
The Road to Tsukuba  連歌

2006-02-08 | Weblog
題名は、「The Road to Tsukuba  連歌」

「The Road to Tsukuba  連歌」

We are now working in Tsukuba city, so I will tell you about “The Road to Tsukuba ”筑波の道 that is another name of the RENGA.
RENGA is a Japanese linked poem.
At first in No1 “The Road to Tsukuba”,I will tell why the RENGA is called “The Road to Tsukuba.”
And next in No2 “The Road to RENGA”, I will tell the history of the Japanese style  poems, and  the form of the RENGA.
And last in No3 “the Road to (something), I will tell about after the RENGA.

Why is the RENGA called “The Road to Tsukuba”?
Because The old Japanese RENGA poets thought that the first RENGA was composed by the prince yamato takeru and the old man.
The first RENGA is in the nest page.

This is the poem that was composed prince yamato takeru and the old man.
This poem was in kojiki. The kojiki was the fist japanese book written in 712 .
This poem is that ・・・(yamato takeru said)新治(にひばり) 筑波を過ぎて 幾夜(いくよ)か寝(ね)つる
then the old man continued  かがなべて 夜には九夜(ここのよ) 日には十日(とをか)を
The meaning is that after passing niibari,tsukuba how many night have slept. Said prince yamato takeru.
Next the old man continued I count by finger. 9 nights and 10 days have passed.
Because there is the word “tsukuba” in this poem, RENGA is called that “the road to tsukuba.”

Now I will tell about the history of the Japanese poems briefly.
I only take notice of it’s form. A Series of it’s sound like 5-7-5 e.t.c. 
Most old type poem is called Tyoka (long poem).
Its form is a 5-7-5-7-7 5-7-5-7-7--------.
The Tyoka was mainly composed before the HEIAN period.
In the HEIAN period, The Tyoka was not composed any more.
In those days, the TANKA that is a short form of the The Tyoka was mainly composed.
The TANKA (short poem) is that part of The Tyoka.
Its form is a 5-7-5-7-7.
In the MUROMATI period, the RENGA (linked poem) was appeared.
Its form is a 5-7-5-7-7 5-7-5-7-7--------.
But first 5-7-5 and next 7-7 is composed another parson, and next 5-7-5 is composed the third  person. And so on.
Next  EDO period. Top 5-7-5 was independent and that is the HAIKU.

As I have already said in the last page, RENGA is formed by sounds of 5-7-5-7-7-5-7-5-7-7-------.
But this 5-7-5 , this 7-7, this 5-7-5 are composed the other person.
In MUROMTI period, many person who liked RENGA met and composed RENGA together.
RENGA has many strict rules. for example this 7-7 have to be inked  this 5-7-5 in meaning. And in the same way, this 5-7-5and this 7-7 have to be linked.
But this 5-7-5 and this 5-7-5 must not be linked.
Because RENGA have the strict rules, nowadays a few people who study RENGA professionally can composed them.
The first 5-7-5 is called Hokku, that is considered most important port and usually the best poet composed Hokku.

After the RENGA, the HAIKU was appeared.
In the EDO period  The Hokku of the RENGA was independent to the RENGA.
That is The Haiku.
So the HAIKU has 5-7-5 form and the origin of rules of the HAIKU are come from HOKKU of the RENGA.
In the early days , the HAIKU was not so elegant.
The HAIKU was refined by Matuo Basyo.
Basyo was a famous Haiku poet in EDO period .
He completed his Haiku style called “syou fuu”. And his Haiku spirit is a “Karumi” (lightness).
He used a common word but his spirit was very high.

Now I show a part of his text in oku no hosomiti his most famous book.
He traveled to “mitinoku”(the north area ) and he write travel diary  “oku no hosomiti”
When he reached in Hiraizumi, he stand at a old battle field.
Then he remembered the poem “syunnbou” written by Toho a grate Chinese poet.
He wrote in Oku-no-hosomiti 「国破れて山河あり、城春にして草青みたり」と笠うち敷きて、時の移るまで、涙を落としはべりぬ。
That mean is the country was ruined but still the mountains and rivers is.
In spring grosses covered over old castle.”
That was a Toho’s poem.
I threw my hat and wept for a long time.
The summer gloss,  the dream of the old soldier.
this is his Haiku.
These two poems showed same scenes.
I think by the contrast of this two poem he showed his haiku spirit “karumi”.
Toho’s poem was most elegant one but it was traditional and heavy .
Basyo’s one was also elegant but it was no more heavy, it was light.

Now we know the RENGA is called “the Road of Tsukuba”
the same manner , we call TANKA “the Road to Yakumo”
 I don’t know what the Haiku is called.
But I think we can call the Haiku “the ROAD to Mitinoku”.
Because Basho constructed his HAIUKU style to go to Mitinoku.
Thank you for listening.