文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a four-page report on the Chinese Communist Party's 'buyout operation

2020年06月05日 15時01分38秒 | 全般

The following is from an article by a real journalist, Yukihiro Hasegawa, published in this month's issue of the monthly magazine Hanada under the title of 'China's top-secret order to buy up masks, just before the explosion of the infection.'
The monthly magazine Hanada is full of articles by real journalists and real scholars that are required reading not only for the Japanese people but for people all over the world.
Besides, this month's issue of Hanada has a full-strength feature on 'The Common Enemy of Mankind: Xi Jinping and the Wuhan Virus.'
Just by looking at the title, it's clear that Hanada is a must-read.
The emphasis in the sentence except for the headline is mine.
Buyout to expand the sphere of influence.
The new coronavirus exposed the true nature of the "country called China" dominated by the Chinese Communist Party. 
It is becoming more and more apparent, both inside and outside the country.
As I wrote in this column in the May issue, they tied up their own citizens in strings just because they were not wearing masks, and then dragged them around the city while reading aloud the quarantine regulations as a sign of remorse.
It was a bizarre scene reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution, with countless casualties. 
Outside the country, the "covert operation" took on a more sophisticated form.
They have mobilized Chinese overseas to buy up masks and protective clothing (PPE) worldwide.
I can't ignore this because it wasn't just to "protect themselves from infection."
By buying up, they hoped to gain an advantage and expand their sphere of influence in a world that would eventually become infected. 
There was a moment when we caught a glimpse of it. 
On April 4, U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican, revealed on FOX News. That 'Chinese President Xi Jinping suggested in a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron that France introduce Huawei's fifth-generation mobile communications system (5G) in return for China's donation of one billion masks.'
Green said on the show, 'I heard about it on a conference call yesterday.' 
He didn't say what the meeting was about, but if this is true, it would be a form of using the plague to expand their own interests. 
Mr. Green is a doctor and a military graduate of West Point.
He is also the person President Donald Trump is reportedly "considering" for his nomination to be Secretary of the Army.
The Chinese side immediately denied it, but it is hard to believe that such an influential member of the Diet made up a "completely false story" on television.
Violation of WHO rules. 
Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has written a four-page report on the Chinese Communist Party's 'buyout operation.'
On May 4, the Associated Press reported, based on a report it had obtained, that 'China had deliberately concealed the explosion of the new coronavirus infection to stir up medical supplies around the world.' 
China underrepresents the seriousness of the situation but increases imports of medical supplies such as masks at a furious pace, and exports were banned.
DHS 'denied export controls, fudged the numbers, delayed the release of trade data, and hid the increase or decrease in imports and exports.'
'During January, we refrained from telling the World Health Organization (WHO) that the new coronavirus could infect humans so that we could buy masks, gowns, and gloves around the world,' the report said. 
It is to limit the price spike.
It is a violation of WHO's rules that require immediate reporting of infectious diseases.
Probably in violation of the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) as well. 
Clearly, China was hiding the seriousness of the infection. 
A new type of pneumonia of unknown causes began to rage in Wuhan in early December 2019, but China reported it to the WHO on December 31.
Meanwhile, the late Dr. Lee Wen-liang, who first issued the warning, was summoned by police on January 3 and given a cautionary
At the very least, it had been covered up to the world for over a month.
*It's no secret that NHK/watch9's Arima has stood by China's shoulders and continued to emphasize that President Trump's (sincerely outraged) response to the situation is a confrontation between the U.S. and China.*
This article continues.
