Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (90)

2017-06-03 19:24:33 | 日記
03/06/2017 (Sunday, evening) It was also spooky Sunday. Fine, however, with dark clouds, and hot weather turned to be so cold soon. Thus Miyuki was obliged to put on fat big clothings on her T shirt. Oh, Mao Jong Tong rented me his cap and down jacket like impression. She borrowed the big fat poor only jacket from some big fat man like appearance, she had today. On the top, Mao himself, while on the bottom, she, with beautiful skinny legs. Strange combination, however, "Oh, she has some old lovers" type impression she could give to others.

後ろ盾 or USHIRO-DATE, or strong protector, they are called. Thus, DDMs are so arrogant to do so, she felt. Audaciously, they continued to attack Miyuki incessantly, also today. Why they do like that. The reply is that they rely on the strong protectors. Rural power holders, more exact words.

She wanted to buy a carton of milk, and used the self cashing machine. She passed the carton through it to be read the bar cord, and the machine responded, and the value appeared on the monitor. However, soon the monitor started to show the sign, "This product is not passed throught the machine. Call the respoinsible pushing the botton". Oh, self-informant system, they adopted!!! the responsible means the faked police or power holders, and they could kill who claimed the system.

They are so reluctant to inform, actually. All self service system, they adopted.

Miyuki got really upset, and yelled, "VANISH! DDMs!" They wanted to catch her, under the name of stealing. Miyuki already accused their stealing jobs, thus, for their understanding, punishment by herself. Self punishment, at this point also. For them, Miyuki should vanish immediately because of her own cast spell, like an evil queen mother in law of Snow White.

Oh, they registered also, it means that the proof of her inocence is already collected. She tried to pay, and they refused, and did the evilest trapping job.

She was targetted by her kinkiest appearance. How old is she? Girl? Boy? Aunty? Uncle? For DDMic narrow-sighted world, she is a kind of mistery. Skelton with the head of MAO. Just spooky, and this MAO is always smiling, casting so sinistrous words on them all.

They can hear some my remarks!, she felt today. Anyway, some, "Oh, how I should do? She recognized our failure!Bull shit!" type spetting, they did, when she passed beside them. And she responded to the spetting, with the same attitude, with more loud way, saying, "You, stupid! You chose the wrong way! You did it again. VANISH! DDMs! All in a body!"

Yesterday, Miyuki watched that even after 9:00 in the morning, no audience was there in the park between culture center and JR SHIRAKAWA Station. They were preparing for the festival, some kids related one. And it was informed so in a short notice.

today, the advertisement plates were written like "From 7:00 to 17:00, don't enter into this space, because we will hold the festival."

However, at 8:45, this morning, there were already filled with a lot of figures. No man's land turned to be a park of attractions, immediately, although the attractions were not promissive at all.

Why so early, and such a lot of figures came to here? Impressive. And Miyuki really got to know that already when her kids were infants, Shirakawa residents faked to work and to enjoy their family life. More than 10 years, they did these faking jobs, as their own industry in this messy rural village called SHIRAKAWA.

Three local characters were used for the cultural representatives of this rural village. Shiro KOMINE, or Miku HATSUNE's rural version, SHIRAKAWAN, or newly adopted messy really DDMic relaxed type dog, Dull Riser, or some Mascarade Rider type weakest guy in the world.

According to this messy village, the Dull Riser, was now in the hero of the movie, called, "Rise!", and their catch frase is, "Anyway, he is the weakest in the world." Miyuki laughted at this money trowal into ditch like attempt. Oh, he is already fated to be lost. Like Shirakawa residents themselves!!! They know well their destiny already! Good. Where are you going? "We are going to INFERNO!", they reply, presumably.

Miyuki really thought in KAWACHI, the evilest supermarket today, that they wanted me to sell to the police, even now, at the exchange of some special treatment.

Miyuki caught the clerks "How I should do! Oh, she recognized our big mistake!" like mode, immediately. Oh, thus, they are so eager to conceal their big failures, Miyuki recognized their inclination.

Probably, they already sold their spirit. And if they fail, and some one beside others recognizes the fact of failure, they should vanish. This is their rule. And the swich was grasped by the most high ranked positioned one, called Dr.Miyuki SATO. Thus, they bows slightly, when Miyuki passed through them. Automatically they catch the wave, and get to know who is the real power holder.

This measure was used already for domestic animals. They already invided the animals' world, and wild animals suffered a lot. Miyuki's Rabby was categorised as wild animal, and he was killed. With this shameful method called wave oriented animal taming system, wild animals could not survive because of the cruel tortures.

Miyuki didn't know the system, however, from the discription of the career of Ikuo KABASHIMA, actual KUMAMOTO prefecture's governor, when he was a professor of Tokyo Versity, Miyuki understood that he already used it with domestic animals at Harvard Versity, in Faculty of Agriculture, and he was welcomed to the versity because of it.

This fat plumpy guy had no versity degree at all. Just high school degree he had. And he was hired in JA, or Japan Association of Agriculture, really rural financial center. And he could study at Harvard, and got some success in animal farming, and turned to be a professor of political studies, and his major was "Electral behavior."

Watch out! Nor R, but L. We Japanese sometimes mekes a mistake on this pronunciation change. And provably, he and his team mates, including his Testacles pets, made this big mistake!!! Shaking for ERECTION, not for ELECTION. OK? Sexual control system, they adopted, and he, not speaking not listening English, started to work as an analyst of ELECTION only type. Oh, Todai, you should put him in Faculty of Agriculture, not Faculty of Law!!!

And without knowing the difference, he got absorbed in his ERECTION problem. And the result is this messy "All kinkiest sexual plays are allowed by their own will" type rural sexual illusional village called SHIRAKAWA.

They wanted Miyuki's body and Clare's head. Thus, the both should be cut the neck, and should paste altogether.

The ideal dream of Girly body with Oriental Bruck Shields like face. However, this plan was destroyed automatically. They both are taller than they, the cruel kinky guys, imagined. "Oh, they are taller than me! Impressively high!!! How I should do???"

And Miyuki always has her favorite camping knife called SPALTAN of Victorinox. She shows it, just to show, "Oh, guys, if you want to catch me, prepared to be annihilated. I can kick you! And remember?, I am your boss. The real boss. The reason? Because of my degree career. Who can have such a highest status in this messy rural village? Only I, of course."

And she always shows her fighting poses, even in her walking on the road. Kicking is her strongpoint. To-ryo-chague! Back kicking only!!! KARATE-BAKA-ICHIDAI, or Crazy KARATE espert I's pose. Or Lee Shao Chen's pose. Eastern oriental martial Art's basic pose.

And her boxing fighting pose. Even in the cross, she starts to her fighting pose. Anyway, speed is needed for this art. And her right jab is so nice!!! She learned that writing trained the muscle of fight. Thus, "Pen is mighter than sward", in fact. Not only literally, but also physically, this is the reality. Her muscle of the under part of the right arm is really nice. This part is thicker than the upper muscle. The contrary to common averedge Japanese. Like POPEYE the salerman!!! She smiles when she looks this part on the mirror. Oh, my muscle! Why are you so beautiful? Because you are trained so much with her PC!!!

She got to know last year, before the second forced hospitalization in her life. And "Oh, gag life, we are passing! The real gag!!!"

Who could imagine that the proverb is not only metaphorically correct, but also materially right. Ummm...proverb is so exact to apoint the reality, Miyuki adomired the ability of discription. Truth, "A-HA-HA-HARMAN! Spander Ballet. 🎶♫

 Strong punch for all of them. Our power holder, the real boss, knows that vulgar music, and sings on the road with that gesture. Kiyohiko OZAKI would get astonished!!! With some facial expressiong! In public!!! Only professional could do it like performance, included. And her adctional words are, "My smiling is so costive. Remember? US$1 million, one smile per each natural figure, and it would be multiplied by 1 million times, in case of judical figure. And Japanese Company Law changed natural figure to be judicial figure. It means, at least, 1 million times of US$1 million per you, each driver!!! And in case of "with some song or gesture, dancing", you should pay etra, because of your boss's kind service. In other words, you force emperor to play the role of monky in zoo. Thus, the extra weighs ten times more of the standard version. It means 11 million times of US$1 million, per each performance. Too expensive show, you are obliged me to do, you, stupid!!!"

And she played Kenji SAWADA, also Peanuts, his wife included, Akihiro MIWA, and Joan Baes, and Steavy Wonder, Bob Deran, and so on. Hit parade!!! A complete show whole day long. How luxurious show you are watching, you should know!!! Stupid Alzheimer patients!!!!

Frank Sinatra, Temptations, Hall & Oats, Devid Bowy, Ziggy the stardust, Hugh Stone ⤵

 At least, 100 members of our team. Ricky Martin, also included. Oh, his choice is so similar of mine, Miyuki really thought. My male version!!! And Michael Jackson also. "What's wrong? I am single, however?" Oh, Steaphen Spilberg, Jody Foster etc. Rare, yes. However, we wanted to play with our future kids, thus, we had them. What's wrong? We are responsible for us and our kids also. We respect their liberty, as minimum requirement. What is difference between Miyuki and us all????

Miyuki is Japanese, however, she already decided to quit to be continue to be Japanese nationality holder. Thus, she started to speak in her own language, namely, English, in her case. Portuguese, Spanish, also OK. Japanese, not at all!!!

And recently, she feels that foreneighers in Japan would have caught by way of these non rational trappings. Sly and cheapish, however, how costive in their life. Some of them were killed because of this laughing games. And they wanted to kill Miyuki even today.

She felt really nasty when they appeared in collective way. Almost in 6 figures, they appeared. It means that "We are superior in the number, thus, we can win the strugle with you. Just we shot you, and bring you by the big type wagon or track".

how many groups she encounterd with today? Almost at least 20 times, she did. In this rural less populous villege, why so many groups of 6 figures made a squad? Just for killing me! Stupid!!! And the money paid for him is provided by Miyuki's precious money called TAX. Terrible!!! Always they chase, and combine squad easily.

And Miyuki found that in these days, mechanical type ailiens fell in love with just smart cars, and turned to be "CARS" with brain for some days, and vanished, because they lost spirit by the combination with the earthy smart cars. Thus, Gundam, Mazinger Z, Evangelion, Comvatler V, and so on. Mobil Suits type. Machinery. China Easton.

She wore red impressive suit. Simply red.

Miyuki wanted to have a pair of red rain boots, cute type, and red umbrella and red jacket coat. All made of impremeable plastic material. She wanted to have at least some of them, and found the advertisement of "Kinky boots", a musical. However, according to Miyuki's understanding, "This ordinal red shoes would be some kind of proof of kinkiness? For me, Oh, the similar I want to put on, type casual boots. Even for USA residents, red long boots are taboo???"

And they liked red rain boots. 赤い靴、履いてた、女の子、異人さんに連れられて行っちゃった!♫♬

 Toppo Georgio!!! YAMAZAKI! Miyuki have a record of his song. Miyuki had a doll glove to do theatorical play ith it.

Red shoes wearing girl, went abroad, acompanied by foreigners.

Oh, spooky palody, was the reality of Japan. 異人さん  of foreigners, were replaced with ひひ爺さん or Erotic old bug, by the kids' song.

Miyuki felt that someone understood her plain English, and spit to her. This someone could understand her performance, and it participated in DDMic army. And squad team members. Rain is for it???

These two days, it rained. However, today, cold and sun shine. And NASU mountains range is so near, and Miyuki could really the woods there. Each, yes. And the bold parts are road. Probably, they constructed roads and lots of golf clubes.

Golf began as a wand play to kill spare time during shepard job. In the mountain. Not on the turf. The turf is just a substitute of the weeds. Why they artificially peeled the weeds, and made bolness so much, and it caused the fury of Gods of the universe. And now, they decided to crash the evilest facilities surrounding this area, NASU-NISHIGOU-SHIRAKAWA line. Better than boldness, however, with some broad lines of boldness, not so cool in appearance.

However, Miyuki watched St.Jacob's ladders, when she turned from Shinshirakawa toward to the rainge. Oh, punishiment! yes, go ahead!!!! And she posed some, Salor moon pose, saying, "We punish you, DDMs, instead of the Moon!" 月に代わってお仕置きよ! With her charing X shape pose, like female budda called KANNON.

  Today, Miyuki found that in DAISO, seeds are sold US$1 per two packages. And she bought 4 packages and spilt them in our farm.

Earlier, she bought one in MEGA-STAGE at US$2 per package. Red raddish. And spilt the seeds saying, "I will give you all of muck in the world, because you are already muck, while, we will gain all of the wild flowers among us, because we are ligimate property holders!" a modified version of この広い野原一杯 of This Wide Fieldful of Flowers by Ryoko MORIYAMA, in a loud voice. Because she found that beside, the newly construct baseball ground was used by some faked teams. And a terrifying fact she found. They are making golf course using the whole space of this farm!!! Ilegimate, and arrogant. For them, play means Baseball, golf play or doing it. Terrible feeble minded holders they are. Thus, Miyuki should sing strongly, in her vivlating Bell Cant way of singing. Akihiro MIWA, she turned. And remembered that he was a model of one of the Testacles Pets of Yukio MISHIMA, according to his "Confession by a mascaraded male" And he was a kind of female wearing liking guy, another counterpart of Miyuki. And she remembered Peter or Shinosuke IKEHATA, a slender type of this taste.

MATSUKO is not palody, just a degraded version of MIWA. Just the trank, he has the same type, however, MATSUKO has no morality at all. And replaceable by any fat male. DDMic vulger version is MATSUKO.

嫌われ松子の一生。Life of MATSUKO, who was hated by everyone, by Shoohei TATEMATSU.

Akagui KEIICHIRO was MIWA's mate, and he died so early, like a singer of La BAMBA. Miyuki watched movie of him, Mexican young boy. And Miyuki thought that Ricky Martin was his actual counterpart. The Mexican boy was so terrified to take the plain, however, he was forced to take, and it crashed, and he died. Latin fellow who gained a big success in USA was killed because of jealousy. James Dean also died by Traffic accident. AKAGUI also.

Too too young. And Filipe, the french handsome soft type died so early. Pretty idol face with some it were killed so early, Miyuki recognized it. Intentionally, they did. And they used amphetamine, and the public power ignored the fact. Worldwidely, it was used.

And Miyuki found that in Latin American countries, especially in their totalitarian era like VARGUS era or under Authoritarian system in Brazil and Argentina and so on, they used it so easily. "Phycologial war" was used in their constitution. Miyuki found this words, and felt srtange. Koutaro HORISAKA explained that it is a kind of mass motion way of induce to commit the wrongdoings for the sake of Military Government.

Oh, that it! My father responded so cleary on the rest of what happened in the versity hospital in MITAKA, on 15 of October, 2015, one day earlier of Miyuki's forced hospitalization with raping and abduction. however, on the exact point, he said, "I can't remember it".

Miyuki felt strange. He was good at memory, at that time. however, he could not remember if he sighed or not. Probably, they put the amphetamine on it, and induced him to sign on some other paper, saying some, "Just a cheking of entered visiter's number" or so, and imitated the letters of him, like 太陽が一杯 or Red Hot Sun Shine, performed by Alain Drain.

When they needed the agreement of others, and it was difficult to gain for them, they put amphetamine, and produced the faked sign of agreement by themselves. Too too common for DDMic world. For them, any promise or contract are able to be done by totally unrelatated figures, according to Japanese Civil Law reform Project.

The project was the result of their "required fact" already, thus, any professor of law didn't refuse the kinkiest proposal of the universe, and Miyuki recognized that even law professors, all, Todai related and Kyoto ones, were less than Miyuki's basic knowledge on civil law. Alzheimer patients, they were already!!!

Agreement withot part's will. Do you imagine? Just government says, "Oh, I hope he should get married with my ex.", then they turns to be a couple. Non individualism at all!!!

They are replaceable, anyway. And changeable, so quickly. Machinery. They are semi-blooded type. Thus, they like to drive a car. For them, driving means doing it. Shaking is a kind of sexual pleaure. Miyuki got in mood when she was in the train, bus or some wheel type locomodation. Oh, shaking!!! Thus, they chase Miyuki. For them, body means surface of the vehicles, and light body, with plastic material, and toy like light pivot in the floor. Just like a broken robot. Oh, thus, YUKARI was replaced from the more flamboyant version.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (89)

2017-06-03 01:26:08 | 日記
Yes, now!!! Miyuki, just left the place, without buying anything at all!!! She got so upset, thus, in her hurry to go to the nearest door mode. And she returned to the dilection of the evil clerk. And found, all of them, especially the clerk, and the faked consumers in the cashing corner, watched at her, and the clerk, in her angry and appoled facial expression. Oh, they prepared for this moment only. They wanted to be witness of my catch. They would the same thing unanimously. "She was extremely upset. Out of normal situation. Mentally illed one, probably!" Bomba!!!

How many foreigners were trapped by this type of prejudicial sly way of faked shopkeeping game!!! They categoraized me as a kinkiest behaviourer, just because of my rightous rage. Heros, we are!!! They are all our enemies!!! "VANISH! DDMs! All! In a body!!!"

Rage is prohibbited in DDMic society. They are tamed domestic existance, and rage would be allowed only for the superiors. Thus, claiming is a kind of the ocasion of expressing their superiority.

This is their rule. And they should recognize that I am a holder of right to scold them all. I am the exact boss, in every meaning. They thought that I were out of mind of this possibility. "Just a poor strange kinky one. It would be the target of our common collective attacking. It is too obvious from her appearance. Thus, we can enjoy the show now." Thus, they informed her immediately. And! They got chilled, "How I should do! Oh, we made a big mistake! I did it! I did it! Boss, please give us your order! We informed you, yes, however, by mistake!..."

And Miyuki's oder was the above. And the supurb superior she is now in this region. It means, without any exception type absolute order. "The dice was cast! She triggered against the last evilest ones!"

Suicide bombs, they expected. And she said no excuse, nor any thank to them all. Just rage. ADACHI really shaked by her coolish way!!! Oh, if I were you...

Too nice!!! Ralf Neader, his name was. Foreigner with American dialect. Anyway, humming. Why you can remember such easy lyrics of the famous music!!! Anyway, at least, she remembers our favorite oldies numbers.

Even Japanese knows type music, she learned on TV. Holday in Bubbles, was such kind of music show, at first. However, in the middle, they were obliged to change, and turned to be comedy theater type program.

Coolishness, they prefered. However, comic band, they turned. Don't worry. We are the same. Ralf Neader appeared in the election again? Miyuki felt strange. Yes, he can appear yes, however, even now??? How many times he challenged? Good. He appeared on TV, once. And said, "If I have some more supporters, I will challenge again." And the result. he was the real candidate and failed, in the middle. OMANKO journalism confirmed.

Why everyday, when she arrived, they started to move? And unnecessarily big heavy duty tracks were parked in the lots, as always, at least, one, every day. Today, a big crane type when she entered. And the vehicles were waiting for her comming, in the cross with red signals. Just waited for her, and when she came into the campus of AEON, they started to put on the engine. Lack of energy, probably. Thus, they should be thrifty, at maximum.

They didn't calculate at all the possibility of non buying! For them, muck should be bought with the consumers' total obedience. Arrogant attitude. And the faked consumers colaborated to the scenes. How many foreigners had been trapped by these evil existance.

Thus Miyuki's mother disliked foreigners, probably. She said to her, "Gyomu-super is filled with foreigners. I don't like it." Foreigners were dangerous existance for her.

And yes, in a part. No difference at all between DDMic Japanese and DDMic foreigners. Forenighers, the faked consumers now. And they sold their same nationality holders. It is the fact. Brazilians also. Koreans, too. Any difference at all.

And cocaine abusing, in this facility. Thus, their advertisements are so laughing type. And their business is lack of diligence in total. And their equipments are so faked ones.

Yesterday, MIYUKI again found that casual wearing faked consumer lady with a red namecard said "Good morning, M'am", in the tone of Clerk, in the second floor of AEON. Oh, another expample, so so obvious Alzheimer like proof she offered for us all. And Miyuki took the picture.

And today, in the gas station inside the AEON campus, she found a big white wagon parked, and called to somewhere, and he was with a red namecard. It meant that "We are ready to catch her, boss!"

And indifferent from faked boss's intention, the time bomb explodes. Who is the rightous power holder of this reagion? Oh, you are "her" and also our boss!!! Impoliteness included betrayal. You bit on the faked one, not on the rightous one, even according to your strange religion. Superiority complex, yes. And she always says, "Oh, Aunties, you would not believe, probably, however, I am a doctral degree holder of Tokyo Versity. Versity degree, of course, Master, also. All titles were given by Tokyo Versity, the aim of your admiration!!! "

This messy guy like Auntie, or Auntie like guy, would be our boss??? Confirmed??? Thus, it means...

Yeah, we are in the period of harvest, AOYAMA Gakuin Versity's reference to the frase of Sacred book, New Testament. And for them, "You should be salt of the earth."

Miyuki amused so much, wathing a lot of public officer faked Shirakawa residents caming back from their SARUSHI jobs in Tokyo. Oh, they came back to go inferno or paradice. And she sang, "Blue Ragoon"'s theme. "At a isolatted ragoon, a boy and a girl, accidentally arrived. What happened between them?", the narration with some significance. Bruck Shields, the heroine's name. 180cm he had. For Miyuki, it is the morst important part. Oh, in USA, 180cm's girl would be an actress! They are so big! And found a data, the averege of USA girls' height is 175cm, later. Oh, only a bit higher than normal, she was, Miyuki recognized. Yes, her face was impressive. The straight brown brow and fat lips. Oh, Clare's type!

And now she thought of that Bruck is stream. Brobaly some Indian's gene, she has, like Julia Robarts, another big type actress. And River Phoenix. He died so early. He would have some Indian inclinated parents, according to YUKARI, when she was a fun of him.

For Miyuki, Indian would be bigger than we imagined. And viking's blood, presumably was included.

In 9th century, some viking called John Johson like repeating type name, came, accoridng to some acadeic theory. Probably, greenland is near Alasca. It would be possible. Thus, Indians had long nose, like aristcrats of Roma.

Why, we are the same mongoloids, however, Indians look so solmon, and Miyuki lookes so cheapish? Clare really thought. Not because of her own broblem. She has some evil anscestors. Thus, cheapish. Don't worry, you are not such a type. You are more gorgeous looking type.

OK, you want to say I am bigger than she, I know well. And she looks so cheapish, also because of her supperters are all poor. Yes. This is the fact. Amusement, she put priority. Thus, the result. Mass devastation would be needed in this period, or, we would be in danger of vanishing, ourselves. The situation was so critical, and all the three didn't know the fact. They all were concealed from the reality.

And recognition problem. Always, they would be kind to us all type understanding. Almost all of people are good fellows, was their understanding. They didn't know the system. Recognition should be challenged. Or, they would kill us all. And they wanted to keep their own kingdom called IDIOCRATIC society od DDMs.

DDMs get naster in these days, Clare claimed. Because of MIYUKI, they started to attack us all. OK, Miyuki is protected by some good fellows, however, why we should do? Just run away, was the right answer.

Another place would be fine. However, no man's land. Only DDMs here and there. Yes, they are reducing in number, however, according to them, anything changes at all.

For them, of course, maintaining the everyday life means keeping their own idiocracy in a freezer, yes.

Time explosing bombs, here and there. And they didn't believe the fact at all, despite of our cry.

Thus, Miyuki should be punished, they said. ???

Alex cried that he was really math idiots, and Miyuki didn't believe at all at first. And then, when she visited junior high in Hachioji, she understood that he didn't understand the formulas. Not because of his stupidez, probably, however, accoring to their pointing system, he is not suitable for the point getting class, and probably, it would be fine to deligate to his own will. Thus, Alex chose rightously, and Miyuki didn't get upset at all on his low point at all.

Anyway, he is not slow in mind. It's sufficient for us. Low point? As you like Alex. At least, once in our life, ZERO note is necessity.

OKINO wanted to establish the rule of it. ZERO point getting is necessity for our life. No ZERO point getting guy should not enter into our room.

However, she chaged her mind. What is your name, dear sir, the son of his majesty?, the believer asked Alex. Call me Prince Vagabond. Because my mother is His Majesty Vagabond.

Geneus two generations. 空手バカ一代。Masutatsu OOYAMA.

For them, BAKA is a kind of adiration. "Superb!" or "Cool!", when they get to know how they were called among DDMs. BAKALAND, is the name of dried fruits company. Miyuki liked the name and said that, "Oh, I liked this joke. Turkish! Reisins are nice and cheaper than others. Dates were not experimented yet. Because the package of Dates is twice or more of that of Reisins.

Why Dates have two species? More plune like one, and more potato like one. Which is the real date???

When she was a kid, Plune like one was prevalent. Now, half. Potato type was eaten by her 2016 for the first time, bought in DAISO. Produced in Turky, packed in Poland. And the company's name is BAKALAND. IGNOLANDIA like naming!

伊丹 ITAMI meat shop is a shock to Quartet MARC, except Miyuki. Yes, some joke like name, however, we are accustomed to appoint the strangeness, already. It came when she was in junior high or so. ITAMI means rotten. Rotten Meat shop??? Miyuki and her mates laught at the coincidence. Joke like names, here and there.

上遠野 or KADOONO meat shop was at the pivot of the crooked streed called 掛け鍵造り or KAKE-KEGUI-TSUKURI.

KADO means corner, and NO is "of". Thus, Corner locating Meat Shop it is, exactly it is.

Now, almost no shop are functioning, however, some wrongdors put some advertisement to show up of the faked existance, "Ready. Wait for while" type plates are put here and there in front of the faked shops. And contradictional plates, here and there, just for induce the suspection and calling to the squad directly. Don't confess the fact. In case of your betrayar, you should vanish immediately!" The leader ordered.

And which is which. The faked Tokyo workers came back to go directly to INFERNO, the facility is called JR East Japan's Training center. They can't eat at all, nor drink at all. Except the two prohibittion, they can do everything as they like. Marifana OK, Cocaine also, Amphetamine of course. Thus, INFERNO combined with PARADISE for the addicted.

They should not get out from the concealed campus, the leader ordered, however, the power holders of the region allowed them to get out, and they did wrong. Thus, SHIRAKAWA should vanish immediately by their own betrayal.

The keys should be offered for their wrongdoings, because they ordered the residents to do so. And the idiots followed the order. "May I ask you again? You ordered it by who's authority?" was their question. By you, they coldly responded. You, who? Your daughter. Who? Your daughter. Which one? Oh, you have another daughter? We have two. The superior. Who? We don't know the name exactly.

??? Even in these decision, so important, they can't say the name exactly at all. Alzheimer patients they are. And the idiots were trapped and caused a lot of confusions here and there.

They are kind of challenged, not idiots, they are talled in HACHIOJI. Just the replacement of the names. Amirodosis, or Alzheimer patients, stupid, OK, crazy guy, or mad dog.

The same expression was prohibitted, however, the similar was good. They should not know the result. They should vanish, immediately, without knowing, all OK. Why not? Right now!!!

And they vanished. They came, and vanished. Repetition. NASU mountains were planted artificially. They were already devastated. Terrible. Wig user ordered the idiots inferior to imitate the boss using the precious sacred forests. Oh, implant! Like KIMURA's teeth. Wig, Miyuki thought, however, implant!! Artificial hair, both are, however, oh, dead bodies were required by Ryuho OOKAWA to conceal the boldness of the head.

Oh, rural version of Tokyo Bay Detention, they established in a vast forest.

And Miyuki recognized that NASU is so near today, and each top of the mountains was so accutely seen by her. And the roads, like bold parts of the head. We are already in the middle of some of the range of the mountains, Miyuki thought. And Shirakawa would be wet land, lots of ponds, big and small. Like Arthur Ransom's ragoon land in northern part of Britain island.

She thought that plants would not suffer so much from this change. They are stronger than we expected. They would live inside the water, for several phases. And water should be flowing. Stayed water is disliked by them.

And big news. AEON's real ocupator's leader is so promissive youth. Recently he was born. And he has so whitish soft bust feathers. Handsome guy. Chinkoro type. Leader, would be chosen the youngest one, because they are so fresh and acute in mind.

Thus, Miyuki's choice was so strange among us all. Ummm...Clare would be better for us all, would not? However, she has her own limit. She is more reigner type. Stable situation is more her strongpoint.

Wait a minute! Look Miyuki, anyway! She is younger than her daughter. ??? Anyway, this is her photo. ADACHI showed a photo, taken by herself. Oh, junior high school uniform user, she is??? Oh, young probably. Anyway, which legs look younger? Probably this one. Thus, you bet? Certainly. And they bet on Miyuki, and Clare got upset so much. She almost cried...Legs, yes...However, I am almost 40 years younger than she!!! Why she!!! Why She?????

Clare liked to be a power holder, however, Miyuki said, "As you like. I am not so promissive at this point. Just in case of necessity, as a kind of obligation, I would do it. Except such a case, I am free from it."

Oh, easy job. And double, triple, OK. Emperor of IGNOLANDIA, Miyuki prefers. And all of her mates are emperors. Unimaginable system. A kind of experiment, even politicas studies scholar could not think of...And the result..Supurb!!! Easy, and amusing, and good for us all. Like a kind of amasure concert perticipant. I would fail, however, I would be thanked by others, in any situation.

Easy. Don't worry so much. You can do as you like. We don't put you on your shoulder excessive burden.
Thus, YUKARI should go to her PARADISE, or JR training center, under the name of driving lesson.

Precarious training is necessity, they called. Oh, the advertisement of private railway's human resource's wanted advertisement. Almost my salary equivalent, and with supurb benefitt, and any experiment is not required, and the number of wanted resources is comparatively vast. Now, no man's land. Why they wanted so many conductors???

MIYUKI didn't know the system at all. Hesse's "Under the wheel"? yes, suicide volunteers are needed for them. Thus, they wanted the volunteers. With salary???

They already sold the spirit, and now turned to be a junky. And YUKARI was siting in front of the heater, when Miyuki got up yesterday. Why? And her pose represented what???

Just sitting on the floor, saying anything, and when Miyuki recognized her, she started to bark, "Hurry up!, you stupid!!!" Hurry up, what? Miyuki refrained from the place, to avoid her attacking.

Drunken, Miyuki presumed from her pose. However, alchool was not felt from her.

In JR Shin-Shirakawa station, a dog's voice was heard. Where is the dog? Miyuki serched and found that it was in a big carry bag. The owner said to it, "Shiiiiiiiii" like "Silence of Sheep". Oh, small mad dog is carried by a semi-round tent type carry bag!

And strangely, after her adventure in AEON, Miyuki encoutered the same man with two carry bags, black and white, in the corredor of JR Shin-Shirakawa.

Oh, two mad dogs? And they were going toward NISHIGOU exit. Why he and the dogs were there for so long time? They wanted to attack me?

Recently, many pet dogs barked at MIYUKI. And all of the barking dogs' owners said the same thing, "Oh, good boy, common!" with smiling. No excuse at all to Miyuki. And the baking was really enough to threaten Miyuki. Mad dog type, even they were small, Miyuki really sighed.

KIMURA feeded PAPIYON, KOISHI, Worcestor Fold Ears, and HARADA tried to buy a small dog of Mao ASADA, as a prize of the entrance of renoun junior high to her daughter, Kirara.

KAWAMURA was said by KIMURA that she turned to be beautiful recently, in April, 2015. KAWAMURA was not seen at these period by Miyuki, at all. And she rarely appeared in front of others. Probably she found a boy friend, was KIMURA's interpretation.

Before 4 years or so ago, she used the bus, sitting in the same position, every time, several times a week, and Almost always Miyuki watched KAWAMURA's back, in a burbarry coat. Why she always sits in the same bus that I took a ride?, was Miyuki's question.

And after, Miyuki rarely saw her. She was not good at every things type, and her qualification on herself was just supurb. And she failed so many times. And always the reasons of her falures were other's bad performance, not hers. Aways evasion type, and her stories were so long, unnecessarily.

According to her explanation, she made a supurb presentation in the meeting among scholars of International Law. However, almost all of the audience attacked her presentation. But her kind old professor responibile yelled her, "OK, nice try. Don't worry, I understand you, and

Miyuki is sleepy now. See you, and meet in some nice place!!! Oh, beast!!! Wild animals!!!
Miyuki put a leghon meet in a rock in the river YANTA, and the next day, it was not left anymore. Some one ate it. Not rotten. If she could use the kichen, she herself would have eaten type one.

And itchy bitchy spider reduced abruptly.

VANISH! DDMs!!! You are so ugly. Wild animals' threatening pose causes DDMic laugh. For them, "Just take it in the most trifle way" was a lecture. WARAI-YOGA, or laughing YOGA was for it.

Miyuki got to know that the floor of the office was cleaned up. Why and who did it? Probably YUKARI. She likes to put Alex's text book in the book shelf in the office. Alex claimed that YUKARI broght his text book to Shirakawa, when she was pushed out from Miyuki's residence in HACHIOJI.

Probably, YUKARI concealed his text book, and trapped him not to study the materials, to make him to be stupid. YUKARI wanted her own pet, namely her inferior. And for her understanding, these textbooks belong to her, because she touched them. First, she concealed them to evase. And now she forgot them, including the existance. And they were found in her chamber, and she was ordered to get out from her chamber, and she were obliged to put them in the shelf.

Alex didn't claim her at all, however, he pledged the revenge. He should pass so many time without doing anything expect chatting with his mates. No textbook at all, stolen by his own auntie, he was called. And YUKARI denied the fact, using BLA-BLA-BLA, and was revealed that she was the real Alzheimer patient.

I wanted to study, anyway. However, Miyuki left her as she liked, he said to others. ??? Or, YUKARI would have killed him. For her, Alex should be inferior to him.

Mad dog, she was already. She was always on the bed, and got up, only Clare said, "Auntie, YAJU or vegitable juice!"

YAJU is beast. And Miyuki just scolded her because of her idolness not to pick the juice by herself. YAJU is beast in pronunciation. Like a beast, was her prey. "I want to be Jason" was the real desire. And now she is turning to be. Already semi mad dog now. And the end??? Probably, vanishing!!!

Today, Miyuki watched a man without head through a glass of the window in a shop. When she recognized, he started to appear, and she could see his refrection, at least in the final moment.

And she heard many DDMs receiving telephone callings, especially outside the buildings.

Sorry, Miyuki will go to her bed.

See you tomorrow here in our blog!!!
From Quartet MARC, with Big LOVE!!!