文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

They have again put Nishibe Susumu's The Mass Media Will Ruin the Nation Theory into practice.

2024年08月02日 16時45分01秒 | 全般

Today, I was working on introducing an excerpt from the late Nishibe Susumu's "The Mass Media's Ruin of the Nation" to the world again.
The weak yen is not a problem for Japan, a trading nation.
On the contrary, it should be welcomed, as a kindergartener can determine.
Moreover, this yen depreciation is not an inducement to weaken one's currency, as was the case in the past with Korea and China, which continued to do so intentionally.
It is the result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the foolish SDGs, climate change, and low-carbon movement, which were initiated by China and are not exaggerations at all.
It is no exaggeration to say that the SDGs and the low-carbon movement are Chinese propaganda aimed at the decline and impoverishment of developed Western countries.
China is well aware that pseudo-moralism dominates the developed Western countries.

Until recently, newspaper editorial writers, such as the Nikkei Shimbun, and television news programs, such as NHK, continued to make kindergartener-level editorials about the "bad weak yen," which is hard to believe.

Since Abe was assassinated, the people who control the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance, and the politicians who only do as they say, are ruling Japan.
They are mere test graduates who grew up reading the Asahi and Nikkei newspapers or underachievers who have problems with their abilities.
They have again put Nishibe Susumu's "The Mass Media Will Ruin the Nation Theory" into practice.
Their attitude is to repeat the folly of the "total volume control" that they issued in April 1990, which triggered the deflation that continues to plague Japan to this day.

The Bank of Japan decided to raise interest rates, resulting in a sudden yen appreciation. 
Yesterday, the Tokyo Stock Exchange fell by more than 1,000 yen.
And today, what a drop! It's a drop of 2,216 yen.
It's a drop of more than 3,200 yen in just two days.
It's no exaggeration to say that the Great Tohoku Earthquake on March 11, 2011, has happened again.

Because I've been watching the Olympic Games coverage daily, I've been watching more TV news than I used to.
Footage shows collapsed houses still covering the roads from the Noto Peninsula earthquake.
Meanwhile, Kishida, who does not fail to read the above newspapers and watch TV news programs back and forth, generously provides over 18 trillion yen in aid to other countries.
Furthermore, he has also been bold in providing vast amounts of aid to Ukraine.


2024/7/30 in Onomichi


