Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (110)

2017-06-12 22:19:34 | 日記
12/06/2017 (Monday, evening) Miyuki made a village trip today also. She watched a lot of nasty tragedies here and there. Shirakawa is really rotten. 3 years ago, this rural village started to sink abruptly, and reduced its population suddenly, Miyuki heared from some reliable acquaintance.

DDMic denied the fact. Like in Tokyo. For them, who found the fact would be killed soon. Thus, they installed monitoring system in each family, and it had worked for several dacades. And three years ago, it was revealed suddenly. Miyuki triggered the gun in the last stage. Curtain call, it was call.

Until the last of the moment, I wanted to separate from you, forever! Chiaki NAOMI.

For Miyuki, not astonishing fact, however, for others, the system change is a kind of headache problem. They are accustomed to use it. Majority oriented society. Averege works all type society, probably. Thus, they failed. Thus, minority should be respected. And only one? Unique. Thus, Miyuki should be the last one of us all.

Of both. She was deligated the supreme power from the both. And she did her mission, completely. The end. And DDMs will forget it tomorrow morning. Miyuki should continue to her job, everyday.

For FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters, all who are under the Gods of justice, good morning.
For DDMs, good Mourning. Funeral parity goers, you are. Thus, go to inferno, without exception.
You are begging forgiveness in vain. MIYUKI will not surrender DDMs, of course.
Thus, you shall die, you shall die! ♫♫ Bambi's melogy.

Good morning, she wanted to say to all under the blue sky. However, she should declare the goddamnit declaration to DDMs.

My mother was cutting the cameria trees with a pair of big sissors for gardners only. Oh, they provided the cutting big sissors for cutting the heads of the Alzheimer patients among them, by themselves. And for them, who were provided the sissors, should use them at least for several hours per day. Thus, they cut the trees or grasses so many times per week.

My mother would be controled by them, because of her feeble mind. Alzheimer patients should be manupulated by the system called Animal Farm, and they should do all, ordered by the superior, without any question nor objection. And they were ordered to cut their own head, however, they couldn't understand the meaning, and just cutting the trees.

Oh, precious trees! Grasses are the real victims of this wrongdoing. They were precious superb, and because of the precious sacrifice, they should be categorized at the level of the world of the total universes, in case of the compensation of the damage.

According to our individualism, each grass and trees, of course, should be paid separatedly. Because of grass cutting jobs, they should be punished more and more harshly. And providers should be punished by the cost of the all of these wrongdoers, of course.

In case of more torture including case like chemical weapon, we should count the suffering of the agony, pain, physical ones, and also, psychological ones. Any weapon, cutting type of course, for example, by use of medical equipment, should be caluculated by their usage of each species of the weapon, and a bit of the loss or injure of the physical body or the loss of integrity of it, and in case of psychological suffering, per second, at least, 10 worlds of the universes.

For example, KABUCKY suffered a lot from their torture. They used chemical weapon to attack him, up to make artificial snow by their too too nasty cloud calling sistem. Miyuki did know how to use it, in case of rain. Already, in 1990s, they did it. Chicken meats were produced by a big company and they used this weapon in their private field. This was written in some books already, and Miyuki did read it.

After allowing the use of the weather changing weapon, the government started to rotten. Prohibitted worldwidely. Miyuki thought that it was regional, and no damage in general. Not at all. All weather changes were caluculated as damage in the universe. Strange wheather caused by their majority's will among Alzheimer patients.

They adopted majority deciding system. Directly, if the majority of the idiots think YES, they do, suddenly. And without any agreement, also they do, by the boss said YES.

In MIYUKI's case, the weather changes by the Alzheimer patients' majority's will and Miyuki's will. And the latter weighs more than the former. And Miyuki already ordered the weather change weapon's total abandonment, immediately right now, thus, it should be stop at once, now. Bye, all weapon. Hemmingway.

And Miyuki ordered them to be killed immediately, and be tortured, blasfamia includid, as much as the victims require, and shame collection. The last measure should be done by some specialists. Each reagion has some experts on the problem. Rightous ones can do this collecting jobs. Each, OK, colaborations, of course, OK, and the summing up would be OK, under total control of Gods of Justice.

Miyuki didn't calculated Hestia, Besta, Hela, Helen, such kind of domestic work only type female so called gods as Gods of Justice. They are jealous, ugly, isolated, and concealed in the house, and ego-centric, and forgetful, and unkind. The similarity among typical DDMs in Japan. From begining, they are just LILIS, or gigant related ancient existance, prior to the earth. Gaia, also. These ugly BUSU type were included in the category of DDMs, faked Gods, or semi-gods, not the real Gods of Justice, of course, despite of their self satisfactional naming.

Monsters, in the rightous naming. And they turned to be Mamma Mia, in Italian Type God Mother. Oh, God Mother, 肝っ玉母さん or Kimottama Kaasan in Japanese, or Spirit managing mothers.

According to Miyuki's and our individualism, spirits should be managed by each individuals, in case of plants, most quiet species. However, accoring to these monstrous mothers' skewed opinions, they manage the spirits of the other members of the families. For Miyuki, ridiculous, out of mind type Alzheimer patients' only type illusion. However, they adopted the system, according to YUKARI's order.

YUKARI is already mad dog symptom holders. However, they followed her, because of their power holders' will. And who is the power holders? According to YUKARI, she and MIYUKI????

MIYUKI never allows to be used her name, personality, physical character included, by these Alzheimer patients or by others, any!!! She declared clearly her intention against the monstrous mad dog. However, they used it, because it was easy to persuade other mad dogs. And the result was desastrous. They cut out precious trees and grasses. Miyuki loves them, thus, they, DDMs, targetted the plants, under the name of MIYUKI herself.

Blasfamia, included. They didn't learn any importance of abusing others' name, by their own will. They did it every day, and the victims were suffering so many times. Miyuki's case, the old bugs did the worst things, as they liked. They ordered as they liked, and canceled as they liked, all under the name of Miyuki. Miyuki was thought as mentally illed by them all, because of it. her mental illness was faked by them all.

Miyuki didn't know their system at all. Miyuki was calculated by a nasty old bitches in the rural village in Shirakawa, because of their kinkiest inclination of being plain girls. Oh, now, being plain is their fashion???

Miyuki didn't know the system at all. So so nasty to say, they made the system for their mode????

They wanted to change the rural village as their taste???? For them, nasty messy rural villege. Thus, Miyuki wants to move from this villege. however, they liked to live here as they were the super power holders. And they failed and failed, however, because of their own Alzheimer disease, they couldn't change their life at all. And just showing shames type existance now. And the worse, they are doing everyday. Unnecessary grass cutting everyday, just to be faking to be working. Why they do such unnecessary job? Like "I am a monitor, however, I need to fake as if I were diligent worker. Thus, anyway, near me, I should take, and do my faking job, doing my monitoring business."

Monitor means, "I will inform any ones' kinkiest behaviours, when I find. Oh, my daughter is a good target! I will inform her everyday. I will be praised by my good mother like job. I am a good girl no.1 in the rural villege.I need to continue to monitor this kinkiest lady with no politeness at all type. She should be punished by their own order. She is the real sadist. She should destroy our rural villege, because of their impoliteness. Yes, she is a power holder of this rural villege. And she ordered total abandonment for DDMs. Thus, she should be punished. She is a DDM. We know well that she is one of them. I wrote it already in my blog. Thus, this is the true story of her life. The name of the blog is...Miyuki's DDMic life's instruction."

And Miyuki is smiling on their childish cruel wrongdoing. She knows well that they have no abilities to do so. Just Alzheimer's dream. They are at glance, the real Alzheimer patients.

Miyuki remembered YUKARI's hair's resemblance of her pupils of Crow Tribe in TSUDA women's college, in 2014.

Her style looked like our day's Yoji YAMAMOTO's line. Black inclination. Stylish. And one day, she appeared with her hair in graysh green. Oh, she dyed, differently from others. Nice! I would like to dye my hair, if I could. However, my skin of the head doesn't allow to be dyed. Anyway, nice for her, and for others. Difference weighs lot, anyway. She liked this line. her choice, and don't afraid to be herself in the fashion. Too clear opinion, she showed. Thus, after the class, Miyuki commented her, "Oh, you dyed your hair!" with a bit of admirarion. And she smiled a bit. Oh, you recognized, prof, like smiling. Enough for them. Being different is good for her. More traditional wearing, also OK, however, being alone is so respectful audacious play, in every meaning. Fashion should be effective. And once, Miyuki watched their tribe in the train. 4 or 6 figures in the mode of YAMAMOTO. Oh, exists a group of Crow Tribe, even now. Oh, their atomosphare is different. In 2015, yes.

Being different is bad for Hestia, probably, because they prefer averege, to avoid some more promissive to call attention of others, especially, of males. Jealous, and ugly. Thus, they, in collective mode, started to attack the promissive fashionable ones. Ugly BUSU bitches, they are.

They thought themselves as a semi-god. Alzheimer patient, complete version. 神成. KAMINARI.

And in Japan, they are called, 山の神 or YAMA-NO-KAMI or, 鬼婆 or ONI-BABAA.
YAMA-NO-KAMI is called because of 病の神、or YAMAI-NO-KAMI, or God of Inducing Disease.
ONO-BABAA is Devil Old Bug. Itself.

YUKARI is always in bed, because of her serious disease, they recognized it, and YUKARI were treated like a semi-god, because they thought that she were in the danger of death. And it prolonged for more than 20 years. What is her disease? Miyuki's reply is young Alzheimer. Caused by her own idolness. Incurable yes. Only one formula of the sutupidity is Miyuki's product.

They started to think to abandon to accompany with this stupid idol patient's suicide illusion. Do it! Immediately! In public, is reccomendable!!!

And they agreed all. With deep sigh. YUKARI is the twin sister of her mother, and the mother is also Alzheimer patient. Double YUKARIs now. How heavy, the burden is...

Why they are so arrogant? Miyuki's question was so so rightous. They got pride because of their monitoring business. For us, nasty peeping Tom activities. For them, necessity to protect the precious ones. And Miyuki's case, to sell her to the police. They always make a conversation on Miyuki's wrongdoings, and started to count her property. Thus, they didn't touch the value of living cost of her two kids. Free, because you should pay by your property???

They forgot that Miyuki has no property, capital type. And her belongings? She doesn't want to sell at all. She said to show me your calculation as a reference, and they didn't tell it even now. And they thought, now it is the time to cancel all of the contract they did with others, under the name of MIYUKI. Miyuki didn't think the third, as black. However, in case of suspection, of course, she is ready to write.

They are thinking of Miyuki's money? Miyuki didn't think so. Only two, Miyuki thought. And they both, Alzheimer patients, anyway. Who relies on others property, turned to be Alzheimer patients. Palacite's disease.

And Miyuki wants them, DDMs, to be killed immediately, and yelled in public, her cute wispering mode, "Vanish! DDMs!!! BUSU bitches, you are!!! They shall die! They shall die!!!" in a melody of BAMBI.

Miyuki found that Shiro KOMINE was a kind of victims, killed by her own family. Yes, name was different, however, a kind of animals' representative. She has a tooth, in her mouth. And one uniform girl Shiro, has the residue of cat or rabbit tribe. Slight, however, oh, she has such a face, Miyuki recognized it. Animal family related.

And her white dog is resembled like Hiroshi ASUNA's mode. A big boy type, who was a commic writer, and the son of a judge in a rural town in KYUSHU.

He was a kind of predissesor of girls' commic in 1960s or 1970s. And he lived in his own liberalist way. For Miyuki's understanding, oh, some, "Father, I don't like your job. OK, for you, however, I prefer my own job." type. Oh, I and Alex, she thought at that time.

And accoring to her interpretation, oh, I can play the role both. And his line is now hers, because she is more rough sketch type. And his was more, soft, round oriented rylical line. And she thought MANGA were easy. And tried to write some pages, and gave up. Oh, too too difficult. For me, illustalation is already boresome job. Just a sketch is enough.

She changed a lot, is their both's excuse. And changing means developping. For them, maintaining the actual situation is the best policy. however, they couldn' maintain. Just degraded, instead. Retired earlier than usual, means, Oh, it caught Alzheimer disease, in Shirakawa.

And she showed her will to gain new job. I want to work abroad, thus, I am training English. I image that I were a guide for foreigners, thus, I speak in English, as image training.

And their understanding is, worse than Miyuki's one. Develpping is a prohibitted for all of them. Just rely on their boss. Oh, and now, Miyuki is the boss. Thus, Miyuki ordered to all paracites, namely, DDMs, to be killed immediately, entirely, forever, all, in a body, right now, at once.

Thus, they started to appear on the road, and they did wrong more and more. Just a movement of them causes trouble. Words? Oh, you are just attackers!!!! They always do BLA-BLA-BLA, called chatting.

And Miyuki remembered that Koichi YOSHIDA, the evil diabolic stupidest teacher responsible, held some tea party called 茶話会 or SAWA-KAI. Just chatting type. Time consuming is their catch frase.

Miyuki is sleepy now. Sleep Miyuki, well. Asuna HIROSHI went back from Tokyo to KYUSHU, and started to work as a physical worker. Miyuki thought that his families treated me like Miyuki, probably. And he died at his 60 years old. Workers are contempted, they probably thought. And their family ordered SQUAD to kill him, this contemptious son???

Miyuki recognized the resemblance of his "loser, fated" type story. However, in Miyuki's case, I am not a loser. From her eyes, I am a professor, and gain so small amount of money, however, working diligently. I am not paracite. I want to get out of this messy rural villege, as soon as possible. However, at the same time, as an obligation, who did pledge for the victims, should remain here, anyway. And despite of repeated orders, they try to attack me, and attacked already several times. Why they exist? They are wrongdoers. Our kids are in danger, every day. And the victims, every day. They are habitual wrongdoers. Kids selling business, they are duing. No future for them, thus, they sell the future of our precious kids. They cut our precious weeds. I did pledge for the diceased weeds. They are cut, in the middle of the process. Ignolandia's promissive kids, they are!!!

The wrongdoers should be punished immediately. Anyway, we should stop their activities, immediately. I declared, and ran away from their cutting job. Saying, "Cut your heads, both! BUSU bitches!! You are so ugly! Vanish! DDMs!"

Thus, finally, they cut their head. And blood vanished. Sleep well, Miyuki. Hestia, Hela...Lilis...Giant tribe...Shrunk model...

See you tomorrow!! On our blog!!!
Vanish! DDMs!!!

From Quintet MARCK, with Big LOVE for us all, and Big Kick for them, DDMs, all!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (109)

2017-06-12 08:27:59 | 日記
12/06/2017 (Monday, morning) Miyuki woke up at 7:30. In the bed, she heared YUKARI and hr mother were making conversation. YUKARI came upstairs to Alex's chamber abruptly, and without knocking, she entered into it, and she was completely ignored by Alex, and she soon got out of his room, and went downstairs, saying, "Stupid!, This boy, Alex!"

Miyuki got upset. In the morning, she came suddenly, and with total impoliteness, she dared to enter into his private room, and required his reply forcedly. And goddamnitted my boy, with his threatening voice, like, "If you do it, I will kill you, stupid!"

And then, YUKARI, her mother, and her father added, made a conversation. And Alex came back from the office, and secretly went to his chamber. YUKARI, who is totally losing her mind, was scolding AIR ALEX!!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN!!!!

And she reported on so called "Nasty boy's wrongdoing" to her parents, in the kitchen.

And Miyuki recognized that the volume of voice of YUKARI was reducing, and faited in the air, and became silent.

Miyuki, at 8:30, she was in mood. She wanted to do it, yes. And prepared for it. Then, she heared that someone of the three started to go upstairs. Oh, the army would attack me in the middle of it, Miyuki got prepared. Common, DDMs, you would be the target of our army's counter attack, Miyuki continued to play her role.

Strangely, it yelled a bit, so slightly, with a voice of YUKARI, and she came to the chamber of her mother's house, opened the door, and put some fish smelled dish included tray on the table, and, to Miyuki, with her Pussy Cat's soft voice of her mother, "Miyuki, I have a present for you." Miyuki ignored her complitely, recognizing that DDMs are really changeable among them, and now YUKARI turned to be her mother's voice and appearance. Personality change with visual and sound effect, they did, so near us, in so evident way.

Miyuki ignored her voice, and tried to continue to do it. However, her mother, persistently, in her soft mode, "Miyuki, HANATABA, or bunch of flowers. I made this present with it. I took advantage of HANATAGA, with red ribbon. You know, this is only one existance in the world. You should appreciate for my kindness and accept it." Miyuki ignored her, thinking, "Why this stupid attacks in the middle of it? Why this evil existance got to know that I was doing it? They stole our inner information or, peeping us all insessantly. Inner world invasion confirmed, again, in her stupid disturbing technic."

She, again, attacked her, "Please reply yes, MIYUKI. You are obliged to say so, OK, MIYUKI. This is present for you, made with HANATABA. With red ribbon. " And she tried to hand it to MIYUKI, andaciously, and put it beside Miyuki's side. Miyuki got so upset and in this case, she was forced to say "NO!", to refuse her "kind gift", and, without any intention to watch, she found that is was just a cheapish paper bag, which Miyuki gave her earlier, and it was the gift of Eastern Timor's National Museum of Revolution. Oh, she is totally in confusion, and at the same time, manupulated by DDMic worst existance. Miyuki thraw it away, with her wipping act of getting up the bed clothings. She was obliged to stop doing it in the middle, with this erotic skewed mad existance's totally confusional attacking. The DDMs perceive the behavior of our sacred sexual movement, and immediately, by impulse, they started to disturb with all of their efforts.

MIYUKI totally ignored her mother's kinkiest offer, and refused it finally. And her first declaration in this morning was, "Go directly to INFERNO! Vanish! DDMs!!! You are so so ugly BUSU bitches!!! VANISH! Completely, totally, entirely, forever, immediately, right now, all in a body, at once!!!!! Go to INFERNO!!!!! Go, DDMs, you are so ugly!!!!" in the open air space, in the courtyard.

Contemptious is the word for their evilest conducts, not for us, who are totally normal sexually and healthy. We want to do it, is each one can express and can enjoy it, so in private. They, YUKARI and her mother HARUMI are the same existance. YUKARI for Alex, while HARUMI for Miyuki. These sexually skewed old bugs monitored us, in their skewest ways. And my father for Clare. We three are victims of DDMic monitoring system.

For us, as healthy existance, we have right to do it. Including with others and without others. Why not?

And Miyuki thought, "Oh, Italian single boys...They are obliged to be alone, by way of their old bitch mothers' trapping. Why there good looking boys are singles?, was Miyuki and Platinum Tribe's common question. And according to the explanation spread by Japanese skewed writers, "The boys respect their mothers rather their friends. Thus, they couldn't get our of their house, because of their preference of Mannma's dishes over their intention to do it."

MIYUKI believed it, and "Oh, so MOTTAINAI! Good looking boys!!! They prefer old Mather's taste rather his own or his mates' ones? Strange idol existance, against their so pretty faces...Oh, intentional TOHOHO...Their choice."

Miyuki didn't know the fact. DDMs, they are. MIYUKI and ALEX and CLARE are Italian boys!!! Oh, DDMs invided their country widely, and spread to Spain...

MIYUKI read an article on the residencial situation of Spain. Too too expensive, one appartment, thus, they were obliged to live inside their parents' house. The same situation of Miyuki's. Nice boys have more chance to find their mates, yes. Roberta is a kind of. Clare is similar. Beauty for being concealed???!!!

Oppression, they, DDMs offered as their kindness. And all of them, refused. We are independent existance means "We can do it, indifferent from our parental existance." Now, two generations are in custody for their sexual control.

And Miyuki perceived that this morning, Penis worm cruel version was chosen. Miyuki and ADACHI descrived that they are such an existance to do sawing work on prevention with red ribbon. Unnessasary? No! Harmful!!! With holes, contraceptive tool doesn't work!!!

They are kind of skewed old bitches. Miyuki's father is a kind victim, yes. However, he changed his mind, probably, and started to monitor Clare. He smells ointment of ORONAIN. It is the smell of sexual control contributors. Thus, they should vanish, immediately, in the harshest mode!!!

In the next generation, we can enjoy whole our sexual life!!! We are free from any sexual jealousy from others. Miyuki's position is worldly supported by Fauna and Flora and their supporters. Each one should decide on this matter. Not by others. Individualism, should be accomplished especially in this area.

Miyuki thought that why Clare had such a nasty, however, I need to transmit it type behaviour tomorrow. Just a glance is OK, and yell! Miyuki received her agony. Why not type parents were suffered from it. Individualism in Miyuki's case. Clare adopted it. Thus, she participated into the army, and they killed her result...Miyuki's grand kids??? Them? Chemically killed by Miyuki's parents??? Oh, they attacked so harshly on her products???

We should never forgive you, three!!! Pledge!!! I have lots of clues of your strange sexual behaviours. I was neutral to my father, however, I have lots of proofs to prove your mental illiness, Father! Prepare for being anihilated!!! Explosion!!!

Today, they did in their soft mode, at max. And Miyuki's refusal, they suffered. OF course! Most important part of life!!! Ugly bitches!!!!

Miyuki already knows their way. They can change their personalities. And they prefer using their younger mode. This is why KAKISHIMA looked younger considering her real age. They faked their better appearance to gain any affection.

They were killed already probably. And for Miyuki, she herself. Miyuki should put up with the lonliest solitude. And she chose it already. OK, thus, mission completed. Anyone should kill their darest ones. No, no! Dearest ones, already diceased. And DDMs stole their skin bags because of their jealousy. Their objective is so clear. Devstation of our beautiful universe. I am only one, OK. I predicted already. In reality, I have a lot of friends, and already inside the house, I am already isolated. I can't talk with anyone inside the house. Thus, no necessity. Just humiliation inside the house. Thus, why I should avoid to trigger against them????

Devastation was inside the house, mainly. ITALIAN boys thank to Miyuki's audacious play...Now Miyuki is in the frustration of cutting in the middle. Terrible, I need to pass this day with this sansation. Miyuki's case, no chamber, no bed independent. Thus, frustration is bigger, tremendously!!!

And at the same time, HARUMI's Alzheimer diseace was proved so cleary. HANATABA? Why? The name of shop? Ribbon? Where? Red? Reddish brown. However, at this point, she has right to express this colour as red. Made by herself? Total lie. My gift. I remember it cleary. And she said, "Put it in the bag!" it means she knows that it is spare bag. She gifted two plastic packages for Miyuki. The same situation. DDMs should not be creative, thus, they patchworked her past memories, and did the miserable jobs. I gifted you, mother. In the morning, while I am in bed, why you should oblige for me to take it so persistently??? And she repeated, "This is only one in the world!"

Thus, DDMs know that the value of ONLY ONE. And we, individuals, including objests, are all ONLY ONE type. They admitted the value which we proposed. Thus, each one, at least, one galaxcy.

And the disturbance on sexual activity, according to DDMic Japanese Civil Law theory, "Expectation is much more precious, rather than the result, because of the possiblity to be the best ones." This theory was taled by YAMAZAKI, of Law School of AOYAMA GAKUIN versity, the rector at that time, thus, publicaly recognized. It was told by him directly to Miyuki, in his office, in November, 2015, when Miyuki asked help to him against Kyorin versity's medical wrongdoings.

Thus, fatus, seed of the best ones to be the best of the best ones. And Miyuki was syntonized with Roberta Close in the case of doing it, with ADACHI.

It means, chance or expectation of conception of fetus, is much more precious. The expectation should be calculated by the best result. In this case, their products of TOHOHO 3. In short, Universally wide spread beautiful young commenders of the universes of all existance, with wise knowledge as the best and brightests, without error quasi perfest mode, and their free from any prejudice like broadest mode of Angels.

Beauty, Width and Kindness. Complese combination. According to Miyuki's confermed theory, even their parents are not so beutiful, wise, kind enough, however, the next generation absorbes the best of them, each, the possility of being so would be much more higher than casual conception. Three beuty in the universed. Thus, Miss UNIVERSES!!!!

MUSE's value should be applied. Martial arts included. In Clare's case, more powerup version. Because the next of the next generation. Like Mars combined with Athen like value.

Thus, allowing the existance of these skewed peeping Toms would be so so costive for you, DDMs!!!! In case of TOHOHO 3, they are all so frustrated in this area. Italian boys' agony by special torture done by their own Mothers' skin bags. Mamma MIA!!!! Conceptional disscommunication!!!

Thus Studio Gybre took the name from Italian young pilots. Homenagem? Not at all! They stole the information of them, and Mixed with Miyuki and others, more creative types. And called, Gybre's gift shop, with Italian name.

Alex requiered Miyuki to buy 千と千尋の神隠し at the highest price. Finally, Miyuki agreed. Your choice, Alex. You can buy it in another place, with US$3, probably. However, you chose it to be bought here, in this museum of the real Gibre, at US$50 almost. OK, this is birthday present for you. And Miyuki paid. Claiming, "Oh, Alex, you should be thrifty...OK, gift, thus, I paid lots for you, however, in normal shopping, I refused, OK, boy?"

Claimed and claimed. She talked so loud in the shop, to persuade to give up this stupidly expensive value. Not for Alex, he had right to claim his birthday gift yes, at that time, and for Gybre's way to run the costive facility. How expensive!!!!

And Miyuki got astonished that DDMic faked consumers exclaimed "How cheapish this cafe au lait in a cartain!" in front of Miyuki, in Beisia. The couple. For Miyuki, so so expensive, and they, just said so, and left the place, without taking it. Just inducing others, or trapping. This technic is yet used, Miyuki confirmed yesterday.

The highest degree holder is the commender of the real enemy and she already did the declaration as she wrote above. However, DDMs continue their wrongdoings outside and inside, like we recognized all.

Repetition. Illusion. They explained. And through these kinkiest behaviours, we suffered lots in reality. Thus, they should be punished harshly.

And know well, you are so stupid, ugly, skewed, in their best mode, OK, DDMs. For you, jealousy would be life time friend. You should die, hugged by your own jealousy. Hugged by Loss. The western scholar's present on Japanese post war history. Die with yout big Loss!!!

Now, DDM is only one system, in each family. They play the role all of the family. Thus, each, in turns. Thus, they could not appear at the same time. Reduction. Vanishing like that!!!

They killed all of them, And Miyuki chose to live, even she would be the last one. Miyuki would be fine, they agreed. Yes, she agreed already. The last one? I hope all our mates!!! Dead and Alive. Not OR. And appearance? Don't care type. IGNOLANDIA, she chose, because of her individualism and liberalism.

DDMis society starts their own conventionalism at first. Inside, it is included seed of jealousy. You pretty boys should not be superior to me, like self egoitism. And Miyuki always to find good side of old and new existance. Cherry blossams with 150 years old, sexy, and so attractive. She thight. Exist. Why not? Young promissive leader, in the tribe. Exist. Fluffy whitsh hair is his glory!!! Why not? Childish, at a glance. However, so beautiful. Deciased chose ADACHI....Oh, fetus...egg...expectation...oh...invisible type????

Almost air, like pooh....without smell...not evacuational it...However exists. Anyway, Miyuki feels. Why only Miyuki feels? Because she chose it.

Others not. Oh, HIDEKO's question. And probably, their suffering is so bigger than Miyuki. Thus, they appear so in turn, precariously. And for Miyuki, Fauna & Flora and our supporters only world!!!

The best presnt from the universe...universes????

She is smiling that anywhyere exist rightous existance. or, Justice doesn't function and the universe loses the base of existance. She is free from DDMis accusation. Precarious, they said, and they did so wrong, using their power given as a precarious existance. And Miyuki took advantage of it. Gift means abilities or skills. Not cheapish non kind object. My mother didn't understand the meaning at all. And said, "Only One existance in the world" without knowing the meaning. Controled by DDMic existance. On the bed, beside me, she left it. Erotic siginificance. Kyorin Versity staff. Terrible sexual attack, in the complete version. She blew off it by the bed closings' rough shift. Terrible! Crazy skewed boys, they chose to persuade her. Thus, they should vanish, immediately.

After, slightest threatening mode. however, she ignored all. In the middle of war, they were killed and stolen their skin bag. And Miyuki should fight for cleaning up business. Now, her detective mode.

See you, later soon. We are all here!! Your joking life should be appreciate by all of us all!!!!

Tremendous damage, they didn't recognize, and tried to continue to do their evilest work, after their losing. Hug it, don't pray victory, stupid!!!!

Even after death, they used it. How shameless! Blasfamia. The tabboo number one. And they got dirty shames taking advantage of the usage. Sacrifice? Not at all! Just stolen and sold. They did. And Miyuki confirmed it. Under the name of maternal love or instinct, they did. Betrayal, the dirtiest work!!!!

Impulse mode!!! Electric or sound wave used to induce their movement. Nasty spooky, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 from IKKYO kids, who trained baseball play in the courtyard of the school beside Miyuki's house. "I like to be free from this task, however, our boss ordered and we should obliged from the task" like leructance was sensed by them.

And threatening again and again. She could catch their message from their basement in the universe ourside ours. Thus, erradicate the existance, immediately. Vanish1!!!!!!! Entirely. Gods of the universe love perfection!!! And quick agility!!!!!!! Speeed weighs!!!!!! Mistake!!!! Sometimes!!!!!! Quickerrrrrrrrr!!!!!

Thus, see you, all of us all!!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! We shall see soon!!!!

From Quintet MARCK, TOHOHO 3 included, With Big LOVE!!!!