文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

Get punitive damages from G.E.! 

2024年07月26日 10時59分03秒 | 全般

July 24, 2018
Masayuki Takayama's latest book is probably the most important one, and you should subscribe to it at your nearest bookstore.
People around the world should read my English translation as much as possible.

Urging irresponsibility of G.E. employees who fled TEPCO Fukushima
The Asahi Shimbun has absolved G.E. of any responsibility, but they should be made to pay 21 trillion yen.
Asahi goes on a tormenting spree when it hates TEPCO 

The following is a continuation of the above.
Emphasis in the text other than the headline is mine.

G.E. employees were made to talk about anti-nuclear power 
On March 30, 2014, three years after the accident, Asahi reluctantly implied that G.E. manufactured the reactor and that a flaw in its design caused the accident.
It was only a few lines in a series of articles on anti-nuclear power.
The article stated, "There were people from G.E. in Unit 4 at the time of the earthquake. They escaped immediately. And G.E.'s headquarters in the U.S. sent them out of Japan immediately."
As for why the G.E. employees were there, he first showed in a series of articles two days earlier that GE was the designer of the reactors.
It also tells us that when the Japanese asked, for example, why there were no release valves, the answer was always, "Because G.E. thinks so."
The Fukushima nuclear power plant site was deliberately built by cutting down high hills to make it low-lying.
They had the reactors built there, and the auxiliary power sources all concentrated on the seaside, where a tsunami would destroy them in an instant because "G.E. thought so," he said.
The same story was told in the newspaper on December 7 of the same year, with G.E.'s local representative in Fukushima, Naka Yukiteru, saying the same thing.
This man is an activist and former fisherman from Okinawa.
He comes to Fukushima and is hired by G.E., but the reason for his appointment and the extent of his knowledge remains unclear.
The CEO was out during the earthquake, and after learning of the power outage emergency, he never returned to work.
The Asahi Shimbun reportedly inquired at G.E. headquarters but has not received a proper answer.
At the end of his interview with Asahi, he summed up the accident by saying, "A country that has been a victim of nuclear bombing should not have nuclear power plants."
Asahi did not hold G.E. responsible for the accident but instead had G.E. employees discuss their anti-nuclear stance. 

Get punitive damages from G.E.! 
Putting aside the bizarre response by Asahi, the fact that G.E. officials on the scene, including the former Okinawa activist, made no effort to clean up the situation and fled, and that G.E.'s headquarters, rather than condemning them, immediately sent them out of Japan, is now clear. 
Incidentally, G.E. did not even inform TEPCO of the "B5b" directory, which the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ordered to install multiple auxiliary power sources in different locations.
The result is 21 trillion yen in damages and the stagnation of the excellent nuclear industry. 
Anyone who has seen this far will immediately be reminded of the US-born Product Liability Law, which states that the manufacturer of a defective product is liable for any damage caused by the product.
Nothing can be said about the Fukushima nuclear power plant without excluding the responsibility of G.E., the company that "proudly led the way" in all aspects of its design and construction. 
And then there is Trump.
The time when we could not say what we wanted to say if we heard the name "U.S." is over.
In the new year, newspapers, the government, and the public should once again hold G.E. accountable and, while at it, collect truly punitive compensation.                                
(January 2017)


7/25/2024 in Kojima


