文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 1.

2024年09月07日 18時30分14秒 | 全般
A collaboration between Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 1.
A collaboration of Masayuki Takayama's article and my photos, a must-read for all Japanese citizens.
April 25, 2023
Naoto Kan used such moldy US-made bogus figures as criteria for eviction during the TEPCO Fukushima accident.
July 01, 2022

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter section of Shukan Shincho, released yesterday.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
His reason for publishing this article is to point out the root of the current electric power administration's stupidity in Japan and worldwide.

Good Radiation
Herman Muller's interest in genetics led him to the laboratory of Professor Thomas Morgan at Columbia University in the United States.
Here, he found deformities in Drosophilidae and studied how they were inherited.
Professor Morgan discovered that "genes are on chromosomes," for which he received a Nobel Prize.
Muller, too, dreamed of this and worked hard at his research.
One day, he irradiated Drosophilidae.
The offspring were full of deformities, and the next generation inherited these deformities.
Under certain conditions, he found that the next generation would be entirely female.
If there were only females, the species would become extinct.
Muller's study was published before the Great Depression and sent worldwide shockwaves.
Would humans also be deformed by radiation and perish?
Researchers competed with each other to verify Muller's research.
However, no deformities were produced even when bluebottle flies were exposed to radiation.
No abnormalities were found in frogs or mice.
Is radiation dangerous?
When life began, there was a lot of uranium-235 around, and the ground was full of radiation.
If it were dangerous, life would have ceased to exist.
In summary, the cells of humans and other living creatures become healthy when exposed to high doses of radiation.

*This might be why people in Western countries, where natural radiation levels are higher than in Japan, grow faster than in Japan. *

Of course, genetic cells may also be damaged.
Deformities will be born, but damaged cells in many living things die independently.
If it survives, it will give birth to deformity.
That is why they choose death.
It is reminiscent of the Japanese spirit.
It is called apoptosis, and cells in the human body often commit suicide.
In Drosophilidae, however, the damaged cells do not commit suicide but survive and give birth to deformities.
It was a rare exception.
We only knew a little then, but Muller's research looked dubious and soon forgotten.
Ten years later, Pearl Harbor was attacked.
After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. was motivated to build an atomic bomb.
Concerned about the effects of radiation on the human body, the U.S. government sought out Muller and had him resume his research.
However, his research stopped at Drosophilidae.
By the time the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Muller had been fired.
At that time, only the United States had atomic bombs.
The power of the bomb was proven in Hiroshima.
The problem was the radiation it scattered.
If radiation had the aftereffects of producing deformities and ruining a nation, as Muller claimed, who would have stood against the U.S.?
So, the U.S. got Sweden to give Muller the Nobel Prize.
And so the legend "Radiation causes deformities" was born.
The world was made to believe that if they defied the U.S., hundreds of thousands of people would be killed, deformed children would be born due to radiation, and their race would be destroyed. 
On the other hand, greenery was sprouting in the A-bombed cities where it was said that not even grass or trees would grow anymore, and even those who had been exposed to the atomic bombing were becoming second- and third-generation citizens and living long lives, far exceeding the average life expectancy.
The U.S., seeing the public's puzzlement, came up with the Muller data, a plausible, acceptable figure of "1 millisievert per year," based on the weight of a Drosophilidae.
It was endorsed by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) in the U.K. 
According to the book "DNA Loves Radiation" (Sadao Hattori), when humans are exposed to 500 times the amount of radiation, their cells are activated, and "both diabetes and amyotrophy are improved," according to a report by Professor Seinori Yamaoka of Okayama University.
C.T. scans exposed humans to 10 millisieverts, the standard 10-year dose, at one time, but human cells remained normal, and apoptosis was also confirmed to function.
Naoto Kan used such a moldy US-made bogus figure as the standard for eviction during the TEPCO Fukushima accident.
Moreover, they unnecessarily stirred up fears about radiation, leading to many people jumping on the bandwagon and moving out.
TEPCO still paid 100,000 yen per month to all those evicted, and taxpayers nationwide paid a 2.1% reconstruction tax.
However, the people of the prefecture wanted more.
In addition to the 1 millisievert petty theft, they held the government responsible for natural disasters, but the Supreme Court kicked them out.
How does the world look at the people of Fukushima?
Do you know?

A collaboration between Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 2.
A partnership of Masayuki Takayama's article and my photos, a must-read for all Japanese citizens.
April 25, 2023

That's enough time for language classes.
Use the extra time for Japanese language education.

June 23, 2022
The following is from Masayuki Takayama's column in the latter part of today's issue of Shukan Shincho.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
It is a must-read not only for the people of Japan but also for people around the world.

What is Penaghan?
My biography includes "Los Angeles Correspondent.
I also interviewed Peter Drucker for Scrapbook.
But to tell the truth, my English could be better.
I went to an English school in front of the station for a while before I arrived.
So I turned on the T.V. when I arrived, thinking I would be okay.
CNN News came on, but they were talking so fast I couldn't understand half of what they said.
I was especially troubled by the word "pagan."
It came up repeatedly, but it wasn't in the dictionary.
The head of the foreign credit department was so mean that he didn't even provide me with an assistant, so for a while, I didn't know what pagan was.
Then, the real estate agent I had asked to help me find a house came to me.
He showed me a map of the area and said, "I have an excellent place for you.
"Look, it's right next to Sanvisene," he pointed.
The map spelled out "San Vicente Street."
Then it hit me.
"You guys don't just mute the t's in words," the real estate agent nodded.
Now I have a clue how to solve "Penagan."
I put in a t somewhere and finally arrived at the Pentagon (Department of Defense).
I can pronounce the t in multinational, but when an American pronounces it, it sounds like "mortai" instead of "multi."
The American accent is terrible.
It's the Aomori dialect in the English-speaking world.
I did not understand the language of the black man in charge when I went to a parking lot in the city.
It was like a rap song.
I couldn't even park the car without the woman in the passenger seat translating for me.
The so-called ebonics (black English) are, first of all, incomprehensible to the Japanese.
It took OJ Simpson three years to correct his black English when he first saw Nichole, a white female waitress.
Then he asked her to marry him, and the tragedy began. 
Even O.J., who grew up in the English-speaking world, took that long to master the habitual American English. 
Los Angeles has other Mexican Spanish accents.
You can only become an Angeleno (Los Angeles native) when you can distinguish each.
It is the situation on the West Coast.
If you go to the southern part of the U.S., you will encounter different English.
Even in the U.S., English is spoken in such a selfish way.
In this sense, English is similar to Chinese.
Cantonese people do not understand the Shanghainese language.
However, the meaning of "蘋果日報" (Apple Daily) can be understood in Cantonese everywhere.
Japanese people can also go to the bathroom and order noodles if they write Chinese characters.
Our Ministry of Education needs to understand that.
They believe that speaking English is excellent and that "speaking with foreigners" is the primary way of English education. 
Thus, they have English classes starting from elementary school, and they have prescribed that the correct education is to have a gaijin stand up in the classroom and listen to raw English.
Gaikokujin were recruited, and it is now widely believed worldwide that if one can speak English, one can become a teacher in Japan.
Mixed in among them are many Julian Blank-type offenders of the "press a Japanese woman's face into your crotch" variety.
Incidentally, the Sri Lankan woman who died after refusing to be deported also wanted to learn English in Japan and become an English teacher, even though Sinhala is her native language.
The scary thing is that people think a Sinhala accent is acceptable in Japan.
In fact, it seems that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has realized that the English world is full of accents and has started saying that understanding accents is part of proper English education. 
As proof, the Ministry of Education introduced three speakers in the listening section of the Common University Entrance Test not long ago.
One was an American with a Pennagan accent.
The second was a Brit.
He read "Rain in Spain" as "Line in Spain.
The third was a Japanese-American, whose English was tested by "listening and distinguishing" between their accents.
Isn't it stupid even to hear? 
They will put Black English and Sinhala accents on the test soon.
What is the point of learning such English if you are not an interpreter?
Japanese people do not know how to pronounce Chinese.
Even so, we can understand their intentions by using Chinese characters.
That's all there is to languages.
Use the extra time for Japanese language education.


A collaboration between Masayuki Takayama's must-read article and my photographs. Part 3.
A partnership of Masayuki Takayama's article and my photos, a must-read for all Japanese citizens.
April 25, 2023

In fact, Japan's islands have been taken by the likes of China and South Korea, and nothing can be done about it. 
We cannot even take back the four northern islands. 
We are beginning to perish and haven't even realized it yet.
June 17, 2022 
The following is from an article in the Sankei Shimbun distributed online last night.
The following editorial is mine.
Prime Minister Cautious about Sharing Nuclear Weapons: "It could trigger proliferation."
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, president of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan (LDP), appeared on T.V. Asahi on the evening of November 16 and spoke about "nuclear sharing," in which U.S. nuclear weapons would be deployed and jointly operated in the territory of Japan, saying, "Given the overwhelming destructive power of atomic weapons, it could trigger nuclear proliferation. We must be cautious when discussing nuclear sharing."

*It is an obvious fact that it is only a matter of time before China increases its arsenal to at least 800 nuclear warheads.
Fumio Kishida is, in fact, not the caliber of Prime Minister of Japan.
He is a valuable vessel for the media and the Ministry of Finance, including the Asahi Shimbun.
He is not a politician who can save Japan from an attack by China, the worst nation in history.
He is a politician, not a statesman. * 
The following is a serial column by Takayama Masayuki that appeared at the end of yesterday's weekly Shincho magazine.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
He is now 79 years old.
All those with discerning eyes must lament his recent editorial.
We are ruined.
Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) began to think about tomorrow for the people of Asia when Japan's defeat was in sight.
He consulted with Ales Hardricica, an anthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution. 
He proposed the idea of "interbreeding superior Caucasians with Asians.
This method was modeled after the Spanish, who once raped Indio women in the New World and made them give birth to mestizos.
The Asian men would then be out of the way, but they could not be killed off in the Spanish way.
Anthropologists proposed making them walk down a passageway where powerful magnetic waves flowed.
It would "sterilize them in just 20 seconds without pain," he said.
However, he says that the Japanese are unable to improve.
Because "their skulls are 2000 years behind," he recommends eliminating them.
According to his anthropology, whites, unlike blacks born in Africa and yellow, are a distinct species of superiority with a different origin.
But in just five days, Shibasaburo Kitasato discovered the Black Death's identity, which such a fine white man had not been able to solve for five centuries.
Adrenaline, atomic structure, and radar were all solved by the Japanese.
He hated and feared the Japanese, who did not conform to his theories.
FDR shared this fear.
So he thought of "confining the Japanese to four islands and destroying them" (Christopher Thorne, The Pacific War for the U.S. and Britain).
He died before he could give that order, and GHQ was given control of the postwar process, which was strangely in line with FDR's wishes.
First, the Japanese abroad were ordered to repatriate their nationals.
There is no precedent in history for using the defeat of a war as an excuse to send all of its citizens back to their homeland.
The only reason for this was to "quarantine them to the four islands," as FDR put it.
Thus, 2.8 million people, including Japanese generals, were repatriated from mainland China, 630,000 from Taiwan, and 700,000 from Korea.
Including the others, the total number of people repatriated reached 6.3 million. 
Even the Germani were surprised.
Meanwhile, 2.4 million Koreans in Japan were also repatriated. 
The quarantine meant only the Japanese.
Naturally, the Japanese were prohibited from leaving the four islands.
FDR said, "Segregate and destroy."
GHQ put its beak on population growth. 
Using Sizue Kato, they legalized abortion and promoted the nuclear family. 
It was the beginning of the current birthrate decline.
The industrial power that had been able to fight against the West for four years was also targeted for extinction.
Edwin Pauley planned to dismantle Japan's heavy industry and transport it to Manchuria in the name of "reparations in kind" to make China an ordinary nation.
However, when he visited Manchuria, he found that the Shina people had utterly destroyed the cities and infrastructure.
The plan was abandoned, and on top of that, war broke out in Korea.
Japan's heavy industry survived, thanks in part to particular war demand.
It could be said that it was thanks to Shina and Korea, but it was a great miscalculation for GHQ.
Nevertheless, GHQ remained undeterred and proceeded to decimate Japan.
When Swiss Minister Gorgier asked MacArthur to destroy the Japanese watch industry, he immediately ordered the Japanese government to pass a labor union law.
At the same time, he legalized the Communist Party and put it in charge of guiding the unions in an attempt to destroy the industry.
Kantaro Ogura, who infiltrated Japan Airlines, was one of them.
GHQ forced Japan's energy resources and coal industry to curb production, accusing them of "slave labor."
*Anyone with keen insight should realize that Korea is following the example of GHQ at that time in making false claims that they were forcibly conscripted by Japan and used like slaves and that they are still using this to this day.*
However, as Japan began to recover, the United States made Japan pay the indemnity for its colony, the Philippines.
Britain, France, and the Netherlands followed suit, and Japan continued to pay reparations to their colonies.
It may be outrageous, but they believed that Japan would disappear.
It was the MacArthur Constitution that made them believe so.
According to MacArthur's memoirs, Shidehara Kijuro said, "We will give up our military power and become unarmed." 
The two men were moved to tears as he said, "In a hundred years, people will understand us."
However, no nation is unarmed.
In fact, Japan can do nothing as countries like China and Korea have taken its islands.
We cannot even get the four northern islands back.
We have not even noticed that we are beginning to perish.



