文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

would have been precious for the Japanese who are crazy about Japanese beating.

2018年10月27日 16時28分19秒 | 日記

The following is from a series of articles on the 13th page of the Sankei Shimbun this morning.

The origin of the comfort women issue ‘Sakhalin Trial’

‘Korean hunting’ testified Yoshida Seiji

Hunted out with violence to make a Korean woman comfort woman by command of the military, which Yoshida Seiji's false stories such as are scattered by articles of the Asahi Newspaper accepted without questioning and now the comfort women statue is lined up all over the world, there is no need to repeat the circumstances that have happened.

Aside from Yoshida, of course, the responsibilities of innovative party politicians, scholars called progressive cultures, journalists and lawyers who criticized the acts of Japan severely are too heavy.

As a result, words such as ‘military comfort women’, ‘compulsory entrainment of Koreans’, which did not exist during wartime, became to be used like symbols of bad behavior in Japan, lie is called a lie.

In Yoshida's spotlight, it became ‘Sakhalin trial’ ‘Sakhalin remnant return claim action’ raised in the Tokyo District Court in December 1975 (1975).

Yoshida, who testified Korean ‘compulsory entrainment’ and ‘comfort women hunting’ in court in 57, was taken up largely by media, and in the following year he published a book on the same story.

In Korea he built what he calls 'apology' and perform kneel on the ground performances in front of the family members of Sakhalin Koreans.

False stories gradually and steadily spread.

Yoshida's testimony would have been precious for the Japanese who are crazy about Japanese beating.

Because it was a concrete, detailed confession by the ‘perpetrator side (Japanese)’ anyway.

It got a taste on the Sakhalin trial that attracted attention was of the society they are later, and raised loudly the word ‘the post-war compensation’ ‘post-war responsibility’, and they accused the Government of Japan, and compensation claims litigation, including the comfort women issue, they will wake it one after another.

This draft continues.
