Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (128)

2017-06-26 19:12:32 | 日記
26/06/2017 (Monday, morning) Miyuki was forced to get up early in the morning by her mother, at 5:00, and she started to her investigation at 6:30 morning. Already, satans started to produce the faked sound arround the block, including Shirakawa III primary school, and faked walkers, combined with monitoring job participants, started to appear.

However, they are too too slow. When Miyuki got to a convenience store near the sports park, the shop couldn't prepare any fried snack at all. Miyuki took the picture of the empty shelves of them, in the casher.

She went to the park, and found that already more than two groups were occupying the space. Earily morning occupation game, they are doing, probably. Only one day's boss in the facility, was this period's version.

This morning, Miyuki got to notice that the yellow can of two sissors vanished from the book shelves. This thieves stole the sissors Miyuki recognized. And remembered that even in Tokyo, residents were not mentally sane, and they stole so many times sissors. Probably, they are satans, who are afraid of being pointed to be fools, because there is a proverb, "馬鹿と鋏は使いよう”or, BAKA-TO-HASAMI-HA-TSUKAI-YOU, or "We can take advantage of fools and sissors." Thus, Alzheimer satans, in a slung.

In Shirakawa, in Miyuki's house, sometimes sissors were stolen. Satans are afraind of being revealed that they suffered from Alzheimer disease. Thus, they stole them, to avoid to be called "idiots".

Stealing jobs are called Pick disease, and it is a main character of Alzheimer disease. Sissors thieves, satans are. They are also afraid of being cut it. Cut P, Cut the head, and Cut the belly.

Beat it, would be replace with these three cuts. Michael would adore to dance the perfect version!!!

Convenience, is the priority, said Miyuki's ex-colleage NISHI, clarely. Miyuki deeply sighs, that our civilazaion is totally failure, because of it. Miyuki also, in a certain meaning, believes that convenience was not so bad. However, who persued for convenience, failed and turned to be a follower of inconvenience. Any beauty existes in this so called civilization. Because of convenience, the human figures, including human beings, deligated the management of the planet in the hand of the satans, and in the end, satanic idiocracy we gained.

In the last stage of the so called civilization, the reason of the satans were revealed. Just devastation of the planet, just because of their jealousy. "I dislike Miyuki, thus I destroy the planet." was YUKARI and her mother's dying message. We have already thought of it, without your dying message. Unnecessarily, woult be put.

We, human beings' products, are so ugly. Miyuki sighed deeply. She thought honestly, looking the vehicles, roads, and the houses. Thus, we should pay the debt to other species, who have been put up with the nasty, ugly, dirty situation, which we have produced up to now. Our choice.

MIYUKI believed that Civilization would save the planet. According to her opinion at that time, among the scientific knowledge, there were demerits and merits. And the latter could cure the false results, which were caused by the former. Too too primitive, however, Miyuki believed, and acted like that, as a kind of scholar, in social sciences.

Miyuki got to realized that she made big big mistakes so much, without knowing it were so big. And now, the result. Plants Era, came. However, even now, satans are here and there, despite of our total efforts. Miyuki should know the reason of their arrival. They were invited by human being's convenience oriented value.

Quick, and easy. Sometimes it was a killer frase for human beings, including Miyuki. Miyuki enjoyed to eat RAMEN, despite of their non delicious taste. "Anyway, easy and quick", and the residue. Miyuki intentionally now behaves like a naughty boy like. However, almost all of them were made of fosseles. Miyuki liked fosseles, because they are jewels, for Miyuki. Miyuki liked mosquito included fosseles, called KOHAKU or brown dew like jewels. Coals were made of plants body. Precious values. Thus, flamable. Thus, asfart would flamable, Miyuki presumed, and she imaged to petica or Franklin Stove to fuel with asfart in winter. Probably, a bit nasty smell would produce, however, in open air space, human beings would put up with the smell, and could cook with them.

Miyuki, you are so so primitive to think so...and asfart would be used for flamable!! Oh, OK? Oh, a kind of ansestors of the plants!!!!

Better than plastic bags. It's difficult to return to the natural situaion. However, eaters appeared. Oh! YUKARI liked eat plastic bags, because of the sweet smells. Oh, Sweet dreams, Eurhysmix!!! An-ta-ha-erai!!! An-ta-ga-taisho!!1 You are great, Miyuki!!! Your imagination would be superior to Chinkoro's.. Oh, thank you, Chinkoro!!!!

Chinkoro thought that Miyuki would refuse his proposal to do it with two german shepards. Why? For Miyuki, Chinkoro did pledge for Miyuki???? To protect from germ??? Thus, with prevention. Sufficient.

Chinkoro liked Miyuki's quick response. No worry, this guy has. Human beings should be worrying many things, Chinkoro thought, and failed. Anyway, for her, only doing it is her intention, on this matter. Thus, CHINKORO did another pledge. MIYUKI is the gentleman!!! Oh, thank you!!! And lady, sometimes. Oh...thanks...anyway.

Miyuki, you thought that you are a kind of NEMESIS, the angel of revenge, in the shape of laughing skelton.
And remembered that in HASEGAWA Hospital, when she was put into the room no.421, the neigbour, who was in the extreme custody, yelled, "Staff, help! Skelton attacks me!!! Skelton, I am afraid of!!! Skelton is here!!! Help me!!! Give me medicine!!! Anyway, give me medicine!!" in a loud voice, when she awoke. Miyuki thought that she were really mentally illed, and wanted to escape from the nightmare.

And now, probably not, Miyuki thought. Mad Dog, she was. And she tranmitted her disease to all DDMs, or namely satans. Thus, they, as totalitarians, got afraid of Miyuki's "Nightmare before X'mas" like Skelton with smiling appearance.

Also today, satans soon came to attack Miyuki. From 6:30 in the morning, when Miyuki started to get out, their chasing game started. And several groups came to attack her, so easily. Many foreigners included, today.

She started to eat long butter roll called Coupe Bread in Japanese, KOPPE-PAN, with egg based sauce in the kids park. Soon, they came to the park, like bees come to the blooming flowers. Why the skelton calls attention of them?, Miyuki got in wonder, eating the bread.

No eating place at all, thus, she ate in public. And she observed that some guy observed her intentionally. And he started to do exercise of flaxibility of legs, 50 meters distant from her. He came by a silver van, and soon after, popped out, and imitated Miyuki.

For her, kinky, messy plump guy started strange movement imitating her movement. For them, Miyuki doesn't exist. However, they do, imitating Miyuki????

They thought that Miyuki is transparent. Oh, vanishing, they are. Thus, they thought the object as transparent.

Miyuki remembered that her pupils said, "They mistake object with subject." This is the fenomenum. Oh, on vanishing, they refered to!!! For Miyuki, accusation only, it would be applied. Not at all. For them, all of Miyuki's movement would be fine to accuse, and all of their wrongdoings should be purified by the supposed her sacrifice. No, no, no sacrifice, any more. Elton John.

Miyuki liked "Sacrifice" by him. Beautiful melody, she thought. And the mean was, "I was betrayed by this guy. I don't want to suffer any more!" like us all.

For YUKARI's ego-centric understanding, Miyuki should be sacrificed anyway. Admittion of assasin. The end.

YUKARI always wanted to kill Miyuki. Probably, considering the situation, now. And her mother also. The same.

Miyuki is so cool to their vanishing. They are just Alzheimer satans. And they want to be NERVANA. Oh, nothing! Ideal!!! Go to INFERNO!!!

Miyuki, you are so so cool to think so. Alex and Clare, would like to be so. However, couldn't. Oh???? Miyuki should laugh at her chiken saute??? Burnt???

Miyuki smelled ready made humbergs, in the main house, when she came back from outside. And thought, "Messy, however, better than the foods cooked by them. Ready made or frozen foods were more safer, anyway." And the result...chicken burgs, as always, in the sauce of mini-burgs. Too too costive, and time loss, at the same time dangerous. And YUKARI declared, "This is your last dinner. We don't provide any food for you, two!! " VIVA!

Miyuki yelled!!! And they, two thought, "It would be better to eat chicken burgs to cook by themselves"????

Miyuki didn't understand their system. The last dinner means "we will kill you today" thus, they should be killed today. Object and subject would be replaced. The end.

Miyuki, you are so so right, that she is cool beauty!!! With total smiling!!!! Why she is so smily when she was in the road? Because she wants to realize her dream. Work for us all, more, with rightous Fauna & Flora. Of course, our supporters, included. Replacing the dirty houses were our duty, at least.

Asfart problem is already solved. Not so hard, Miyuki did know well. And cement would be melt by acid. Normal? Abnormal. Danger would be avoidable??? A kind of. Sour rain caused the rotten the skelton. Skelton was ironcast, not??? A kind of. Iron was eaten by the shabby copper like oxgen oriented chemical material. Now, the repair is needed. However, they didn't want to replace the iron by plastic????

Iron should be replaced by plastic, their religious leader ordered. And they did it. And now, they were odered again. Oh, irons, sissors are. Thus, they both thought precious, and offered to their religious group. And they required more and more. And they didn't attend to them any more.

Veranda's iron guerd rail was in danger, Miyuki did know well. Easy to fail. Thus, they contracted to their team. And they were both caught. This time, they can't cansel the contract. They should know the limit. They contracted, and the family canceled, and then, they contracted, and the family canceled. Chasing games. They were stop using telephone now. Too too dangerous for us all. Always claiming, claiming, when they both thought of. And the faked police came to chase Miyuki, agreeing their claiming.

Always chased by the police, because they ordered, and the police, faked one, recorded it, and started to chase. And the faked police were all of them, the faked residents. Thus, so much money was used. Stupid, All Alzheimer Shirakawa Residents army.

They came here to play the stupidest role at the cost of their precious life. Oh, I am the real Irine "Cara" of East, or AZUMA. Sayumi? Or, OZUMA? Black beauty lovers!!!

SAYUMI liked black music, and Roberta Flack and Earth Window and Fire, she taught Miyuki. Miyuki borrowed her cassete tape of Roberta, and vanished...Where is Roberta???? And said to Sayumi, "I lost it. Sorry. How I should do?" And her reply, "OK, anyway." Thus, Miyuki did nothing....SAYUMI, now, I will invite you to our dinner!

Her way is out of imagination. She said OK, thus, for Miyuki, OK, thanks, I thought I should have paid for it, however, I am free from the burden.

For her, SAYUMI's upset, it was too too right. Miyuki is too too light hearted. Anyway, a kind of stupid boy type... Usually, people feel pain in this situation. Miyuki felt, however, after hearing SAYUMI's word, felt lighter.

MIYUKI is different from others...You, Miyuki, didn't know how to perceive the situation. They want to kill you, tomorrow morning. How? I would sleep well. And? VANISH! Right now!!! We are in danger. VANISH! SATANS!! ALL, in a body, immdiately, entirely, eternally, at once. NOW!!! I said NOW, not tomorrow. Too late, too late, too late to do so. Def Lepard.

Miyuki liked Def, and tried to fake to be deaf, and they got upset. Just a plastic package. Why they come so upset with me? I am a consumer, and they were clerks. Always, they forced to say "yes" to use the plastic package. Thus, innecessary to ask for us. Automatically, already, no choice for us.

Always, they threatened to reply to the question, "Do you want to have a plastic package or not?" And Miyuki always doesn't say anything. She keeps silent at this point. Then, they get in fury, without any exception. Too too strange. They expected, "Thank you" word, from us all. Strange.

No, thank! Miyuki yelled, flying away from GYOMU-Super, yesterday. Becuase the female clerk used the sly way, when she perceived that Miyuki were a kind of dumb. "Your total is US$3.5", she declared, and Miyuki said, "Check the price of this white aspalagus's can." And she should Miyuki the price appeared on the cashing calculator. "US$2.5", it said. Miyuki tried to buy it, becuase it costed US$1.5, thus she got in fury. They trapped. The faked manager would be put the erroneous tag on the shelf. His error, not mine. Left the supermarket, asying, above.

"Ooops, I am too too polite to say thanks to the enemy. Anyway, NO THANKS. Good grief."

Miyuki thought like that. and they got in fury, more and more. In SHIRAKAWA, they required politeness to consumers, and they, clerks were so arrogant. Why? Because they didn't recognize the difference between duty and right. Out of mind type existance, Alzheimer satans are.

Thus, they should vanish right now!!! No sound anyway. They can't communicate each other, anyway. Thus, they are isolated. Satans go afraid of being alone. Thus, leaving me alone, is their killer word. Oh, my dearly, Princess DIANA!

ADACHI and Roberta split. It happened, Miyuki consoled ADACHI. And ADACHI refused her kind consolation, saying, "I don't want to be consoled by Virgin TOHOHO, you, Miyuki." Miyuki is the reason of their separation.
ADACHI started to monoplize her. Thus, they sprit. Miyuki just said, "In two weeks, at max, you two would get tired of the staying in Nervana!" And Roberta got tired. Monotonous. Yawning....Haruhi SUZUMIYA...

ADACHI left alone. Thus, kind and quick Miyuki adviced Princess DIANA for him. Anyway, try!!! Robust, manish body holder. Not so princess like. Probably Duke's family. Look! Her younger brother looks like Duran Duran's vocalist. More lower middle class's fisiolonomy holders, they are. You would like them both. Try, anyway, Diana!!! Sing the song of Paul Young.

"They call you are older than I, I don't care even though. Oh, my dearing, Diana!" in the vulgar boy mode.

Neal Sedaca. Sorry. For me, anyway, oldies in 1950s.

He tried. Oh, good!! And she...refused. After Roberta???? Before, OK. After, NO THANKS...Both???

ADACHI, you should put up with this grotesque "I want to do it" cheerfully world. Miyuki's superb to pursue for her own happiness on this field. Too too hardles. However, exist, probably, we all hope...

For satans, only two world exists. Pair world. and then, only one. Insurance or not, now, indifferent. Anyway, I hate you, was their catch copy.

They really dislike Miyuki, they both. VANISH! Immediately!!!! The earlier, the better. Thus, vanishing. good. You should have vanished already, both, YUKARI and HARUMI.

Satans replaced them, Miyuki thought. However, genuinely they were satans. Just turned to muck. Just Alzheimer patients, they were, Miyuki thought. However, her anti-hygine situation and inclination of sexual oppressed desire meant satans. Unkind, in short. Attaking others, as soon as possible, when they recognize some slight error in our whole life. Satans, they were really.

They ate muck, however, we left them as they liked. However, they accused us, because of not stopping it. Suicide should be stopped by others, was their theory. Do it!!! Satans!!! Suicide paradice!!! Mass Disturvance. Mass Devastation. Musturbation!!!!

They did as they liked, and Miyuki perceived it. And wrote it on her blog. And they both decided to kill Miyuki???

Now? Already so many times, they did so. And now, they deciesed...Vanishing...Anyway, took medicine. And in the situation of being anihilated...NIRVANA.

Nihil, Nihiliated should be fine to express. Nothing. No place for losers, 'cos we are the champions, in the end!!!! Oh, I found an alternative! I will advice you. Find a good place, you should adore. INFERNO!!! HA-HA-HA-HARMAN!!!!