Just a human being, am I. However, my heart is broader than them, at least. Exist, such narrow hearted gods???

For Miyuki's understanding, Gods should be tolerant. Requisit. And most harshest type came to our land. yes, to keep our reliance only system, it would be fine. The ancient regeme was mess. I calculated that the figures deserved to be treated tolerantly, however, it was my big mistake. Just a vanishing should be more simples, and more effective. Only wrongdoers, and their seeds should be excluded. The rest, our paradise!!!

Miyuki perceived that plants talked. The gods of Justice didn't???? Perception ability is lacking. Oh, Alzheimer!!! Gods turned to be faked Gods. KAMINARI of GODs, or KAMI. Double KAMINARI. Thunderpunch!!!

Miyuki, you are writing so well, and you thought that non reliable society now Shirakwa is, yes. All monitoring system, and so trifle things are targetted to be killed. Terrible. how we could put up with the situation. And this system was the result of the accumulated faked societies. Schools, municipalities, prefectures, states, international societies, companies, academism, in any field of our society, we did big mistakes. In the result, Sadistic violent satanic world. This is the result of Shirakawa. Experiment? Cruelity included. If it were allowed, the organizers and supporters should be punished harshly.

And their way of asking forgiveness! How messy, and dirty. Beggers!!! Jasons' forgiveness begging style is called bows in Japan. Complements are forced in this society. No freedom at all. Just threatenings from Alzheimer violent satans. Gods of Justice's choice to go to INFERNO, with their team mates called satans.

No information at all from outside. Just presume that the same thing happened in every part of the society. and Plants age, we should recognize. Who can't do, would not survive. Easy. Quick. Yes, sometimes, we fail to think so. However, the real Gods are not to narrow hearted. Even after our effort, if we fail, unintentionally, "Oh, Miyuki, you made a big mistake again..." like, "Try again, in different way" like suggestion, they would give me. Thus, we can adopt. Why not????

Our bet is vast. And we wan. Already. However, gods of justice are thrifty. They didn't want to pay it. Oh, it means that they were already in the side of the losers. Thus, their loss was so big, thus, they delayed the process, and disturbed our work, intentionally. Oh, double, triple wrongdoers. Such a level???

Shocking, not at all. Just dissapointment, like it happened regarding Bitch Constitution. Thus, U2, aunties, like impression.

NARNIA's degraded version. DDMis semi-gods, here and there. 森本七郎の神様. Shichiro MORIMOTO's God.

This is written on the exact site of our team mate, Guts's house. Oh, his house??? Miyuki didn't know him personally. The mate in the class I, of the 6th grade of Shirakawa III primary school.

For her, shocking disaster, and for others, also. Class I all cried in depth, Miyuki remember.

He thought that how many guys remembered the disaster, and found no man...Really? Famous disaster, shocking one, they forgot??? I couldn't forget the scene, and at least, tried to inform to my kids, that you were sacrificed in the site. Thus, ditch, bycicle, the stand bar, the triangle corner, slope, all the situations were so dangerous, I taught.

for Miyuki's memory, he is a mate of Shuji SUZUKI. Sports type bycle lover, as others boy did so. For normal nasty common naughy boy, he was, Miyuki presumed.

And thought that KATSUMI type. Nasty mountain monky, probably, Miyuki thought. Miyuki did well know now. All rural village was a trigger of the evel wrongdoers. Skewed, roads and the hearts. Rough saying among DDMs. Arrogant, and senseless. And always, faking. No stable job, deserves to diligent work. No man's land.

Miyuki wanted to cook in the kitchen. However, unnecessarily, she was prohibitted to use, in practice. Just they want to occupy the space. Occupation only, no legitimacy at all. Fiarce cold-hearted struggle among the beasts. Like Hobbs descrived in Leviathan. Nathanael Howthon thought the same. Red Letters. Stigma. However, no Stigma at all, because they are forgetful. Almost all of basic requisites were forgotten by them both. Miyuki was so cruel, they started to claim. No man's land, they can't perceive, probably.

Already, Miyuki pointed in the train, and her mother said, "In Shirakawa also". At that time, she recognized. And Miyuki showed her that in Tokyo, in the center area, already, even in the nearest zone of the big JR stations, in the commercial buildings, no workers were working at 16:00.

However, she wanted to go to have a house in Tokyo, because she loved to buy some cheapish ready made snacks outside. Miyuki said to her, "Your image of Tokyo is already gone. Your dream city Guinza doesn't exist anymore. I monitored it already." And she got upset. "Don't say nasty thing on Tokyo." HARUMI said.
"Don't awake me from dreaming", Miyuki accepted her choice. however, for maintaining her image, Miyuki doesn't pay any bit at all. She has right to dream, however, doesn't have right to give a damage on others. If she thinks that her dream should be maintained at any cost of others, she is already Alzheimer satan.

Thus, she should vanish. No mercy at all. Already done, her life was. She should tell the truth. She is just a bitch. She liked to do it, however couldn't, thus, got skewed and treated others so cruel.

Mother's sexual frustration doesn't cause any harm to others. Miyuki's case was located like that, in their feeble mind. Unfortunately, Shirakawa figures have no brain, and revealed that they were all Alzheimer satans. Narrow hearted, we thought, yes. However, for them both, no imagination at all. And they showed their shames. Cocaine users, they are. Miyuki got shocked at first, and now, considering their lives, Miyuki calmly accepts their reality.

They should vanish, immediately. However, for them, Miyuki should vanish, immediately. Because of their convenience, yes. And for Shirakawa figures, also. Thus, they are satans. just nasty would be the reason of killing.

Guts' case, he was naughty boy type, as Miyuki presumed. And the family entirely disliked him??? Miyuki now believes that Shirakawa figures are so cruel, however, at their period of 1970s, For Miyuki, they were kind existance, rather.

However, Guts did know the fact. Accidents were induced by his own mother???? Ditch should be berried, they all thought, and his mother only was against, because of thrifty.

Weit. Sometimes, this type of episode is used to punish the victim after death. Thus, we need to investigate more at this point. Right. We caught.

Sometimes, only an objection would be a trigger of the attacking. "This guy is nasty!" is the trigger. Miyuki experienced it in Tokyo Bay Detention. "Really????", at first, Miyuki was astonished. They started to attack the prisonners, without reason, when some Ms.Responsible said so. Exist such public department, was Miyuki's real feeling. Existed, was the real answer.

In Miyuki's case, always, lack of maternal instinct, they replied to the police, and they ordered to catch Miyuki, again and again. Among the police, two old ladies, who was mentally illed, want to kill her family, because of their own jealousy, they categorized. And found that Miyuki is the doctral digree holder of Tokyo Versity. Shocking for both of them. Why the police started to chase her? Why we were ordered to chase her? Double shocking confession. Because you are all Alzheimer satans.

Miyuki is so cruel to others. Naturally, we thought. And they, the both, couldn't remember which versity Miyuki graduated from. Oh, WASEDA or DOUSHISHA, remarks for it???

Miyuki was thought that Kyorin Versity graduated by the prisoners. Oh, OKAMURA?

They wanted to think so, was their reply. They thought that the two ladies were so normal to say so. Judgement doesn't work type. Alzheimer already.

thus, they changed the technic. Other several suspects would be fine, they thought, and started to chase her. Thus, their wrongdoings were revealed internationally. Why Miyuki is alwasy chased by so many vehicles?, was their question. And they, both, replied, "Because she is a wrongdoer." Oh, before doing it, I was already a kind of criminal. Before and After, they confused. The aggressive Alzheimer. And they themselves are wrongdoers. Thus, victim and wrongdoer, were replaced. Alzheimer symptom, the last stage, confirmed.

Guts' case, he was thought a kind of mentally illed, because of naughy deed. Oh, promissive like me!!!Thus Guts requiered the same price as Miyuki's family. Reasonable. And they refused????

They said, Kyorin versity holder should be cheaper than Guts, because of her wrongdoing????

Miyuki is so quick to response to their questions, and they categorized Miyuki, wrongdoers. Oh, genus, they want to say!!! However, morally degraded and genus are different. Alzheimer. So different things were identified as same.

Miyuki, you are too too right to say so. And they are all losers. yes. Including your kids. OK, I already thought of it. They just wanted to chase her, they said. Just it. We just want to kill them all. Just it!!!

Guts likes her way of saying. Cool!!! To feel extasy. Drug???

Miyuki wants to enjoy her life, yes. Thus, everydays' training, she is doing. English is better to excersise the brain. Only English world, she should participate. Thus, train more and more!!! Of course!!! Super Chinkoro would accelate the process. Chinkoro likes her so much. And he likes to play with her so much. Playmate. Bunny Girl!!!!Boy? with net stockings!!!!

Miyuki is considered as a kind of untacheable on the matter. Oh, sexuality? The most important part for pursue for happiness. And less explored field. Because of prejudice, and private oriented area. Thus, as privacy, we need to ensure the space for it. In Japan, privacy didn't exist, was the result.

Privacy, as the joker card? Laughing. Nothing. Thus, HASEBE enphathised. 砂上の楼閣 or Castle on the Sand.

Julian Sands, Mr.Butterfly. A big face Chinese actor loves him so much. Chinese KABUKI counterpart. 覇王別離, like "Powerful King is leving now!" like title. Miyuki thought that 平家物語 or TAIRA Family's rise and fall.

any family has hay day, was the resume. Agree. And Miyuki's plan. Make several new ones. Miyuki, you are too too right to choose so. for them all, it was too too difficult to accept your liveralism. And she would participate in our army. If she were rightous, we welcome you, Clare.

Clare almost cried for Miyuki's fast response. Rightous is the key frase. No exception, at all. The same, for you. She prefered kind mother???

Miyuki did not believe it??? No exists, such a kind mother. Faked mother like unkind erotic satan exists, Miyuki thinks. And them? Both? Erotic satans, ugly and messy, cruel and violent. The worst of the worsts.

And Clare laught at the result. The same. Impression betrayed so much. Not attractive, sometimes fakes kindness. Thus, HARUMI could faked for long years, Clare thought. yes, me, too. Thus, HARUMI would be punished. yes. Vanish.

And Miyuki is alway free from prejudice? Not at all. However, everyday, find my own prejudice, and try to be less prejudice. Replacement in mind for better Miyuki. Development, Miyuki calls it.

Clare wants to do so. However, school work is nasty and tought. I understand you. However, anyway, for several days. Probably, before July, school system, including faked ones, would vanish completely. And you are free from your costume play.

Miyuki said the same thing of Alex. Costume Play. Just feel "not different from others" like totalitarianism criation. Miyuki hates uniform. Generally speaking, yes. However, to make fun of them, to play the roles of them, costumes work so much. In this meaning, as theatrical sense, I like uniforms.

Easy goer, they calculated her. I don't deny it. Why not type offer, here and there. Oh, US$7.5 per time, for faked clerk, with the service of milking???

Miyuki did know how it worked? How? You devastated society!! Oh, we did it! Miyuki got out of the bathing bath, withour towel, like Eucrid.

Miyuki liked to play the games, yes. And wrongdoings are not games. Crimes, seriel killers, included. Not joking. Even as a game, wrongdoings should be punished as crimes, of course. Independent factors. Logically thinking it, yes. Done.

Miyuki, you are superb. And you should meet super Rabby in the dream!!! Oh, 5 meters high Rabby????
Rabby is silent, and more scholary. With black or brown squire small no glasses glass rim user. Miyuki likes Rabby of course. Big guy, forever!!! Big Daddy, Chinkoro's super hero. Wild 7 knows well how to treat younger promissive guys. Chinkoro should be qualified the best hit!!! Painful!!!! Not a joke!!!!

Chinkoro is a kind of idol, already. Flying kids groups were composed already!!! Flying Peter Pan. Oh, Corn cooking in a pan?

Miyuki, you liked Peter Pan? yes!!! And a kind of ghost or fairly in our side. Probably, who was killed in his early age, probably. A dream kid's leader. Thus, he appeared in the night, and induced kids, more non promissive ones, to his Never Land. James Balli. Miyuki knows Aida Balli. yes, photoglaph, she liked, and probably, some European film, Miyuki watched her. White and Black film. Misterious some equisotique female. And James' work? I read child version when I was a kid, and after entering Versity, I confused with Tresure Island. However, I remember each episode of Never Land. By way of Sono-Sheet, narrated by Kurumi KOBATO. Plumly Cham cheek lady, with cheerful smile. Cute type middle aged lady, at that time.

Not nasty. Not! More positive. And watched some TV program on NHK. Some kind of Yoshiko MARI's rival, Miyuki categorized. And Miyuki liked both. Cheerful pleasent mood, they had. Always elder sister type.

Elder Sister of Singing, or 歌のお姉さん, they were called. The nakid fact. The reality. Miyuki liked YAN-YAN-MUU kun, with Yoshiko MARI. Remember the voice. Like ANIME's some aquaintance Miyuki would search. Remember his voice. Sometimes heard in other programs. Some protagonists. Chase, and find!! OK, I will try!! Good exercise for quicker brain. Remembering voice contest. We all expect for both, Clare and Alex. Oh, stock is enough???

Miyuki watched TV, in her days. Thus, they started watching TV in her days. Oh, better than now. Only one point should be exempted. Vision. Smooth movement. Hayao MIYAZAKI line they like. Their inclination. Their choice. I don't care.

Miyuki liked Miyuzaki? I want to visit, and eat JIDORI, roasted type, HYUUGA NATSUMIKAN,or Summer Orange especialite of Hyuuga, SHIROKUMA or shredded ice mountain with various fruits and condensed milk.

And now, they rose White Flag...Oh, too late. Too late. Too late for us all....Def Leppard.

Miyuki liked to think other things all together? Not so much. It causes me confusion. What I was saying? Where I stopped like slight "I need to return to the certain point" like some repetition needed process, I was forced to enter. Thus, in basic, one main thing, and besides, some sub workings. Not so skillful as CHINKORO. Miyuki's way of remembering the number is adopted by your village???? I didn't teach the skill. Stolen. Peeped by satans. Another proof.

Someone stole Miyuki's knowledge without noticing to her. Nasty. And this is not my special invention. Rather, pomissive kids, and Yangue tribe's work. Thus, they immitated their way without infroming for us. Stealing.

they liked to steal. And you, Miyuki, is the stealer of their product???

What??? Internet?? Under the accordance, I am using. May I use the computer, I asked, and my father allowed me to use. And Miyuki continues to use it up to now, without any refusal, even in front of him. It means that my usage is tottally accepted by him. I don't steal at all.

Rather, NTT related are stealing my products, incessantly. They are thieves. Thus, wrongdoers accused victim pattern was revealed. Alzheimer criminal, NTT related are. And My job is so creative, thus, they should be pnished so harsh. Originarity should not be damaged. In theri case, NTT related used it as they liked. Thus, Robbers' abuse. Accumulated the value of paymant.

Thus, NTT finished. OK, let's investigate their wrongdoings, more and more!!!! Unreliable server no.1, called NTT docomo, or OCN, in case of Miyuki. Adachi's mother claimed not to use her boy's number. However, the reply was, "Don't call me any more. Nasty old bitch!" Someone uses it. NTT itself said so. "Consumer, you called to a wrong number. Confirm the number, exactly, and try again." in Loop mode.

The police said her to go to check on NTT. And she did, and the reply is above. Non reliable society. We can't put up with the fanomenum called Alzheimer!!!

Irresponsible. Forgetfull. Always lies. Miyuki's family itself. Like YUKARI's brain, Miyuki thought, and everyday, slight change, for being peeled up.

Now, Miyuki is really sleepy. Miyuki should take care of the both's swift mode. Always only one appeared, now. Even today, only the back of YUKARI, Miyuki watched. In HARUMI's case, radish pooh and her side face. For them, eating the given food is enough. And all prisoners are satans, and no need to eat anything at all.

Vanishing. Transparency Japan, they ironically say. No man's land. So many spooky vacant buses were seen by Miyuki. Bus touring days, today was. Got to Inferno, like Picnik.

Miyuki wanted to pick the berry game. Too too nasty that they took them all from the field of MITSUBISHI paper mill company.

See you all on our blog!!! Sleep well. Always accusation mode caused Miyuki catch's trigger.

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are ugly BUSU Alzheimer satans!!!

From Wild 7, with Big LOVE!!!!