Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (133)

2017-06-28 23:01:01 | 日記
28/06/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Many residents were already dead, while satans came and made a faked village, and they imitated Tokyo like cheapy scenery. The result is SHIRAKAWA. Satanic Alzheimer letters here and there, we found. All data should be stocked in Miyuki's warehouse.

Now Miyuki thinks that living and working in provisional way in the camp type house in the sportive park. The facilities were established for refgees from IWAKI area, in case of the big disaster of the earth quake. No one uses them. Completely no man's land. It looks like concentrate camp. However, Miyuki did know well that it was a kind of mobil house. Thus, using trailers, we could move everywhere in Japan. Flat houses only. And the refugees lived there, thus, usefull, probably. In case of necessity, we could connect with each other. Lots of similar houses, thus, we could use like office, warehouse, library, meeting rooms, and individual use.

Better than vacant empty big box. Any vacant big box has any cooking kitchen???? They faked to cook, bringing the foods from the superparkets, and warming up them. Oh, the house satans' way. Only microoven type bitches like to use it.

IH heater, it was called. As a matter of fact, they didn't cook, and faked cooking. Oh, 通販 or TSUUHAN, or Net shopping, or OTORIYOSE, or お取り寄せ in Japanese???

yes, of course, was their reply.We are obliged to do so, because they expected to do so. Oh, they wanted to be popular!!! We thought that they disliked them, IKKYO believers!!!

Miyuki liked the both to go to INFERNO, immediately!!!! And cut it, both, of course. In the shortist way.

Ball like head she had, YUKARI expressed on them. When she met Alex. Oh, Muck has no head. Head was cut, as manncan dolls???

Acepharos, Miyuki yelled. And they faked feeble-minded???? They are really feeble-minded. Without necessity to fake to be.

Miyuki believes that they are really muck? Of course!! Why not????

INFERNO. The two makes every place into INFERNO. Only INFERNO. They always belong to INFERNO. Thus, INFERNO, they should go directly to now. This is the earth, a planet, not INFERNO. We should clean up the earth. INFERNO, the two should go, OK?

Their brain is already in INFERNO is Alzheimer Fenomenum. Alzheimer is not disease, but fenomenum. Recognition ability ZERO is Alzheimer fanomenum. Thus, SHIRAKAWA is entirely Alzheimer village. Just like YUKARI's inner side, Miyuki thought of Shirakawa. And now, HARUMI's version was put addictionally.

Oh, again, the nightmare???? No man's land, and only cheapy ready made shops? Who will buy the products?

Alex would like to participate into Miyuki's team. And failed. And he should be punished again. Again, Alex? He bit for their team. And lost money. And collected by bit coin. And now gained a bit. Bit Coins.

Miyuki is always against lottery? Not at all. I like to bit on which is which game. 100% safety means, no lottery. Investment, assured. Thus, Miyuki bit all in our team. Only Justice world, and this is the universal rule.

Miyuki didn't bit for him???? For Alex????

Miyuki didn't understand the meaning. Alex bit Miyuki's side, and lost most of money????

Alex thought like that. However, he failed. Miyuki's side was controled by them both. They, satans, are enemy, idiot!!!

Alex did know it, however, they insisted not. Incapables, Alzhimer satans. All lies world, muck is.

Thus, he lost. Damage. Forced or intentionally? Both. Forced, because they threatened. It all depends. If you have some other choices, why you didn't choose it? Your choice. Not forced. Think twice. And intentionally, your total failure.

Alex didn't want to believe that they were satans. ME too. However, satans, they are. And forgetful. MUCK, in short.

糞ババア or Fass Old Bugs, they are. No mercy for them.

They were made to divastate our beautiful universe. Thus, they didn't appreciate the beauty of the universe at all. They couldn't. just a faking job only. What a superficial life, this country forced us, was our impression.

Under the bitch constitution, Miyuki fought well. And now, quieter world comes. They are leaving. Immediately after individual declaration against MUCK companies, they vanished. They popped out, and soon died. Miyuki killed. Oh, thank you, for our praise!!!!

For Miyuki, anyone never expected. She was surrounded by evil neighbours, and inside the house, two big erotic satans here. And all of us gave up because of it. Inside enemy. Inner enemy, Miyuki thought. Thus, only threatning sound, Miyuki thought. However, they materially threatened her, and Jasons were so many here and there.

And the finally, erotic stupid Jasons like the two. For them, in common, KIYUKI is a kind of kind sheep, who treated them both so well. Thus, she should die before knowing the facts. However, they couldn't do so because of their incabability. Just it. Forgetful anyway. Repeated the same order. Everyday, chasing game. MIYUKI was chased by so many vehicles in NANKO Area at first. And found that the vehicles ran away finally. They had limit, anyway.

And thrilled when she watched a police car was waiting for her, near Flower Park, run by ENDOU family. They wanted to shoot me, Miyuki thought, and turned and came back toward the way from where she had come. On the road, a track was there, and a sissors Jason was in the park. Stupid Jason put the two stoppers in the road, and forgot what he had done before. Thus, he couldn't enter into the park with a pick up track, and the track was on the road because of his idiot like conduct.

Thus, on the back, Police Car, in front, Sissors Jason. How should Miyuki do? Miyuki chose to go back. Becuase his tool was only sissors, and he was short messy body holder. Thus, kicking or running from him, Miyuki would chose, in case of his attacking.

Miyuki remembered Jason in Hachioji. With 鎖鎌 or Chain Sythe, he came with pick up track, and got off in front of her, and tried to attack her, and she ran away, and he left the place in the track. Jason, he was. The same type. Miyuki didn't know it. And ADACHI was attaked by these Jason type.

Killed in a body, with 6 squad. Cut it, cut it, cut it. Oh, U2???? Miyuki was informed he was found in hunging from tree by the 虎ロープ or Tiger rope, or black and yellow rope. And Miyuki felt so nasty to watch the Chinese Character of 高原彪吾 or Hyogo TAKAHARA. TAKAHARA or KOUGEN, already refusal, like 高原牛乳 or KOUGEN milk. 彪 and related 虎, already, started to attack. 吾 is more usual.

The same thing happened on 杏. Miyuki liked ANZU or applicots, before. Now, Miyuki disliked 杏 plant, even she knows well that it were her prejudice through her harsh experience at Kyorin versity or 杏林大学.

They were only satans versity, now Miyuki considers so. Exists? Exists. INFERNO, for them all, in a positive meaning. For Miyuki, in a negative one. INFERNO, they loved, thus, they should go to INFERNO.

Everyday's chasing. They, both, didn't know the reality. Recognition problem put model of satan. The first period of Alzheimer Satan. Cruelity was already having. And now, NIRVANA comes...Good grief.

Miyuki found pink, white, red lotus flowers in the South Silever Lake. Beautiful, and remembered that she found them in The pond of no pacience, or 不忍の池, in UENO.

In Summer, Miyuki and her kids, came to the pond, and exactly the full flowers were blooming on the day. Oh, we are lucky to watch so many pinkish white blossomes of flowers of lotus.

And on 2016, no lotus at all. Where are the flowers??? Even lotus, mad inclination plants, couldn't put up with the situation, probably. Tolerance, was the message of the flowers. No lotus world, yes. It means, Tolerancia ZERO!!! Nao Aguent mais!!! They yelled. We yelled, also. Thus, agreement. They should go to INFERNO!!!! Win-win situation. Wonderful!!!!

For Miyuki, just a chasing game. For them, vanishing game. Thus, good for us all. Miyuki doesn't want to lose her precious life, and she wants them all to vanish. for us, tryamph, already. Now, cleaning up era!!!!

It depends on. I am not so quick organizing sweeper type. Cleaning, I would do it. However, sometimes, my nostargy for objects stop my process.

Oh, you, here!!! Miyuki yells, and starts the episode with them, each...Her weakpoint and strongpoint. Inclination to her objects. Cheap, expensive, both. She chose the object in her lines, thus, she needs to take so muny time to choose. Sometimes, so quick. Oh, you!!! You, I love you!! I dremt you!!! You are my ideal!!!! like encounter she did so many times. Thus, she needs time. However, she has limit. Yes. Thus, more quickest way, you should try. Yes, boss!!!!

We are accepting our refugee offer on her whole families, however, all of them, except Miyuki, refused.???

Miyuki's case was talked in the International world, and all of us thought the same. Difficult and tough to understand the situation. Never imagined, however, Miyuki was told that one of the rare case of our Alzheimer patient's symptom???

And Miyuki got worried a bit, and passed. Normal. Everyone, likes to joke in this type. On this matter, too tough to accept it as a joke.

Miyuki is now in danger, she really thought. Patrole Car was waiting for Miyuki, was terrible. And chasing, every day. Just by miracle, she is alive. And they thought like that. Satans' state, they called JAPAN, and it was the fact.

Any coutry would accept her refugee, because her family refused it. Only Miyuki wanted. Thus, they revealed the fact. Satans inside the family. No response at all from Miyuki, they yelled. And Miyuki was forgotten. And Miyuki fell in love with a guy called KABUCKY. And she smiled when they smiled. They are all KABUCKY, and at the same time, KABUCKY & Miyuki's legitimate kids. Plants Era's representative, Miyuki turned. And the image is always a Parisienne girl, swinging in the green jungle, surrounded by so so big green storks. Green Stoke!!! Oh, Tarzan!!!

Miyuki trained well her back, now. So feels good, and the voice, Ohhhhh...Uhhhh... It means pleasent. And KABUCKY extended his reach up to the end of the world!!! Oh, wonderful our kids!!! Reformed version of us two!!!

Excellent in flexibility, and furtile, especially in imagination. And anyway, efficiency. Plants lover, she is!!! Yes, I am Plants lover. Animal lovers she is. Yes!!! Plural and singlar both. Lover means who could do it. Reliable up to allow to do it as their colaborative work. Miyuki's definition is acute, and she is in mood. Against satans, not at all type. Don't feel any appetite to them all. Superficial. Totalitarians. Muck, in short. Who wants to do it with Muck?????

Hyogo TAKAHAWA was Muck, yes. And MASAKI, Muck. And KABUCKY? Super-homen!!! Super-man!!!!

The fact. Miyuki's quickest reply is beyond our limit. Anyway, congratulations!!! Miyuki likes to imagin her first one!!! And found some technics to do it, yes. At least, one. Shape and material should be chosen well. And the situation. It would vary from 1 to 5. And his, 5 to 1. The same. Like swing in adult version.

Kabucky loves her childplay. Anyway, guy!! Stupid!!!! With him, tug would be fine, thus he bit, and failed so muck. Suffered a lot. She is so so stupid and senseless. Lier!!! he almost yelled. You said, you said...Come one! Thus came...However, you didn't know...beyond the limit of our imagination!!! Usually should have known it type thing, she didn't, and after, Oh, that's it, yes, Oh, I should have noticed it. Oh, KABUCKY, you came, thus, Oh, you did get absent at the meeting in NZ...Oh, I thought that ....

KABUCKY was saved, however suffered a lot. A bet, yes. However, without knowing, who did it???? Incapable, like a criminal jurisprudence in Japan??? She was sleeping??? A kind of...Anyway, good. She is in mood means he is also.

And some chance to do it. Use swing. Oh, I try. And use it? Prevention??? Oh, to cap it??? Sometimes, or like TOUDAI-GUSA!!! Oh, TOUDAI grass, it produces white liquid, and URUSHI or Japanese lacqer is also the same type. And Elastic gum plants is the same. In lacquer's case, Miyuki was accustomed to get itchy after being picked.

Miyuki believed that plants world is different from Miyuki's ones? Different in detailed sense. However, generally speaking, individualism, and liberalism's ideological form. Presumable. Thus, not so distant like Totalirarianism and protectionalism. More individual choice is respected, and they like scholary colaboration. Theme choice, performence, and competition. Like academism.

Just didn't know it, however, so so different from I had learned in school, and from the books. However, some of my old knowledge sometimes works. Interpretation differed, however, better than ignorance type knowledge. Oh, I watched it on TV like familiar feeling, and new interpretations. Fact finding story. Never, ending stories!!! Remar!!

He looked like an indian boy, Miyuki thought, and remembered his black brows, and more oriental face. Too shy, shy, hush-hush, I do I, too shy, shy, hush-hush!!! ♫♬

  Miyuki is superb to think him as a kind of mix blood. Evey guy is a kind of mix blood. Brazilians are just some examples. Others also.

Miyuki talked on her white hair, so fine and long, from 5cm to 10cm, from her right upper arm. Probably, some white skin long hair tribe's residue. And recently, the same arm, in under part, a black more fat hair almost 5cm. Probably, some black fur type's mark.

Each part has the residue, was the reply. Thus, 8 nipples guy was an object of Wow!!! Swine, the commentater presumed. Exists? Watched. Quiz program. ビックリ人間登場 or Shoking Guy appears here, in the quiz corner.

Normal guy. Not so strange. A beautiful lady drank water from nose without feel any pain at all, was almost shoking. Moriko said the same feeling to Miyuki. So normaly, in front of audience, she did it. No strange impression at all. Just, "I am accustomed to do it" like normality she kept. If we had done it, a kind of laughing gag, physical version. In her case, pretty face worked to show her so normal. In Miyuki's case, her plain face, doesn't work to explain to the society that she is normal for us all.

Oh, so narrow hearted???

They want to shot Miyuki again???? Not at all!!! They want to shock her again??? Not at all!!!

They did it, and did it. And again, Auntie???

No choice of us all. Miyuki should prepare for the departure. Miyuki should take a bath, and KABUCKY is waiting for you, and you should come to us all!!! We are near!!! We need to evacuate from here, soon. And now, sleep well. They should vanish all in a body.

They should vanish???? Not at all. Miyuki believes our future. Or, no KOSMOS, and no muck. Explosion, they did. And split into 1000 wind????

Miyuki needs to think more quicker. Alex tried in every way. and his way is talk, anyway. It works, Miyuki did know well. Material way, only. And no man's land would be fine all of us!!! Of course, with satans, we can't do any criateve priductive work. Always threatening, and "No, no, no, Mr.consumers" situation.

Even now, they exist, and chase. At least, today, they appeared, as usuall, popped out, innecessarily.

Incects are comming. Malacca Greenish Blue black thread dragon fries, came in Silver Lake. So many!! And Green type, and more modest type, also. Probably, the legitimate kids between Miyuki and dragon fries.

Miyuki imagined to fly, borrowing the service of big ancient dragon fly, like ancient plant age. Without reliance, just a torture and homicide. however, with reliance, an experience to feel like "I can fly!"

She tried not to attack fry a big one, which came to her left hand. Too slow, however, she avoided to hit him. Anyway, he came by himself. Not plural. And calm. Thus, I, spontaneously, tried to hit him, however, refrained to do it. Because, unnecessary, Miyuki thought. In case of feeling of "I am attacked them!" is the time to fight against the nasty guys. In cockroach's case, unnesessarily????

Miyuki thought that their possibility to enter my mouth is big, and the smell already can't put up with, and backward, more 19 cockroaches have, it is said. Thus, Miyuki should atttack it, really thought.

Why the slow fly came? was her interest. Some representative? Miyuki didn't know which is which, thus, she pushed away, only. No hitting behaviour.

Some kind of training. To live, rightous nasty fellows. Thus, Miyuki stopped hitting it. However, slowness means that it were related with DDMs, thus, anyway, I will leaf it alone, Miyuki chose.

Now, Miyuki is so sleepy, and she need to quick check to her body. Bathing time.

See you on our blog!!! Chinkoro is a good representative of out team in the international world. Quick, and an excellent. Ambassador Emperor, he is called. I am proud of being your mate, Chinkoro!!!!

He likes to play with Miyuki. Slow, however amising. Difficult this combination is. Her case, CHINKORO is supporter, thus, she could do jump into the world. CHINKORO likes to imitate her. And she loves CHINKORO.

Nice pretty guy type, Miyuki presumed. And oh, so so similar to my faked wild hare slippers, Miyuki remembered. Chilblain killers, they were. Fat foods, not guts foods, they yelled????

Guts foods, not fat foods. Miyuki's choice.

VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly BUSU bitch Alzheimer satans, you are!!!

Good night for us all, and Rabby is ready to go, also, for our world of Plants age!!!! Ice age, no more!!!!

From WILD 7, with Big LOVE!!!!! CHINKORO, you are right!!! Bat man...Bat Rabbit!!!!! On the moon, he rolled the moon itself. Impossible. However, he did it. Like that. Head on the earth pose!!!! Miyuki would train it, however, no place to do so, and no supporters to do so. Only one...Miyuki should be saved by plural guys...

Then, see you tomorrow, rightous brothers in the world!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (132)

2017-06-28 19:50:17 | 日記
28/06/2017 (Wednesday, evening) Miyuki got up at 7:00 in the morning. She woke up at 6:45, and heard the conversation of YUKARI and her mother HARUMI. YUKARI said something on Miyuki, like, "She was in the office up to 2:00 in the morning", and they were in the good mood. Miyuki got chilled. They were monitoring us all, even now, after death like situation. And Miyuki ate her light meal, and accelatated her going out process. They also today would propose their Miyuki catch game, moving so many figures. The lowest ranking Satans, the both are, Miyuki really sighes.

From the begining, Miyuki's mother HARUMI was not interested in Baby Miyuki. Probably, for her, Miyuki is an ugly existance, against her expectation.

She didn't want to have a baby at that moment of Miyuki's pregnancy. Thus, she tried to kill her, using KINOHOLM, which caused some skewed body on Miyuki, and she pretended to erase the fact. Probably, Miyuki, EBITSU, and SASAKI were the victim of this matter. The mothers of them are all users of KINOHOLM, and for them, babies were not welcomed. "not yet!", they thought, and tried to kill the fatus, after the recognition of their conception. Thus, their head is skewed.

EBITSU has a transparent white skin, and rather bright brown hair. A bit quater like westernized face holder, she was. However, unfortunately, because of her skewed head, she was nicknamed EBITSU, or "Skewed", with Shirakawa dialect.

Probably, Miyuki was not welcomed after her born. Thus, 14 days delay was another kind of abandonment of her. Miyuki was a quiet baby, thus, they abandoned, and the skewed head was not perceived by them, both. Was their understanding. Quiet means that she was satisfied with her condition, and she was not so gymnastic type, thus, she was just smiling to others, and slept well, everyday.

After her mother HARUMI got to know her skewed head, it happened the confusion. "Why this grotesque monster came to my house? I want to abandon it. Is it a clinic to dispose it? I don't want to take care of her, anymore. Nasty. Not beautiful baby, like other girls' ones. Only when she smiles, I feel that she looks baby. Except, a monster."

HARUMI confessed considering the situation. Her dared confession got satans amused. Like YUKARI, HARUMI hated Miyuki, from the begining. Only Miyuki did not know it, and thought that HARUMI were kind.

Now, strange thing happened. There were a pair of pink sandals left on the entrance of the back door of the office. YUKARI or Clare, Miyuki presumed. When Miyuki tried to open the door of the clothing room, because in it, a fredge is located, someone shut the door, with the swift and dangerous mode.

Miyuki remembered that she was cut her smallest finger, by this shutting door, in the junior high. The guy, who was Kimiyuki ZENKI, probably, laught at Miyuki, when she cried of the pain. Bleeding. She thought as if its bone were broken. Why he, the wrongdoer laught at me?

It took one month to be cured. Too serious, and bleed for several days. Miyuki's mother was indifferent from her injury at all, and Miyuki really thought that it was better for me, and for us all. Harumi, the mother, would kill Miyuki, taking advantage of the injury in the hospital. They had a system to kill the kids easily.

Returning to the door shutting of Today, someone, didn't make any noise, after the shutting. And then, it left the office. Who? YUKARI or Clare, yes. However, which?, Unknown.

Then, Alex came, and went to toilet. Then, too too strange thing happened. HARUMI started to yell to Alex from the bath room, "Do you want to go to take a bath?" Oh, when she came to the office, and took a bath? No her sandals, with transparent blue ones called WARAJI, in the entrance.

Alzheimer satans forgot their identity. Who am I now fenomenum. Oh, "Who am I? Where is here?" with so girlish way of saying, was popular in 1980s among pupils, to pretend to be "cute" and "idiot", a dumb beauty, an ideal type for Japanese male.

She wanted to disturb Alex's basic necessity satisfaction behaviour. And failed, and then, soon she started to attack Miyuki, and yelled to Miyuki, who were writing on the office, "Are you here, Miyuki? Are you going to take a bath today? Your father would come back late today, thus, I need to ask you, if we keep the switch on until his coming up, or off now. Respond, as soon as possible!!!", in the total accusasion mode. Miyuki kept quiet, and HARUMI got upset, in fury. She said, "You should respond soon, are you here or not. You don't, stupid! How impolite you are!!! You should respond at least, on if you are here or not. We should be thrifty of bath using. I can't put up with energy loss. You, bitch, I will switch off. Impolite, stupid!"

Miyuki smiled and said, in a belly, "Go to Inferno! You are satans, we all know the fact, old bitches!!!", and continued to keep silent.

She wanted to show up at least she had power to oblige Miyuki to do something that HARUMI wanted.

And she failed. Miyuki heard that she said, "No way except giving up! She is totally stupid! We will lose so much money because of her arrogant arritude of non responding for us two! "

Miyuki did feel that "Oh, she recognized that she and her mad dog, and their team mates are the losers. And declared the loss, in public. Their way of saying is, without context, saying is the reality."

Thus, "I gave up on the war against you, betches! You are the winners, in the final end. We have lost. Your victory!", she meant.

Suddenly she appeared, and tried her final attacking. Alex tried to stop her audacious suicide bomb explosion, however, changed his mind. Anyway, Miyuki is persistent. She would put up with the old monstrous feeble-minded satans attacking. Thus, Miyuki, prepare! Your turn!, Alex thought.

Miyuki caught his message, and did as she were expected. Oh, she is the real guy. She didn't feel being thretening this time. And spent the time, listening to HARUMI's remarks.

You are the perfect player of the game. Too too cool, you are!!!! Despite of her flat face, she is a cool guy among them!!! Too too nasty, however, you are the superb!!!! Anyone applause her audacious silent play. She got to know their way of saying. Taking advantage of any remark of others, and abusing it, indifferent from the situation. Non-context approach was used for satans, thus, the both two were so valuable among the low ranking satans.

Anyway, jamheads, however, useful, because they were family members of Miyuki. Thus, they quitted them from the role. Useless, and their orders were absurd, and costive. Even satans thought that these jamheads were the reall mess. Muck, genuine Muck!!!

Miyuki would be fine among the DDMs, was their first impression on their meeting. And they wanted to introduce Miyuki to their boss, deciesed guy, because they knew that Miyuki could do it with diciesed guy, either. Oh, forgetful! Miyuki said, only with rightous ones, and they didn't remember the most important condition at all.

Today, HARUMI called Alex, without any respectful title. Only his name. Strange. They both were accostomed to use the name with some title, as usual. Abruptly, they becaume so arrogant against Alex. Why? Anyway, I need to take care of them, Miyuki warned to herself. Watch out, Miyuki! They would target you, next!!!

And they did. Why, without any sound, they could shift from the bathroom to the clothing room? And so short to out on the clothings. And when the mother entered into the bath room? YUKARI or Clare was in the bathroom, and they tried to bang Miyuki's finger, and this one already got out from the office.

They came to the door, as their liked, and, without any notice done by Miyuki, HARUMI was in the bathroom. They played the role of just abusers. At first, HARUMI attacked Alex, then, she shifted to Miyuki.

They couldn't calculate the time to be necessary to change their roles. And they forgot who they were playing. So called YUKAI, and so called HARUMI, the both are.

Miyuki was clever, and smiled charmingly, they explained to HARUMI, however, she disliked Miyuki. Ugly, anyway. Attractive, others said. Babies should be cute and pretty. However, HARUMI refused Miyuki's existance. Thus, she started to learn knitting, in the distance of 2 km from the house. Anyway, too too nasty to hear Miyuki's voice, she said.

Thus, quiet Miyuki was their choice. And Miyuki played the good role of quiet Miyuki, today all!!!

Everyguy appreciated her special thanks to the univers, especiall, gods of beuty, through plants all!!! They are my legitimate kids!!! She yelled. Thus, so so beautiful, changeable, flexible, and variety of flowers every day!!!

Today, recognized that the theme of today is "Blue and Red", in front of Shirakawa munincipality's hall, near the riverside. So long range of "Blue, next Red, next Blue, next Red!∞" of Rainy Season Flowers called AJISAI.

Miyuki accepted the fact of her mother's confession. Oh, I should have known it! like so so cool acceptance in her mind. Thus, I couldn't get along with her, despite of my several times of different types of attempts. I was slow to know it. Just it.

Rainy days, Miyuki rememered. 雨雨フレフレ母さんと、蛇の目でお使い嬉しいな。ピチピチ、じゃぶじゃぶ、ランランラン♫♬

 Rain, Rain, come on to us all, I am happy to make an errand with my mom. Pat-pat, jub-jub, Ran-ran-ran♫♬

 Guts cried at her story with her strange mother. For HARUMI, Miyuki is always a kind of lizzard. And for Miyuki, "feeble-minded, forgetful, flanboyant, however kind old lady", she was. A big gap, in the emotional phase. And for Miyuki, just I made a mistakenly dealing with her as human being. Just a bitch Alzheimer satan, she was.

For others astonishing, evey guy was killed because of the mother's betrayal. Always, they were satans. They were not kind, indeed. finally, they betrayed.

Always, probably. And Miyuki thought that her mother just wanted Miyuki to punish for her life, as much as possible. Over 50 years old, Miyuki would be killed, they both thought, HARUMI and YUKARI. They calculated Miyuki as 49, one year older than YUKARI. YUKARI thought that she was 49, and now, Miyuki is 49 for them both.

Always same type of confusion they made. Miyuki is different from Clare, and Miyuki is eaning monery. Anyway, she is working in her own judicial field. They started to advocate Miyuki, to avoid the nasty result. However, they triggered their measure usulessly again.

Today, when she was in the riverside, their attacking started. A lot of cars came to chase her. Until the moment, no man's land, in Shirakawa. suddenly, the game started. Machinery's killing game, it was called. They had no choice to resist them both. For them, any satan would be killed immediately. Miyuki is a betrayer, and she should be killed, they declared today to their team mates. And the latter understood the situation. We should not have participated into the lost game. Already lost, however, the two insisted not. Their choice.

And they should vanish immediately!!! Bombs, input inside them both. Betrayal's suicide bombs. Pooh like smell. Oh, I need to sleep in HARUMI's chamber, with the smell???? Just open air would be fine. Window open mode, Miyuki. They both smells shit. And evacuation...Oh, I smell it in the supermarket, especially, Benimaru-Showamachi, in each lane of the inside of the building. Foods with shit and fass. And also in WAHIO, in YUKI.

terrible, however, it is the fact of Shirakawa. For the faked clerks, water place is toilet, and they did it as they thought. "I think here is toilet" YUKARI declared, and HARUMI did it in the market, in public.

"Anyway, we should show up our appearance as power holders. We are the high ranking existance of this town SHIRAKAWA" they both thought.

The messy old smelly bithes are our bosses? They got upset, and hated it. However, they insisted. Thus, they yelled, "Show your audacious play!" And they started to shit in the super markets. Anyway, dogs do like that, YUKARI taught her mother.

YUKARI is so reliable to the mother. And they bought the supermarkets in Shirakawa, all, in a body. And they failed. They got caught, and scolded by their police and religious leader. And because of impoliteness, they were told to be killed. And they were obliged to sell Miyuki's body and soul, without noticing Miyuki.

For them, nothing at all, while for Miyuki, it matters. Thus, they caught Miyuki, and put her in jail called Kyorin Hospital, and allowed their leader to kill Miyuki.

"You should take a rest anyway." was HARUMI's mother's saying, when Miyuki called to her house from Kyorin Versity hospital. "Take a rest? Are you kidding? I was forced to put in a jail, mother!", Miyuki yelled, however, HARUMI repeated her remark as usual. "You should take a rest enough in the hospital. Nutrish well. You are lean. You should eat well."?????

Miyuki was so so nasty to hear her saying, because she responded in Kyorin's line.

Satanic line, exactly. All family should obey to the worker's boss. In case of Miyuki, all family should be killed by the boss, included. Satans' choice, Miyuki did????

Miyuki refused Satans' choice???

For her, no information at all, at this point. No man's land means no male exists. I know well. Thus, Alex is now in danger. Alex should wear skirt. Fake like a female. Better than MATSUKO.

Miyuki's pragmatic line is wonderful. Thus, some TONGA wear would be fine. Clothings were chosen. And towelket would be fine to fake so. Cheapish, however, better than nakid.

They should evacuate soon, they yelled. Oh, make a fass, immediately, they both, outside, or on the road!!!

Miyuki, you are so so clever to say so. However, for others, a kind of woe on the eye. They are smelly. Thus, they should go outside. Good. And they would lose the way. Much better. And they are going to Tokyo. Walk!!!

Miyuki said only 200 km. Thus, they took a pair of shoes. Oh, ghosts had feet. And they wore them. As they liked. And they forgot to do evacuate. And did it now. Smelly, and dirty. In this case, post death punishment is ? Money. They gave a damage for us all. We are obliged to clean up. Thus, they should pay.

POST Death syndrome is called, "No man's land". Scientific. The same.

Miyuki, you are brave to ignore them both. They should be wind of us all. Terrible. Storm. Nasty. Monolis cloud's team mate. Rapists, west wind. Maryline Monroe's way to put her mands on the skirt, when they came.

Oh, "Oh, MORETSU!" of the commercial girl of IDEMITSU petroleum company. How nasty! they said. HENTAI or H, 変態 was used to appoint them both.

Eveyday, old kinky guy appeared and they were instructed by the guy. And they got arrogant. And finally combined into one, and made a big mistake. Don't appear in the two place at the same time.

Satanic magic world, they turned Shirakawa to. They started to use the power recently, when YUKARI started to each muck in realy. I could fly, I flied. I can order anything like a god.

Oh, Lucy in the sky with the diamond fanomenum. LSD, she used.

Muck, Miyuki thought. However, not at all. Muck shape LSD. No. It smelled like MUCK. Muck itself.

Miyuki smelled it near the nose, and confirmed. MUCK itself. The reality.

Who could dare to smell it? Miyuki only. At a glance, yes. However, for confirmation, Miyuki smelled, and felt the nasty one, and traw it into the ditch.

Too too dangerous, and who is the muck drinker, Miyuki thought. In a plastic mug. In November, 2016. Alzheimer, Miyuki thought in depth.

Alzheimer satans, they were already. And YUKARI did wrong again. She appeared today also. In the kitchen, she appeared, as Miyuki wrote before.

She was taken by another guy's role. Thus, they are three. Her father particiated in Miyuki's catch. Family shames collector she is, they yelled, and he wanted to know how she behaved. And he noticed that she was so cool to others. No one should touch her. For her, only Fauna & Flora are friends. No man's land. She never wants to talk for ugly bithes. Only rightous guys. Fauna and Flora, only rightous ones.

Miyuki's choice is not understandable for most of them, especially old guys in the village. Of course, they are satans. Without saying.

Miyuki is talkative, and training English, they thought, and yes. She talked to her friends. For her, no man's land signifies no satans' land. Quick! More! Accelate the process!!!! We are already in the new age!!!! We should be obliged to change the system, and clean up as soon as possible.

Miyuki's mates were considered to be killed, they both said. Because of shames, she wrote, they said. Thus, they? No response. No being seen. Vanished!!!!

Miyuki is enough to clean up a bit. They would manage the situation. Miyuki needs to train more languages, in the world of plants. Need to speak more quieter???? I made a mistake to speak so quiet...

And they liked her way of speaking. Talkative plants age is comming. They told already, in a part, Miyuki could hear. Now, more talkative. Oh, taiphoon???

Miyuki should prepare for their departure. They want to be victims of Taiphoon. No. Right now!!!! Don't wait for Taiphoon. Immediately, at once. OK? No time for the losers, 'cos we are the champions, of the world!!!!!Queen.

子連れ狼 or Wolf with a baby in a stroller, Miyuki imaged, when she was pushing the stroller of Alex and Clare. She wanted to be Red Butler, in "Gone with wind", however, jobless, messy, and the result, Wolf with a baby in a stroller, played by Kinnosuke YOROZUYA.

For others, probably, just a mother. However, to console me myself, I should image me like that.

And she felt so nasty that someone called Miyuki, "Mother of Alex or Clare". I am not mother, parent. However, always, they yelled Miyuki like that. Terrible. Contemptious. However, probably, they don't understand how I felt. Just contemptious. Yes, I am responsible of my kids. However, why they oblige me to play the rule of kinky bitch called mother. Parent, or Miyuki SATOW herself, is suitable words. However, for their feeble-minded, they couldn't understand it at all.

Miyuki imagined that Carousell was obliged to grow up a kid as her adopted guy. She appeared in the class, because she wanted to watch his class performance. Then, Mr.Responsible Teacher version yelled her, "Oh, mother of the boy Alex!". How do you fell Carousel???

Calousel doesn't feel any contemptous at all. Just feel, Oh, guy, you took me as Miyuki???? Miyuki dislikes to be called like that. For me, trifle. Anyway, kid's family. Enough. Mother is not contemptious word for me at all. For Miyuki's case, understandable. We are similar, however, not the same. Oh, you are such a type?!!!

For Miyuki's expectation, mother would mean "Old Bitch", while, for Calousel, just a lady...Ummmm....Who is another who feels like me????

Why for her, Mother is so contemptious? Probably, non working palacite, while protected by the society, as some sacred guy. Bitch. With declaration, it is called MIKO. ニッペンの美子ちゃん. Miss MIKO, of Nippon Penmanship Association.

美子 is also pronounced like Yoshiko. And KAKISHIMA liked to pretend to be her????

One page comic advertisement of penmanship training, on the back cover of girly comic. Once per month. How this illustlator earned money with such a messy comic? How much per page? Miyuki got interested in its financiall matter. And KAKISHIMA, a kind of lover of this series????

For KAKISHIMA, a kind of symbol of her age. ???? Advertizement. No one paid attention to type. Even though, for KAKISHIMA, a kind of jewel????

She expressed her life so. Oh, once per month type. Oh, TAKAHARA, you would be a gainer of her!!! Tokyo Versity's first lady professor of Law. How about U2, after death in INFERNO???? Date in Inferno, in the tower building? Towering Inferno!!!

Sao Paulo was the name of the real site. Miyuki watched the building, which was pointed by NINOMIYA, and he said, "Now, it turned to be parking lots." Oh, in Shirakawa. Flat Towering INFERNO, without necessity. Logically saying, no man's land in a flat space. Almost all of them, the flat spaces, were called parking lots.

And Miyuki watched that Greek Arthodox provided parking lots per month. Here and there, only parking lots world. Better than Gulliver days, covered with a lot of vihicles. Gulliver is the name of the company who provided used cars for faking the sites so populous.

The most typical expample was Tokyo HANEDA airport. No man's land, and high stories of parking lots, filled with vehicles. For satans, anyway, parking lot is important, while who runs isn't. Satans are ilegible. Just slow and bad mind holders.

IT happened in Shirakawa, this messy old only erotic Alzheimer satans could appreciate it type, was a kind of inducing points. Almost all of discriptions done by these nasty wrongdoers called Alzheimer writting, or ALZ letters, in short, アルツ文字 in Japanese. The proofs of the shames. And so interesting is, the advertisements written in this Alzheimer letters were increasing. Thus, Miyuki and Adachi's Shames Collection is so fat, on behalf of it. Shirakawa residents were killed almost 3 years ago, of vanished because of the punishment done by Gods of Justice.

How the rural village called Shirakawa has 3 Benimarus, big supermarkets, arround the village? And 2 KAWACHI drugstores, Washio, Sundrug, 2 Daisos, YAMADA electric equipment center, Ke's DENKI, KOJIMA, and so on, the big box type facilities, usually only big urbanized town has type ones???

And so many funeral companies's facilities here and there, all of them are enoumous big box, like AOKI, SAGAMI, and ALFA-CLUB, more than 10. More than residents, the facilities' number is.

So many cleaning shops, here and there, especially, SUZUKI Cleaning shops, and so many empty box type public facilities, including cultural ones, like municipality hall, prefactural builiding, state agencies' building, Detention, Court, Library, KOMINEs, Local Cultural Centers, Museums, Tax office, Police offices, and so on.

And so many fire departments. Each block has one special house for the fire engine. Total, probably, more than 30 sites. Schools also no pupils' land.

This morning, Miyuki checked Shirakawa III, because at 8:00 in the morning, she heard so many different chorus songs at the same time. Result was, only two so small kids class were open, and only one class was filled with kids. One more, beside it, was almost emply. So few kids and OPPABU teacher was there. Oh, vanishing????

Miyuki watched vanishing process, in collective way!!! Just she thougt, "Oh, ugly rural mother type teacher was with less kids. So quiet after the chorus." And today, they chorus yelled, "We are KIKKO kids, we are going to the special place to our religious leader. We are happy, thank you, leader!" in a monotonous unison voice. Spooky, and they doubled the voices, to fake the real chorus.

And satans are a kind of voice trained actors. They could change the voice immediately. Thus, mature lady like voices were heard from the primary school. We call it Moony Sister's unison chorus.

Anyway spooky, and not skillful. Monotonous, and downward only. We are digging the tunnel or tumb to reach INFERNO like singing, they did.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (131)

2017-06-28 00:04:07 | 日記
Marvelous!!! Alex liked her most sadistic version!!!! Miyuki liked to be sadistic to the enemy all. They are satans, who deserved to be treated like themselves. Satanic punishment wonderland. Buggy men? Earth, Wind and Fire.

Miyuki liked to be dancing with wolves. Oh, some kind of. Tigers, also OK. And with DDMs? Not at all. They should fail, by themselves. Ellas dancaram.

Miyuki believed the power of magic. Yes. Satans are so illogical. And beyond our scientific knowledge. Thus, magic, would be called. Witch, Bitch, Shabu Shabu, Run, Run, Run away from our peaceful beautiful universe!!! ♫♬

 Miyuki liked to say to them, BUSU bitches!!! Of course!!! They really so BUSU, prostitutes, and ugly erotic satans. Why not???

Especially, in front of kids, Miyuki said so. Effective. They are muck. And now, the quantity of muck is so limited, thus, they produce mini-skin bag, used less muck. It means we are cleaning up so much. Kids use less muck, thus, the valueless version. Big Muck is precious, and difficult to produce now. Thus, bulky busts are precious for them all. Thus, mini-bust version. Thus, Miyuki was thought some inferior version of Muck. And they were obliged to know that she is not so miniture version near. And they bows, as if, I made a big mistake. I thought you were inferior. Please forgive me, big lady, OK? And Miyuki's reply is always refusal. Vanish! DDMs!!! You are just Alzheimer satans. Immediately, eternally, entirely, all in a body!!!!!

Thus, they should vanish. Reducing, anyway. however, the vehicles on the national roads were increasing suddenly. Damps, Tracks, Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum-Bum, Smoke, Smake poles, Gleasy oils, however, our old pal steam ship doesn't sing any more♫♬. Pom Pom Steam Engine Ship's song.

 Miyuki doesn't lose any memory at all. And remembered the name Petronius's name yesterday. Oh, Saturicon. Saturnus's way of life. Thus, Miyuki would play the leader of Sirenus, the ex-slave Trumarkion, in the film. Saturikon III, Shirakawa III version.

Sadistic mother, they called Miyuki???? Sadistic aginst DDMs. It means who called me so in negative way would be DDMs.

Thus, they failed. For them, Miyuki's way of life is crazy??? Why??? The same species would be punished by themselves, was Plants land's rule. However, Miyuki is superb compared with the satans. At least, she is a human being, they all agreed, it means, Miyuki should not be punished by the satans.

However, they always chased her, searching some points to attack her. No, No, No! Don't do it like message here and there. Singapore or Oliental land? And they checked her as much as possible. Satan's proofs, by them own. Own goals, only. How efficient!!!! Easy and quick. PErfect. Thus, the proofs are so important. Miyuki understands well. Devil's advocate is not applied for the satans, of course. I am proud of being I. Why I was obliged to behave like satans? They should vanish, and they should do total perfect indemnization all in a body at once, immediately. Don't delay. Delay would be another wrongdoing.

And they try to delay the process. Betrayal. Vanish, anyway, immediately. Their excuse is another wrongdoing.

They always tried to attack Miyuki to force her to speak anything. Do you want a plastic bag?, like unnecessary question as always. Good morning, like everyday's complement to her.

This morning, Miyuki got astonished. A white car got out of the courtyard of the house, and only several meters it went, and stopped. An old bitch got out, and entered into the confectionary called KANAYAMA-YA, in UMAMACHI area. They said, "Good afternoon!" "Good afternoon!" mutually. Both old guys. In the morning, at 8:00. Shirakawa figures changed so much. All Alzheimer patients, without exception!!!!

In the early morning, we don't say, KONNICHIWA. Only Alzheimer patients say so. Because for them, three different compliments from morning to evening were too too difficult. Their vocabulary is so limited.

In Kyorin, pupils said only "Good morning" to others. According to them, they imitated the way done by artists. Always "good morning!" world, they were already.

In rural version, always "good afternoon!" They obliged Miyuki to say so. If say so, it means that you accept our require, according to their self satisfactional story. SELF Satisfaction. Film would be produced. Miyuki would be targetted to be hired by them, as the role of the victim, who would be sacrifieced by the satans. Fumuki SATO, was his name. No promissive, and old guys. Sadist, probably. Non artistic at all.

Miyuki remembered Bruce Lee's son playing the role of Crow, in the film. I don't want to be him. My favoret is to be a producer of film. You, Fumiki, are substituted. Thus, common guys, let's produce the most sadistic films, taking advantage of the residue of Shirakawa satans. All tortures and physical punishement are allowed to do play. Common, sadists, rightous only. Wanted!!!!

Miyuki likes to play the role of sadists. Thus, we should take advantage of making the films. They yelled. Sadist, she is. They can't recognize the difference between sadists and mazochists. Thus, they should be mazohist. Mazohistic Satans' life and their instructions. Non valuable. Just do it.

Thus, they should be cut in 1000 pieces on the wind. 千の風になって. ♫♬

 They wanted to sing their own song. They punished them when Miyuki is going out. Miyuki should protect them both now???

They both are in danger of vanishing. Vanish! DDMs. I help them to vanish!!! Accelarator, Miyuki was. And now, they are already done. Just a sleeping sound mode. Better than existing.

Miyuki felt strange for their existance? Harmful. Always checking some trifle error, and like to appoint it in the loud voice. For them, pleasure. Ex-Dean Kazuaki MATSUDA was such a type. Sly jealous bitch type male.

He was a victim, at first, when he got hired at Kyorin versity. During many years, he was treated so bad, and when he grasped the power, he turned to be a satan. And he told a lot of skills to torture to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki knows well how they trapped others.

Trauma caused him to be satans, yes. He was jealosy, anyway. He targetted Miyuki only. A kind of fanatic fun, he was. Only she would learn the skills he said to others. Oh, I learned yes. Thus, I informed them all to our side. Just an Alzheimer satan, who couldn't recognize the difference between enemy and friends.

Satans are so idiots. Alzheimer patients. Miyuki yelled. And the world broke. Alzheimer satans world already. Only Japanese people were ignorant at this point. They sold all of precious things to others, including life, soul, body, mind, privacy, personality, property and so on. No contract would be effective, because they are ilegitimate. Why they believed that they could? Because they were already mentally illed Alzheimer satans.

And the counterparts were also Alzheimer satans. Thus, they contracted. Ineffective, yes. Thus, no value at all, from the begining. No cansalation process needed in this case. 無効 or totally inneffective, it is called Japanese lega term.

So obvious, and so harmful, were two requisites to be totally innefective. Precious values satisfied the second requisite already. And obvious, we proved absolutely. Thus, 無効. No effective, at all, from the begining!!!!

Marvelous!! Perfect theory!!! You learned lot the theory. You are good professor of law!!!! Probably. easy. Any common sense holders know it type. Just a sense of put the concepts into legal technical terms. More easy to explain to others. A kind of accelarators to be quicker. Just it. Not so special superb technics. however, at least, I am proud of being the user of this logical thinking accelarators.

Alex would like to be the same, and quitted and now rethinks. For all of us, a kind of necessity to think logically. And legal thinking would help the way so lot. If you need, I will assist you to be so. However, for free type job. Just a pleaure and some kindness returning process. For earning living cost, you should have some more skills.

Miyuki agreed to be a professor of law for Alex????

He taught it in the versity so called, Laughing Story's versity. As you like.

And he wants to write the story of Mitsuru ADACHI??? Touch???? Kenny, Alex. Not MITSURU.

ADACHI agreed. OK, as you like, and under his agreement, in every part. Because it includes his personal private matters, like split from his ex, Miss Brazil, and now, a difficult attempt to approach an ex real princess. Thus, you should know the limit, OK. Always he would advice you, how decorate his episode in more manish way.

Lady & Lady & Lady...Three female eggs were cobimed to produce crones, was an astonishing news for us all, including Miyuki. OMANKO world's grotesque sin, they all thought.

And now, parody version. Roberta, CAMA-LIN and CHIGU-LIN. They tackled to make a baby. Miyuki agreed to use her womb as the fetus' special VIP room, and the former two did it with total satisfaction, and chose Miyuki as their result's keeper. Thus, the fatus was put inside the Miyuki's belly. And Miyuki did know already. Through the exchange of body liquid, some gene transformation happened. Miyuki's case was an example. After Alex's fetus came, Miyuki's food inclination changed. And it also happened in the last moment of Clare's fetus period. Eating habit. More meat eater, Miyuki turned. Westernization from inside. Outside, not at all.

Then, the third fetus comes, Miyuki would change, as she likes. Only food habit???? Miyuki wants to extend her legs. Hope their fatus helps her to have a pair of longer legs!!!! Fetus, please, give me now!!!! Duran Duran!!!

Her legs should be fine for others. For DDMs, jealousy only world's creature, OK, yes. However, for her, not at all. She is fighting against for it, in a certain meaning. Now, she should regain her power again and again.

Thus, we should try to be coolish to DDMs. Satans, in short. We should refrain from them. Existance should be ignored. Transparency JAPAN, and the world. Oh, also for it????

Transparency means "Public matters should be talked freely under the total data kept in public agencies." Thus, not conceal any fact at all!!!!

Not only bribe matters, but also privacy related matters. However, they concealed, and legitimatized under the name of "Public benefit". Alex asked to the Ms.Responsibles, "What is Public Benefit?" And they couldn't explain. Thus, they attacked Alex. Explanation should be done, was accountability's meaning. Thus, Todai related replaced the meaning to the superficial way. Who did it, Miyuki did know well. A guy, NOZAKI's junior in Philosophy of Law. Miyuki perticipated in the presentation of him, in 1993, probably. And he insisted the above replacement theory.

And Miyuki felt that he really got rotten, when she read on his article regarding to tax and nation's participation theory.

He wrote like that:
Tax would be paid by non-Japanese also. Exists the theory of "Who pays could perticipate into the public matters". However, even in case of pre-modern tax collecting, existed some ones, who paid tax, and didn't participate into the public matters. Thus, actually, in Japan, non-Japanese, who pays tax, should not participate into public matters.

Should be matter and exist matter were coufused. Young Alzheimer, he is suffering, Miyuki sighed. NOZAKI thought the same. He turned to be a Testacles Pet, and she appointed it to him directly, "Oh, guy, you are just an apple polisher, now!" and counterattacking started. Oh, Chiken could do it???

Every night, he yelled to her, "I will kill you, I will kill you." Like Nirvana song. And he targetted her as the aim of assasin. The feeble minded type? I thought that INOUE did it.

Miyuki didn't know their way. Anyway, find the target, and attack it so harsh, and push it to a certain place, and trap it with some sweet words.

Oh, chain play. I was experienced it at Kyorin-Aoyama-Tsudajuku. Thus, they are 同じ穴の狢 or Wild Cats in the Same hole.

Thus, they should cut the ties of each common guys. In TOHOHO tribe, Miyuki was targetted after their total falling. Post Death attacking by spooky ghosts. Thus, gags. Only non effective acts consecutively. However, some old nasty fellows participated into the job, and caused the nasty real damages.

Gags, exactly. However, they chase Miyuki only. When she recognizes emptiness, they popped out to disturb her sight. They just want to play with Miyuki. It means they just want to kill her. For them, "just" and for us, not at all.

Miyuki found a big wheel track with no inside, with high cargo position. Too too dangerous, it would get someone involved into the wheels. Herman Hesse. Chinkoro read it, and his impression. "Trash!"

For Miyuki, feeble guy's chicken story. And Tootu OOYAMA liked to mention this book, and Magic Mountain by Thomas Man.
In the latter case, Miyuki felt that he has it. Talent to fell the age's air.

Oh, MOMOE's 青いとき or Blue Period, by TAKAHASHI.

She was a copy writer, and produced the book, and put MOMOE YAMAGUCHI on the position of BOSATSU, a female statute of BUDDA, who allowed to be raped. MOMOE was a kind of DIVA for old erotic satans.

Because she was brought up in a poor family, with so old father. Her poverty caused her to deliver newspapers to each residence near her house. And the father requiered her sufficient money to live, and she were obedient to his order. Idealization of erotic satans. Obedient girl.

Plain flat sleepy face, she had. And she accepted all what would be done in the near future. A dumb, for Miyuki. However, the book described her a kind of divine existance.

Miyuki is not divine existance. human being. Just it. She prefers to be so.

And magic? Ink? Tape?

Miyuki liked to refer to the purple magic ink's episode of Kazuhiro TAKAHASHI. He was a painter's son, and had a tiny bold part in his head. Just 0.5cm x 0.5cm or so.

One day, he came to junior high, with his bold part painted with purple magic ink. Oh, different from others. He chose purple, not black!!! Thus, the son of the painter. His team mate OOTAKE praized him. At the same time, Miyuki laught at his audacious performance. Miyuki didn't recognize it, before, and after OOTAKE's pointing, she recognized and laught at it. Nice, however, how I could put up with it!

Thus, he was nicknamed as 紫マジ or MURA-MAJU, or Purple Magic boy, since the performance.

If Miyuki didn't recognize it, he could have faked totally fat haird normal head holder, however...

Not because of only me, but also, of OOTAKE, he was nicknamed. It happened.

Miyuki, in case of boldness, how you bahave? It all depends. In case of total, I prefer, sometimes SKIN HEAD guy, Sometimes, Princess Crane, 鶴姫 or, sometimes wig using, in various colours and designs, I would buy, and enjoy all of my appearance.

And it happened in OOTAKE. Bold, she turned to be, once. Now, gained. Oh, it happened. Sometimes, because of medicine, like mercury, sometimes by shocking. Sometimes by some situation.

In Miyuki's case, Yuki MATSUSHITA called Bold, and Miyuki got astonished. For her, only the hair's inclined position. However, "I don't care your bold part." He said. Oh, I have a bold part?, and at first, Miyuki recognized that someone thought this inclination as bold. Not amusing, however, I don't waste time to think of it. Just take care in case of total inclination, not to be seen bold. Just correct inclination a bit. Enough.

Chasers are strange. They like to point out our weakpoint as many as possible, while they are free from any accusation, they thought. PErfect appearance holders, probably, subjectively.Divine God like existance, for themselves.

KAKISHIMA was really the type. She put a copy of "Venus's Birth" ob Bottichelli on the living room. Plampy girls' nude, in short. And Miyuki thought that this crazy old bitch felt like the resemblance of this girl, probably. Narcistic. You are not young, bitch, Miyuki said directly to her in a belly.

And today, Miyuki remembered that in a part of this famous painting, a Flora girl was stolen by nasty wind. Oh, rapist prasing sciene. ZABINI's robbery.

Miyuki remembered that when she participated in Roman Law's lecture done by Ichiro KOBA at Tokyo Versity, this kinkiest guy explained that ZABINI's robbery legend. Rapist inclination, and the money for raping should be paid by the victim's side. According to his opinion. Roman history starts on this legend, he said clarely.

Miyuki stopped to participate his class, because his explanation was highly vague, like literature or predict. Only declaration world's figure, she categorized it, and quitted.

Raping is so common in Japan. Physically attaking these old guys. Even a-sexual Miyuki was targetted several times. She remembers each wrongdoing in Tokyo.

On the JR train, near Tokyo Versity, it attacked her hip, and the finally, grasped her hip meat!!!
On the private train, MARUNOUCHI line, she was attacked by it, who sat beside her. She was sleeping because of being tired, and it put his finger into her skirt's inside, and tried to touch on the panty, in front of it. She got up, and stood up. They guy run away. Even now, she remembered his face. Plumpy, popped eyed figure.

On the private train, Hachiro OGUIWARA, her predissesor of Association of Cultural Intercourse between Brazil and Japan, started to approach her fairly near up to his tigh touched her slender counterpart. Terrible! She moved slightly, and he stopped. He said, "My wife is now pregnant for 5 months". What did it mean? Miyuki got in wonder, and he did it like that.

And in the train near Hachioji, a super fat man started inclined to her, faking to sleep, and he inclined so much, and Miyuki's rib bones were almost broken by his heavy weight. She tried to escape from him, however, couldn't, and finally, in the end, she could survive, and the fat man, abruptly stood up, and dashed out from the door.

And, as you know well, Penis Worm Yoshihiko KOGA attacked her bust, on 16th of October, 2015.

Miyuki was a-sexial, until 2012, august. She pretended not to be so attractive to males. Despite of her struggle to show not to be promissive in physical appreacance, they attacked like those. Thus, more common girls would be attacked so many times, Miyuki presumed.

Once in Platinum Dormitory, MADOKA informed that she was forced to see erotic kinky rapist's P, in front of her, in the train near YOKOHAMA. The old rapist wore A line coat, and suddenly he opened the coat, and inside, nakid!!!! MADOKA was so astonished, and informed us.

Only Miyuki remembered her disceiption. Miyuki had some memory is different, they thought. Miyuki likes to be praised by her episode accumulating power. Not good at memory, however, I can remember each episode, like "Please praise me more and more" type, she is.

Miyuki liked to talk in front of her pupils. It all depends. Critics, yes. Just an explanation...not so much. Dull work, She thought. yes, money weighs. If necessary, I will do these explanation jobs. And for some necessary, I will do these explanation as my pleasure, of course. For DDMs, any explanation doesn't work. Thus, I know the result. Thus, I hate to speak with them. Ineffective, and time consuming. For fresh guys, Miyuki likes to repeat her stories, of course!!!!

No possibility to understand us, Clare sighed. She tried, however, she couldn't. Too too nasty. Too too offended, she deeply thought. Miyuki did know well. DDMs have no sensibility, just attack others, as they like, when they prefer.

today, a raid happened on her chamber. I need to check your body. Are you OK, Clare!!! Sick!!! Clare felt so fear, and prayed not to do so. And she stopped. Good grief. She would stop her wrongdoing any more. She is dead already. Just yell, Miyuki thought. Not at all. Kinky old lady, she is. And filled with curiosity to peep other's private matters. Mentally illed. They really thought of it. And yelled as if I were the superior to you, loud in the voice. Crazy Grand Mother, she is. We should irradicate her attacking.

She is in the final stage yes. Just Alzheimer kinkiest satan, she is. YUKARI is also the same. Twins, they both are.

And now, Miyuki could come to her mother's chamber. She is sleeping anyway. Sleepy however, what shall we do like situation for Miyuki and Clare. Alex was attacked by YUKARI. Sexual abusers, her families are!!!

Alzheimer disease brought by Miyuki, they yelled. And they themselves were revield as Alzheimer patients. They denied, however, the facts, here and there. Enough to excuse not to be so. Just go to INFERNO!!!!

Thus, sleep well, for us all.
VANISH! DDMs!!! Ugly Crazy Alzheimer Satans!!!

Then, see you in our blog!!!! We are always mates!!! Kabucky love you so much!!! Anyway, cheerful life would start!!!!!

From Wild 7, with Big LOVE!!!!

Two shepards are waiting for your invitation!!! See you soon!!!!