Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (94)

2017-06-05 21:02:12 | 日記
05/06/2017 (Monday, evening) Miyuki ignored her mother, saying, "You wear sandals. It would be fine for you to put on shoes. Sandals are not polite.", when she was passing beside Miyuki, from the allay between the office and KOJIMA's house.

My problem, and on 7:30 in the morning, and only in this block. It was so obvious. Why I needed to wear formal wear to walk arround in the limited range of the area? "Shut up your mouth. Dodomerdas' concern is always appearance among the neighbours. Impolite, am I? Who is so impolite not say "good morning, her majesty!" to your superior? I am free from any your kinkiest religeon, yes. However, according to your religion, impoliteness to your superior would cause immediate execution of the harshed punishment, because it means betrayal to the religious leader? I am OK, and your problem. Vanish! DDMs!!!" was Miyuki's meaning by way of silence.

At 7:50, as I wrote before, they pretended to hand some forgotten object to Clare, to make Miyuki believe that Clare were forgetful nasty girl. For Miyuki, she is not forgetful, and even with her forgetfulness, she is good memory holder. Such kind of forgetfulness is not nasty at all. I myself a kind of Ms.Forgetful, in this field. School materials exist to make the promissive kids feeling nervous. However, Miyuki and Sachiko TOBE did know well at this point, and they were both promissive kids No.1 type. Queens of forgetting school materials, they were. And many of them remember it, if they are not dodomerdas.

Hiroko ISHII was not to promissive type, however, probably, at least, she would got astonished, hearing that Miyuki entered into Todai. "Oh, that guy, who forgot so many materials, more than I, who took the messy grades always, entered into the best university in Japan. Why not I? Strange. That guy? So so forgetful. Always. Without exception. Everyday, almost. Oh, today, I didn't forget any material at all! Miracle!!!, type. She herself confessed that always I forget some necessary materials like rulers, colour pencils, paint tubes, homeworks or so. Plural, in almost all of cases. The worse is, my house is located beside this school. Teachers don't allow me to pick them up at all, thus, always, I lack something to have a class. Always. I can't avoid this serious fact. however, without such trifle materials, I can gain good points in the exams. Thus, I am not worry about such forgetfulness of school materials. OK, I do without them, type. Not important. yes, it's amusing to use such materials, however, they themselves refuse me to pick them up from the nearest point. They just say, "Oh, Miyuki, again? OK, go to pick them. OK? Once. Or you prefer taking lunch in your house, or you would sleep in your house, while your mates are studying seriously. Thus, I decided that for me, forgetting them is a kind of dairy habit. It does not offend my honour at all, rather it would be praise in my life. Thus...yes, I am a kind of emperor of forgetfulmess!"

How audacious!!! Decisively she chose to be an emperor of this field. And thus, Miyuki dared to accept the reputation already she was in primary school. Thus, only several forgetting experiences of objects weigh nothing. "Oh, you don't forget your uniform today? Oh, you wear it correctly. Better than yesterday. You forgot a skarf then. Today, you wear....Oh, you forgot to calm your hair...Obviously. Oh, your hair is standing...And you don't care at all...Oh, for you, MIYUKI, any standing hair gives any damage on her peaceful school life, because there is no mirror in the class...Some one can see her hair style, of course, however, just their subjective feeling. For me, not dishonour at all. At least, my hair style is wild today. Just it. Not an object of accusation by others. Yes I forgot it, I now remember it, and my mates also didn't recognize it. It means for Miyuki, me, it is too normal. Thus, no problem type situation. Thus...for kids, who have some kind of such inclination, my advice is, "Behave bravely, even in the most contemptious moment of their accusation on their forgetfulness. Anyway, you didn't forget to bring your head. It's the most important thing. Look at them! They can't recognize that they have no head at all!!! Their heads are already cut. No head situation. Anyone can do as it likes. And who knows its own limit, survives. It is called morality, in our secular world. Who doesn't have should die, immediately. Thus, we are in the exact time of divine ordial. If you can, you should survive others. If you can't, you choose to survive. All depend on your choice. "

And Miyuki found that KABUCKY did it!!! We all have a lots of kids already!!! Our kids!!! Promissive!!! And newly created type, also included. KABUCKY's present for us all!!!! He wanted to meet Miyuki in New Zealand, however, there is already done type, like as Japan. Miyuki didn't criticise him at all. We pledged, and he partly came to me. And Miyuki thought that "Oh, Kabucky, you find another girl. OK, your choice. I am such a type also. You chose, and I will meet you if we have another chance. Don't worry, you are attractive. Just it. On the contrrary, I couldn't find any boyfriend, yet (At that time, her minimum boyfriend Mountain Dove didn't appear yet), thus, OK, it happens. See you until next time!!!

And oh, he conceived our kids!!! Oh, plants could do it! They are our kids!!! Oh, plants' way is so different from our common way. Oh, just feeling so similar is enough to welcome next generation! Oh, they are my kids!!! OK, different, however, ours. Team mates. Good!!!! Thus, they could show me their secret!!!

Everyday, a bit a bit! Today, she found that her pepper mint extended another new twig, horizentaly, on the earth. New, yes, because their leaves are so tiny. And dark red it were. And 10cm already! Only one night, they grew up, already!!! how promissive!!!

And recently, Miyuki found various berries in the fields, and planned to have berry party, inviting any species who are interested in these berries, expecially Rabbit Tribe. Of course, non berry eating type can come yes!! We pick them, and just eat OK, and can make some juice, jelly, snacks, sweets, as we like. All free, because we invite them all. Just a promise is enough. This is a party, not for commercial use. It means not for eaning money. Thus, you can pick until you satisfy. After satisfaction, your picking should be a kind of lack of respect to my kids. They produced these cheerful fruits by their own effort. Thus, only who can keep this promise could participate the festival of interesting amusing cheerful picking berry event. OK? Only our rightous army, not DDMs at all!!!

Why they rely on our products?, was Hiroko ISHII's question. We produced for our party to cereblate new age's arrival. No versity holder's world. It didn't exclude versity holders like Miyuki. however, they thought that this is for your share, and the rest, almost all of them are for us, DDMs. MICCHIKU in Shirakawa, they are!!!

Versity holders are not so reliable, generally speaking, yes. And Miyuki is proud of her versity holding. Yes, I am a professional. I earned money with this status. Why not? Like a president of their own company. A pride to be "someone" in a certain limited field. Just it. Not to be arrogant at all! Just a kind of the glory of the past, and a proof of "Anyway, I worked so much as a rightous worker." It deseaves to be proud of.

Thus they failed. In SHIRAKAWA, non versity degree holders are reliable, and versity holders should be punished, they yelled. Kinkiest! Rightous or not, it matters. Versity holdings are some negative factor, yes. However, not to be a kind of punishment, of course!!!

For Alzheimer patients, just an easy request done by high school degree holders, and as usual, they obeyed the erroneous and fatal order. They themselves pretended to be a versity degree holders, and they didn't know where Shirakawa I primary school is. 菖蒲沢 or SHOUBUZAWA is their reply. Where is it? SHIRAIGAKE or SAMBOMMATSU, it would be. And the school's history was told totally wrongly curved in the big stone as a monument, and the big stone was established in the campus of the civic hall. And the stone could borrow the scene of white big building, pretending as if this were the exact school. Confusion here and there, and the basic stone which sustains the monumate was contributed by NAGAYAMA Industrial Company. Glory? Just a shame! Why Shirakawa I's graduates didn't take off it? They are accustomed to be proud of their shames.

And Miyuki found that the campus of Shirakawa municipality's hall is connected with the temple beside located. Oh, the kinkiest old BONZ's sexually abusing orphanage was the public servants' erotical amusement park, thus, there lots of cheapish used baths here and there berried in the courtyard. Alzheimer patients can't recognize the difference between shame and glory or honour. Thus, they continue to their evilest killing job even now. Anyway, I want to call attention, even it were the most shameful one.

Greek origin of "HERO" came from a guy who wanted to be fameous anyway, thus lit the fire on the divine palace called PARTENON in Athen. The end of the world, it meant. And Greek themselves put his name as a proof of glory as rightous one. Dirty Hero, he should be called. however, just, "Hero". Heroneus, his name was. Thus, in Japan, Hiroshi is the most populous name, especially in Miyuki's generation. Hero like death, they prefer, it means.

"He is a hero!" and "Total equlipse of my heart" were sung by a powerful voice holder of country music. Robust in body, and good lower voiced female. And now, Miyuki is some drunken mood. I didn't take any illegal medicine at all. Just banana chips with black sugar, belgean cookies, or Trapist Gallets, and then, in the office, Canned sardine, squeezed lemmon juice, and two cups of milk, and many small cucambers produced in MIYAZAKI.

Cucambers were a bit bitter than normal ones, however, probably, not so bad.

And she felt some stronger medicine like smell. Stronger than heroin, and with a bit smell of Propan Gus, or LG gus. And now, only at 22:17 oclock, Miyuki is already sleepy. Why?

They don't want to be writen their shame any more, it means? Thus, cut it!!! Vanish! DDMs!!! Immediately. The sooner, the better, in this case.

And Miyuki felt strong smell near the back door of the office. She smelled a bit, and then, ate her dinner. MILK's carton's package was open already, and Miyuki put yellow erastic gums and a clip to protect the nasty disaster.

Oh, thus Miyuki's mother ordered Miyuki to bring all of her foods to the fredge in the office, and they cleaned up the floor two days earlier? To induce someone to put the poison into milk?

Too too sleepy already. 2 hours earlier than as usual. And Miyuki knows the method. Drink milk more!!! Thursty, because she could not take sufficient water or tea during the day. And now, Milk is attackable by all of them.

"Don't put the word "Don't steal" on the package, the trash collecters would think that we have theives inside the house!" in her own scolding voice, Miyuki's mother ordered, and Miyuki gained a lot of prize because she followed her order, and then she claimed at her father. Explosion!! Miyuki's fredge is used by them both already in backhouse. According to them both, Miyuki allowed them to use. Bomba!!! They are already drunken, was the right answer. Heroin abusers, they are already. And they put another stronger medicine on Miyuki's milk.

today, Miyuki met 3 killers outside. The former two were old ladies, bitches. Rural one, and more Shirakawa Micchiku OCHAZOKU or Tea Ceremony Tribe type. They both complemented Miyuki and asked, "What are you doing now?" in the same frase. Oh, like my mother, Miyuki felt threatening.

And then, in the farm, already under our legitimate property holding, the most evilest one. Old erotic guy type, yelled the same frase to her. She was behaving to be Michel Pornalev, a French kinkiest singer, with a big mouth and a slender voice, with long curly hair and leggins type thight jeans, with her some sexy caliograph.

Suddenly he appeared, and he had a electric sythe, presumably from the sound. Oh, Jason!!! And Miyuki got chilled at his way of saying. And he asked her in the same words three times. Bomba!!!

She decided to go out of the farm, anyway, he is a serial killer type. Any joke would cause the disaster. She wanted to run away from the north side, however, suddenly changed her mind. Today, reason unknown, however, there were so many DDMs appeared in the farm, riders, drivers, walkers and so on. And they pretended to be the staff of this farm. however, they made big mistakes. No SARUSHI suits were needed for playing the role of farmer trainees. Rural bitches were not needed to this laboratory at all. And they cut the loan to fake that their golf play ground were a kind of nightmare.

Thus, Miyuki chaged her mind quickly, and dashed on the broadest road in the farm. Brade Runner!!!
And yelled, "Vanish! DDMs!!! Help!!! He is a rapist!!!!Protect me, my friends! Gods of Justice will punish you, kinky rapist!!!" And she ran, as much as possible, until the sound of him vanished. And found the a pair of men, probably his instant team mates were before her, and a rural DDM, in a check shirt with a rural trousers came into the farm, just in the moment of his old DDM's attacking.

Oh, substitute! Good! He would be attracted by her, because more similar to him. Short type, presuming from his location of voice. And he approached to me, because I wore a yellow jacket today, it meant that I were a kid. And when he came near me, he at least recognized that I am bigger than he, and got astonished and started to scold.

Oh, my mother gained this type of irrational scolding by such kind of old guys!!! Oh, thus she started to accused me, when she opened the door of toilet abruptly, and found that I was there in the toilet already. "Why are you here?!!!" She scolded me harshly in a loud voice. I got surprized, because, in this case, who is inpolite is she, not I. I said so, however, her reply was, "Why you didn't lock the door? You, stupid! You are wrongdoer!!"

Oh, already, such kind of the lady she was. Almost 15 years ago. Soon after we came back from Brazil, it happened.

and, my ex-pupil NAKAGAWA told the same experience, in the more nasty version. He was using barriar free toilet for his special basic need, according to him. He didn't lock, and then, an old lady, suddenly entered, and he really got surprised, and she started to accuse him because of his unlocked door. "Oh, old lady, you entered, and I was occupying this toilet already." He explained, however, no way, thus, he should run away from the space.

Intrusion itself. however, for them, "unlocked door" is the reason of their so called rightous entrance to its own place.

Oh, Kyorin Squad entered into my residence, immediately I opened the door. I opened, because for me, it was necessity. My father was talking on veranda with somebody. I was violated in front of him, however, I could not see him. I yelled several times, asking help, "Help, help!!! Gods! Help!!! They are devils!!! They are devils!!! Help!!! Gods!! Help!!!

For DDMs, locked means not enter type gesture. And unlocked door means "Good to enter, guys, you all!"

However, ealier, my mother criticised us all to lock the door. It was too impolite, because it was the symbol of unconfidenciality. She changed already, when she gained some beneffit from DDMs.

And she always accused that in case of being stealed, the victim is stupid, or mentally illed. Anyway, the victim should not blame anyone.

She also tried to persuade Miyuki not to sue Kyorin Versity, when Miyuki visited their house to interview his father. Miyuki came and immediately after the interview, she came back to Tokyo, in December, 2015.

MIYUKI refused her kind offer to take her to the station by her yellow small car, at first, however, she chased her in the middle of MOTOMACHI, and yelled MIYUKI, "You should not sue anyway." And Miyuki's reply was, "Who decides sue or not, is I, Miyuki SATO, and not you. however, you have such an opinion, I have heard." And she continued to yell Miyuki, thus, Miyuki decided to be kind to her, thinking, "Anyway, she wanted to offer her ride to the station. OK, I should be kind to others. I will ride your car, to the station. Thanks, anyway."

Why she was so eager to persuade Miyuki not to sue? KYORIN or DDMic party bought her, already, entirely. Thus, any law suit should be avoidable, was her attitude.

She changed so much. However, she was from the begining, Tokyo admiror. Especially GUINZA. The real GUIZA, not rural GUINZA's counterpart. Always. Thus, the house near GUINZA is the killer words for her.

My mother is a representative of MICCHIKU related, the superior type, while YUKARI, is that of the inferior, like IKKYO believer. Or rather, in male version, Dirty Penis Worm Yoshihiko KOGA, and IGARASHI, mad dog clerk at Kyorin.

Or, they are in the main house. Thus, they likes to peep us three. IGARASHI liked more boy type, thus, ALEX, and sometimes, Clare turns to be an attacking target. And my mother always appears when I am changing clothings.

Oh, they replaced my mother and YUKARI, from the day. It means that my families wanted to attack me altogether on the day 16 of October, 2015.

Alex and Clare were in school, and one day earlier my father came from Shirakawa.

And my mother criticised me because of my lean body. You should gain weight more, was what she was accustomed to say, in 2015 and 2016.

DDMic society was composed by replaceable members. Thus, for Miyuki, TAKAHARA turned to be Penis Worm KOGA. Their impression was so similar. Thus, she easily kicked off her pupils, ex included, and TAKAHARA of course. Oh, TAKAHARA was psychologically KOGA himself. Old erotic dirty bug, their impression was, Miyuki categorized so.

And now, KOGA and IGARASHI. Erotic Boss and Mad Dog.

And DDMic Achepharos Car is such a kind of combination. Mad dog is an armed force to attack others. And last week, they started to replace cars with bycicles, in some cases. Why these two days abruptly the number of the bycicle riders increased so much?? And their riding is so rough. Probably for them, another arm, and they could rent it for free, at the parking lots beside JR station and Public library.

Gourgeous toilet is used in here. And Alex likes washlet yes. And he likes to talk on the telephone, even he was in the toilet. With a lock, toilet is more safer place, anyway. He is a bycicle user, yes.

Each one should choose your armed force to fight against DDMs, was probably some order from someone. In Miyuki's case, assistance supported by her mates. Gods of Luck, included. Anyway, HELP! type.

Others, some special armed forces. And now, Miyuki's armed force is seed. Like a pose of "Seed splincling man" by Millet, a Babirzon painter. Famous Bell of Evening, and Collecting Residue of Wheat, two masterpieces of him. She watched them both, when she was 7 years or so, with her father. In Guinza, MATSUYA, probably. She remembers the place of the big paintings were. And liked. however, more quiet praying, and thanking to gods, and the harvest, the product of their labour. Their clothings were rural, and the smogged browny pink was the impression. Females were also labour offerers. And she liked curved design of KOUJIEN or 広辞苑 published by IWANAMI editorial company.

Workers, they are yes. Queit after their diligent working. Not messy. Authentic, yes. However, as kid, her preference is a strange big painting with some kinkiest name with so active movement of a horse and a boy, and laughing surrounding Indian people. If there is only one betrayer here, their annual amusement suddenly turns to be a disaster. however, their facial expression was not slay. Laughing. And a boy! With so so astonishing at the scenes, like, "What you should do! I am in danger of life or death!!! Don't laugh at me! HELP! HELP!" like a kind of "You can be a victim in a bad society, while, among us, you are perfectly just a target of amusement."

Miyuki would be the boy! He was thighed up hard by rope to the back of the horse, and with his appoling eyes, and half crying facial expressions. "They said that I would be saved, however, I am in dager, in subjective meaning! For them, OK! For me, not at all!!! No laughing game at all!!"

And these days, they laugh unnecessarily. When she passed, they started to laugh. She listened to their conversation, and investigated the contents. Nothing to laugh. Just like sound effect. Someone wispered to laugh, when she passed. Contemptious? Miyuki is really assure that they are just Alzheimer idiots, thus, her reply is they just use some drug to cause laughing. Laughing gus, probably. Pain killer.

Miyuki was used when she gave a birth to Clare. She asked the possibility of affect her, and their reply was nothing harmful for both, in a certain limited quantity. And Miyuki agreed to use it for the nurses. Experts with experience. 50 years or so, both. Reliable, because, they responded to her a bit unnusual questions, with some laughing facial exoression, seriously. "Rely us, this chicken type!!! Anyway, you are a kind of worrying too much type. Don't worry. You and your baby would be saved anyway!"

Laughing gus didin't cause any nasty feeling, nor cheerful pleasant mood at all. Just erased the pain, and relax. Franky goes to Hollywood.

Thus, her facial expression was so indulged like spontaneous untensed smiling. Oh, I don't want to be taken the picture of this smily Jordan like idiot like face. It would be my shame...Anyway, no one want to see this face, including me!!!

Conscious, yes. Just, "I don't feel where they are cutting. No pain, yes. And probably, Clare is now going out from my body, and our tigh would be cut soon after her birth. Thus, my taking of this gus would not affect her at all.

Clare started to smile earlier than usual. Probably next day from the birth, she already started to smile. Active, powerful girl, from the begining. And she liked not to speak so much. Dumb not at all. Just for her, always BLA-BLA-BLA, you, stupid! You all!! Including you, Miyuki. I know it well, already. Don't repeat it again.

And Clare is now free from anxiety of their attacking. Miyuki took a picture of SATO Family's funeral advertisement done by AOKI funeral company, near JR Shirakawa station. Oh, good! No name. Just a family name type. Unusually simples. Who died?, no one would not know type.

Miyuki agreed that KABUCKY produced his and Miyuki's colaborated work? Of course. Conception, Miyuki explained. And KABUCKY liked her expression. Plants laugh. And Miyuki sang the childish easy soft song called, "Plants laught". Lalabye like refrain only song. And Miyuki remembered the frases in total.



 The flowers laught, The flowers laught, all laught, cheerfully they laught,
The flowers laught, The flowers laught, all laught, in a body, they laught.

Mari YOSHIKO was a cheerful pretty lady type singer & performer on Kids' educational TV programm broadcasted on NHK. Miyuki liked her program, and her last program was "YAN-YAN-MOO-KUN" with red naughty easily failing bear. Cute, however, he soon fails, and expressed with various facial expressions his own feeling, and with his voices. Cute, however, sometimes, with upset face. Red more towel bear type. Not good boy type. Noughty, however, whe should get along with him, because I am only one responsible for him, and anyway, he is an amusing guy. Sometimes he gives us a lot of troubles, however, no way! His fate, probably. Anyway, not nasty, in every meaning.

Always goddamnit frases she speaks in English. And sometimes sings. What happens? Informing! They turned to be a mobil phone user, immediately she passed beside them. All of them. Some dashing mode. We can't put up with her talking or her conducts at all!!! Impolite, anyway. Spets, and sings in a loud voice, and tells the truth. What's wrong? "King is nakid!" she yells. And the audience? Human figures don't praise her at all. Ignorance, better than informing. Informing means death for her. And they can't stop informing on her to their bosses.

And the result. She were obliged to run way to the long road with lines of woods. Two lines of ciders with bunk. Two cars parked in the middle of the road. The both, wanted to catch her, probably. however, they should give up, anyway. Probably, they would like to do it, and couldn't put up with her slow walking with splinkling seeds. Carrots and raddish, Red and White. Roots type. Why not???

And someone did the same, probably. And talked with them some gene modification program, the taboo number one of the universe. And the result? Unintentionally they were created. Not their sin, of course. However, individualism for that. They should take care of their own spirit, like us all. The same. The results. A kind of victims, in this case. Different fisiolonomy? Already input type. however, probably, our army's members, if they are rightous, thus, don't worry. Probably, new type, however, not so monstrous. We will welcome your arrival.

Individualism is used in this case. We should separate the sin or crime done by DDMs from the innocent result.

In case of Miyuki, if in the middle of that nasty abduction and the concealing, they forced Miyuki to do so, and they put sperm into Miyuki's womb, what should she do?

She thinks that it would be the seeds of devil. Miyuki wants to irradicate the result. It is fated to be DDM like this wrongdoer. Their object of this conception is this point, probably. A kind of pledge as a fatus. however, Miyuki's choice is so nasty for both.????

Miyuki doesn't want to have it at all! My body! I was abused. Just a attachement, forcedly put like an artificial penis by DDMs. I don't want, thus, I should abandon the seed of unhappiness for the universe all.
Already done type gene, they have. Probably they didn't produce any fruit at all, because they are dull and not good at any logical thinking. Thus, practically, they can't do it.

Thus, fatus not at all! The part of DDMs put inside my body. Like a cancer. Thus, it wouled be fine to be taken, as early as possible. Fetus not. Cancer, yes.

And Miyuki didn't want to do it with any DDM, at all!!! No no no sperm of DDMs!!!

Miyuki is now so sleepy.
See you for us all, on our blog!!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly, and kinkiest!!! Miyuki got thrilled by the rapist in fact. He would be the faked farm holder, or one of them. Kill him, immediately! He did it already, with the treatening with chain sow like electric armed force. He cutted the grass unnecessarily. My kids included. Thus they cut, probably. Weeds, be ambicious! Mr.Clerk.

Be stronger, survive, anyway!!! Rural Jasons here and there. They easily start to attack. Ruite delivery track driver type they are.

See you on our blog, OK?
From Quartet MARC, with big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (93)

2017-06-05 08:19:09 | 日記
05/06/2017 (Monday, morning) It is beautiful Monday. I got up at 7:00 in the morning, because I heard the sound of some heavy metal, like iron, rang by the friction. Iron material is sold? The sound was similar to that of cleaning ditch. I wanted to confirm what was happening outside.

Then, my mother yelled, "Oh, could you do in time?! And YUKARI, coming from the front part of the office to the main room, in the ally, replied, "Yes, I did".

Miyuki got up, and soon opened the window of the chamber of her mother, and watched outside. No one was there. Soon, her mother appeared, collecting the cut twigs and leaves of plants. Oh, Zwiggy! Lean cute tall model in 1960s, with long twig like leggs!!! And Miyuki is this type. And several years ago, she read an interview with her, and found that she kept this body shape at that time. Genuinely lean. Healthy, even with her age, and she has ground kids, of course!!! Why not???

Oh, they cut the plants because of hatrid against Miyuki! We dislike any resembling shape holders, was their reason of unnecessary cutting plants. Just jealous!!!

And with flowers, they amused more. It caused more damage. Hatred to beautiful others, including Clare and Alex. Thus, even today, from early in the morning, they cut them, and collected them, and put them into vinil package to abandone.

Iron material is precious. They thought, thus, the sound. However, they prefered offer to the evil recycling companies, the precious things with their hatred. Adored by us all, was the reason of them to abandon like trash. AMA POLA♬♫ Once upn a time in America.

Floureshing, they deslike. Thus, they give a biggest damage, in the most floureshing period of us all. Thus, exm war. The most cheerful days should be robbed by their cramschool study. Only some nards would like to do type pacience, could survive in this miserable dirty war. And Miyuki and Platinum Tribe were some of these nards!!! Oh, their age!!!

Miyuki disliked cramschool study at all, however, at least, she could amuse. Midori NAKANO, a writer on films, confessed that she was this type, however the result was just a Keio Versity's graduate. Even nard she was, she could not enter into Tokyo Versity. She was Tokyo resident. And we, Platinum Tribe, were residents of non-urbanized part of Japan. Except some rare case.

ANAYAMA, was this rare case. She graduated high school attached to National Women's College of OCHANOMIZU, and failed to enter into Tokyo versity, and after her one year's effort more, she could entered into the versity, and she resided in Platinum Dormitory. Probably, there was vacancy to accept Tokyo residents, other SHIROGANE tribe thought.

And she didn't speak of her family at all. Her fisiolonomy is Wally, in the puzzle book. Probably she learned French in Tokyo Versity. Michiko YASHIRO would know the reason, presumably.

And Madoka KATAYAMA was residents of YOKOHAMA, and she was allowed to reside in Platinum Dormitory. And Miyuki did know the existance of the public dormitory at the first time, when Miyuki went to receive the forms of the process of entrance with her mother to the counter of Tokyo Versity. The clerk informed it, and put the key words, "We have the dormitory for female students. However, it is old and a bit messy. First, you should go to see it". Thus, they visited the dormitory, and liked it! Oh, DANCHI! Better than we expected!!!

Only US$30 per month? Oh, breakfirst and dinner's costs are separated. US$140 per month, for meals, generaly speaking. Oh, ideal!!!!

For them, "Oh, first, you should visit for checking!" is "Oh, good idea. Anyway, I have right to do so." type inducing. The same thing happend on Miyuki, and she weighed a lot on her impression on the objects. The case of choice of primary school in HACHIOJI is similar. The primary school Hachioji VI's vice school master adviced, "Oh, you should decide after checking School III, because it was established recently and the building is so new. You would like it rather ours." Oh, refusal, they, the public servants, did to us. And we, Platinum Tribe, thought their remarks as advices.

Always. For MICCHIKU related, direct refusal should be avoided, however, they should show their refusal by their attitude, beside oral expression. Thus, downward eyes, or arrogant bahaviour. We hate you all! was their real feeling. And for us, Oh, we are the same, at this point. Yes, we each other hate. Total agreement at this point.

Hatred to superior existance is called jealousy. Thus, we dislike this low level value. Thus, competitive spirit. The war should be fair, or, the superiors fail. Dirty War, DDMs started as always, because they are all inferior to us all. Thus, they avoid fair games. Only sly cunning dirty works, they did. The most dirtiest way, they fight against us, Fauna and Flora, and our supporters. Thus they get uglier, namely, BUSU, gradually, with aging. And they wanted to stop the process. Thus, they confused time, and now? Totally damaged brain holderes, they are. The sound, time, appearance, personality, location, and so on. Basic knowledge as living creatures, they don't have now.

This morning, Miyuki started her ditective jobs earlier than usual. At 7:30, she confirmed that a boy with a yellow hat going out from NAKAJIMA apartment. Oh, IKKYO kid. And wearing the yellow hat is allowed only for the first graders, and he looked at least 10 years old. And a car, parked in the lots inside the campus of this apartment, was in the dashing mode. Oh, they wanted to kill Miyuki, because she wears her brillient yellow jacket on Green T shirt with skelton design. Yellow is the sign for, "Please erase me in a whole!" for Ikkyo believers.

The kid turned to see Miyuki, and she recognized that he was thrilled by something. And Miyuki, after her trash checking job, declared to them all, "VANISH! IKKYO kids all in a body! You are so ugly!" like singing, and spet into the ditch!!

Miyuki showed her hatred to them all in oral expression and her body gesture. And she smiled for them all, with her charming face!!! Vanish, all in a body!!!! We know you are evil IKKYO believers!!!

And she found that at 7:40, when she was in her plants observing job, suddenly the piano started to be played and the song was, "Portrait of Family" produced by Visconti.

On the floor, there are some windows. They were open. Thus Miyuki did her second detective job. And found that almost 10 kids were training phisically, and then, suddenly the chorus was heard to Miyuki's ears. Too early in the morning! And considering that it is Morning, too strange. Because on Monday, always we had a weelky meeting in the morning. At 8:15 or so, it started. And always school master's preach. Long long speach, as Hisaichi ISII, a comic writer described in his job done for ASAHI SHIMBUN. Anyway, preparation time for the meating. However, no hash hash mode at all. As if, as you like, IKKYO kids, you pretend to bahave something related with school, OK? Type reluctant mode. And we, residents arround the IKKYO schools were damaged with their faked noise.

Especially, for illed ones or for head ache holders, piano sound is beyond the torture. With high fever, INFERNO itself. And Ms. ARAKI and MIYUKI should put up with this INFERNO in HASEGAWA Hospital. For them, OK. However, intolerable for us all!!! Why they are so evil???

Miyuki participated in Chorus group in the school yes. However, only few several special ocasion, they trained after their class work. Thus, almost from 14:00 to 17:00. Early bird traning was just in the day of the conpetition or some rare cases. Why, with so small kids, they daredly to do the dirtest works?

And MIYUKI remembered that when Alex and Clare were in this school, the members of Chrus Group were so few, almost 10 figures in total.

In our period, almost 50 figures in total, from 4th graders to 6th ones. Chorus was the most biggest group of the activities of after class type ones. And cost? ZERO. Thus, we easily participated in the group, without worrying about money.

The music notes were provided by the teacher responcible with conductor job. In Miyuki's case, in the first year, ISHII, and the next two years, Uta YOSHIDA. Uta means song. Laughing amusing joke like naming, we all thought. And she was a good educator, at least at that time. She was also teacher responsible of 5-2 and 6-2. Sachiko TOBE and her mate Shigueko KIKUCHI loved her so much, and the class mated liked her so much. She composed the special song for yell to the Team 2. They liked to sing everyday, and they liked this amusement. Idea man type, and energetic type.

Miyuki's teacher reslonsible when she was in the second grade. Good, and yes, no one is perfect. Takafumi remembered the nasty situation. Unintentionally, just to cherish, she obliged Miyuki to do something, and she relied on Miyuki, because she thought that Miyuki was a good girl. Yes, good girl, and Miyuki didn't want to harm her class activity, thus she sang as her teacher responsible ordered to do so, "I like Takafumi" in the melody of "Elephant" by Michio MADO. I know, teacher, you are not evil one, rather you are kind one, however, for me, Takafumi is a kind of air or pooh, OK? Thus Miyuki sang with her monotonous spooky mood, without facial expression, showing that "I am obliged to do so, OK, Takafumi? You know well this situation. Thus I think that you would not misunderstand my message. OK, air or pooh, for me, you are, Takafumi? Don't forget it!"

Anyway neutral type. Not harmful for others at all. Not so promissive, however, at least, he doesn't attack me intentionally, was Miyuki's impression on him. The same, he thought on me. Just like my point getter version. Neutral and not promissive.

This is the key frase for us all. At least, ZERO is better thatn LESS THAN ZERO. The same impression. And now? Takafumi's image is more mature, while Miyuki, immature. In this situation, he has more chance to be loved by...DDMs!!! Taget!!! Disaster...Now? In the moment of the end of their life????

Non promissive, in every meaning. However, better than LESS THAN ZERO. And this LESS THAN ZERO is MIYUKI for them. Takafumi...sigh...Charly Brown.

At first, Takafumi felt, "Oh, I am popular! I am a handsome man for them all!!!" However, soon, the reality. Attacking target No.1!!! LESS THAN ZERO's ignoring everything attitude gained a big success. Anyway nasty, and discommunication total. And Miyuki knows well that they can't do the dirty work any more, at least real damage included ones. They stuck immediately, when they started to attack.

Thus CHINKORO burst. Oh, gag! Serial gag attacking. And Chinkoro was at that time, a believer of ANIMALs' rule, which weighs a lot on honour. Thus, he couldn't change his face, even in his so so eager to laugh situation. Oh, quick type could not put up with prohibittion of laugh...Oh, Name of Rose, by Umberto Eco.

Why laugh is prohibitted by monks? And sexual behavour is private matter, why they laughed at others? Don't laugh at others' sexual behaviour, by Naokola YAMAZAKI.

And Miyuki found that plants laugh!!! My centurial descovery!!! Any Nobel prize winner wrote on this fact!!! Tomitarou MAKINO!!! Oh, they can laugh!!! Oh, tabboo!!! For serious type, laugh was toboo???? Cha KATO.

KATO is an ancient Roman, and SATO is similar in pronunciation. Mr.Akio SATO mentioned, and oh, thus, we should be praised in Italy! Aristocratic name. And Earnest Satow! Naughty boy type British guy who came to Japan and described his naugty glories like MIYUKI. Stupidity!

Enju HAGUIWARA refered to him, in his work on ASAHI SHIMBUN, through the column called "Far Cliff". And Miyuki bought his cronicle, and oh, good! I would be his descendent. And his appearance? Oh, my boy Alex!!! Handsome young guy with soft approaching image. Oh, cool! Like me! I would like to put "W" after "SATO", because more foreigner's like taste.

however, she couldn't. However, already his name was registered as SATO. And she regrets a bit...In Brazil and in New Zealand, I should put "w" after "SATO". More westernized and sound more intelligent!!!

Alex likes to image his gene contributor. Probably, he looks like me, because among our family, there is no similar, and he smiled in the mirror. "Who is the fairest of us all!"

See you on the blog!!

From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!!