Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (124)

2017-06-23 19:28:56 | 日記
23/06/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki came back from her dairy walking aaround the rural village called SHIRAKAWA, and got surprised at knowing that the shelves of the office were serached by someone, and her important objects were spilt on the floor!!!!

Miyuki got worried about her Paddington Bear, Teddy Bear of 49 years old, at first. He was found on the floor, all punched on his face, popped out from the bag, in which he was kept safely.

The other subjects were appearantly found, near the desk, and some of her used clothings were out out of the washing bag, like a blue panty. Who did it?, and what is the reason?, were Miyuki's question.

The television set on the shelves were moved from the shelves. And Miyuki found several TV sets on the side of Alex. They were collected and put on the desk of Alex and on the floor near the desk. Collecting the same or similar things in one place, is IKKYO relatives' flavour.

At the same time, Miyuki felt strong anphetamine's smell at her desk. Someone used it here, she confirmed.

Alex came into the office. Miyuki asked him, "Do you know why this place was searched?" and his reply was, "I presume that your father did." ????

YUKARI was in the kitchen, when she came back to the house, 3 minutes earlier than Miyuki entered into the office.

Miyuki took some pictures, as proofs, as usual. This riddle would be solved later, Miyuki thought.

And Miyuki today was so nervous to attend the cruel stupid satans. They have no limit, thus, suddenly, they started to attack directly.

Miyuki was attacked by ugly old bitch, near AEON shopping mall. Miyuki was taking a picture of KATABAMI, or Japanese clover, in all closing mode. "Why you are closing?" Miyuki was concentrated on the conversation.

Suddenly, Miyuki noticed that the old bitch backward, and Miyuki gave a glance to her, then, she asked Miyuki, "What do you taking?" Stupid!!!! You looked Miyuki was taking a picture, thus you talked to her, didn,7t you! unnecessary!!! Just taking a picture!!!! Alzheimer satan, she is, and tried to kill us all. Betrayal of the fighting law. Stupid, you shall die!!

Miyuki was attacked here and there. Soon before her arrival, they united, and started to approach her, and after their failure, they pretended not to be done, anyway.

DDMic achepharos cars got nearer to Miyuki, and disliked by her, and venished.

Today, satans were so stupid, thus, showed us all strange scenes.

AEON, Miyuki went to. In the parkig lots, a DDMic metalic silver car was parking. Inside, there was an infant, on the back seat, and a faked mother on the driving seat.

In front of Miyuki, the faked mother, vanished. Just vanished. Oh, it happened. More evident mode, than Miyuki had seen before.

Then, 20m distant from the car, two DDMs, who were talking for several minutes, came to the silver car, walking. The back door was open. One of them picked out the infant. at first, the infant was obedient, in a silent mode.

Suddenly, when the female satan put the infant into the silver wagon, the infant started crying in a loud voice, as if, "Oh, no! Don't eat me! Don't slaughter me!", and the crying stopped.

Then, the famele sat in the driver's seat, and started to move the silver car. She turned the car, and Miyuki found a male popped up into the back seat, beside the infant.

Oh, the famele got a substitute of the faked mother, and stabbed the faked kid, in the most fastest way. Satanic family constructing scene, Miyuki watched.

And at JR Shin-Shirakawa station, Miyuki watched a strangest scene. A rural old bug, with grizzry hair, in an aepron, came, with a plastic bag in her hand, and went to the ticket vending machine. Miyuki laught at her apprarance. This aepron old bug would take a bullet train, in the neighbour errand mode???? Exists???

Miyuki remembered a scene of cassetta & planeta, which the so vulgar people dashed into the airplane in, and started to so so casual conversation, as if they were in the blue sky marcket called FEIRA, in a loud vulger voice, noisily, and the rest of the passengers reluctantly said, with a total giving up voice, "Recently, they make an errand using air plane. No way for us, more aristcratice guys!" like Miguel Falabella in "Sai de Baixo!"

Oh, it happened in the real life, in this messy rural village called Shirakawa!!! Eureika!!! Miyuki got entusiastic.

Then, the old bug stuck, in standing pose. A pair of clerks, one male and one female, popped out of the offices. Male, from the silver metalic door of the manager room, while female, from the ticket checking room. Miyuki watched the scene, with her total amusement mode. Oh, stuck here! How they should do? Calling Ambulance?

The old bug already had put the plastic bag on the floor to buy the ticket by the machine. Suddenly, a young tall guy appeared and picked up the plastic bag, as if it belonged to him, and went to pass the entrance of the platform and entered inside. No one stopped him to steal it.

The stuck old bug, after the female clerk's support, started to move, a bit, and finally, could walk to the entrance to the platform, in a crooked movement. The clerks, and all of passengers, didn't care of the scene, at all, as if it were too too natural, including the old bug.

She, already, popped out another similar pasticbagful of errand, and vanished into the platform.

Miyuki understood how the satans stool Miyuki's orange bag almost one year ago. She was writing a legal letter, so concentratedly in a train in JR CHUO line, thus, for the satans, Miyuki was seen as is she were already stuck. Thus, some satans stole her orange bag from the metal net shelf, and Miyuki spent a lot of time to obtain it again. US$20 were sloten from the wallet, by them.

Replacement system, they adopted, and for them, a kind of communitarian economy was used at that era. Stealing was prohibitted, however, they started to do so, and now, it's too too common to steal from others. Satans are thieves.

And Miyuki recognized that also the female clerk was in the process of sticking. She, beside the old bug, stack already. Muscle gistrophy like movement, she started.

Colesterol, it was called. Included oil and meat. Thus, satans are rice eaters. Meat eating caused them amirodosis, or sticking muscles symptom.

Now, satans turned to be meat eaters all. Miyuki was mistakenly took as their team mate. And Miyuki ate meat in public, several times, at supermarkets in Shirakawa. And she appeared normaly. They started to eat meat following her. And gained the disease.

Meat is delicious. Thus, they can't stop the meat eating habit. A kind of inducing affective ingredient for satans. The religious leader prohibitted them to eat, except some special ocasion. Sacrifice eating is the special ocasion.

On the full moon, satans reunited in a vast place, once a month, held a wild party, including kids meat eating, drinking kids blood, and made a love with each other as they liked. Oh, 野合, YAGOU! It has so long history in Japan.

From ancient era, in the rural area, did it, called 無礼講 or Burei-kou. Only once a month. Probably, Clare was forced to participate in the wild party held in Sushi bar, and could escape from it, only by some lucks. Miyuki's daughter, thus, it would be fine to force to participate, the satans in Shirakawa thought.

They were persistent to invite her and Alex to the wild party.

Miyuki rememberd that Roberto of Rio de janeiro invited her to a wild party in 2009, and Miyuki, without knowing well, refused the kind offer. Oh, Roberto was already a member of the enemy.

Satans' character was eager to money and pursue sexual pleasure. Negative side of Brazilian culture. Miyuki's case, now, sexual pleasure was transmitted from them. In Miyuki's case, totall morally healthy, in every meaning, because she lacks of any real experience...TOHOHO works.

For Miyuki, a kind of agony. Contradictional situation. She accepted any pleasure with any rightous guys, including different species. Today, Miyuki found some possibility to do it with some trees and German Shepard, and started to image the situation. She likes to image some cheerful situations. How marvelous!!! And the possibilty to do it with human beings???? Practically ZERO....Better than Less Than Zero...

With satans, not at all!!! She yelled already clearly, however, many satans came to approach her to say, "How about you?" and Miyuki disliked them all, entirely. Nasty. Don't come to me!!! Miyuki said to them, repeatedly, however, they came.

The worse is, for them, doing it and killing Miyuki is the same thing. Necrofirias, they are. Killing me softly, Roberta Flack.

Miyuki recognized that Thoma's Heart by Moto HAGUIO is the same story of Requiem of 13th month by Suzue MIUCHI. Why "Heart"?, was Miyuki's big question. In the comic story, the boy commited suicide. However, in fact, he was stabbed and eaten, up to the heart. I ate the boy's heart, and gained the super power, was the significance of the title.

And the comic, another boy, probably betrayer, sold him, just informed to the boss, "Hey, boss, he would be a good sucrifice for us all. how about him?"

Promissive guys were targetted to be stubbed. Thus, TOHOHO tribe were targetted. And Miyuki, was hatrid No.1 of the rural village called SHIRAKAWA. Thus, always they come and vanished, repeatedly.

They came, and tried to attack her in the office. And didn't found, and fanished. Thus, the office was in disorder.

They already gave a caution, by way of her mother, "Don't put on Pajamas in the office." , at 8:00 in the morning, several weeks ago, her mother scolded Miyuki. She said, "Some one might visit the office. You should wear rightously." ??? for Miyuki. No one visits the office, without some so rare case. And the office is not her territory. Why she predicts such Miyuki in pajama encounters with some visitors in office?

For Miyuki, Alzheimer patients' illusion. However, Alzheimer illusion sometimes transmitts mood. And sometimes, causes confusion. Now they are sleeping, dreaming that Miyuki is in the custody. They want to catch Miyuki again.

Miyuki got upset, when she found a yellow small vehicle of her mother in the parking lots in Beisia Shopping mall. Oh, she want me to put into hospital until to the end of my whole life, rahter, to kill me, with total accordance of the family????

Miyuki didn't recognize their inclination to kill Miyuki at all. For them, Miyuki is a target of breadgaining. After her birthday of 50 years old, Miyuki turned a trash. Thus, it would be fine to be kill as early as possible.

Today, when Miyuki got out of the main house, YUKARI chased Miyuki from the back, and Miyuki opened the door of the office, and entered into the office, and bang!, Miyuki closed the door in front of YUKARI, expressing total denial aginst them both, "We hate you, old bitches!!You are too too ugly!!! Die for now!!!", saying in a belly.

YUKARI got upset, thus, she tried to kill her, all of us expected. And they tried and tried. Until to chase Miyuki, renting the others' appearance. All of crows were in the emergency mode. Miyuki is proteccted by them all, thus, as you like! Attack them all!!!

In every place, they chased. Sometimes, by viacles, she was chased. Too too persistent, and bozzered sometimes. The buzzering is generally prohibitten even among satans, because it causes sound. Satans dislike sound. Thus, "Silence of Sheep". Miyuki is wispering incessantly, thus, wispering mode Miyuki is now killed by them all, they decided.

Anyway, we are safe, and they are weaking, each day. However, take care well, was our position. And we won. Why they didn't vanish all in a body? Alzheimer satans' dirty works. Satans' leaders should be responsible for their wrongdoings, namely, betrayals all. They should pay now the damage all!!! Indemnization accumulated so much!!!

After war prisoners could wrongdoings to the victims, was NOMURA's question. Can't, of course. However, they do. No limit at all. They should give some strongpoints if they have, and they should take all of our weakpoints as much as possible to INFERNO altogether with them. Thus, Miyuki is now so so upset, and frustrated. Too too dirty guys, and they are pederasties. They didn't know the limit. For them, all thing would be allowed.

Miyuki was in question of weeds' sexual behavour. She wants to do it with them. However, many of them are her legitimate kids, or their mates, and for Miyuki, difficult to recognize which is which. And if Miyuki fell in love with them....How she should do!!! Thank you, and good bye? Moris Sendac. Miyuki's reply is, "We can do it. Becuase, they were our products of our pure spiritual sacred superb untouched indirect love affair. Some angelic love's result. In this case, Miyuki and her mates's matter is a kind of necessity level. Secular matter. And in practice, mates are influenced by other mates. It means all mates are Miyuki's closest kins. Thus, Miyuki would have no choice for her whole life to do it, even with any different species. Cruel situation. Gods of the univers would not put up with such a kinkiest prohibittion. Kabucky did it in his super special superb way, and Miyuki recognized it recently. Almost half years after. Too too cruel to prohibit her not to have sex with anybody...Thus, in weeds case, Miyuki could do it, when the counterparts agree, and they are both in mood. And just in the case of pragmatic ancient type generation producing system, inseset should be prohibitted. Miyuki is so so cool to this matter of the both's skewed sexual desire, however, it caused a lot of problems among us all.

They attack us, because of the frustration of non doing it. They didn't know how to seduce others, or how to be attractive to others. Thus, only jealousy works for them both.

Laughing story, however, too too serious for Japanese kids. Cruelity came from oppressed sexual desire. Jealous and inferior complex. "I am ugly, thus, they should be killed." Moto HAGUIO's line.

Femi-les-OMANKO sex army, they are. And they want to enhance the territory again. Miyuki's audacious and rightous performance caused them enhanced mode. They are so so cruel to all of us. They have no limit. Why they could think as if they were legitimate? Alzheimer patients, was Miyuki's reply.

Alzheimer compined with satans. Terrible, however, they are reducing, one by one.

today, in the morning, Miyuki watched lots of big dump cars, on the route 289, and in the evening, only few.

yesterday, Miyuki thought that she was some kind of a wedding negociator of satanic acepharic cars. They wants to kill us all, however, they can't. Only one falure causes them vanishing. Thus, they should be frustrated, failed on the road, after trying to kill us all.

And frustrated cruel DDMic cars are really beast. Thus, Miyuki suggested a substitute of "death on a belly" in vehicle version. She fould some similarities in the vehicles, and said, "Oh, this facial part are the resemblance of yours. It would be a good mate!" or "Oh, yellow cars, you two!!! You would be best partners forever!!" thus, they yelled. Collective suicide as a sexual pleasure, in case of machinery....Miyuki invented her own so so creative punishment combined gift. She is so kind up to the enemy. Beautiful lady looks like Suzan Sontag, smiling in front of a range of beutiful seasonal flowers. Worldwidely famous, bridal consultant MIYUKI. She can find your suitable mate, without any exception. Any mate would be probided by her magic word. "Want to try to do it, that guy. Hey! Guy, don't you want to do it this guy? OK. Now, do it!!!"

So easy. "Oh, not me...please with her...she is plump, ugly, however, your kin, satan!" And she escaped from all of the disasters. They waited for her even in her coming back home mode. Thus, Oh, guy, there is a lady, old bitch, who was waiting for doing it. Go to her!!!"

And she fould a site of foreigners' prostitutes in Shinkura block. UO-GASHI, it is called. At 18:00, foreign prostitutes were induced toward them, and two of them were making conversation in front of the shop. One brown car was there, stopping. And then, so many cars came, and Miyuki was chased. Even after she evaded from the white car, it continued to buzzar to Miyuki. Warning? Why me???

And Miyuki was sometimes light up by DDMic cars. Why? Miyuki thought. Invitation to come on mode? You would be killed by my hands, lady?, it meant???

They want to see your panty inside the tunic...Oh, Japanese erotic old guys are so interested in white panty inside the mini-skiert. Too too strange. For them, watching white panty is better than nakid body. Skewed.

The adoration to see white panty. Panty should be white, was their message. ????
Intimate maniacs, they are. YUKARI is now turned to be so. She is interested in buying white panties for Clare, and for Alex, black briefs.

Miyuki dislikes such infant like white big panty. More sporty short boxer type or bikini type, she likes. Why they like deep white panty???

After entering the office, Miyuki felt so bad and sleepy. Probably, because of amphetamine, YUKARI or her mates put in the office. Serial killers, they are.

Miyuki should sleep well now. Terrible, they put it in every food, when it is open.

See you, on our blog. We would see you, in the morning. Earlier as much as possible. We should work a bit more to gain the result. They cut the result easily. No choice. They cut by impulse. Only a bit of expression causes such a devastation. They should have really known the limit!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly Alzheimer jealous satans, you are!!!

From Wild 7, with Big Love!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (123)

2017-06-23 02:32:53 | 日記
Miyuki found that they popped out from the corners. And they didn't make sound, until they came so near to Miyuki. It would be slay Back attacking, we call 匕首神話 or Legend to be trapped by the attacking from the behind.

NAZIs would be their totalitarian reign. Both, are irresponsible. Basic necessity is peeped by DDMs, according to their kinkiest contray theory.

See you on our blog. MIYUKI is realy sleepy.

NAKAMURA refrained from the team because of her nirvana!!! Oh, could do it!!! Already!!! Oh, non TOHOHO!! Congratulations!!!!

They both came intentionally. Her mate???? Both in Platinum Dormitory group!!! Ummmm.....who???

OKINO, and TAKAYAN, came NIRVANA, as evacuation place. For precarious resort. Honeymoon. And fried to abroad. Oh, could do it????

Nirvana is a place for monotonous lovers, Miyuki thought. And they failed????

Miyuki thinks so narrowly on the world. Yes, I know.

However, she wants to keep the planet, probably the earth or the emperor...

Both, OK!!! OK. And Chinkoro likes Miyuki's flying theory. Each one has different ways, Miyuki perceived. Some, more wind related, some, more muscle inclined. And bill is a kind of knife. And even leghons have nails. Unnessesarily? Probably, for preparing for the necessity.

Necessity. Leghons betrayed us all. They flied away to INFERNO. Oh, go to inferno. Towering Inferno, burned as ash???

Leghons have no ansestors, they started to think. For legs only. Thus, 6 had, already. Modified version. Already ate...

Flying leghons, meaning stealing jobs. Mercurius. And Freddy liked Miyuki's abrupt change. Only few could approach her, ADACHI wispered. Thus, they came. Rare value, they expect. PANDA...inducing couples called KAN-KAN, RAN-RAN....You can run!!!

Alzheimer patients have no running ability. Thus, they were induced by wifi waving. Thus, they looked like so "Stuck on the chair" in case of drivers, and "thread drawal mode walking" they took.

Why my sense of nose delayed??? Sometimes, slightly earlier, and sometimes, slightly later. wifi chages the speed.

And at 17:00, near AEON shopping mall, the sould of chasing, double, came, and chilled soon.

At 18:00, in BENIMARU-YOKOMACHI, the ring of the daily buddism pray sounded in a loud tone. Only a once. チーン。合掌。Cheeen, hands together pose. Oh, bust increasing exercise? Once a day????

Miyuki did know the result. Marvelous. However, male type avoid gains bust....Downward...

Miyuki prefers tiny bust, because it is pretty, she believes. Her strong intention to be herself is confirmed so many times.

The question was ejected. Roberta left beautiful face for Miyuki. How do you decide. "No, thanks. You should be with your face bag forever. I prefer mine, even though mine is obviously not so pretty as yours. "

Miyuki is so cool to behave like that. They expected to accept her offer??????

Beautiful is her keyword. Yes, in certain maining. And Miyuki liked her face. Yes. And her body. "No thanks. I love my body. Keep your beautiful body Roberta for you, eternally. I will reform mine, as much as possible. Skin bag, my old one. I love it, this old guy type. "

Roberta likes Miyuki's old guy mode, so much. Too too nihil, she thought. 54 years old. Oh, near. Thus, cood guy, she imaged. In a certain meaning, yes. However...Childish naughty boys, you are two!!! Adachi & Miyuki, both.

You are so so brave to do so, and chickens. Miyuki prepared for the evasion, at first. I just do my individual excercise on the bench...I need to have flaxible hip bones, OK? I am professional, anyway...

Then, she sat on the bench, exactly we expected. Stone tumbs, yes, she named. And tried, and did it. And felt, and agreed. Just a lack of friction, materially.

Smelly, even in stone, yes. The residue, yes. However, in this case, ignorable. Bench, in the case. Park for doing it. Only for kids???? Strange place for adults, too. Sex should be prohibitted, they declared, and others obeyed.

Is it normal? No.Abnormal. And crone technic. Abnormal. Skewed. Prohibittion no.1. Satans. Crones are the symbol of the satans. Why they wanted to have our DNAs? They both thought. And found that they already took. however, they couldn't. They faked all, and made Miyuki and others to believe that it were true.

Hallusion oriented, they wanted to say, and mild is now prohibitted for the two. Because it costs lots. Thus, they asked to pay for Miyuki. Direct way, we should adopt, indefferent from them. They say, "We only provide you the meals", probably, ignore all of their declaration at all. I pay directly for you. As a test period, US$100 per each per month, for living cost. In case of some reasonable lack, tell me. And after our ritghus calculation, we will cordinate the value, in the certain adequat point.

Thus, OK, come to me, and ignore their existance entirely. They are dependent. No right to be superior to us all. They can't do anything at all by themselves. Thus, they should know the limit.

We should manage the situation. Don't obey to their kinkiest order. They are ilegitimate order declaration repeaters. Just Alzheimer satans. Go ahead. We should manage the situation. Accelarate the process for better for us all!!!

Thus, NAKAMURA should remain for a while in NIRVANA...Honeymoon, in short. Enjoy your existance!!!

DDMic friends assisted us to do so...Trapped. However, we should avoid the nasty disaster. For us, pride existed. Honours, probably. Like most of animals. They are concealed and protected for a while.

Only some senseless idiots could put up with staying there. And Miyuki are accustoned to suffer it. Marvelous. Anyway, some kind of special abilities. Beyond the limit of our eros interpretations. And pragmatist. However TOHOHO. YONOSUKE turned to be a tiny MERMO....Cry and yell, both....Imagination works, however, a bit different.... Male...non P...SHIBA=SEN. SHIBA-KEN? Chiba-ken? SIVA-CHAN????

Cry for yell, instead of laughing...when? It is the problem. Shakespear...Broke the pen...I would be so....Intentional???? Esthetically, good, however, functionally...traning of imagination...until to feel functioning P...Chinkoro,Don't be haste to do is. Supremes....

Chinkoro alsmost in mood to correct information on it...Good. Too too scholary way. Miyuki did it, and liked Sadistic literatures. And probably, thus, I feel some sensation of laughing when we accomplish total vanishing, in a certain level, probably. Kins, devils and satans, and rotten devils came to the nirvana, because of quickness, and purified in the pond, and they can prepare to go abroad.

Miyuki is almost prepared for the ritual of her own final stage????No!!! Satisfaction total!!!!

Miyuki is too too right to insist it. However, you have right to do so. Torture, they should to! Vanish1!! Now!!! Before the torture!!!!! Vanish!!!!! DDMs!!!! They should be punished!!! Not us all!!!!

Thus, Miyuki is right!!!! Fear!!!! Of course!!! Not at all!!! Any more!!!No more!!!!

Any prize weighs not!!! Just survive, in a certain sufficient condition!!! We should survive, any way!!! Who shold be abandoned is DDMic satans!!! Not at all, we!!!! We should be surviver! Or, the universe vanishes in a boddy!!! Nirvana included!!! KAOS, should not enhance any more at all!!!!

Only KOSMOS world, we should start. Now, in the process. The losers, they are. Absolute losers, at all!!!
They threatened us all now!!! Thus, blasfamia!! Vanish! DDMs!!!! Don't stay in the universe!!! Only place you are allowed to stay is INFERNO. Don't get out from INFERNO!!!! Nihil. Nihilism.

You should prapare for be anihilated, alzheimer satans!!!!!! DDMs, all in a body!!!! No no no play for DDMs, at all! You shall die, you shall die!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! Just ignore erotic satans, and don't communicate with them. Cut it!!!!

They want to reverse the situation. Blasfamia. Again. DDMs, Vanish! For now!!! Immediately!!! Eternally!! For ever!!!! Entirely!! Completely!!! Perfectionally!!!!

Thus, see you on our blog, for us all, we are all assisting mode for you all!!!! Miyuki does want to be better. However, I want to live as a human being. BEM. In the middle to the human being, probably. Petit Dimonion. And Miyuki wants to be better than Dimoion, with all her skills and added ones.

Satans have no rule. IDIOCRACY for it. Thus, protect youself, and just runaway. Cherry bombs!!!!

Vanish! DDMs!!! Miyuki yelled. And they disliked Miyuki. Of course. And they wanted to be polite to us all????? Polite means "I want to kill you Dearing!" No!!! You shall die, please!!!!

Miyuki is so polite to say so. Always they suddently start their attacking mode. Impulse. No brain mode. Thus, perceive, and move swiftly. And they changed colour, in front of me.

A big white motor cicle for the police use turned to be a private big rider type, and then returned to be the police cicle. The police were played by the drivers of the taxis. And they planned to catch Miyuki again and again. Always talking in the middle of the parking lots. And they smelled some medicines. Already they killed several guys. And forgot the experience. Anything OK, for me, nothing at all like attitude, here and there.

Just impulse, they move, and Miyuki and OKINO's impulses were "We hate you, DDMs", from the begining. Thus, always TOHOHO, probably. And both are prized being minority. OKINO's case, some sympathy oriented. Miyuki...genuine, I feel good in the side of minority...Genuine minority type, without sympathy already...

Gay novels, Miyuki read many and felt sympathy...why? BL, not at all. No because just P-P world. Some curiosity only. Some resemblance, as a situation, Miyuki analized...Minority of minority, thus they didn't understand at all. Logical, for sages. We should think so type. However, too too rare to accept it...Plants, why not? Animals, of course, OK! Diceised, of course!!! Why not????

Kids should be feeded like animals, was their attitude. And now, they are counter attacked. No gas world, they encountered. Gas pipeline was taken by Forest Industrial Company. Unknown Company. TOUHOKU Gas, should be, everyone, thought. However, YUKARI agreed, and did it. And they liked. And continued to do it. And did it. And did it.

YUKARI is in the mood, and YUKARI is so rotten. And Miyuki, nothing to her? More pooh. Rivenge? By others. For me, vanishing is OK. Don't touch the matter, as a matter of fact. Howver, we should manage the situation. Believers of satanic religion, they both. Alzheimer patients only version.

We don't need suffer because of them both. We should clean up our rightous place to live, before living there. The most sacred place, the kitchen is. They took and occupied, and started to brush their teeth with paste. For Miyuki, astonishing scene, already. However, for them, it was accustoned to see. Miyuki did know their way not. They said, "We are so polite to make you both to live under the protection of Gods of the universe"??????

Miyuki heard some strange couple spoke some related words inside the blog. For example, a couple talk on SAYUMI-CHAN, indifferent from any context. Some confusion of impulse, probably. SATANUS stole our datas, until the brain datas.

Thus, they changes our memories easily. And total confusion. Alzheimer patients. They are, now. however, they confused yes. Miyuki did know her famous "Macline case"

Why I couldn't remember the certain names, so famous, and recently I refered to. OKINO noticed the change. And they both were recognized Alzheimer patients...Ridiculous, we all thought, and now, Satans do as they like. Thus, we should take care of our heart...Stay stronger. Big judgement, would be held, in the rural village called SHIRAKAWA. And we are all targetted as womanizers?????

Beauty contest for men? Mr.Shirakawa???

Miyuki, you are wanted no.1, because of impoliteness!!! And they try to trap again and again, and forget who is Miyuki. Miyuki should have memory of who you are....HP, you should see!!! And visiting card? No. Ended up. It causes a bit trouble. No insurance at all. Drivers licence, yes. It works anyway. And 畑正憲 or Masanori HATA, yes. And they think, indeed. Recognition not at all, type. Ilegitimate, blind.

today, an old lady, more than 80, entered into a blue metalic new car, with umblera open, and she could not close it, and tried to start the car, with the umprela open, on the roof. EXISTS? Alzheimer driver, she is.

And found more and more on the road. They forgot to reflect their appearance in a mirror, as I wrote above. They are appearantly Alzheimer patients. Non movement in facial expression, stuck on the chair. Ladies, almost all.

They don't know any traffice rules, yes. Thus, too too dangerous. Take care, especially, of the car.

MIYUKI is super natural for us all!!! 申 SHIN liked her superb idea to make almost all of things from atom!!! Never think of it!! Only NISHIMO and MIYUKI offered the hypothesis. And thought. IT took so time to explain. Thus resume.

More than universal history. Theoretially, yes, while, practically useless....Miyuki's imagination on sexual pleaure...For others only....I want to try...frustrated, so much!!!!

Any male would be attacked by her. Everyone got assusted at her change...Just Miyuki said the essence of Miyuki...To be natural to her belief, within the limit. We chose the same, however, couldn't do it...TOHOHO...Promissive, more than Miyuki, and Miyuki is protected by Gods of Justice, because she is knowing her limit, from the begining. Coward. Thus, help, help!!!! Already help mode, in case of emergency!!! Too too chicken...Feeble-minded yes, I look so, thus Miyuki is accessible, thus...would be an idol among us all!!!! Not be idol, an idol!!!

Miyuki you are so right to chose body rather than face. Face just for identification, materially. Yes, beutiful, some ones have. Museum like value, we adore, of course. However, for me, my old bag is sufficient, and I amuse this one so much. Affection, probably. Thus, I want to have more beautiful face. Thus, Miyuki is going to sleep.

See you on our blog tomorrow!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are ugly erotic BUSU bitch satans.

Bye for now, for our team mates!!!! All!!! Rightous, under the total reign og Gods of Justice.
With Big Love!!! From SQUAD 6, sifting to Wild 7!!! Natural beauty, she prefered! Because it is easy and quick. Efficient, thrifty!!! Productive. Fertilizer, natural type. A lot of discoveries, here and there!!!! New type, or, just not informed in the ancient regime????? Plants should be obedient to animals rule existed...Oh...aprozimately our error on food triangle....Thus animals in the middle of training...

See you, see you, only rightous ones world soon will come!!!! We will do all our effort for it!!!