文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

A leader who does not fall into their trap, please emerge soon!

2023年07月26日 11時21分44秒 | 全般

Ryusho Kadota
China is pressuring Japan, Taiwan, Australia, and Palau to change their policies by "weaponizing the economy."
The biggest weapon is tourists.
They send large numbers of tourists to make the economy dependent on them, and then suddenly stop.
If Chinese tourists come in large numbers, it will be difficult for tourists from other countries to come, and there is no need for dependence.
A leader who does not fall into their trap, please emerge soon!

Quoted tweets

Ryusho Kadota.
Masahiko Hosokawa, a former METI official, accuses China of "weaponizing the economy" by using its vast market and supply capacity to intimidate other countries and force them to change their policies.
First, he proposed a concrete countermeasure: "Japan should also inspect all marine products imported from China.
Of course.
Take a stand, Japan!
