Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (113)

2017-06-14 19:30:39 | 日記
14/06/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki was chilled up in the morning at the abrupt intrusion of DDMic faked worker, into the courtyard of the house.

At 8:30 oclock, he rang the interphone of the entrance of the office, and immediately he tried to enter into the office from the backdoor of the office. Why it is possible? In Miyuki's understanding, it is beyond the common science. A fat guy's voice "Good Morning", Miyuki heared, and she was inside near the backdoor. Hearing the voice, she locked the door immediately, chilled by his audacious attempt to kill her. In the final stage, Alzeimer Patients come mad dogs, who think that they were allowed to do everything in the world, against any rule of law.

Miyuki accelarated her getting out from house process, as much as possible. She was in the middle of eating MASSAMAN curry, canned one, in her hush-hush mode. I need to eat more, however, I want to escape from the nasty disaster, thus, I should get out immediately, she decided, and left.

However, she needed to spill water at least in her harb garden and orchard, tiny type. She did her minimum Chichenerella job, and picked up her tool of gaining proofs, namely, camera, and went out. My father attended to the guy. He was fat dull type. However, cruel. Looking so idiots, however liking cruel dirty works type. YUKARI's male representative in an actual mode.

He said, "We start a job, OK?" type cumpliment. It was a lie. In case of Miyuki's unlocking mode, he would have killed her in the office. YUKARI's killing intention, Miyuki felt from him, dispite of his slow brough movement, through the door with smoked glass window. And got strange. This slow guy, why could move from the entrance to the backward, so swifty?

Such kind of strange guy sometimes she encounter. Today, a guy, who was working just in front of Miyuki, in a clothings of worker of whitish green wearings, came to the JR SHIN-SHIRAKAWA station, and when Miyuki was going to the Shin-SHIRAKAWA station, he came back from the station. Miyuki was in wonder at his speed to appear. And they, the speed comers, walked normally, at appearance, against the accelarated speed.

Today, Guts ISHIMATSU yelled me, and trained a bit as a professional boxing trainer. And he surrendered Miyuki's quickness. Oh, exists!!! He admired!!!

They imaged to encounter with in their own house, and spend a night. And someone asked, "After doing it, what you would do?" Probably ADACHI's voice. Miyuki's reply, "Eat a breakfast together", and Guts's, "Do it!"

Already done situation Miyuki imaged. After passing a night. Guts, before it. Evidently, she is quicker and hungry like a wolf...

Beautiful inside holder, Miyuki categorized. And ADACHI yelled, "You are just between Roberta Close and Guts ISHIMATSU", and Miyuki felt so proud of the expression. Just it!!! Thanks!!!

And they all, these four guys, recognized at the same type, for DDMs, they are the same, nasty dirty messy fellows. Unreliable men category no.1, they are...We are so different in fisiolonomy, however, we are the same, exactly the same for them. Dangeous kinkiest guys, they are. Thus they spontaneously chase them, and tried to kill them, as much as possible.

Cattle feeding controlling system's error? No! Intentional Killing Machine's result. They just want to kill us, as they was accustomed to do so, Miyuki felt so.

Assasin machine. And they, kids skin bag type included, combined SQUAD more frequently rather than yesterday.

Miyuki took several pictures of the squads, espcially of YAOYA-CHO block's attackers. And started her casual checking of the rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

She recognized that the resemblance of tortured and killed woman of "Man of XXX" by Teo AngeusXX, perfurmed by Anthony Queen. She was punished by residence under the name of marrige betrayer.

In the case of Media of Pazplini, Media was surviver. However, Miyuki felt that the Media was also a victim and killed by her betrayer husband, however, her spirit survived and revenged the related all, and moved from Trakia, her birth place to Athen.

Already done type villege, Shirakawa is. however, the ghosts are harmful, and possible to kill us all, by way of special powers. Cattle inducing controller was operated and programmed by somebody, and this someone was so jealous and put its jealousy in the system, and now it was apealed, as Jason mode.

Miyuki could get up at 7:00, thus, she could escaped from the nasty disaster. However, if she got up 8:00 as usual, it would be fatal. Only one minite's delay would have caused the reverse of our victory.

They want to have this oppotinity. Thus, we should take care, as much as possible. Miyuki's parents interpretation is already we escaped from the disaster like attitude. However, for Miyuki and us all, now in the middle of every minute' attacking. Miyuki felt SAKKI in Japanese or Intention to kill you, here and there, whole day long.

Jason's have no stopper at all. They kill us, because it is amising, for them. Easy and quick. Cattle without control mode. And they are already experiencing several killers already. Thus, they don't hesitate to kill us, at all.

In the morning case, if Miyuki didn't lock the door immediately, they immediately would have entered into the door, and killed her, as soon as possible. And they did the same in the other places.

Natural born attackers, like YUKARI, they are. Today, before 8:30, they already started to dig the road, and then, one of them came to the office. The contrary, the process was. However, they didn't care at all. Alzheimer patients killers, they are.

Miyuki did want to visit Tunner No.1-1, also today. However, especially, in NISHIGOU area, SANKIN related had

In case of traditional system, always majority won. this system is called La Place's choice. And the programmer was found its own Alzheimer disease by us all. He doen's think the possibility of the majority's falure. It was already not able to judge right or wrong, when it created the program.

Todai related, and Fuculty of Technology, probably. This type of super stupid guy was their boss, at the bigining. Who deligated their own fates to this stupid guy? Only stupid, the users of this system. Alzheimer patients already declared by their own medical doctors, they are. Both, Alzheimer X Alzheimer. All Alzheimer society's surviver, he was, according to their interpretation. And Jason's existance was concealed from the surfice of the society.

They transmit the atmosphare of Killing You to all of the residents in Shirakawa. Miyuki is Hatred No.1 of them, and they were punished immediately after their failure.

The system is so so simples. Betrayal should be punished immediately at the highest ranking of the punishment, or namely, total vanishing. We all grasp the identification numbers of them all, and after Miyuki's recognition of their betrayal, the trigger starts, immediately.

Miyuki refused any information of her own and of ours to be offered to them at all. Only rightous ones could use our proofs, Miyuki declared. And they abuse these proofs, as much as possible. As a result, spontaneously, they were vanishing, because they were all thought as betrayers, by us all. Thus, they should vanish now.

And Miyuki should train her perception to live better in the next future, nearerst one, so much. Anyway, she was expressive, and noisy. her class category is 4th grade, among 5. Thus, better than averege. She is so satisfied with this high point, however, she is so lacking of perception at all. Thus, Miyuki should perceive as much as possible danger surrounding her.

She is inclined to think that others were all kind good fellows in the bottom of the heart, and this is the cause of her catch. Miyuki should learn their way. Thus, they put Miyuki in the army's arm????

"On behalf of her" version again. Just torture is allowed for the patients, the pupils, the kids, in generally speaking, the inferiors. Thus, they should be punished by their useless trial to fake to be kind.

Always by their own egoistic motive, they did as they liked. No reason at all. Just, "I want to do it, thus, you should obey immediately, without any objection" was their voice of heart. Always, without exception.

Miyuki recognized that they changed the system as they liked, and didn't inform her at all, and faked as if nothing happened at all.

They tortured us all, under the name of love. No love at all. Just to give a possibility of killing as much as possible. Today, YUKARI took a bath at first. Always Clare was first. System changed. And during her father's absence, Miyuki was forced to take a bath by her evilest mother. And escaped from the possibility, by her own power of ignorance total against her attack. Miyuki just pretended to sleeping during her mother's yelling. And won the game.

Why I need to take a bath so early in the evening. I am sleeping now, and it is only 21:00 yet. Why I needed to follow this bitch's instruction? Soft voice mode, she chose in this case.

And during Miyuki's sleeping faking, HOSSO, or HOSONO, Alex's friend, showed his legs, immediately. "Oh, she sleeps now? It means she died! Viva! Our victory!" he yelled, and Miyuki smiled. You are our enemy. Confirmed, perfectly!!!

And soon, he was called to be punished. Now, he should leave. "I am soon leaving" he said to Alex, and Miyuki responded immediately, "HOSSO, you are going to INFERNO! Congratulations!!!"

Miyuki liked to torture the enemy like that. Ignolandia type. While smiling she could do it??? Even Alex, didn't do it. His best friend faked. Why she is so in laughing mood?

Spontaneous laughing, in every moment of her "Oh, I won the game!" like recognition. Natural born laugher??? Born to laugh...Primitive, yes, however...

Fur animals' has weakpoint to show their expression so honestly. Miyuki liked Rabby's laughing way. Skewed one part of mouth upward and moved it. Rabby took so many hours to gain this movement. For her, so so easy job. Her face is the same as Jim Carry. Upper part, more stable. However, bottom part, so easily to move. Look so idiot, thus, no one wants to do it, even they can, was their explanation.

Miyuki likes to move so big, thus, she gained this so easily changing type Jim Carry face. Any Platinum Tribe wanted do such a Puppet-Moppet type role, not at all!!! Too too stupid...We feel so shame on each your movement. Why you can smile and laugh in the moment of their agonizing time???

She found some quiet spots here and there in SHIRAKAWA and in NISHIGOU. And the evilest Acepharos Cars reduced so much. And many DDMs were unnecessarily staying in the car, with semi-opened the door. They were sticking inside the cars, Miyuki perceived.

Many drivers were female plumpy type. And they were pretending to wait their faked kids near the parks or the schools. No kids' land already, however, they forgot that they had killed the kids, and just came to show how they killed them to us all.

They brought their kids, faked and real, to their power holders, and allowed them to rape them as they liked. They all agreed the wrongdoing, expecting the small benefit of money. For them, raping means marrige, thus, it would be welcome by these feeble minded old ladies.

Clare's case was the worst. They took advantage of Miyuki's misunderstanding. They thought that Miyuki were OK to send Clare to the hospital of Tokyo Versity, as soon as possible. And Clare took advantage of it. She didn't want to meet any of them at all. And she relied that Miyuki is really against their will, of course.

For them all, Kyorin related and Tokyo related are all evil wrongdoers, yes. However, according to their ego-centric interpretation, they are so kind for us all, including for Miyuki...Alzheimer patients they are!!!!

Thus, Miyuki found the rightous answer. Her evil mother is a trash, and her chamber is not hers. She is a kind of muck in the chamber. And Miyuki has right to ignore all of the orders of muck. Thus, they behave as if they were power holders. They are paracites, means they don't exist now. And Miyuki's attitude should be completely. Even in their threatening mode, we should refuse them all, as much as possible.

Soft type try to tame us all. Thus, if we feel that they are inclined to tame us, with their own pussy cat voice, change the mode, from neutral to contemptious mode. Attaking mode is so effective to all of them. Be taller is a kind of it. And with contemptious eyes are so effective. Thus, you should behave like as you like!!!!

We are superior to you, is so so effective to them. Boss mode effects so soon. And then, betrayer, you are! Thus, Vanish! Bye for now! Declaration. So so amusing for a while. Only this period limited type experience!!!

Threatening, however, they couldn't, Miyuki really thought. Thus, runaway mode, today was. However, only running makes Miyuki show chicken. Thus, Miyuki should more contemt them all, these cattles.

DDMic animals dislike Miyuki's modest way. And Miyuki disliked their ways, soft and hard, both. They are nasty. They always started to rely on the superior.Calling when Miyuki arrives. As always. For them, only one method to escape from the nasty situation. Nasty means I will be killed soon. And the superior is Miyuki. Their system of mobil phone calling was connected to the automatic reply center. This line is now in out of service. Thus, "you shall die, you shall die!♫♬”with cheerful original voice of the boss.

She or he??? Who is our boss? Singer? Why it orders so soon? We don't expect it. Why? Not yet, boss! Not yet!!! Betrayals again. Thus, sooner. The chain mode.

for Miyuki, repetitive tiresome attmpts. however, for them, only once, they can talk to their real boss. And the real boss instruct them all immediately everyday in the morning. And always with cheerful mode.

Too too nasty. Funeral mode would be fine, they decided, and got adopted. Betrayal, no.1!!! The boss's order should be absolute. They betrayed. Thus, immediately!!!!

A game, we should enjoy. Disposal, anyway. Paracite worm killing. Insecticide. Miyuki remembered the technical term, now.

...cide. Genocide, Homicide, Suicide, Insecticide, Kincide, MITSUYA-Cider....

Miyuki liked both of her grand parents, TAMIYA-san and UME-san. Because they were so kind to Miyuki. And Miyuki didn't know the reason of their death? Tamisa-san died because of Lung Cancer, while UME-san, peumonea, Miyuki was talled. And Miyuki's response was alwasy, "So soon...I didn't know that their disease was so so serious...I thought that they were more resistent against the disease..."

Miyuki's feeling was sometimes betrayed by them. They concealed the fact at all. They, each one, should protect from their attacking, several times a life????

Why they were not stopped by anybody? Miyuki is now attacked by all DDMs, at the same time. Collective attacking on your kids in HACHIOJI. They were so evil to them????

Miyuki didn't know the system, and she doesn't rely on anyone, except rightous existance. Why? Because we can't rely on others, also in the similar situation. Each one should take care of itself.

Miyuki's case was so so rare to come back from the worst disaster. Others were killed immediately after one month's treatment. 2 shots were used at that time. Anyone should be caught by their own categorization. And now, in Shirakawa, it was done. And Jasons situation again and again. However, wi-fi spots are reducing, and now, we are winning consecutively. Miyuki is persistent against them. Thus, you are chosen our representative. Not because of the lowest quality of your morality. Yes, minimum, she has. Always everyone knows it. And so so apalling confession on her nasty experience in Eastern Timol. Just want to say to ADACHI, oh, my experience is similar. However, I could conquer the bad nasty feeling. He, the hotelman committed error. He entered into my chamber, without necessity, saying, "Madame, I brought some towel for you" like one.

In the moment of really intimate situation, like clothings changing or evacuation, and so on, he dashed into. Thus, Miyuki scolded him, because of his impoliteness. He retired from the chamber. Just it. Basic knowledge as a hotelman, he lacked. Why?

Someone induced him, or trapped him, or he was bought for the wrongdoing, and lost his spirit.

He, in the moment of departure, appeared to bring Miyuki's laggage from her chamber to the entrance. Miyuki, hasitated to hand tip to him, because the did impolite dashing entrance in the chamber one day before.

And Miyuki thought that if he is common figure, he should keep it in his own belly, and would not speak to others forever until he dies.

Or, in case of betrayer, he would speak on it to the enemy, and it would be spread among the society. Thus, it would be a good marking. Thus, Miyuki is waiting for the rumour spreading, to devastate DDMs world completely.

Erotic related theme would fine to devastate their world. Muck likes bottom related episodes.

Rightous ones don't do that like reliance came from that if it were done by even our team mates, it would be fatal for us all, thus we, rightous ones, wouldn't do it like Litmus Test paper like understanding on the reliance.

Thus, Miyuki's mother failed. She contemted Miyuki in front of the enemy. Unnecessarily, and for her, it was too too natural, and she concealed prevention and Miyuki never encountered it again. Intentionally it was taken from the objects, by her only categolization. It is "Miyuki should not do it forever" order done by her.

Miyuki didn't know that DDMs decided as they liked on Miyuki. They thought Miyuki a kind of special a-sexual existance, and sexual matter should be excluded from her life entirely. For Miyuki's case, her intention was the same line until 2012, August. Thus, a kind of co-existance was allowed. And after the moment, they started attacking Miyuki, so harshly, inducing others to think she were mentally illed....

Marvelous, they were!!! They were so so kinky old ladies, already. Only Miyuki didn't know it. Always, "we think that Miyuki is..." was their starting point of conversation. Why they didn't live their own lives? Why Miyuki should be the target of rumours???

For them, nothing to do. Thus, MIYUKI was a good rumour privider. Oh, terrible world...Muck itself.

Enjoy our own life, is the catch frase of IGNOLANDIA. Why not? Any universal tabboos would be classified between right or grounded, and wrong or prejudiced. Thus, Miyuki's world is a kind of paradise of liberalists. Why we can't get married with rightous aliens? They asked. Can. As you like. Miyuki's reply. With plants. OK, as you like. With animals. OK, as you like. As challenged? If exists, OK, as you like. Rightous, as you like. Private matters for us all. I am not against your private matter. You decide. Not I.

Miyuki is always liberalist. Life time insurance for Liberalist. And Japan was the worst country for liberalists. And Japanese Constitution adopted Liberalism and Individualism. And Youichi HIGUCHI protected this position as a globally famous scholar, produced in Japan, playing the role of International Society of Compatarive Constitutional Law studies. Why he could be survive from the ordial? Evil Devil among pimps. Guilty Prisonner AAA class.

Miyuki did his resemblance with Kouichi YOSHIDA, evilest teacher responsible at her primary school days. And he lived in a modenized house. And his son was IZUMI-san's brother's mate.

Probably, he was inclined to be urbanized, Miyuki presumed. Admirer of Tokyo culture. Common for us all. Tokyo was the center of Japanese culture, modern type. And in Shirakawa? Premodern type feudal wrongdoings here and there.

Media was killed females because of betrayals, Miyuki felt and remembered UMEMIYA. Too too nasty, however, she always thinks why she vanished from high school.

Super power was given for the victims, when they did special contribution to our society. Miyuki's case, kicking off the big Dinamite Boulling Iron Ball to the center of Tokyo Versity.

Miyuki did every kick, praying the total destruction of the goddamnit versity! Persistently, in each building, she did, and took photos on the pose. With knit stockings were used for the scenes. And now, where are my hot pants? Mini-skiers? Any mini-type bottoms were vanishing from Miyuki's clothing cases. Where? I want to wear them.

In this rural village, this is too hard to wear them, they thought. I wore when I was a kid. We all. My mates also. It was so so common and our sports trousers in summer were hot pants.

White. And Miyuki looked so good with them. Thus, I want to use them.

Strange habit, for them now. Why? Because they forgot the days. And prefered more conventional way of life. Degradation...Even in uniform type fashion.

At that age, male pupils and female ones wore the same type, in case of gymnastic training. Boys also used short pants. Remembers well their appearance Miyuki. Only Miyuki???

Probably aliens erased our history. Or all Alzheimer patients only village, Shirakawa and NISHIGOU were, already.

They could do it, as they liked, was their message. They killed your father, and berried in the ditch, and didn't inform at all, and explained her as if he were outside. It would be. Possible.

Miyuki's understanding is more pragmatic. My mother is Alzheimer patient, and she forgot that Miyuki said that she prefers to take a bath after all of the residents inside the house. She forgets the rule so soon. She persistently forced Miyuki to take a bath at the determined moment. Just she wants Miyuki to follow her order. Just it. No power at all. I already showed my choice. I need not to follow her unnecessarily determined requirement at all.

Thus, just ignored her. The rightous answer. Any obedience would be fine for them both. We are winners, they feel, and it transmits to other DDMs. Despite of their intention, our world should start. They are just residues, who can't learn anything at all. Old rural village version of DDMs, they are. No sexual pleasure at all for others, while for them both, all day and night sexual activities are allowed, was their catch frase.

YUKARI already declared for them, Clare and Alex. We are both the real Alzheimer patients. Thus, anything is allowed to do, including Musturbation all day and night. However, it is a tabboo for normal kids like you both. Thus, you should not do such a wrongdoing, OK, kids. We are super-human beings. Not common human beings. Thus, a kind of gods, you know. Thus, we have right to enjoy ONANISM, day and night, as we like. I am accustomed to do so, since I was a kid. Thus, I am now so. Thus, it was a bad habit. You can't do it, anyway. Prohibitted. Against my order, you should be killed. I will call to the police, if you do it, OK? My order should be respected in any case.

YUKARI is receltly starting to use so sexual words only. Erotic mode, they both are. For them, Miyuki should sleep as soon as possible as a kid, or they can't do it. Miyuki is a seed of head ache, because in front of her, it would be avoidable. Thus, only in private, each one in each chamber, they want to do it. Thus, Miyuki should be killed immediately. For their musturbation's desire, Miyuki should be killed, was the rightous answer.

If she were hospitalized eternally, it would be fine for them both, in Shirakawa. Shirakawa has no pleasure at all. Thus, only one pleasure is Musturbation. Beside it, life is useless. Only musturbation world' residents, they are.

Alzheimer patients' the last stage, they are in, like other Shirakwa residents. They didn't kill their family yet, however, already tried to catch Miyuki so many times. Their Miyuki catching game was so so slow, thus, Miyuki is alive now. And they forgot the big fact. Miyuki is now the boss of their team. Miyuki should know it immediately, and they forgot to inform it. Miyuki's attitude is recently so nasty for them both. Thus, we should panish her a bit. Milk drinking would be prohibitted for her. They decide, and call to the center, and claimed to Miyuki's fake, and replied on the above.

Miyuki is getting better, they thought. Because she was singing. Some nasty song. Anyway, she is alive. We are already dead, however, she is alive. What a hatred, we have!!! We hate you, Miyuki! Forever!

thus, they liked to trap her again adn again. And they started to rent her skin bag, and they erotic guys started to play with their bories. Thus, Musturbation only world came.

Small means punished. They already got punished severely. After Miyuki's catch, the world change. They didn't feel any importance at all. Always, I want to do it, and so on. Miyuki should work for us all. As always. They need to check Miyuki's kinkiest bahaviour???

ETE-KOU, they are. They can't stop it. Onion pealing ETE-Kou symptom. Thus, their choice. Doing musturbation is their mission, sacred one. Thus, they should be shot. No choice for them at all. Just for their mood, MIYUKI should be killed was the programmer's story. Crasy kinkiest guys' low level choice was revealed.

Private matter and public, this programmer couldn't recognize the difference between. Miyuki wanted to know the age of the programmer of this cruel, non academic childish scatorogic play.

See you on our blog!!!
VANISH! DDMs! You are just ugly BUSU bitches!!!

From Quintet MRACK, for us all, With Big Love!!!
For you, DDMs, with big Dinamite PUNCH!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (112)

2017-06-14 01:26:04 | 日記
Thus, they trapped to use them to start to use the drug. And the three refused to take it intentionally. In the end, they used to produce the same type of hormone, to prove that they used the drug, and put the name of Drug Queen, already before they were trapped. And Miyuki's campy clothings were targetted by the pupils. Anyway, they wanted to be provided it. Mummal milk, included. Some kind of medicine, they started to provide to the figures on the planet. And Miyuki was provided by Kyorin Versity Hospital and HASEGAWA Hospital. And they both forced Miyuki to use it. And all three refused to use it. My precious mind would be controled only by myself. Not by others. And all three accepted to be assisted by some rightous existance. Miyuki's case, the most vast categorized tortures were putted because of her imagination. She could imagine as she liked, and they took advantage of it. And she only could survive in the harshest situation, they yelled. They trapped again and again, to make her believe that this is just an bad taste spooky blainless joke. Miyuki's understanding is, just a joke, however, the truth. Serious horror gags, with illogical big errors, successively appeared type. Laughing, at the same time, too too nasty tragedies were burried here and there even in this limited area in this the rural vestion of Japan. From the begining, this part is already rotten, was the three's common opinion.

Shirakawa? Non-promissive only town. Rural yes, however, LESS THAN ZERO world here is. Pederasties' paradise, in short. And this is the fact of Japan and the world. Not only skewed celebrity"s secret club. Ryoichi IKEGAMI's comic with Ikki KAJIWARA's idea like world, this theme was.

Exists? Exists. Miyuki felt so nasty, when she fould a sad tragedy. And in the worst case, she can't stop crying, tremendous tears was burst form her eyes. She wanted to eat with Promissive Kids' tunnel no.1, however, yesterday, it was already prepared for her trapping. And Miyuki predicted that they were taken from the wall. And prayed that DDMs should vanish immediately, because of their blasfamia combined with disturbing of proof finding. yes, she took some pictures of them, however, the reality is there, and she prefered to feel with them, Promissive Kids, in the place of the site, near ODAKURA primary school.

Miyuki wanted to feel the same sansation when they passed in Shirakawa. Seasonal change, and how they felt on this place. Only positive side, they expressed. Not spooky at all. Some important facts included. She felt so sorry when she came, and burst into tears. Memorial hall for them, and they yelled by way of the painting. Good 3D sense holders they are. Imagination type boy was Miyuki herself, and her junior high school's resemblance. And this is the fact of Shirakawa. Any school was lit sometimes to gain some substance from the governments, central and local. And this is a kind of ritual to errase the worst memories of the wrongdoers. They killed the kids, most promissive type, as usual, under the name of school accidents, and Miyuki did a target of ther killing. Only she didn't know the fact at all.

They trapped so many times, in various ways. However, she didn't recognize them. Thus, they were so lucky, in the end. Lack of recognition problem, they were called. And they were caught because of it. And Miyuki's case, melancoly...And they denied it soon after the versity accident in 2015. And then, they tried to put another name, "Disturbance of Development" or 発達障害 or HATTATSU-SHOUGAI. In YOKOHAMA, they put the name as a possibility of her mental situation, after denying all of the mental related disease. Miyuki felt, oh, my mind is so young! Latin type would envy the name holder, probaby. And they agreed at once. How lucky she is! They thought.

And then, in 2016, HASEGAWA Hopital put melancoly again to her, saying, "Kyorin hospital said so, thus, we believe it". ???, was Miyuki's impression. Crazy. Dr.Dull himself!!! Juncky, already. Thus, BLA-BLA-BLA without any logical explanation. And all of her family agreed that she was mentally ill.

Miyuki was not cruel. This was Clare's last remark. And Alex, all junky family, and she was not at all, was his last remark. And Miyuki means a kind of semi-god, not faked one. Honesty, herself.

And Miyuki should prepare for the future. yes. They chose the past, and it caused some sobstories. Thus, they shall die. They agreed that Miyuki would be hospitalized without any reason, because of her kinkiest fashion, even it concluded her death. Oh, they agreed, with intention?

They thought that it was a nightmare. However, it was revealed the fact. And already done type trap, they thought. And they couldn't inform the fact at all. And because of it, they were trapped again and again.

Anyway, Miyuki is free from any accusation. Thus, we should punish them all. Including ouselves. Miyuki chose Clare's idea of eveness. Objectively, of course, or, just IDIOCRACY, with sadistic flavour.

And the both chose this way, because it was fun for them both. Including death would be more fun, they decided. And more tortures. Thus, they called each time, and Miyuki escaped the death each time. And they were trapped again and again by the suspect of the nightmare. Who would be rightous in the situation, they passed. and only Miyuki would be saved, they categorized. OK, if rightous ones, they are, survive, despite of my falure. Now in the time of divine ordial. We should be winner, or the universe doesn't exist.

Thus, the three escaped from the death. Some kind of lucks' exam, probably. Miyuki's lucky character transmits who are rightous. A kind of Lucky Guy, she is. For someone, yes. Because she is troublesome, at the same time. Miyuki does know well. And many of them lost their spirits because of the kinship or friendship with Miyuki and her family. Relatives, also. A kind of choice needed. Who would be the last game. Miyuki laught at the game. Anti-constitutional, inhuman. Illegal, of course. Sohies choice, it means, "The game itself ineffective because of its inhumanity." And rightous answer was, "They believed it. And participated into it. And believed that Miyuki is the last one. And they wanted to die for Miyuki"??? Anyway, you are chosen to be the last, and the order is, only, repetition. "Vanich! DDMs! You are so ugly!!!" Happiness for us all, while unhappiness for them all!!!!

As always. In public, they chose. And wrote with some spelling mistakes. And they laught at her childish letters. They did believe that Miyuki should be the last. Better than other members, at least.

Miyuki didn't believe the evil existance? Yes, believed. Thus, we bit for Justice. For our perfect game, Justice is requisit. And without Justice, cosmos doesn't exit. KAOS, it would be called. Thus, they came. KAOS already. And Miyuki and her team mates bit that Justice save us all, rightous ones, or the existance of only KAOS world, it means, the denial of Justice, and MUCK would be winner and Justice loser. It means, all muck world, we are.

Gods of Justice and the universe should save us, as obligation. We exist as celebrated existance to live under the pledge of Justice. KOSMOS. Thus, KOSMOS should survive, even in case of the worst situation. Yes, even now, KAOS world, Shirakawa is. And this is the reality yes. However, this is a part of the facts. Almost all of the other parts are rightous ones. We pledged already that we should fight against the last DDM. And they wanted to change the game rule. Only one DDM exist, their victory type illusion they have now. Thus, for us, good chance. Only one system among DDMs exclusevely. Thus, staying away from this kinkiest cruel illusion would be the rightous answer. And the idealism should win. Why persons should be accused by thier plan to be better??? Too too strange.

Just they are jealousy was the rightous answer. Just it? You all think probably, however, yes, they are, and they do just because of it.

Why some of them betrayed, was their question. Gods of the universe. Oh, Center Fold in devine version. Fallen Gods, they would be, instead of Angeles...

It means no more qualified as Gods. Thus, already rotten factors included type faked gods, they are. Thus, Gods of the Universe, should be screened up, already. Purification done. DDMic faked Gods should be vanishing.

Semi-God is quick in mind. And she likes to smile to find the best answer. Like "Oh, good boy, you are!" type OKINO mode. Chinkoro like her way. So so stupid to answer it, was his more quickest answer. Yes, it is right. However, for explanation, Miyuki's one is more efficient. The same thing. Miyuki adores CHINKORO's quickness, and respects him as a team member. And sometimes...Oh, I pledged to stop drinking beer for a while...Oh, I almost buy the beer. Already started her, which beer would be fine Today....And Oh, sorry, unintentionally. Not intentionally. Forgotten pledge, exists. Almost. And then, OK, good to drink other more cafein included one.

Now they all are faked Gods situation. Thus, we should wait for their vanishing a bit more. And they do wrong even in this case. however, by their feeble mind, they can't accomplish their evil plan. Good grief.

Always strange calling from somewhere. Kyorin related only type. And Miyuki didn't know how evil they were. They were planning Miyuki's Funerals already. Thus, the squad came to Miyuki on 6 of June, 2015.

The ex-pupils invited her to their party, and the starting hour was 18:00. 6-6-6 and they wanted to take the picture of Miyuki, saying, "Oh, prof, for your funeral's sake, we want to take." His name was Shota NAKAGAWA. And Miyuki's reply, "For funeral's mine, not at all. However, as an obligation of professional, I allow you to take my pictures. Within the limit, you should take it and use it. You should be rightous existance, OK, my pupils!"
And took with them. How spooky bad taste gag they said, Miyuki felt so sorry. However, as a kind of keeping festivity, she didn't mention to the matter. And for her, anyway, claiming chance. For anyone, doesn't matter. Listen, how evil Tokyo Versity and Kyorin Versity, both are!!! Listen, guys, near me, sitting, faked drunken ones!! Evilst ones they are!!!

Thus they failed. Oh, I devastated Shinjuku area...Oh, I thought because of no industry society...Oh, I confirmed the third block of Shinjuku...

Smelling change. For them,more important. Time and place, they changed, and the smell remained. Now shit. Terrible. They took advantage of the concealed situation, and killed and tortured, and left as they liked until to be rotten...Psycho killers, they are.

Miyuki's were minimum version, however, always, "You smell nasty" type version exist. YUKARI was taken for the target. Her grand mother appointed that she was smelly. Not accusation. As an explanation of her earily retirement, she presumed that her smell was principle reason of the early retirement.

For Miyuki, I didn't recognize her smell type trifle thing. And others? YUKARI is smelly fish. Oh, Miyuki didn't know her smell? Just like you! Oh, the smell of sardine???

Yes. Near nose, Miyuki had smelly fish problem. And Miyuki presumed that it came from her faked Testacles Pet's life in Kyorin Versity. And it turned to be her favorite butter mode. Not smelly. Tasty sweet like flavour. Always she was surrounded by this butter flavour, in this part.

Thus, don't be Testacles Pets of DDMs. Terrible life, we are obliged to spend for so many years.

And Alex decided to ignore any disturbence done by them. Just ignore. Miyuki doesn't care of his manner at all. As a human being, manner is omissive. Just basic requisit is enough. Manner is extra version. Be kind is enough.

Thus, Miyuki is disliked by IKKYO kids, and loved by kids. We should be like that type. Naughty boy, she is.

And PIPPI is a kind of rightous ghosts' representatives, who were tortured and killed in their pre-adult ages. They were beautiful, yes. however, don't abuse their pretty face and body. However, Sweden was one of the site of selling orphans and kids with parents. Nordic beauty, they were.

This has tradition. Already in early 20th century, the system was established, probably. And through Lindgrane's negative stories, we could presume the facts. Not social benefit oriented society against healthy image of MILK BAR. They killed easily their own kids, like beast Viking. Brave, they praised themselves. Bikke, was some unnusual exception. Like Shorn, the sheep.

Chicken, however, quick, they were, and escaped from the disasters. Pippi's case, because of her strong power and richness, any adults can't criticise her at all. If accused, they should vanish. Oh, us all!!!

Long legs needed to have a training. Thus, she trained day by day. Without milk, with carcium? Too too dificult. However, now, Milk provider is not so reliable. Thus, Miyuki avoids to buy carton of milk.

And her favorite foods are also dangerous. Thus, we should change the way, and put up with the worst disaster...Oh, physical damage again? My prize...

Miyuki worked for it, in practice. More suitable job, gained already. This. All combined type. And SHIRAKAWA is a kind of shrunk version of the truth of the world. Minimum, and the all of them. Orphanates, kindergardens, challenged's facilities, animal farm, erotic old bug's dreaming Primary schools...

Miyuki should know her limit of time. She should have lots of kids. And she accepted to do it, under the always type 2 conditions yes. Thus, they came. ADACHI agreed already. Kinkiest, OK. Oh, with him? prof???? IWAKUMA, he remembered. Oh, the fat bear??? For me...a kind of no more choice type. And for him????

Total refusal. Miyuki got shocked at his cruelity. Beast or Alzheimer? Both, probably. Miyuki presumed that because of him, he started to walk arround some KOYASAN or 高野山, a sacred of bonz...Too too romantic story she imaged. And...she started to mention to him...and his reply was, "I don't know such a guy". He was interested in the euality related matter, and bought a book you mentioned to...Miyuki started to explain, however, without chaging facial expression, he said so. Not faking. He really didn't know him at all, she felt.

A kind of joke! Spirit selling service? They did. Thus, they wanted to gain more skin bags. Thus, devil's contract, they agreed. We offer you life long insurance, thus, give me your skin bag after your death. And they all agreed. Oh, them??? For Miyuki, astonishing. However, this is the fact. For Miyuki, a kind of joke. However, for them, better than anything. Medical service for it. The shorter, the better. And without noticing, also OK. No agreement type. Adachi escaped from such a shameless torture, at least. However, Life version TOHOHO tribe. And the last resort. And Miyuki agreed. OK, I am not so promissive, however, OK, for me.

She imaged evin in case of surrogate mother type. Anyway, not so hard for me, thus, OK. two conditions, don't forget!!!
OK, financially and phisically independent. Physically independent from Miyuki. With others, OK, you are the boss.
Too sly. They all dislike it. And Miyuki expressed it, so clarely. And honesty won. Up to some limit, because all M&A gene world would be avoidable. It all depends, however, in case of the laboratory we used, up to 20. Thus, probably, Alex and Clare would have 19 brothers and sisters, each, in the world.

With any combination, in these limits, and all rightous ones, OK, for me...any. Oh, Roberta, for me, OK! Miss Brazil combined with Mr.KIN...Commander type would be. Miss Univers Commenders!! Washinton combined with Grace Jones type. Supurb!!!

All commaners OK, however, lack of soldiers, actually. Thus, even commanders should be the lowest ranking soldiers...This is the fact of the world...

Commander for what? Probably for itself only....Emperor in IGNOLANDIA type...Boss should do all type. 百姓 or Hyakushou, in Japanese. Just farmer, in English...

Miyuki's image of the next generation is so so cute and so so positive...In a jungle of all green army, she is swinging, smiling! In her Parisienne mode. Cute, and easy job. And sometimes she stops swinging and go to visit others to play. Why not????

And the reality...Miyuki a bit got shocked at the faked clerk's remark...She yelled to her, "Oh, naughty brother!" Oh, oh...OK, I am such a type, yes, however, today, Miyuki chose Mini-skirt to play the role of Pippi the long stockings...Always, they mistook me...Always...I know that I am a male guy. However, even in my fimale clothings wearing jobs, I seem to be like that????

Animal Cattle mode, Miyuki did know well. However, Miyuki is such a kind of "Why in my house this skewed guy exists? We should push him away from here as soon as possible, radical measure included." Probably. They, by impulse took their measure, and majority starts to trigger against the target. Thus, always Miyuki is chosen in these days.

No man's land, however, he, Miyuki is a kind of target of their attacking, in these days. Anybody is informant, Miyuki recognized. And they are not so downward mode. They starts to attack directly. Thus, always, she prefers runaway. and they are too too slow, thus, she took advantage of it. Thus, she gained 19 cherries today in AEON.

They said, "For free to taste. Just you need to pick them up with a tong", thus she picked 9 cherried, at first. She wanted to picked 10, however, an old bitch said "Up to the empty, you guy!" thus, Miyuki felt nasty and stopped at 9th cherry. Thus, when she was getting out, she tried again, and gained 10 exactly.

My mother like old bitch. Nasty. Don't say so, you are faking consumer, not manager nor clerk, SP at all!!! Monitoring job, they are doing now. All monitors world, it is Shirakawa now in. And Miyuki? Rightous monitor, of course!!! We should monitor the situation. Not peeping Tom's job like you, Aunties!!!

And she found a lot of Squad combination process. Just appear, they. Popped out from the corner. They are ordered not to be shown the possing up itself. Door to everywhere they use.

Now, she is sleepy. For tomorrow's survival, she should take a rest a bit.

Thus, see you next time, on our blog!!! Image:Beautiful Lady like Roberta Close. The fact for DDMs: Just a Yankii brother. ANYA, in Shirakawa direct...

Life TOHOHO tribe...TOHOHO 3 and Quintet MARCK!!!
Big Love for us all, the existance under the total reign of Gods of Justice.

VANISH! DDMs!!! You can't recognize the difference between beauty and ugliness!!!