文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The sins of the Asahi and Oe Kenzaburo are deeper than the sea and are not forgiven at all

2019年03月14日 12時27分01秒 | 日記

It was a slogan to advance the war led by the Asahi Shimbun, "
One hundred million total suicidal, without being shamed of prisoner alive "
The chapter that originated on 2018-08-30 is now in the top 10 best searches for goo.
Ryukyu Shinpo and Okinawa Times, two of the monopolized newspapers in Okinawa, should have existed before the war, and the contents should have been in accordance with the Asahi Shimbun etc. as in the present. saw.
The result was more than my guess.
Above all, with Wikipedia below, my goal was achieved 100% ....
Launched in June 1931 as the "Okinawa Nippon Daily Newspaper". The title was changed to "Okinawa Nippo" in 1932 one year later, and along with the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun and Ryukyu Shinpo, they gained great support as a prefectural area newspaper representing Okinawa Prefecture in the early Showa era.
Masayuki Takayama brilliantly elucidates the severity of the as usual aspect of the Asahi Shimbun and the nature that they rely on, which were also revealed in the cervical cancer preventive vaccination coverage, and Muranaka Riko is a real scholar and human being. ,
When the world's good sense gave the John Maddox award to Muranaka Riko who did not succumb to the vicious pressure of Asahi etc., and Asahi's fabrication coverage became clear to the world, an insignificant article on a page that readers do not read after three weeks For the mode reported in ...
He has been criticized, saying he is a newspaper company, which has been a temporizing measure in every point.
Also in the search results just now, the constitution that is the ultimate feature of Asahi Shimbun's life was exposed.
Along with the Okinawa Asahi Shimbun and Ryukyu Shimpo, we have gained tremendous support as a prefectural area newspaper representing Okinawa Prefecture in the early Showa period
If you click this "Okinawa Asahi Shimbun", nothing will come out.
It is exactly the same way as deleting the comfort woman related articles in English and making it impossible to search for the corrected articles ... indeed, it is a newspaper with in every point temporizing measures.
Why did Asahi Shimbun delete the search for Okinawa Asahi Shimbun, which was the newspaper that represented Okinawa Prefecture before the war?
Asahi Shimbun used "Okinawa notebook" which is a random anti-Japanese propaganda work of Oe Kenzaburo, etc.
Okinawan people who committed suicide or jumped off the cliff in the war against Okinawa (I remember that there were a lot of women) ... It is no exaggeration to say that it is now a symbol of anti-Japanese propaganda "Himeyuri Memorial" ... this case they Forged the work of the Japanese army.
They are being removed from the search to conceal that they were the ones who had been forced to commit suicide to the reports of the Asahi Shimbun of that time.
There was a slogan for the war led by the Asahi Shimbun, "One hundred million total suicidal, without being shamed of prisoner alive", and other than this, there was no one who made Okinawa women go for suicide. .
The sins of the Asahi and Oe Kenzaburo, who in fact rubbed it against the highly disciplined Japanese soldiers, are deeper than the sea and are not forgiven at all.
If you look at the editorials and papers of the Asahi Shimbun at the time, it is obvious that ... So Asahi Shimbun is trying not to come out in the search.


