文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Everyone can cross because it is not as good as it looks.

2019年06月22日 08時10分26秒 | 日記

The following is from the famous column of Masayuki Takayama, which published in the weekly Shinshio released yesterday.
Takayama Masayuki also demonstrates this week that my reputation with him as the one and only journalist in the post-war world is totally to hit the mark.
People who can't change
Han Chinese habitation is said to have fixed inside the Great Wall of China.
But the Great Wall itself is not a big deal.
Everyone can cross because it is not as good as it looks.
There was a suspicion that Microsoft was stealing other companies' software when installing an operating system for the PC startup.
Well, Bill Gates excuses that our company has a long division in each department to prevent stealing.
The newspaper laughed, saying 'Bill's LongWall.'
It means not to be a border.
The real thing was similar, around the 5th century, Xianbei, Jie people, Xiongnu, and others entered into the territory of Hans from the north and west rapidly and settled.
It's Sixteen Kingdoms.
Xianbei, Xiongnu, etc. are outrageous names that Hans looks down on Four Barbarians, but what was the Hans seen from that Four Barbarians?
According to overseas Chinese expert Suyama Taku, a professor at Nagasaki University, the behavior is not very good.
The conduct is terrible, too, and it immediately leads to a violent assault.
Therefore, when you look at the bad ones, it is said that they are now called villains Hans, molester Hans, rascal Hans, glutton Hans in the sense that they look like Hans.
Xi Jinping says or 'revival of the great Chinese nation.'
Whether it was great or not, I think that the villain Hans, the molester Hans, and the rascal Hans are persuasive.
Xi Jinping, too, I want you to think of the cultural level of the people that aren't despised first from Xianbei and Xiongnu.
This manuscript continues.
