文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The destination for studying abroad was Japan, which was an enemy in yesterday.

2019年06月22日 08時08分41秒 | 日記

The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
However, even such Chinese, once upon a time, many youngsters had a chance of being good people to make the country right.
That is after the Sino-Japanese War.
Qing of the Manchukuo ethnic dynasty seriously considered the meaning of losing to Japan, and the first of all determined to stop the study of Hans, The Four Books, and Five Classics, and the Pursue Western studies as the Japanese did.
So it built the Imperial University of Peking, later Beijing University, and encouraged the people to study abroad.
The destination for studying abroad was Japan, which was an enemy in yesterday.
We know the size of the generosity of the Manchuria dynasty.
The Japanese side also promptly accepted Chinese international students at each university.
Thus, 10,000 youngsters a year learned in Japan from both Lu Xun, Zhou Enlai, Qiu Jin, and Chen Duxiu.
There they knew the world, returned to the country and Qiu Jin worked for women's liberation movement, and Chen Duxiu and Song Jiaoren shouted a parliamentary system.
And in fact, it did.
This manuscript continues.
