Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (108)

2017-06-11 20:10:56 | 日記
11/06/2017 (Sunday, evening) Miyuki made a villege round trip today, as usual. And found that now, almost all of supermatkets are empty like yesterday. Beautiful Sunday it is today, and until 16:00, it was warm, and then, got colder. DDMic world is reducing the human figures so much, and the DDMic acepharos cars remained, yes, however, already, they are in the last stage. The sound of them is a kind of toy, already.

Probably, their plan was decided almost soon after the WWII. They determined to show up Japan as phoenix, and did Devil's Pledge with DDMs. In the late 1950s, Hayato IKEDA declared that "People, your salary would be increased twice more than actual one. "

It was a critical epoch in Japan. ASAHI law case and Happy Dragon V case happened in this period. Probably, who decided to entere into IKEDA's policy, at the cost of their lives. At that time, just their lives, not their families. They sacrificed themselves to earn more money to sustain their families. And the company avoided to applied the last resort, or, selling their life or body to others, until the last time.

Miyuki confirmed that in NANKO or Silver Lake area, some parts, like ENDOU's Flawor Park Faked version's Rice cultivating field's site, were attacked by Chemical products and our respectful kids, weeds, were killed by them. Chemical bombs, prohibitted to use even in war period, were used in these places.

Miyuki recognized that this attack was targetted SUGUINA, or Grown Up TSUKUSHI, whose leaves are so similar to those of pine trees. Oh, they can't recognize the difference between pine trees and SUGUINAs, a species of weeds, who have FENNEL like thin acute liaves. Flawer Parks' Owner did such a kind of Big Mistake...Expert failed in their so called strong point, exactly. Pin point attack would be allowed, some boss declared so inresponsibly, and the idiots followed, and they all vanished.

And also in the river side of YANTA River, nearest MEGA-STAGE shopping mall, the grasses, tall types were cut by electric ssisor hands, unnessecarilly. And NISHIGOU area, Miyuki's strawberry field was devastated already. She dreamt to eat the berries with her team...eating in the field, jelly makin, juice also, dried up type also, preserved ones, and with fresh cream, with coconut cream, with milk, and so on, few days ago...And the result...Just jealousy made such kind of mass devastation. They, DDMs are inclined to mash the precious crealures in the middle of or just so soon before, the floureshing. Thus, the wrondgoers were able to be presume...My mother and YUKARI type.

Ugly bitches like to kill others in the most beautiful moment. For them, early death would be fine, because it frustrates the kind fellow, who has lot of planned future with the kids. Too too jealous, in every meaning.

Miyuki liked to talk on her every day's descoveries directly. Thus, they liked Miyuki. Miyuki recognized them as her legitimate kids, and thus more she relied on them. And she liked to speak the tragedies she had heared here on Yangue Tribe. Reeds would inform to our mates more easily rather than Miyuki only. A kind of speakers, Miyuki imagined them. And they liked Miyuki's more "Jobless drunken monky started to yell to the evil society with her wispering version, with some laughing episodes" mode. Plants are in favour of quiet mode, because they respect others' voice.

Now, Miyuki well knows that plants respond so immediately, and so positively on Miyuki's questions and decisions. And Miyuki pledged their revenge as our revenge, of course. Sythe cutting was disliked, and electric cutting either. And then, today, Miyuki found a lot of idiot old guys with gardeners' sissors for trees. Oh, my mother's chaps, probably.

She said to Miyuki that she now knew well how cut the plants, because her chap taught her how to do it. Oh, they told how to kill the plants, and to frustrate our objects. Only these cruel ugly jealous type could do the dirty jobs, Miyuki recognized.

Inside devils popped from the skin bags, in this critical period. The last days of DDMs...Too too nasty and ugly. Flowers, and Miyuki's mates only type. They wanted to conceal us in their territory subjectively. And chose the weapons for it. Attackers' tools, they were provided, and bought by others' money, unnecessarily, and after the devastation, canceled, because of their own incapacity. Incapacity would do everything without paying, they thought. Thus, they started to declare that they are the real Alzheimer patients, in direct or indirect ways, or both.

No life King, Seikou ITOU. Grass cutting makes good smell, Miyuki knows well since she was an infant. And write her first novel attempt to express this sensation. Just for it, she wrote and failed. She wanted to gain some prize with money by the writing, however, couldn't. Too childish, she thought. And short. however, anyway, her main theme was transmitting the smell of the grass or weeds.

Several years after, she found that Seikou ITOU, a professional writer, made the same thing as his own product. My inspiration! Why he could write the same type? Coincidence?

Miyuki felt nasty. In my case, no prize. And in his case, prize. Why?

Probably because of his career, Miyuki explained to herself. And thought, "Anyway, I gave up to be a writer literature type. My inclination is not illusion, more, fact finding. Thus, For my total life, it would be OK, if the guy stole my theme. And he would be punished by his stealing job, by all of Gods of Culture." She predicted.

yes, any artists or scholars need some seeds of inspiration. She owes a lot on others' shoulders' yes. Thus, she wants to work together with these colaborators. And ITOU's case, just stole my short novel. And put his own name. Like Mari KITADA's so called "work". No Life KING, he is, because he exists just a name of some writers to do ghost writers' jobs. NAITAGASHI or 名板貸し, it is called, and this is prohibitted to scholars. Any scholar, who did this wrongdoing should be punished by Gods of Cultures, of course. Thus, Miyuki was ordered to do her main job as executors of "Shame Collection". And now she is doing her job, with her team Quintet MARCK!!!

She would like Kabucky's smell. Weeds' flavour, she loved. A dear Kabucky, I love you, because of your grass flavour!!!

She read an article on the text book of Japanese language, and got to know the word, 草いきれ or KUSA-ikire. This article was a composition written by a rural pupil, and Miyuki liked the meaning of the word, however, she, at the first time, through the article, encountered with the word. At first, she felt strrange of the pronunciation, because is would be read KUSAI-KIRE or Smelly wess cloth. However, the scene of grass's aspiration, Miyuki imaged and liked the expression, and thought that in some days, she wanted to use in the most impressive way.

Always, she gained, however, sometimes not. For others, natural. However, for her, as a lucky girl, always she should gain, in case, she invested some hours to do the job. Thus, why my short novel failed, was her basic question. And recognized that the prize of novel for amatures existed just for absorb the idea, and another Testacles Pets could use the result of the others' efforts, without any paying respect nor money.

Just Miyuki's case. At least, Miyuki stopped to be a writer, at that time, and she decided to be more objective type. Thus, it worked.

Images. Miyuki relies on images and impressions. My memory is so limited. Thus, condencing process would work so much. thus, these preious extra is so precious for her and for us all.

She could remember the exact moment of impressive word were gained. Flock Coat, is another example. Moriko and OKINO also. Oh, such vague type, they are! And Liberal Arts III, they were put all. More subjective life were expected for them, probably. And they all failed. Illusion, Japanese Bitch Constitution is...

For them, these sleepy period are good to sleep. However, Miyuki has no place to sleep. Worse. Have no place to sleep from 10:00 to 24:00. To avoid nasty result. Working hours ordered by DDMs, in direct way, with threatening of Death sunction. Thus, she wonders in the village outside.

And she fould many berry fields, instead of the site of strawberries.

Miyuki liked to talk Kabucky's human being representative...Roberta Close. Her life is so so...frustrating, with laughing jokes, despite of her prize Miss Brazil!!! Even such a beautiful lady, is TOHOHO now, in Brazil...Miyuki thought almost decisively that her sexual life would be so so satisfied one. A kind of adiration, she had an image...and the most sexually liberal country in the world...How wonderful!!! Miyuki's expectation dropped off her own yell...No! Not at all! Return my life all, DDMs!!! I lost a lot of energy and money and time for my fated frustrated enterpreneur business...Terrible! Just like Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO. Fated failers...

Miyuki believed that her surgery was perfect and she could enjoy so promissive sexual life. And regarding to the sansation...she was virgin, until the recently. Oh, U2???

Quasi. her case was a kind of syntonization problem...No ex-mates couldn't give her any satisfaction. Just...senseless or worse, pain...Rape!!! Real INFERNO!!!

Why I did it?, she asked to herself. And in vain, she thought of. And Miyuki's cristal clear reply was, "ethtetic satisfaction". It means that P is not beautiful, just a laughing joke, without function, at least for Miyuki. Because of it, Miyuki stopped to do it. Out of mind! P is not pretty! Thus, if you are lover of non-P situation, your surgery was not in vain, rather, "Audacious attempt to gain more favorite body to suit you". P is for function, and not for beauty. Miyuki thought. Strange shape. Snake like fat man. Not thumkin! For doing it only. Expert for it. Just it. The rest, a kind of obstacle...Miyuki thought.

And Miyuki didn't and doesn't want to do it with female not at all! Female's smell is out of her pacience. Terrible!!! We are the same!!! I would be her!!!

However, in Miyuki's case. Naturally non-P holder. And Roberta's case, ex-P holder. It means some artificial way was putted. And they both didn't know until resently. TOHOHO tribe.

And Roberta started to find some syntonization matching type. And found ADACHI!!! PErfect!!! Like Miyuki. And Miyuki celebrated their combination! Wow, ADACHI, you are the pride of Japan!!! Just a non promissive physically and fisiolonomically gained Miss Brazil, as girlfriend!!! Supurb!!! Your dream got realized!!!! High speck point getter, you are!!! Roberta gained satisfaction, and you, Miss Brazil!!! Miyuki celebrated, saying, "Congratulations!!!" Parabens para voce! Nesta data querida!!!! Muita felicidade, e Muitos anos de vida!!!

 However, Roberta's remark frustrated her early festivity mood. Oh, I would be some chance, because I admire their sansation gaining...I would be next...I would...

Oh, U2, Miyuki? I thought like that...However, the sansation was totally different. Yes, sexual plesure, in a certain meaning, however, this is...male's sansation type...With P means, "Return to the start" like a dice game.

Oh, that it? Thus, probaly, that, I know well!!!! BINGO!!! TOHOHO Three, instead of Cool 5...Another unit inside Quartet MARCK...Kabucky almost representative is so so TOHOHO! Oh, human being, you are so laught at by others!!! Shameless, in our category...We should put up with such a contemptious situation??? Shocking!!! Miyuki is non-P holder with knowing of the sansation as male, and ADACHI, P holder with the sansation however with pledge, and Roberta, ex-P holder with the sansation as with-P, which is P days' nostargy like one...And probably, Miyuki's adventure at this field would not come so soon...

For Miyuki's comfort, she passed 5 years without gaining any success on this field, namely, male gattig game. She thought, After 4 years of attmpt, even in my 5th years, I can't. Strange! Why I can't? And found the reply. No man's land.

And Roberta's case, this Miss Brazil has passed 10 times more than Miyuki's TOHOHO days with DDMic boyfriends in vain...Loss is bigger than Miyuki. Ummmm....

Takafumi has chance to gain her, Miss Brazil!!! Oh, 漁夫の利 or benefit done by others' own goals!!!

MIYUKI is not for her...We are the same probably. We are searching males. Thus, not mutually. A kind of snails, probably. Yes, we can, so far from the image...Possible, however...Only drinking and yelling type. Bed friend yes, however, "Why we can't have boyfriends? We are both guts type. And both want also guts boyfriends. And they don't exist. No Man's Land, in the extreme version!!!!" Yell, in case of Miyuki, while cry, in case of Roberta. Laughing by others!!!

Too too similar, and Miyuki's case, professionally and on her private life, also type. Double. TOHOHO, etremest!!!

Painful...痛い or ITAI, in Japanese. And Miyuki felt that her body shape is not so different from Kyorin boy pupils...Why this versity's boys have so Match stick like shape, especially in my seminar...MATRSU-YUKI, ITAMI, and so on...Boy type, yes, and even her pupils...

類は友を呼ぶ or RUI-HA-TOMO-WO-YOBU...Similar gets along with its counterpart, in Japanese proverb.

Oh, Miss Brazil's couterpart! Thus, Miss Japanese? At first, they Platinum Tribe got astonished and started to celebrate their combination...Yes, however, No, in this case...Too too TOHOHO like situation...Closed friends, they are...IKEMEN turned to be IKEZU...beautiful guys turned to be Mr.Impossibles...

Dreaming is good. And sometimes, Laughing Game, in the end. Physically impossible, and they syntonize so much. More than zero...Miyuki's case. Zero, ADACHI and Roberta. TOHOHO competion on this area...

Takafumi was refused by Roberta...Guts type only, she said with her wispering voice. It caused Takafumi's faint. Too too sedusive. Torture!!! Attracted, and abandoned...Cruel!!! Beauty!!!!
Takafumi, just be guts type! Your dream would come true!!! Better than bit more than zero MIYUKI!!!

Miyuki would try with Roberta. Yes, I would, and probaby, as male, Roberta would feel the sansation, and ADACHI catches it, and MIYUKI as male would feel the satisfaction...Not impossible, however, unnusual yes...a kind of various attempts. Anyway, exist, quasi impossible, however, we could manage the situation, and gain the result as sensation and satisfaction. Anyway, try it!!! Number weighs. Wometimes, big hits!!! More than Zero, TOHOHO would be EX, possibly, soon. Carrot in front of OKINO.

New type seuxual novel would be written by EX-TOHOHO 3. And who reads it???? No reader at all!!! Doing it would be better thatn writing!!! The title? Anyway, "Laughing Game", 1992 Oscar winning Big Hits writing!!!

This film is based on the reality of these three guys, strongly tighed with each other, just for satisfaction of their own, each...Satisfaction, a bit better than SELF type only. Anyway, big step as human beings. Moon Riders...

Armstrong was pilot, however called Captain. Because Pilot is not sexy while captain is sexy. Pilot is cheapish, like marinheiro, while Captain is Capitan!!! Umm...SUN-CARTA.

This UN-SUM-CARTA was brought by Portugues Shipmen, and used in Japan. The origin of cardgame called CARTA. HANAFUDA or 花札 or Flower Cards are common in Japanese. Not prohibitted type. Even Testacles Pets could play with type. However, in Japan, after 1980s, HANAFUDA is a kind of prohibitted lottery like existance. In Shirakwa, too too common that kids played with it. And other regions?

UN-SUM-CARTA, Miyuki bought for her, and for OOHAMA, because he came from KUMAMOTO, near NAGASAKI. And according to the descriotion, this CARTA is broadly used in the reagion in NAGASAKI and KUMAMOTO. MINAMATA included. However, after the trip to NAGASAKI, Miyuki lost chance to give it to him. Thus, she kept it for herself. Already she has one. Thus, she prepares to meet someone who are interested in Carta. And ROBERTA wants. OK, I will give you!!! The first, the best. She gained, UM-SUM-CARTA. Portugues, One or All in Cardgame. In Japan, one or minus!!! 一か罰. Plus or Minus, in this case. 罰 is BACHI, near 8 or HACHI. Thus, Miyuki put BACHI, when she watched HACHI-OOJI number plate. And BACHI is sunction. HACHIOJI would be punished by what this evil city did on Miyuki's Family. Miyuki's family date was stolen, and kept by them???? Public Service's evilest violation on a privacy of family. Terrible. They copied them all, and provided to others. Oh, including Tokyo Metropolitan Office and Central Government? Oh, it was their habitual way to deal with the suspect of finding facts of Japan...No man's land and idiocracy. They were prepared for the dirty jobs, after the responsibles' vanishing.

Strange, every man thought. However, how we could prove? Miyuki did their job. And Miyuki leaned lot from others, especially kids. Qucker, and soon leaners, and victims. Qucker kids would be targetted by DDMs. Thus, they died so early.

Miyuki thought that the kids who met Virgin Maria was diceased, male two, earlier than femal one, and she gained long life, the legend said. Not at all! They killed them all, and used the girl one as skin bag.

They watched the miracles that DDMs did when they arrived. 1917 or so. A bit earlier than WWI. And Miyuki felt strange only in the capel-museum. Why? They kids story was explained there. Another vast place was for what? Like a studium of horse running. Oval race hall, it was called. Oh! And Miyuki thought that only some candle lighing sites were filled with people and almost in the whole rice ball like studium was empty. Miyuki made a round walk, and found a capela like musium, and entered. Because the facilities were separated and devided. And she felt some truth are told by someone. And she felt that some kind of someone would know it. No man's land already. Just Miyuki did know the fact, and Miyuki lit a long yellow candle, and remembered that Miyuki bought the same time at US$3 because it seemed good to lit in the cristmas time. Westernized, and cheerful. And almost the same type candle, they sold to the prayers.

Miyuki didn't know the system. The candle light meant long life for them all???? Miyuki didn't know the system. For DDMic persons only place. There are many males in the site. And Miyuki did as a visitor. To play some good thing, like "I want to be a good scholar, however, for my kids, happiness, and for me, too."

Family life, because I am responsible for my kids. They are weaker than I, and I am away from them both. Thus, I need to pray for my kids' happiness, as a duty of their parent. Not family oriented like "I am a Family Man!" Hall & Oats.

Miyuki prayed a lot for her kids, because she was far away from them. A kind of so individual person, thus, played for kids all. I pledged that I should owe responsibility and provide a much of love for my kids. Financially? Sufficient money to accomplish it. And sufficient means living cost and a petit luxuary. As usuall.

And candle light would fine? It took time a bit to lit. Melting so fast, because of soft hany candle type with a flavour. Not so bad, however, not for eatable use.

And in Shirakawa, many candle faked foods are rare. Candle probably eaten by DDMs. And they started to eat and drink anything they thought of. Oh, Milk drinking turned to be detergent drinking soon. The same type of the counteners are used for the different use. For Miyuki, an astonishing fact. However, for DDMs, confunsible is good to kill kids.

And the muck eating. Someone started to use the muck use mug. Strange! And the courtyard smells cocaine, LSD, amphetamine, detergent and so one, especially, after th bath taking, it smelled with soap soaked warming water. Why? Outside the bathroom.

Probably, YUKARI's room's smell came to the courtyard and the office. A bit, however, remains so long. Especially, in the back door, Miyuki smells lot cocaine flavour. Why?

Miyuki's preference is so clear for us all. However, DDMic figure mistakes so much. Their understanding is so skewed and erotic. Like old erotic bug's brain. Ego-centric, and they are already SEMI-gods. Alzheimer patients, they are. Just they don't believe it type. Young means "Not patient", however, so evident for others. Thus, they tried to escape from the result. Thus, they started to put muck to others. To trap, they learned the way, and applied by their own ways. Astonishing for us all, however, at Kyorin, there were many speciallists on this area. Dean MATSUDA was this type. Sly, cold-hearted, to laugh at the death of his colleague type. His impression was a skewed devil. And he lost his memory, gradually. And then, combined with his ex-enemy, Dean OOKAWA. Dark horse of the era of candidates choosing process. For anyman, OOKAWA was the last one. However, he came, and one year after, he turned to be the candidate. And he was Todai related, and Rector ATOMI, also.

Miyuki is now sleepy mode.
VANISH! DDMs!!! You should be punished soon soon!!

See you for us all!!! Have a special night for all of us!!!

From Quintet MARCK, or Cool 5 with TOHOHO 3, with Big LOVE!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (107)

2017-06-11 03:12:08 | 日記
Oppressed, probably. Thus, sometimes, they burst into rage, and someone should suffer from it because of their attacking. Miyuki is now free from headache? Free, not. However, it was easened. Probably, they tried, however, they couldn't any more. They relied on so much on telephone calling. To where? To Inferno, probably. Always, "You, how audaciously, resisted against our will! You should be informed by us! They would punish you, soon! Prepare for being anihilated!" they yelled, and then, they did, and got laught at by their stupidity. They did as always, and they were laught at by the others, yes.

However, since his age, the attitudes changed. They should take advantage of thier revenge to the superior existance. IDIOCRACY came to Shirakawa, and it was their chance to recover the contempted period. Now, idiots would be the superiors in each family. They believed that the boss would be one of them, or both of them. They tried, and got laught at by their stupidity.

Just once, they said. And they tried to continue the game. And their last resort is kill the others all in a body. Thus, they prepared master devastation as revenge. The contempted idiots' world, Shirakawa entered at that time. The worse than other period. Already normal idiocracy was passed by Miyuki. Thus, Ultra-Idiocracy done by the double Alzheimer patients. And the result. They both should cut their head immediately! useless! Both, altogether!!!

Miyuki felt so strange, when her mother said to Miyuki, "I don't like to wash the spinach. Nasty. Lots of earth." and she left a bowlful of spinatch get chilled. For Miyuki, precious vegitable, spinach is. She imaged various delicious dishes with it. Thus, she thought, "Anyway, avoiding to be rotten would be the best answer." and offered to her mother, "May I cook the spinach left in the bascket? You said you didn't like to wash, thus, I will wash it, and boil it all. If you like."

And her mother agreed. Thus, she washed it all, in detail. Already washed, yes, she did know it. However, her mother said, "I hate earth on spinach", thus, Miyuki wanted to show how well she washed it until the earth were dropped off the leaves. To show that spinash was no earth situation, Miyuki said to her, "I leave a bowl which I used for washing the spinach to show how the earth was left so small amount. If you dislike the earth, you should not obliged to eat." And Miyuki boiled the spinach all in a body, and cut them to preserve in a big dishes with a tap. And separatedly Miyuki made a milled sesame paste to eat DANGOs. And thought that if my mother would be fine to recognize it, she could use the paste to make a spinach mixed with sweet sesame paste. However, I don't like this dish at all. Thus, I prefer eating only simply boiled spinach with bonito flakes and soy sauce. Thus, Miyuki dared to say to her, "I leave the spinach and the sweet sesame paste on the table of the kichen. If you like, you can make spinach with sesame paste. I prefer eating just boild spinach." And Miyuki left them on the kitchen table.

She left the house and when she came back, the big dish full of spinach vanished. And her mother said to Miyuki, "Oh, we made a spinach with sweet sesame paste and provided it to others. We ate it, and it is your favorite dish, as always, isn' it? Delicious!"

Miyuki refused her bad recognition. "I hate spinach with sweet sesame paste. Eatable, yes. However, if I could, I prefered eating not sweetened spinach, as always. I said so many times. Probably you forgot it. I hate sweet sesame paste with spinach. Your taste. And I left them for you to make your own combination, separatedly. Thus, you have right to use them both, and you made it, and liked it. Not my favorite at all."

And Miyuki recognized that the quantity of the sesame paste didn't reduce, and just spinach vanished. Who ate the spinach? If who knows the taste of spinach, yes, I welcome my spinach to be eaten, especially by my kids, without saying. By YUKARI, not at all. She doesn't exist for me. A kind of ghost, already. I don't want to be feeder of her at all! Where the spinach went? Mistery of Spinach vanishing!!! Another version of Miyuki's family problem.

Vanishing means stolen, in her house, Miyuki!!! And she pretended not to have been stolen. Always. Or, they attacked her family in a body. Spinach eating Squad??? Dirty worms? Faked neighbours? Faked workers? Faked Shirakawa residents? Just spinach? Why my mother faked as if she made a spinach with sesame paste? And enphathised so much as if I liked the nasty sweet spinach? Why?

Spinach vanished in several hours. The result of her detailed cleaning up and boilig and prepararion for the reservation. Clare and Alex, could eat, even Miyuki didn't mention, yes. Because the spinach were left for us who could appreciate it. We three have sense of tongue, thus, OK. I washed and boiled, and cut to maintain for a week, however, they are big eaters. If they ate it, I would welcome the vanishing of spinach. Nutrishious. And not for the mouth of free riders, it means. Thus, OK. I inside already agreed their eating, yes. In case of YUKARI, not at all! It means that my mother thraw the result of my cooking job into the ditch, and behaved as if she made her own product and provided to others, and they liked it.

My mother lies a lot, Miyuki recognized. And she hates to wash vegitables. She was not the same person as who made a bowlful of spinach in her younger age. Now she is a kind of waiting for others' cooking result type.

And this morning, someone was cutting some vegitable on the cutting board so slowly. my mother was sleeping beside Miyuki, at first, at 6:00 in the morning. Then she got up, and the sould of slow cutting started. Too too slow like a someone who doesn't know how to cut vegitables type sound. Some principient of the cooking course like sound. And then, almost at 7:00, Clare dashed into YUKARI's chamber, and opened the door, and declared, "I am hungry. I will leave at 8:30." No reply from YUKARI. Then, YUKARI opened the door and got out from her chamber, according to the sound. And they, her mother and YUKARI started to talk something, and the word "Telephone call" from the mouth of YUKARI. Before, some Alex like voice turned to be her grand mother's voice. And Alex came to the kitchen with his heavy steps as usual. Oh, my mother pretended to be Alex's voice holder???

They produce the sound, yes. And they bahave like your family all. Miyuki should recognize the fact. You should be fine to know it now. You are killed by them all! You are some ghost like existance in Shirakawa. Thus, they want to kill Miyuki so soon. And Miyuki believes that she is protected by all of her team mates, despite of her lots of failures. She believes, and she survives. And the same happened to others. In Miyuki's case, she believes that her team mates could produce her and their legitimate kids in different way, by way of some sympathy only type. And felt good. Superb, because more effective, and we can pruduce lots more, and varieties!!! Changed types, here and there. And according to her, more interesting existance, because new to her!

Today, she found tall AZISAI flowers like almost trees! Different, and not spooky at all! Beautiful, and three colours, white, pink and red, like TACHIAOI's taste. Miyuki...did it already...Oh, would be...the short, our kids? Legitimate guys!! Oh, I recognized them, yes!!! Oh, so, they resembled with him, oh! Yeah, a kind of...slight..."mightbe..." type...Oh, already??? OKOK!

Trees, they easily turned. As they like! Flexible type. And they are oxigen providers. The more, the cleaner, the air is. Why not???

Tito, she turned. Oh? And they don't believe it. Oh, and TITO died because of their exclusion. "Tito was an angel", the writer described. Sissor hands, he was. And Miyuki? She felt nasty in this situation?

Regarding to DDMic attacking, yes. Their existance, yes. However, I found a lot of miracles everyday. And lots of weeds talk and yell for me. Thus, rather, good. And felt some residues of the wrongdoings. And feel that they are in the last stage, and their choice is always strange, and tremendously erroneous in every tasks. total confusion, like a addicted of some illegal medicine. Drunken type.

And this winter, someone always drank a canned beer, everyday. Who? Miyuki didn't know at all. On spring, Miyuki drank several canned beers, yes. However, in winter, with cold temperature, Miyuki prefered refraining from drinking beer. Yes, others have right to drink it, as they like, yes.

For SANKIN's workers? Already the can was empty. And in HACHIOJI, sometimes, someone drank some beer, when Miyuki was absent. And Miyuki thought who was this guy? My kids? Probably not. Because they tasted a wine, and dislike it, saying, "Bitter. Not delicious!" Thus, someone came to their house, and drank it.

For Miyuki, now, not so astonishing. However, at first, it was a bit unusual. Anyway, adults, and they required beer. Who? You, Miyuki???

A lot of Miyuki came to their house, and just said, "I am looking for beer"????

Miyuki is wine drinker, yes. Beer, especially Japanese beer, was the last choice. Miyuki dislikes Japanese beer, anyway. Yes, drinkable, however, her preference is Guiness type. Adachi liked Japanese beer??? You are older already? Generally speaking, the pupils didn't drink alchool so much. OMANKO journalism said so, and the staff of Kyorin said the same. "Recently youth don't drink beer, because it is better. Adults' taste, they thinks probably. Thus, for their childish tongue, beer is avoidable." Ken AOKI also said the same. Miyuki believed it. And in the BBQ party, her pupils said, "Oh, colona is the best!" and Miyuki responded, "Oh, Mexican! You know Colona? Good. Silver type. My preference is Guiness. Dirk beer!" And drank, yes!

Miyuki's self production system is used for their experiment??? Their means DDMic ones? Of course, we refuse entirely!!! They just put their shame on the shoulders of us all!!! They did insessantly, despite of their total loss. Now, the residue. And some "neutral" ones participated into the wrong team. Thus, rotten, immediately. New police faking type, probably. And they wanted to abuse the authority of us all. They are destroying Miyuki's record totally! They did it! And failed, as their destiny...going directly to INFERNO.

They appeared to show as if, "we are monitoring you! Don't behave as you like! You are already being custody by us all!" like attitude here and there. Who are in custody? As a kind of expression. You, rotten existance with some special ability's holders, should vanish right now!!!

And Miyuki felt so strange, that a lady, who walked to the nearest table beside Miyuki, were sitting during Miyuki's writing job, and when Miyuki stopped writing and closed her memorundam agenda, she stood up, and started to walk, in skewed way like a challenged. She came as a normal movement holder, and soon, turned to be a holder of difficutly on the legs, like KAZUYO or JARI-san, or SUNAGAWA.

JARI-san was IZUMI-san's mate, and they got along with each other well. IZUMI-san met with her in the PTA meeting coincidently and found that their kids were the same graders. Coincidently, they met. Until that time, they didn't know where they lived. Thus, they got plesure to encounter with each other.

Miyuki's spooky change, they said??? Oh, leaness? And talkative. Oh, yes, I changed. And I like this mode. ADACHI put mode, yes. And now with Rabbit Tribe and Kabucky. And yes, any guys, rightous ones, welcome mode. And good to drink a bit...Oh, Chinkoro, again?????

Only a bit weighs type. Oh, OK, up to some level, OK. And a kind of festivity you and we want, yes. Reduction, anyway. At the super markets, despite of lots of DDMic vihecles parking, inside the supermarkets, almost no man's land. Empty. And they tried to be normal, as if this strategy were only one. Behave as if it were normal, was the boss's lecture.

Miyuki did the pledge of the revenge for us all. And calculated that for the damage would be so so vast. And the high ranked one is inocent rightous kids. Then, sages. Then, normal ones like Miyuki. Then, in case of necessity of calculation, DDM. Because for establishing the standard. And Japanese IMANKO judiciary declared in public that the worst DDM costs 1 planet, the earth equivalent. Thus, MONOLIS started to devastate the earth, to get the price down. Top value to Worst Value. 7 & I holdings.

Now, they used another money called Karat like diamond. Oh, L.S.D. And some resemblance. 1 g of L.S.D. decides the value of products???

Drunken, we felt sometimes. Not so nasty, however, more easy to faint type. Terrible. Miyuki is not good at staying in the house during sunny sky sunshine days, and staying in the office means that they attack easily with their team mates. Thus, Miyuki gets out and takes a rest in each parts of the evil Goddamnit rural villege called Shirakawa. Goddamnit city, oh, Spider Man??? He was changed chemically. The product of his uncle's experiment...a kind of failure, however, he gained super power. Miyuki watched the TV ANIME made in USA. The movement is like MIYUKI. Like a doll, wood and metal thread type. Oh, Toy Story!

Toy lovers, she is, as she was infant. Why not? everyone has its own favorite. And she chose Paddington bear. Old guy, 5 years younger than she, namely 49 years old now. And the same birthday they share. And Miyuki recognized that this period, any caution should be taken. Thus, Miyuki chose a package of US$1 crackers, on the day of ADACHI's birthday, on 28 of Dicember. A kind of sage, yes. And Miyuki thought, that this cracker is less dangerous because of the simple composition of ingredients. The rest, they could put it type. Even canned one would be better to avoid the fatal error.

They want to take advantage of Miyuki's sleeping. However, how should I do? Sleepy. and without sleeping, I will fail more and more. You know well, don't you???

We advice you to write more in a speed without watching so many times on the key board. She tried earlier, and made a trap for them and for us. Drunken mode Miyuki is, they are????

Miyuki knows well this "Andand nas nubens" like pleasant feeling. And her mother drank beer in the sky, and drunken deeper than usual. And Miyuki tried when she took Switzerland Airline. Wine, she took. And after, regret. Oh, I should not take that small bottle at that time...type slight regret. And the white wine of 7 premium is such a kind of nasty sensation. Rotten wine, probably.

Methanol included type? Miyuki suspected. And now? Stop using it. Just it. Thus, she should refrain from any alchool drink for a while, until CHINKORO gets better. OK, my mate are not good at alchool. Sensitive, OK. I am not so alchool maniac. Just in a special case is OK, don't worry. It means for a while, she can economise the value of beer. thriftness, values. And she got to know that the price down, anyway. It functions as downward price mode. It should be. And the day before yesterday, Miyuki watched a plane, with more "Directly to Inferno" type falling mode. Anyway, good. Miyuki presumed well.

They declared psychologic war in the end. Thus, they took advantage of Miyuki's disliking of any DDMic style of life. And it worked so much. Just a hypothesis, they yelled. I dislike any DDM, at all, she declared. And they both failed. They are not diligent workers at all. And Miyuki recognized now that fetus is the youngest, thus most valuable. Thus, Miyuki was almost concealed to the coldest place in Shirakawa for more than several billions of years...Oh, I made a really big mistake!!! And apology? I work for them all, and we are all team mates. Apology I already dead. If you need, I would say directly. However, for us all, Miyuki's working would be good return to them and us. And Miyuki believed that they already forgive Miyuki, and pledged to protect her, because she likes uniqueness anyway. Prejudiced yes, and changed her mind, and found the result. I belongs to them. We all. And she liked really their presents. Modified version. Different type. Oh, I discovered this guy, today! Your debut! Thus...They felt...She is really charming, and easily to be induced into rightous way. Less prejudiced, she declared. and lesser is better. And she tried to be so. And some limit exists. Tattoo problem. and she tried to think this matter, in concrete way, because DACHI's mates at that time proposed it. And she was in the middle. And the reply was, in case of threatening type tattoo, which borrows the authority of power, especially organized crime related ones, it would be excluded from the society, including public facility's pleasure pools, while in case of some designed one, to show their fashion or inclination to some taste, more individual type, would not be excluded from the society...And she soon thought of the possibility of tatoo...Mr.Kin had a panoramic back tatoo, yes. And her case, for fashion, she started to think so romantically...If I had some special mates...some symbolic one would be fine...However, thinking of the possibility of having many would be avoidable. Inflation fenomenum, it would be. Value reduction, and she needed to have more broader skin bag...thus...not recomendable.

Then, more symbolic type like, "Justice" or LOGO type. In the left arm would be fine. And she started to choose some animal motive. At first, she thought plants Green ones, with some German Caligraphic style, or beard letters, like F&F. however, not so cool. Stylish, she wanted. Then, she chose, "Oh, Red Scorpion! I like the motif, because we are the executors of Justice. Harsh type. Thus, scorpion. And the figure, she started to image...irony would be fine. Laughing Red Scorpion! Good! At first, she tried to propose it to our team logo. Then, she imaged the LOGO visually...And disaster...worse than she thought of...KEMUMPASU!!!!! Gag, in the end....Fujio AKATSUKA...

Thus, KEMUMPASU for the nakid arm? Stupid!!! Pledge should be serious, and not stylish, against their intention...thus, put the idea on the shelf...

Miyuki is not suitable for her lean arms. then Rabby & Chinkoro...Ineffective. Under the fur? Chinkoro almost burst into explosion. Stupid! You should think it at first!!! And then KABUCKY...Not recomendable. His skin should have fatal error. Then ADACHI would be the target. However, he chose to refrain from her kind recomendation...Just a shame...Tattoo for shame? Like as Shita's mate.

This stupid boy chose to put tattoo by himself to showup his bravery...he was a kind of YANKII Japanese, thus, he prefered the tattoo of 大和魂 or Japan Spirit in Japanese. First, OK, because 大和 is easy to write. And then...for his stupid head, 魂 is too too dificult to remember, thus, he wrote wrongly...a kind of "lack of guts" type letter it turned... Perfect joke!, Miyuki liked ant laught and laught in the train, when she heared the best gag in Japan from Shota. She couldn't stop laughing at all. She wore SARUSHI suits at that time, because it was the day of Court Monitoring in Collective type once per year.

She liked Shota because of this "living gag mates surround him as always" taste. Exists such a stupid boy???? The real gag!!!! She got to notice that in the train, any passenger didn't laugh at this superb joke like real story!!! No one, without exception! Strange, Miyuki thought...

Probably, she was surrounded by the squad already. They all pretended to not to hear the joke, not at all! Just didn't know to laugh. Laugh is tabboo for them, already. Kinkiest figures, they are!!!

Controled by DDMic reigners, probably. Already sold their skin bag type. She was one who could understand the gag like strange stories deserve to be laught at at that time...Too too strange, SHOTA already felt...Spooky. Non existing type.

Miyuki felt that SHOTA is a kind of Big Brother type, despite his young age and short appearance. More human type, Miyuki liked him because of it. Failed, yes. And his failure was so big, as a gag, each. Not anti-humanistic meaning. Thus, with him, gag talk could be done OK, type. Why not???

And SHOTA talked frankly on his families. And the neighbours, also. He said that he was surrounded by renoun versities' pupils in the block. Tokyo versity, Waseda Versity, KEIO, JOCHI or Sophia etc. Why you are the pupil of this messy versity? And he said that the pupils were not so intelligent type. Thus, they got along with each other, despite of the big gap of the versities name values.

SHOTA is a kind of highly interesting stories providers, thus, we should continue to follow his big scale gag life later.

Now, anyway, we should take a rest in the chamber of her mother. Sleep well!!! We are team mate already!!!

Without hearing Shota's storis, we can't put up with enjoying our sage life. Exists such a stupid pupil among your acuqintance? Too too rare figure, he is!!! Gag itself. Living gag tribe, like Miyuki...

Exist. Some so so...a kind of promissive guys were chosen for it...To be a gag provider...And gag provider encounters with another counterpart in any place, and felt, "Oh, U2?"...Exist...Don't lose your hope at all!!!No morning without sun light, even in the slightest one. Even Nothern countries, the situation is not so bad. Medical use OK, the stupidest politicians yelled, and MICCHIKU related started to abbuse MARIFANA here and there. And even in rural village, they used. And now, LSD. Russeling job abruptly was the symbol of their kinkiest life. For Miyuki, a kind of amusement. However, for LSD users, a kind of secret...???? Sexual plesure included...Oh, Hiperhomen, Alfred Jalli.

Gekil and Hyde, LSD is. User should be registered, and they registered Miyuki's name, instead of them. For them, as usual. And for Miyuki, fatal. They damaged Miyuki's reputation in a body. Family member should be their sacrifice, they really believed. Their kinkiest religion was called maternity.

Privileged as mother, was their catch frase, and faked one would be accepted.

Oh, VANISH! DDMs! All in a body!!!!
Miyuki is clean now. She was so cold for us all, the last remark of them all. Nice catch!!! Cool gag...
Hiroshi MAEKAWA... Cool 5. Not Jackson, or Finger.

See you soon, for us all!!! We should restart our cleaning up job as early as possible. Our duty, probably.
From Cool 5, or Quintet MARCK, with biggest LOVE!!!! Love Portion!!!