文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Recently, what made me frightened, my daughter is teaching a Japanese school in Geneva

2017年06月18日 20時40分33秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter.

Emphasis in the sentence other than heading is me.

Know MacArthur testimony

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also hiding the fact that the declaration of war on Pearl Harbor attack was delayed, because the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of "a local agency" of the government was lazy, and it was never Japan’s intention.

What is even worse is not only to hide but also to replace Article 11 with "Acceptance of judgment on individuals of Class A war criminals" to reply to the National Assembly for the first time "accepting a trial against Japan" Owada Hisashi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs he was.

After that, Mr. Owada Hisashi made a successful career, and now he was at the top of the International Court of Justice.

Is it because it was because it did not say favorable things to Japan?

Perhaps, in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, if you have anything other than a historical perspective that is consistent with the War Gilt Information program, you will want to speculate that there may be circumstances or customs that will make it difficult for him to succeed.

As it is, just as Spain suddenly lost energy, I am afraid that Japan is also going on.

Recently, what made me frightened, my daughter is teaching a Japanese school in Geneva, in the composition of children educated in Japan, "The atomic bomb was dropped by Japan's well-deserved punishment it is", it is said that was something with the content of.

By now, the War Guild Information program is a success of matter for great congratulation.

This draft continues.
