文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

It's not what a decent politician does. It's a trick of a scammer (laughs).

2020年04月27日 22時45分40秒 | 全般

The following is a distinctive feature of the dialogue between Masayuki Takayama and Miki Otaka, which was published on April 24 in a monthly magazine that must be read by all Japanese people, titled 'Scarier than corona, People affected by the China virus.'
Anti-Japanese apology man that grows
I read Otaka's new book, 'Denigrate Japan --- The True Identity of Anti-Japanese Apology Man and Fabrication Media' (Wack).
That's interesting!
Thank you very much.
There are many 'anti-Japanese apology guys' who are swaying their tails in response to the propaganda war in China and the Korean Peninsula.
The leaders are Uichiro Niwa and Yukio Hatoyama (laughs).
China is desperate for publicity efforts to get rid of the stigma that spread corona across the world.
Besides, China says that the 61st anniversary of the liberation of the Tibetan serf and make one Tibetan say, 'The life is lovely as a dream because of the difficult days in old Tibet. The dividend bonus my family received from the village collective economy in 2019 exceeded 100,000 yuan '('People's Daily 'Japanese version /March 28).
In Otaka's book, it was introduced that he was advertising with Uighur children.
Introducing pictures of children taking ski lessons, they seemed to be innocently playing in the snow.
Both are just political propagandas trying to turn their eyes off the fact of persecution.
Besides, China reports that although Belt and Road are 'corona roads,' they are now building a health community with partners around the world, 'Health silk road,' to protect human public health. 'China net' Japanese version /March 30).
That is a tearful effort (laughs).
It has done an immature propaganda battle that people all over the world cannot help smiling wryly brazenly.
However, some Japanese may be carefree in believing in such Chinese publicity.
China is a liar genius.
Zhou Enlai didn't give a clear answer, saying that 'it's not the time to talk about it' about the territorial sovereignty, while aiming at the fact that oil was sleeping in the Senkaku Islands.
After that, Deng Xiaoping also said, 'Let's leave the Senkaku problem to future generations.' ‥
It builds into the conflict place of both countries all too soon.
It's not what a decent politician does.
It's a trick of a scammer (laughs).
Despite this Corona disaster, the number of official Chinese vessels continues to increase.
China does such a lie nonchalantly.
Chinese journalist Lin Yutang (1895-1976) wrote something interesting.
As for what Chinese people are doing all day long, they say Tai Chi in the morning, then they play go, enjoy writing, and in the afternoon say bad things about the Japanese (all laughing).
'Anti-Japan' is one of their hobbies.
Even Koreans, who call themselves 'small Chinese,' think that 'anti-Japan' is a vitamin supplement (laughs).
With Hua-Yi distinction, Korea is downplaying the downright lie propaganda activity by China.
A pinch is a chance.
Wuhan's pneumonia is an excellent opportunity to spread the lie of China to the whole world. 
That's right; Trump paraphrased it as 'Chinese virus,' China is urine on a frog's face,
On the contrary, he said the virus was brought in by the United States.
In such an exchange, the New York Times wrote, It is time for China and the US to share wisdom to contain the coronavirus now.
It's like a Japanese newspaper writing (laughs). ‥
It was the Asahi Shimbun that said, Let's wash our hands together rather than eliminate Chinese people. 
'The United States brought it in,' said Zhao Lijian, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but Trump recounted it as a 'Chinese virus.' There was resentment over China's lack of responsibility for the international community. Still, the New York Times writes that it will stop fighting at the same level as the US and China.
It drags Trump down and pretends that China is a responsible country.
It is a tricky hoax article.
It is proof that the Chinese media maneuver has penetrated the liberal US media.
More in Japan.
I am going to feel dismal just by imagining.
It reports small facts in a larger size as if they were big truths.
It's stretched too much, and the whole image is blurred (laughs).
Hillary also holds Beijing's shoulder as "racism" in response to what President Trump said "the Chinese virus."
It seems that China Money was in the Clinton Foundation.
The origin of the fire is clear, so it's not a level of racism.
China said that the source of infection was the United States and that one time was a delicate expression even in Japan, leaving an escape route.
Furthermore, it may be Italy.
If there is a gap, it will pass the responsibility and try to put the blame on others.
This article continues.
