文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that

2019年07月14日 17時56分22秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter. 

Asahi Social Division 'paradise on the ground' coverage

The person himself thought that it was also news, but the reader feels that it is 'fact.'

However, he says. It is the convenience of the reader. The mistaking reader is terrible.

At the same time, Iwadare Hiroshi was in the social department.

He wrote an article called 'North Korea is a paradise on the ground' with his colleagues.

“Tempo of economic construction in North Korea is tremendous" "The apartment is built one after another, and the factory operates 24 hours a day", "Citizens live a stable life both mentally and material under Kim Il Sung" as it was.

This ground paradise campaign lasted for more than 20 years.

Even the Koreans in Japan who are strongly suspicious think that it is true if the long-term campaign is done.

That's why 100,000 people went back to hell.

The Asahi Shimbun acknowledged the error after thirty years when nearly 100,000 people were almost killed.

Kim Jong-il admitted the existence of many abductee victims such as Megumi, some of them returned home, after July 8, 2004, secretly proved that there is a hell, quietly to the inside page ‘North Korea's real face’ was posted.

Iwadiro admitted that he wrote like heaven with imagination as hell, 'There was little information' or 'I could not get enough coverage.'

Usually, reporters will not write unless they can interview them.

To imagine writing is called a fabrication.

Despite the Koreans, 3,000 Japanese wives were killed by it, but there is no word of apology neither Iwadare nor Asahi newspaper.

It seems that it is the intention to have made an end completely in this scrap excuse.

This draft continues.


