文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Furthermore, Japan is the most advanced because it has added protection for women.

2023年06月20日 09時54分01秒 | 全般

Kohyu Nishimura
Yes, it is.
In Japan, since the Muromachi period, a great samurai has two beautiful young men called "Koshō" who sit beside him in the upper seat.
Ranmaru Mori, a Martyr to Nobunaga at the Honnoji Incident, is too famous.
In the Edo period (1603-1867), the style of the Mediterranean island of Lesbos blew in the inner chambers of the Edo period, and since LGBT is a part of Japanese culture, onnagata in kabuki and Takarazuka in recent years have been widely accepted.
In the Edo period, brothels had "Kagema teahouses" for customers looking for men, not prostitutes.
Junichiro Tanizaki, who wrote "Manji" (Swastika), wrote "Himitsu" (Secret) in Chuo Koron at the end of the Meiji period (1868-1912), in which "I" learned the pleasure of cross-dressing and walked around Asakusa and entered a movie theater.
He walks around Asakusa and goes to a movie theater, where he is blindfolded and rickshawed to a woman's house by a woman he met again by chance.
As you can see, LGBTQ understanding and acceptance in Japan has been much more widespread and accepted since the Middle Ages than in Europe or the United States.
It is in direct contrast to Chicago, the city of Ambassador Emanuel and Obama, where discriminatory massacres still occur.
The US has a long way to go in its evolutionary process.

Cheshire cat.
Jun 19
Reply to @kohyu1952.
If I look up sodomy laws (laws criminalizing homosexuality), Japan only enforced them for seven years in the early Meiji era and repealed them in 1880.
Other countries responded in the 20th century, or at the latest, 100 years after Japan's sodomy law was repealed.
It is the West that is behind the curve.
Furthermore, Japan is the most advanced because it has added protection for women.








2013/6/18, in Osaka



