Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (85)

2017-06-01 07:50:53 | 日記
01/06/2017 (Thursday, morning) It's raining hard today. Alex got out normaly despite of this heavy rain.

At 7:30, my mother got up, and got out from the chamber. And in the corredor, she called to some place on the phone, using 4 figures number, just saying, "Good morning".

Miyuki got up soon after, and went to the corredor. Her mother was no more there. Probably she went down, Miyuki thought, and tried to change her clothings, and found YUKARI was there in front of Miyuki's shelves with drawers furnished with various clothings, in the corredor on the second floor, sitting on the floor, and threatened saying, "hurry up!, you, stupid!", with this low rough heavy voice.

"Oh, you are here?" Miyuki got slightly astonished. And got downstairs, without changing clothings.

She picked up a bunch of keys to open the office, and found her mother in the entrance, with an umbrella. And the sound of YUKARI's going downstairs, with her rough way, as usual. Just a sound.

Her mother got out from the door, and opened the umbrella, and said to Miyuki, "Do you want to go with me in this umbrella?" Thus, Miyuki ignored her remark. Immediately, she did, "Bum!!!" with the door closing, in the total expression of "I hate you, bitch!".

Oh, they are appearing in front of Miyuki, in turn, and they could eject their common disliking to us all, Miyuki really felt.

And the door of the office was locked. And Miyuki's mother had no keys in her hand. Thus, earlier than she, Miyuki went to the door and opened the door with the key, and entered into the office, and used the toilet, to satisfy her necessity.

Her mother didn't enter in the office, strangely. After Miyuki's leaving the toilet, someone came and entered into the office, and picked up the keys. Miyuki perceived it, and felt so strange, "After entering, why it needed to touch the keys?" And then, it used the toilet, or, at least, pretended to use it, and left the office.

Probably, YUKARI would play the role of waiting for the next use of the toilet, however, she made a big mistake. She played the role in the corredor on the second floor of the main house, instead of the office's toilet's corredor.

She confused the location, and the moment of saying so. 5 minutes after, she should have said so to others, like MIYUKI, or one of us, who was using the toilet.

And her mother tried to play the same role, and forgot the role, and just came to and back from the office. Approached, yes. however, she couldn't. They can replace the role, and they commit so many mistakes to play only one role!!!

The telephone calling by use of 4 figures means that they are frequent informant. The first thing in the morning was this ceremony. And just saying "Good morning" is enough to inform. "Oh, you should come today to my house!" And the squad came to their wrongdoing.

Miyuki remembered that her father was in the veranda, speaking with someone on the phone. Miyuki felt that he participated in the catch. Thus, she decided to get out from the house to go to work in the versities as a part-time lecturer, in the exact day of the Miyuki's catch on 16 of october, in 2015.

They are only one existance, and changeable as they like, and appear frequently using some member's sking bag or physical image, stealing their personality.

Amphetamine was used for it. And commonly used all over Japan. Thus, they could combine some personalities. And after using, melancholy attacked them, with fury. "Why you did it! I feel nasty because of you!" Type accusation followed after.

And Miyuki is free from their nasty feeling at all, from rage also. It caused more hatred against us all. Why you can't feel our nasty feeling at all? You should feel, even by way of forced hospitalization! You should be punished because of your total ignorance of our world! We are only one! We are muck!!! You should be one of our members, namely, Muck!!!!! Big Muck Project, or Miyuki catching game, in the scale of universe version!!!!!

"Oh, Big Mac? I prefer buying 2 normal ceapy Mac burgers, and eating only 2 pates, and trowing the buns in the bin. More thrifty, and efficient. I hate buns of Macdonald!!!"

Thus, they failed. For her, Alex's, "As always, even in this heavy rain" was a good suggestion. Anyway, get out of here is the best policy.

Thus, despite of heavy rain, Miyuki will go out, soon after. Orphan Lemi, who was already sold by her parents and her sister version. And she turned to be Tiger Mask!!!! Naoto DATE, her today's name. Anyway, he had broad shoulders. His face, TATSUNOKO production like her haterid, however, his body shape was wersternized male. Better than Japanese feeble messy body. KINKIKU-MAN or Muscle Man is this type. Fisiolonomy is different, however, not so promissive to attract her affection, both are. Anyway, body shape is much better than others. OK, she agreed.

Thus, see you! Meet on our blog later!!!!
VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly!!!!
From Quartet MARC, with big lOVE!!!
