文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Nemoto hid this fact and targeted the 40-year old Mihama nuclear power plant,

2021年07月10日 14時48分36秒 | 全般

The following is from the serial column of Masayuki Takayama, who brings the weekly Shincho, which was released on Thursday, to a successful conclusion.
This article also proves that he is the one and only journalist in the postwar world.
The Media is Dead
The editorial director of the Asahi Shimbun is a man named Seiki Nemoto. 
Before he took up the post, he took turns writing the Tenseijingo for about three years. 
To get an idea of his thinking, I rolled up clippings from that time and found four of them. 
I found four clippings that I hadn't even bothered to cut out, and their views were very biased. 
For example, there is a sentence written on the downing of a Malaysian plane in Ukraine. 
It reminded me of the incident when a Korean plane was shot down by a Soviet aircraft off the coast of Sakhalin," followed by "a tragedy in the tension between the East and West during the Cold War when both sides were pitting their weapons against each other.
It may sound plausible, but it is not valid. 
The Korean plane was flying from Anchorage to Seoul. 
Before takeoff, it entered the route into the inertial navigation system (INS), but the crew entered the wrong coordinates. 
It caused the plane to drift north by 400 kilometers and violate Soviet airspace.
Surprisingly, the crew did not even check the position of their aircraft during the flight. 
They were not even aware of the several warning shots fired by the Soviet aircraft. 
Half of the reason why the plane was shot down was due to the negligence of the crew. 
In addition, another Korean Air plane violated Soviet airspace for the same reason, was hit by a missile attack and crash-landed on an icy lake in Murmansk. 
A Japanese passenger was also killed in this incident.
Korean airplanes are a taboo of the Japanese. 
They write about it alongside the Malaysian plane as if it was shot down without any fault. 
Only the subservientness that pleases Koreans is noticeable.
On the other hand, to the Japanese, it looks as if they are insulting and condescending from the perspective of Koreans or Chinese. 
When he became the editorial director, Corona came to him.
At this time, Nemoto immediately went to the defense of the Chinese. 
The first patient was a Chinese who had cheated quarantine by taking antipyretic drugs. Still, he had the paper write that he was a Japanese who had returned to Japan and deliberately delayed the ban on Chinese entry. 
Nemoto is currently obsessed with denuclearization.
Japan has a shortage of energy resources.
The previous war was also struck there and started.
A stable and inexpensive energy supply was Japan's most significant challenge after the war, and nuclear power was the answer. 
If nuclear fuel is reprocessed, it can be burned again and does not emit C0₂.
The nuclear fuel cycle, combined with fast breeder reactors, was the savior of Japan, a country with small resources. 
It was highly unpleasant for Asahi.
In the wake of the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima plant, Asahi took a turn for the anti-nuclear side. 
They allowed a few lies and falsehoods to be published in their editorials as long as they were in line with their anti-nuclear agenda. 
One such example was an editorial on May 14, 2020, which rejected the nuclear fuel cycle, saying, "The plutonium Japan now possesses could be used to produce 6,000 atomic bombs.   
The editorial clearly stated that it would turn Japan's Japan's plutonium after reprocessing directly into nuclear bombs. 
It is a flat-out lie.
The reason is that plutonium from light water reactors has a mass number of 240, which is not enough to make a nuclear bomb. 
Nemoto made us repeat that lie in his editorials and the general press. 
He also lied about the 40-year lifespan of nuclear reactors.
The U.S., which uses the same reactor, allows for 80 years. 
Nemoto hid this fact and targeted the 40-year old Mihama nuclear power plant, repeatedly calling it an "old reactor" in his editorials, as if it was about to run out of control. 
The tone of the editorial is the same as the theory of runaway accidents by the elderly. 
When it decided to release tritium from TEPCO's Fukushima plant, Nemoto immediately spread a false rumor. 
"Fukushima's contaminated water to the sea. They say all the plants are doing it, but the others haven't had meltdowns. 
It's a flat-out lie that it's not just contaminated water.
Asahi's editorial is no longer a criminal act.
Many countries are now moving to build more nuclear power plants.
Japan is the only country that follows Asahi's lead, shutting down nuclear power plants and switching to solar power, which is only profitable for the Chinese. 
Nemoto, who seems to be a mass of malicious intent, was appointed as the Japan National Press Club chairman, following each company's recommendations, including the Sankei Shimbun.
Is it impossible to ask the media for good sense?

