Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (102)

2017-06-09 19:18:40 | 日記
09/06/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki's report on IZUMIZAKi on 10 of June now is continued.

Miyuki found a track with no number!!! Oh, Japanese Goverment doesn't exist we know well, Uncle, however, you seem to show up this fact with astonishing Miyuki, and giving her proof as a photograph, doesn't you, Uncle?

And Miyuki found a track with double number plates!!! On the top, and in the bottom, with different numbers.She took a photo, yes.

Good contrast to make others to believe in non-existance of Japanese public agencies, except faked ones.

And she recognizied that the plates are put inside the track, to avoid the monitoring from the sky, and at the same time, the plates are inclined not to be seen from the bottom, which was Chinkoro did his hard work, and he lost his precious life. Sacrifice, and they, DDMs, tortured his dead body. Miyuki recognized that Chinkoro lost fur skin except ear parts. They pealed him, and gained fur. This is the reason that Chinkoro disliked Miyuki's touching affection problem. Miyuki's touch is not for contempt you, Chinkoro, she just wanted to confirm the reality to pledge your revenge. Touching means the reality recognition, different from the fiction. This is a disaster, yes, however, we don't forget your revenge forever...Your pretty fluffy hair...So so promissive, so so young...He would be a special leader for our army...

Chinkoro's death should not be compensate by any sacrifice, however, it be good to know that he was categorized to be a candedate of sages, however, he decided to come to Miyuki's Ignolandia, because of her messy "Sorry, sorry" mode. Directly, not because of her, she knows well. however, she feels so sorry when she feels that the guy died unusually earlier than she expected. He should realize his real dream in his own life, however, he lost the chance. He lost the chance...because they killed him, sorry we could not kill them all earlier than your kill..Sorry Chinkoro...You are our team mate. You should be our representative of the army.

Young death, flowers cut before blooming, died guy in the middle of their floureshing time...She felt so sorry because of them. Too too early. They deserved to live longer. DDMs' existance cut their life, so so enjoyable and lots of adventures.

Chinkoro would be fine to stay in sages's land. However, Chinkoro liked this feeble-minded so affectitonate some fur like existance, because of her messy affection to others, especially to died in the middle of their floureshing time. TOHOHO, in the extreme mode. So so terrible to imagine. And this is the right, and we should recognize the fact...Revenge, at maximum!!!

And Miyuki recognized that on Ruite 4, the percentage of Tracks are unusually high rather than normal type vehicles. Probably, the track numbering system is concealed by their sly way that Miyuki described on above, thus, the tracks were not recognized by our team's monitors, and they, despite of their ugliest existance, survived considerably in the highest possibility among all the vehicles.

And Miyuki got interested to the system of engine room of them. And she remembered "HONDA CIVIC"'s pistone movement with small explosion in a cilinder. Four cilinders were used for the moving. One per each wheel. And now, according to the OMANKO journalism, and through her experience, so limited, only two wheels are operated by the driving round hundle.

However, by observation done by her, the two wheel only move and the two are connected and the same direction they face, and the rear wheels are just followers to sustain the tail part of the car.

Like a toy car, and the fore wheels and the rear ones are linked by a strong iron bar. If the bar would break, they lose the control completely. And what happened when my father drove in a car bought from 東北ポール, or Earthtern North Electric pole company, at US$500, on the way back from Tokyo, after assisting Miyuki's moving or rather, evacuation from Platinum Dormitory to Funabashi.

Yes, cheap it was. However, if it should be sold, at least, the minimum quality as a moving vehicle should be kept as responsibility of the selling figure, in this case, Company, thus, the responsibility is much more weighing rahter than individual natural figure. My family escaped from the worst disaster, because of some luck and technics, of their own. In other words, they would have been killed, if the luck and the technics had been normal or averege mode. Thus, TOUHOKU POLE company should pay the mount of money as compensation to the damage they suffered in the accident, immediately after the accidient.
And they had gained a lot of money without paying until now, they should pay the interest also. The calculation would be so vast, almost 11 planets, at least.

According to Idiocratic judiciary, even a typical DDM costs 1 planet. Miyuki read the jurisprudence of Supreme Court of Japan. Thus, her mother's value was only 1 planet at that time.

And my father costs 11 planet at least. Because he is in the middle of DDM and human being. Thus, 10 times more than my mother. Total, 11 planet. And the interest added also.

It happened almost 25 years ago. Thus, almost each year's GNP based interest would be put. Thus, probably, 10 to 5 % per year. Presumably 12 planets would be fine to be paid for my parents.

And psychological damage should be calculated separatedly. 慰謝料 or ISHARYOU should be calculated subjectively in Japan. Miyuki remembers the case calld 残念 or ZANNEN, which is the leading case of the psychological damage.

And my mother is, you know, so so greedy. Her subjective damage is surperb. Megalomaniac, at this point. Thus, her requirement is beyond Miyuki's calculation. Even a tiny part of her biscuit would cost more than Alex's life long working in total, in her unusually greedy calculation. And she, even in her Alzheimer patient's like days, remembers the disaster, and claiming so strongly. Thus, she appeared frequently. She comes from her INFERNO just to gain the big money. If the TOUHOKU POLE gives sifficient money for her, Miyuki and her kids would not suffer so much. Thus, Miyuki and the kids are also the victims of TOUHOKU POLE Company.

And Miyuki should be calculated pragmatically. She should be calculated objectively. And her case, versity professor, with doctral degree, of the best university called Tokyo Versity in Japan. Thus, the damege by the appearance of her mother's hatred not to be given the suitable money by the company costs tremendasly bigger than the material damage her parents suffered from the accidents. In short, at least, 12 plants.

And her kids are also greedy in financial calculation. In this case, each one declares their damage at their calculation, subjectively. Alex required only 12 planets, because he is so modest at this point. And Clare, she is so rightous, as you recognized already, thus, at least, 120 plants, or, 10 times more than Alex's.

Each one wants to be paid individually. The amount would be 12 + 12 + 12 + 12 + 120 = 168 planets.
And her father wants the same value as his psychological damage. Thus, 168 + 168 = 336 planets.

Thus, TOUHOKU POLE should pay immediately to each, and in case of delay, my mother appears because of her revenge, and would damage us more and more, thus, each second costs 1 planet per each added.

In this situaion, delay of TOUHOKU POLE would be mroe outrageous to others. My mother is troublesome Alzheimer lady, and all of them are suffering from her 1 second of existance in this universe. She is persistent like YUKARI. TOUHOKU POLE pays immediately, or we would be in the beyond the pacience situation so soon.

In this case, 1 bit would cost 1 galaxy. Beyond of the limit situation needs standard of calculation on the field of damage. Tokyo Reageonal Court asked Miyuki to show the standard, and she responded that if you could not I would offer it kindly, despite of being busy in her life. And the court couldn't do at all, thus, Miyuki's standard would be established as our rule.

And she decided also that her standard is a minimum version. With more sacrifice type disaster, the cost would be 1 universe per 1 second, like a case of Chinkoro and Rabby and Kenny ADACHI and KABUCKY.

Thus, leaving the earth to INFERNO is the rightous answer for DDMs. Now, immediately!!! You are so costive anyway!!!

My mother sold her spirit almost 10 years ago because of her poverty. If TOUHOKU POLE would have provided her the adequate money to her, she would not have had sold her spirit. Her time stopped at the moment, and the skin bag left in the chamber. And DDMs use it and always ordered to kill MIYUKI, every day.

She would be satisfied with the value above Miyuki descrived, and she would vanish with this feeling of satisfaction. She remains just for it.

Almost skin bag, yes. however, at this point, she is a kind of living ghost. Pay the value, immediately!!!

And our new member of Quintet should be introduced by Miyuki. KABUCKY!!!

Miyuki was too too slow to recognize that she has green thumbs, and she has already a bunch of her own kids already!!! She thought that KABUCKY had abandoned her, breaking the promise. And she didn't blame him because of not appearing in NZ. He was so busy at that time. Miyuki thought that he found another mate, and forgot Miyuki's promise. OK, Kabucky, you are the same type of mine, thus, you can have another, and if you remember me, come with your new mate. I am OK, and we would be a good friend, including her.

Too too broad heart. And declararion. I would have more mates rather than you!!! Her competitive spirit caused him some agony. How inform the fact to her...For us, common, however, for her, for the first time, and already more than several billions...if she replies, "Oh, it is? My kids? Iligitimate, anyway. You should dispose them, even though the number is so vast." Kabucky starts to his negative mode...Oh, we did it...You didn't know at all...And, a bet.

She said, "Come on Kabucky! You can be on me! I will go soon back to Shirakawa tomorrow. You are chilled here, however, I believe that you would meet you in somewhere soon. You can go with me. " on 24 of November, 2016.

And Kabucky's understanding is, "Oh, acception of doing it. OK, plant, common! I love you, Kabucky!" And they did, and only Miyuki recognized it at all. And always, "Oh, you know, I am TOHOHO, even now. I have two kids, however, I am virgin. I want to have some boyfriends, yes. However, this is no mans' land. Thus, I am forced to continue to be TOHOHO."

Oh...Probably, she didn't think so...However, already, they are ready to go to her place. How should I do!!! Boss, you are responsible for the result. Several billions of kids would be illegitimates, because of your misunderstanding. You thought of it, while she thought of that...The result, several billions of fetus, we!!! Boss, how should we do!!!

Fetus problem...Even Kabucky, this problem would take so many time to decide...Hamlet situation...Worse...Hamlet, as single, with no fetus, according to Ofilia. However...I, Kabucky...single, yes, however, with several billions of fetus already...More than billions of psychological damage...However, she just didn't know the system. And she is obviously idiot, it means I should have know that she didn't know it...My fault with more than billions of fatus...

And Miyuki's fetus problem caused a big problem to them all...the possibility of her refusal is so vast...However...No choice!!! We should appear in front of her, and then, try to persuade her to give legitimacy to our kids all.

Adachi said, "Already she decided. Never commit the same big error. Thus, try as soon as possible. She is now in good mood. It would be good to introduce Kabucky's enterence in public. She would like it!"

Thus, Kabucky confessed, "Miyuki, you would be a parent already of our pretty kids...these your mates are your kids...Anyway, our colaborated products...just lack your ligitimatisation. "

And her reply is, "Oh...Supurb!!! Financial problem and diaper one. They are out of mind type at these two points. Don't worry. OK, kids!!1 I am your...parent, one of parents, and another is Kabucky. Oh, I didn't know that it means it for us...And it would produce so many kids in one season...Anyway, I am lucky. And I already presumed. When I was a Platinum Dormitory, I confessed to my mates, "If I were male, I would have at least 200 kids, probably. 1 kid per country. Unfortunately, I am female. Thus, I would not have any kid, probably. I am a kind of 世之介 or YONOSUKE written by Saikaku IHARA, if I were male, you know." Fusan really thought, "Oh, you are the type, yes." deeply. If she were male, she would be so popular in the world, Fusan really thought. Rough, anyway, and "OK, I will manage the situation. I? Probably I will came to see you, kids, next year. Oh, my sweetheart, take care until then. See you next year!" they all imagined. Miyuki would be fine, if she were male...

Oh, thus, now...more than 200, oh, as I predicted. Better!!! Green kids!!! The first color preference is Blue like sky, and the second, Green. Blue combines with Green so much. Why not? I love to see Green Grasses under the Blue Sky. As many as possible is the right answer. And she really thought, and soon or rather immediately, "Oh, if you need, as you like, you use my name for the proof of ligitimatisation. Family SATO, SATOW, SATOO, SATOH and so on, OK, and Japanese, 佐藤, as you like. With MIYUKI, OK, yes. However, with your name, preferably, to avoid the misunderstanding or confusion. All as you like, my or our kids!!! Anyway you are prevelent in quantity. It means we can occupy with our own strategy. DDMs did Tree register for faking population. Thus, we could take advantage of the same system. Not faking job, in this case, because I have agreed already for all of you. And adoption, OK, under the same condition. With animals? If I could, OK, for me. With Kabucky, please!!! I didn't concept, however, we gained kids. More than billions...OK, no problem. Thus, preverance is confirmed easily. Thus, we are majority, as Miyuki did know well already.

However, DDMs don't leave here, our planet yet. Today, Miyuki watched many DDMs complimented in Shin-Shirakawa station. Just bow. How audaciously impolite. According to their interpretation, it is enough to compliment to us, the bosses. Miyuki felt so contempted, and repeated to say, "VANISH! DDMs!! They should not exist yet!!! Why you are doing your go and flo job. Nasty! VANISH!!! Immediately, eternally, completely, all in a body!!!"

They, at least, seemed to know their loss. And tried to avoid the result. Betrayers, they are. And so many IKKYO believers didn't treat us as superiors. For them, just slight bow is enough to pass more time in the rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

For them, inconvenient. Thus, they thought that slight bow was enough to pretend to be a good fellow. And for Miyuki, forgiveness not at all. They deserve to be punished so harshly.

All of them showed the regretful face. without exception. And how audacious! Some old ladies laught at her. Impoliteness, no.1!!! Immediately, she would be killed. She was watching with her "Contemputious eyes" with lips ejected. And sometimes, with tongue outside. Nasty. You shall die!!! I hate you!!!

however, they continued to go and flo, in the campus of the station.

And today, so so spooky fenomena she recognized. No.1 hit is, the shound producers are now in the extreme Alzheimer disease.

This morning, Miyuki encountered with a sound of some broken machinery. She investigated from where the sound came. And found that the big loud metal rusty sound came from a young man's cycling on a bycicle. Impossible! They produced the sound wrongly!!!

No.2 is caused of recognition problem of the difference between before and after. In Benimaru-Showamachi, a guy came to drink a cup of green tea. He made a sound of drink BEFORE he started to drink!!! Unusual!!! Exists such kind of Alzheimer confusion?! Miyuki was excited!!!

Thus, they remain even now, and thus they didn't recognize the war is over. Before the loss situation, they lived thus, they conduct as if anything would be fine.

And Miyuki found a snake in a ditch near 8 dragon brige, or 八竜神橋。For her, recently so rare to see him. Thus, she continued to watch him. And found that he could be sticky when he needed, like to cross to the other side of the ditch. 1 meter of distance, it had. He would be a kind of water snake, which I found in Hachioji last year.

And then, Miyuki got so apalled!!! he could replace a tail with a head!!! In a moment, when she talked with a butterfly, he changed the place. Oh, long type can change the place easily, like a worm, which has exchangeable mouth and ass. Oh, Alzheimer snake?

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (101)

2017-06-09 03:31:07 | 日記
It happened the same to IZUMI-san. Why you, mother, now, in the begining of this new age, you suffered from Alzheimer disease?, she really got upset, and cried. They sold me, She thought. IZUMI-san was attacked by her!!!

The headache caused by her mother??? For Miyuki, not so significant existance. yes, I remember, however, rarely she appeared. Sometimes, just compliment, Miyuki did to her. And for her, she was hatred no.1. Oh, I didn't know it!!!

Miyuki is better to know the fact it. In her case, several attempt was already done by them. Her father died because of them. They induced DDMs in their house, and they planned to gain a brillant house, instead of their rural type old house. Thus, they agreed to be killed, they thought. For Miyuki, astonishing fact. however, for Shirakawa residents, all OK for them, DDMs. The police was used for them. Thus, no.1 hatred should be killed as soon as possible. And today is D-Day for them all. The residue, Miyuki expressed on the blog. And the last departure was set at 18:00 in the evening. Thus, they tried to catch Miyuki before the time. And Miyuki thought that YUKARI were in the kitchen. Clare was talking, and someone was there, without saying. Clare wanted to see all of them vanishing in a body. She tried, however, she couldn't. Anyway, they could to manage the situation. For Miyuki, nothing at all. Their choice is type taste was put on the memo paper. Alex did understand that Miyuki is not such a type, completely. Always, as you like, and this is free, type. "Oh, I gained for you, because I take care of your existance. for free, yes. however, if you like, you can use." type, a kind of charity, without expecting any return from it. Just a kind of expression, "I am happy to live with you, here." Not so burden, of course.

For Miyuki, they are just kinkiest Alzheimer patients. Not at all! They are killing every day, every moment!! how nasty this food is! Everyone yelled, however, they obliged to eat the dish. Nasty, anyway, provided. Eating all is your duty. I, provided it, and you, have no choice to refuse. Or, I will punish you!!!

This is Shirakawa rule. And any DDMs could ask SQUAD as they like. Terrible, however, the fact. DDMic world. Magical world, they all called. Miyuki's report is so clear, and it would be understood by anyone, who has some kindness enought to understand how evil rural villege she and her kids were.

They turned to be beasts, suddenly, Miyuki thought. And their desire was the same. house. Always, they wanted to have a house.


 If I build a house, it would be a small one. ♫♬

 The song was sung by a plumpy young girl, and she got fame of only one hit, and vanished soon after the hit.

The dream house, she sang. For her,

 you, guy, I want to get married with you. ♫♬

 For Miyuki, cheapish song. If I have a house, I want functional house. Pragmatice flexible house, which can keep my precious things all in a body. All!!! I am a scholar, and need to hold so many files, books, documants, stationaries, gifts from others, suvenirs from abroad and so on. Every bit of memories is highly important for me. Thus, warehouse type functional house would be fine, I imaged. Of course, I want to live confortably in the minimum, at least. Not gorgeous at all. Thrifty, OK. Not expensive, OK. Just functional to work, and live. House is for me, not to keep as seeds of treasure. I use the house as a kind of tool to gain more productivity. Thus, just functional. Appearance, the last thing I consider. Prefablic OK, if it is enough to sustain the usage. For good looking? British old mansions were a kind of ghost's home. I read a book called, "In and Out", and the aristcrat confessed that they were so so cold and they were poor and lived by way of a kind of players of the theater, who satisfied the illusion of the visitors. Public Trust system was used for the charity for the poor aristcrates.

For Miyuki, oh, they were poor, despite of the high blue blood. Tess, they were, already. And they liked to continue to play, by way of tax users' ignorance for the use. Oh, public secret???

For Miyuki, messy living was provided under the agreement of people in England. By law. Oh, no! It was a kind of MICCHIKU system in Japan. It should not be said by themselves. Others can say so, however, they would be killed by MI6????

Dial 7, should be turned. Oh, the film?
And Second Cofre???

They wanted to furnish their cofre by Miyuki's money. And Miyuki disliked the both so much. I am different from you, Alzheimer ladies!!! Miyuki's cry was too too serious to others. Not laughing gag. They are seriel killers, yes. They dared to do master devastation in this day. And Miyuki ran away from the house, whole day long, of course. And the police wanted to catch Miyuki because of it. Miyuki would be suspect of the serial killing of DDMs????

Miyuki would solve the problem, they believed. Oh, my formula????

They wanted it. And Miyuki provided easily, in the condition of "Do it without exception".

Thus, they should do it. And the residue. They tried to do is, however, didn't it type. Betrayers!!! Thus, they could not gain any result. Died in vain.

For Miyuki, just a laughing gag, now. however, for the others, some empty feeling left. Oh, they are not now. Good grief, for Miyuki. Too too nasty yes.

When Miyuki confessed her big error sincerely, they yelled. Now you are free from the debt. You should gain as you like. You are punished because of it????

Money would be used by rightous one. And Miyuki believed that she was rightous. And she should pay so much for the living cost. For DDMic understanding, she would privide them materially. and they tried to catch her because of herself, according to their ego-centric interpretation.

独りよがり or Do it alone type, they were. They can do it alone, however, don't give a harm to others.

Thus, they tried to save Miyuki. And the result. Disaster. They started to do it, and forgot what to do. Alzheimer caused by doing it. Oh, ETE-KOU, they are!!!!

For them, doing it is a kind of aristocratic habit, only rich could do it during day time. And poor should work during day. OMANKO rulers, they were!!!

Thus, they were liking to watch TV, imaging they were doing it with their favorite handsome guys.

For Miyuki, their way of life is out of imagination type nightmare. We are the famale, anyway, was their catch frase. Oh, I am not. Miyuki refused their KINDEST KINKIEST offer. OMANKO lovers, they are!!!

They did it, as they liked, when they were in the mood. and criticised others, because of their own doing it habit. Oh, you did? I not. You, YUKARI! And they started to discuss the matter, and soon they forgot it, and split and went to their own chambers, each. Then, they did it. Then, they started to make a convesation on Miyuki, and started to criticise her because of non-participation of this secret meeting.

And L.S.D. is the new member of their addicted life's medicines. Artificially composed, and easily discomposed. Thus, just a sleepy mode, only. They wanted Miyuki to be caught by way of the use of L.S.D. Thus, they separated Miyuki's foods from the fredge of the main house, and forced her to use her own in the office. It was a target of attacking. And sometimes, they picked some of them. For them, already dead, Miyuki is. Thus, now, Miyuki should be killed immediately. Now, any one could kill her, because they put some "wanted" advertisement on their site. "Please kill this kinkiest lady called Miyuki SATO. She is a master degree holder of WASEDA versity." They wrote, and many same name holders were killed by it. And then, they were revealed that faked Miyuki.

YUKARI wrote the advertisement for two. And the real Miyuki is not WASEDA versity related. Oh, related. I was a member of Institute of Modern Politics in WASEDA, in short, GEN-SEI-KEN in Japanese. OOHAMA's section, I was in.

A kind of. Yukari found Miyuki's old member's card and believed that Miyuki graduated from WASEDA. Anyway, for her, any renoun Versity would be correct answer period. Now? Some versity of lower class stupid students. Not RIKKYO at all. Probably, KYORIN would be suitable for her degree giver like situation. Dream come True like believer, she is. L.S.D. was tried by her, earlier than her mother, and the result. Good to do it. And now, both in the mode. In the middle, Miyuki appears, and they dislike Miyuki because of it.

Match & Pump. Now, cocain smell. From where???

Miyuki is good at smell flavours. This is their weakpoint. They are both not good at cooking, was our monitoring result. They both use it, was our presumption. And smell? We both could feel, however, more detailed discription was needed. Just nasty was not enough to do so. Miyuki has a good nose holder. So functional, every one praised.

Miyuki is not praised recently. Why? Because they discovered the shocking fact. She did it...selection of life, when Clare was a fatus. And changed her mind after. Clare got shocked so much, and gained a lot of medals for it. She should protect herself from any evil wrongdoing. Thus, she should be forced to be stronger than others. And Miyuki admired Clare because of her strength. Because of you, I needed to be stronger than others, Miyuki???

her mechanism changed after your flamboyant test havings. Twice! And the more??? Miyuki decided, OK, I don't have it, because I am free from the anxiety. 1/200 is almost nothing, for her.

And in case of 100%? At first, she started under the vague situation. And then, she recognized that already having a test means for the exclusion of Down syndrome babies. Oh, I didn't think of it up to it. However, now, I recognized it. Thus I did the check. Or, it is not necessary.

And Miyuki recognized another big mistake. Miyuki thought that Clare should have right to enjoy her own sexual life, and having PAPIROMA virus wactine was necessary for her. And made a reservation for the wactine, and after the shot, Miyuki got to know that the wactine related information was so confusional and not reliable.

Miyuki thought that excluding the wactine is a kind of obedience to male is OK to do it, however female is not OK at all type world. Thus, she explained so short on the matter, because Miyuki thought that she was already under the terrible influence of DDMs like YUKARI, and according to the instruction, Clare's age should be the limit of having it. and after, Miyuki recognized that there are so many different instructions on this matter. No reliable information at all.

Acording to limited information, Miyuki said to her, "I want you to enjoy healthy sexual life in the future. Thus, I made a reservertion of the shot. It would be shot three times. And I will acompany you to the clinic. How about you?"

So so short, however, at least, she was serious to the female sex's liveral understanding. Yes, your choice. However, I lost a chance to have the same virus protection because of age. Only junior high girls have chance to do it. Thus, I think it would have good for you, Clare.

Too too broader than others. And she thought that she lost the chance. And then, after, or, every 10 years she should be shot? And after 20, also effective? Not reliable at all! You are right, you quitted the second!! Clever girl!!!

Miyuki felt so sorry for her hurrying up decision. However, no time for the girls. She checked the PC dates, and found that Miyuki was so serious to Clare's future sexual life. Doing it ot not is her problem. Just I wanted her not to lose the chance to choose to do or not. If she had shot, she would enjoy more chance to enjoy her life at this field. Not to punishment, of course!!!

So cruel, Clare thought. I am not such a kind of bug, who has many boyfriends here and there. And for Clare, one man only system believer, at that time. Now...changeable. Thus, broader chance would be fine. However, Miyuki should investigate more and more before. Every time, after Miyuki's investigation, appeared so confusional descriptions here and there. Attacking on the limited information by way of a mount of lies. Miyuki didn't know the fenomenum at all. She believed that academic information were reliable. And failed. A lot of damages, here and there. Miyuki would be a kind of attacker at this point. Miyuki wrote so bad on her own family???

Miyuki is concealed in a so limited situation. In this case, she worked for us all in the max use of her limited information. Thus, I took so bad some informations gained in the family. Yes, thus, a lot of hyhotesis. Or, how I can work? I need to inform the wrongdoings done in this rural village called SHIRAKAWA. Too too cruel wrongdoings here and there. Victims should work together for our revenge. Victimes' revenge is our revenge against DDMic society. Thus, sometimes I fail. However, if I write 10000 articles, for example, I have a possibility of encounter 100 facts, because I calculated that 1% of my presumption is the real fact, and it is the real cause of this abrupt reduction all over Japan. Divine Ordial, I would like to prove, and I should do it, as my mission as human being, at the same time, as scholar.

And today, I learned that even during a day only one walking and speaking in English to train for job hunting, would be the reason for cathing people, even now. The faked police threatened us, like this. And chicken Miyuki got chilled and she could not speak any more during her way from the site to the house, 10km destance, according to the discription done by DDMs. Thus, Miyuki was shrunk totally, in the ability. She wanted to talk in English, and made a conversation with friends who she relies on so much. However, she was in the shrunk mode, it means, you are in danger, because they are prepared for your next catch. Speaking some word or sing a song loud would cause a big damage on her life. Shrincage, against her will. Expression was shrunk like that.

Shrinking Effect on Expression, she herself experienced. Thus, Japanese society should be punished in a body. Normal expression is already object of punishment. How we could criticise others, especially, the others were power holders????

Chilled, and she was no.1 enemy of this region, thus, she should walk so rightously, or rather, in square mode. Just walking like a soldier mode, she was forced to walk, against her will. Her way of enjoying life was again denied here, even this least populous rural village called Shirakawa. Even with these no man's land situation, she was punished and tortured by the possibility of death, by uniformed police men. She was obliged to inform her private highly important informations, including those of her families, because she should avoid the worst result. Alex's name, she wanted to conceal, because he is indifferent from this matter. However, she was obliged to say so. Keeping silent at that time would be interepretated as resistance, and they would kill her, because they had armed forces. They wore as police men. Two. Prural. She almost cried, "I want to go back home. Just it. Please leave me to go. I can go home rightly. Why you two disturb my step here in the middle of the rural road called Route 4? And I found lots of dangerous narrower pedestrian parts here and there. You want to push me toward the track to be killed under the wheel? Herman Hesse.

They could fake as if a disaster caused by her own failure, because according to them, she looked like drunken. And despite of her coffee putting, she was sleepy in the morning. Why? Miyuki opened yogurt in the morning. Fresh one. Oh, someone put some medicine using needle sting? Anyway, many informants said that she were drunken and spoke and sang loud, like a so kinkiest guy. They would be so called "reliable multiple witnesses" in the near future. Thus Shirakawa minicipality and Central Government and Tokyo Metropolitan Office called so many IKKYO believers, including their kins semi-independentent religious believers to this rural village called SHIRAKAWA? Our precious money is paid for this vast devastation of the universe, faking the so tiny insident called Miyuki's degradation? Doctral degree holder of Tokyo University, whose major is law, would be drunken and killed under the wheel. How dramatic life she lived? She is a versity professor of Kyorin Versity in Tokyo. How nice for us two to read such an amusing article on the rotten creature called Dr.Miyuki SATO? Our victory is so near!!! We, plain ugly bitches have right to destroy the universe all in once!!! Our victory, our triamph!!1 I will do it, I will do it...(fainging)

This is DDMic interpretation of your life, Miyuki. For them, so nasty to know your real satisfying life. They are so jealous in every meaning. They can trigger the gun to explode the whole universe, just for their own satisfaction called accomplishing a revenge to us all, "Stop, you, Miyuki! You are so beautiful, even in your childish mode! Why you didn't stop only in the mode of CHIGU-LIN? You started to confess the fact, "You know, I am working in a versity in HACHIOJI. Check it on the formal site. Oh, you don't want to open it? Do it! Quick! I want to end up this bad taste play. OK, you opened, and found that I am the same guy who wrote this page. The photo, included. You checked, and both said, "This is you, yes, sir!" OK, I am the real power holder no.1 in this country, goddamnit one, called JAPAN. Checked, and confirmed, OK? Dr.Miyuki SATO. This is she, in front of you, guys! Thanks for your performence, and I will go as you like. You? VANISH! DDMs! Of course!!! I ordered, thus you have no choice except it. Bye, forever!" She left, waving her hands, with her childish idiot like face's full smying!!!

Banana MATSUO didn't expect up to her waving to the enemy!!! How audacious!!! The enemy they are!!! And saying, "VANISH! DDMs!!!" as usual, in her own so amusing way. For them, "Thank you kind police men" probably. And they were vanishing in her all goddamnit words.

Wabing cheerfully! They will take it wrongly!!! A better choice!!!! You are so chicken to be silent until the house. And her smiling mode. This is the real damage on the freedom of expression. Almost one hour or so, I suffered. I was all calm and couldn't train any English during the way back home. I lost a big chance to be a holder of quicker mind. Big loss. And I was forced to walk in too too square mode. Like a soldier scolded by his boss type way. Everyone watched her strict way of walking. Almost marching mode. She did just for escaping from the catch. She wanted to train as a performer of dancing and singing. Comedienne, she is. However, she couldn't do it, because she should not want her precious time to be damaged any more. Extra damage should be calculated. She should confess the name of her son. She didn't betray his reliance, and didn't want to sell his privacy, however, to avoid the worst result, she were obliged to confess his name. In Japanese. Because she was also obliged to declare her own nationality. She wanted to play the role of foreigners. Philipina, Chinese, vetnamese and so on. However, they forced to say so. She would continue to be a mistrious lady in oriental face, no nationality holder or some multi-nationality holders. Some misterious mood was necessity for her role. However, they obliged her to confess it, and she, as her protection, should declare these information in public, on the road. Hot road. She was stolen her driver's licence information, and her rider's one, also. Why they took memo on their own notebook, small type. She didn't see any letter, "警察手帳" or note of the police only type a kind of identification of it.

According to Brazilian Constitution, if the civil residents like her require to show the notebook, the police men should show it at first. Obligation. However, they didn't show any proof of their legitimacy, and just played the role of some kind of "I will bring you to the rightous place, bitch!" Terrible. At first, they treated her as a philipina, then Chinese. And then, drunken one. Many informants informed this so normal civil existance as "Stranger, would be a suspect of any crime" just because she was only one walker on the road. Road has a pedestrian deck. Thus, she walked, and the result? Catching, the death penalty included.

They were too too cruel. They already knew her name, and just wanted to know the spell, to make a form, because she was an unknown misterious bad guy in Shirakawa. They would be praised by their glory, according to thier so ego-centric understanding. They asked the address to her, unnecessarily. They could provide squad easily. All is OK world, was revealed. No control as all. As you like, boss, I don't know you, who you are like situation.

She escaped from the worst situation, however, she felt that this coutry is totally rotten. As they like society. Even a day, Miyuki cant walk alone. And in the house? The DDMis family called the squad easily. Where can we run away??? Too too nasty.

And her way is more cheerful version. I made big mistakes. Thus, I was punished. I changed. And I try not to make big mistake, anyway. Slight disliking turns to be a reason of catch, so easily. And Miyuki really thought that the mate in HASEGAWA Hospital, who sang the songs of MATCHI well, would be this type of cruel attacking. For Miyuki, nice guy with quicker mind, with good looking in printed flowered leggings. The reason of her hospitalization, she imaged, "Because of narrow-mind of Japanese society. Promissive guy. They probably killed her by so trifle reason. Just "I hate your way of wearing" probably. Like my mother hates me because of my clothings. Jealousy.

Now, sorry, Miyuki needs to sleep well.

She would pray that we are all safe in body and soul!!!
DDMs, you are so cruel!!! VANISH! DDMs!!!!

See you on our blog!!! We are all friends!!! Already, we are expecting you all!!!
With Big Love, from Quartet MARC.

Raid by helicopter was done...Infortunately this is the fact. And Miyuki watched SESUNA, not helicopter. Trone type. They put some poison by hands, and said, "It was done by the raid, under the control of the public service." And they relied on the faked police so much. For them, promissive youth. Thus, even Miyuki would not declare vanishing to them both, and they started to be sticky soon after.

Erastication should be fine to pass this period. In body and soul. Riverside would be fine with sportive wear. Limit, yes. Damage, yes. However, to escape from the terrible disaster, we should change quick. OK, I will concentrate on my gimnastic job, and will gain the perfect erastic body, in a decorative way of saying.

Each time, they claimed, illegaly. They don't respect us all. You are brave here, despite of her chicken job. Miyuki could survive, or we would be killed whole in one.

Nasty devastation's residue here and there. Totally rotten residents and public services. Turism is the reason of killing people for Alzheimer bosses.

See you, and thanks for all of us, for saving his indulged chicken delayed slow cheerful only kid called Dr.Miyuki SATO. We want to clean up the planet, however, so many devastations here and there. This is a kind of the many facts. We should know the real fact. And Miyuki would write the matter tomorrow, also.

thus, to be continued. SPAKOINOI NOTEU....Good night in Russion!!! Oh, swallows!!!!! See you in the morning!!!!