文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The low mountains were bald, and no tree was growing on them.

2024年06月06日 23時02分43秒 | 全般

From the writings of Mrs. Horace Grant Underwood...The low mountains were bald mountains without a single tree.
January 23, 2021. 
A friend of mine who is a prolific reader is fond of saying, "There is nothing cheaper than a book.
I realized "indeed" when I saw the following chapter published.
I was so disgusted by Lee Myung-bak's words and actions during the last days of his administration that I searched the Internet for the first time to find out what kind of country Korea is and what the Korean people are all about.
As mentioned, I understood everything about the Korean Peninsula within an hour.
However, only a few Westerners, such as Isabella Bird, described the truth about the Korean Peninsula, which I learned for the first time at that time.
The author, a former Korean army colonel who has survived countless attacks and abuses, discloses the truth that was hidden from the Internet by the Koreans.
This chapter alone was worth far more than 1,800 yen.
China and South Korea (especially the South Koreans), countries of unfathomable evil and deceptive lies, the Asahi Shimbun and its sympathizers in Japan, and the pseudo-moralistic Democratic Party supporters in the U.S., do not tolerate the existence of those who differ from their views.
They immediately try to exclude them from the Internet.
It is evident in the recent responses to Trump on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
What is ridiculous about these social networking sites is that they would suspend the president's account while leaving the fanatics above and the countless others who lurk on the Internet unchecked.
It is the ultimate in bluffing.
The other night, the female host of Nikkei News 10 (I have a feeling she is under Chinese manipulation) uttered these words when she had Akira Ikegami as a guest on the show.
She does not even know that the fragmentation of the U.S. society = the maximization of income inequality is the result of globalism, that a handful of people like the founders and executives of GAFA have become wealthy beyond the national budgets of many countries, and that the Obama administration has not only caused China to become more tyrannical but also maximized the income inequality. They need to find out that the Obama administration has not only allowed China to become more tyrannical but has also maximized the income gap.
She doesn't know that the "American Dream" is still alive and well, barely holding the U.S. together.
What did she say?
She asked Ikegami to agree that the fragmentation of the U.S. has given birth to people like Trump.
The female host, who, in Uchida's opinion, has the same level of intelligence as "the Asahi Shimbun, which is no better than a kindergarten student," looked down on the U.S. president even in the slightest.
TV Tokyo is another station that I don't understand.
It produces some unique programs, of which I have recently become a fan.
When I leave WBS on and turn it on at noon the next day, it frequently broadcasts "Korean dramas made up of lies and plagiarism" with impunity.
What is the nerve of TV Tokyo in terms of the above-mentioned female hostesses and how they do it? I don't know what to make of TV Tokyo's nerve.
The following is from the book, "An Ultimatum to Anti-Japan," by a former Korean army colonel.
This book is a must-read for all Japanese citizens and people worldwide.
It is primarily those who make their living with and subscribe to the Asahi Shimbun, a newspaper that not only takes pleasure in disgracing its own country to the world but will go to any lengths to fabricate falsehoods to do so, and which is the most foolish newspaper anywhere in the industrialized world.
It is mainly the so-called scholars who are telling us to learn from Germany.
Those who make their living from the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which has been writing anti-Japanese articles using the anti-Japanese articles of this newspaper.
Those who subscribe to these newspapers and make their living through TV stations that air John Rabe's fabricated story of the Nanking Massacre every year at the end of the year as a regular event,
As a result, about half of the German people hold anti-Japanese beliefs.
In the U.S., purported scholars such as Alexis Bray Dudden, a proxy for South Korea, are a must-read.
Chapter 2: Korea as Seen by Foreigners and Nationals.
As we have seen, Japan and Korea differed in capacity.
Was Chosun really the culturally rich country that the communists glorified it to be?
The following is a summary of what foreign intellectuals who observed Chosun on the ground for many years and their Korean predecessors of the same period observed.
Joseon, as viewed by 21 foreigners and six nationals, was, in a word, a savage, uncivilized country.
From the writings of Mrs. Horace Grant Underwood     
Lilias Horton Underwood (1851-1921) was the wife of British-born Horace Grant Underwood, founder of Yonsei University in Korea.
When she arrived in Seoul, the first thing she saw was small, earthen houses that resembled giant mushroom colonies.
Those houses were divided into one room and one cooking area.
The low mountains were bald, and no tree was growing on them.
When the Koreans went to a banquet, they ate an unbelievable feast.
They would keep their stomachs full for the banquet.
On the other hand, the Japanese serve their guests a few palm-sized bowls and chic plates but offer very little food.
It may explain why the Koreans are getting poorer, and the Japanese are getting richer. 
Koreans often believe in superstitions.
There is not a single well in Pyongyang.
Because of the superstition, if you dig a well, you will get stuck in it and sink.
They all drew water from the Daedong River and drank it.
They drank the water even when countless corpses from the Russo-Japanese War were floating in the river.
When they tried to remove a slight boil with a simple surgical operation, everyone objected, saying that it was against Confucian precepts to let a scalpel or scissors touch the body.
The king was equally opposed. 
Joseon women were generally not beautiful.
Their eyes had lost luster due to sorrow, despair, hard labor, illness, lack of love, ignorance, and modesty, and their faces were worn and scarred.
It is especially true for women over the age of 25.
The same is true of the court ladies.
I was further surprised to find that they all smoked cigarettes.
See "fifteen years amang the top-nots; or Life in Korea.
It is from the writings of Hesse Wartegg. 
Ernst von Hesse-Waltegg (1888-1918) was a German traveler.   
The people are suffering in poverty, while the officials are indulging in debauchery with the wealth they have exploited from the people.
The people of Joseon are poor, ignorant, lazy, and believe in superstition, and these attributes are the unfortunate result of a crooked and greedy government.
For hundreds of years, the Joseon government has suppressed, rather than helped, the people's urge to better the world.
The reason is that the ruling classes of the Joseon people, in their feudal lineage, sought to maintain a system of slavery that allowed them to use, buy, and sell their inherited property as they wished.
What Japan has and Korea does not have are scholars and cultural groups with high ideals of loyalty, patriotism, and self-sacrifice.    
Korea eine Sommerrise nach Lande der Morgenruhe, 1894, 1895 (see)
This manuscript continues.

2024/6/4 in Kanazawa


