文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

and the electricity bill tripled, but the Germans are still unaware of Shina's scam.

2024年06月06日 23時29分11秒 | 全般

The following is from Masayuki Takayama's serial column in the latter section of today's weekly Shincho.
This article also proves that he is a unique journalist in the postwar world.
A long time ago, an elderly female professor of the Royal Ballet School of Monaco, highly respected by prima ballerinas worldwide, visited Japan.
At that time, she spoke about the significance of an artist's existence.
She said, "Artists are important because they are the only ones who can shed light on hidden and concealed truths and express them."
No one would dispute her words.
It is no exaggeration to say that Masayuki Takayama is not only the one and only journalist in the postwar world but also the one and only artist in the postwar world.
Oe, on the other hand, about him, I don't want to speak ill of the deceased.
Murakami and many others who call themselves writers and think they are artists are not even worthy of the artist's name.
They have only expressed the lies created by the Asahi Shimbun and others rather than shedding light on hidden truths and expressing them.
Their existence is not limited to Japan but is the same in other countries worldwide.
In other words, there are only a few true artists.
This paper is another excellent proof that I am right that no one in the world today deserves the Nobel Prize in Literature more than Masayuki Takayama.
It is a must-read not only for the Japanese people but for people worldwide.
Emphasis in the text, except for the headline, is mine.

Burning Cars
Lin Yutang, the only intellectual in China, defines "my Chinese" with self-deprecation as "obeying authority," "refraining silently from talking," and "having wisdom. 
Therefore, he said, they have become lovable people who "drink tea, smoke opium, love Peking Opera, and abuse the Japanese" in their spare time. 
But that is a rather overdramatic portrayal. 
The Chinese have spent most of their 5,000-year history as slaves to foreign dynasties.
Lin Yutang's characteristics can be replaced by one word: "slave spirit. 
In addition, the most essential characteristic of the Shina people, "spitting lies and deceiving others," is missing. 
Lately, it is the weight of the times, but the lies they tell have become more and more spectacular.
It is a lie about global warming and greenhouse gases. 
The Chinese say that if we continue to burn fossil fuels, the Arctic ice will melt due to the C0₂ greenhouse effect, and the earth will perish due to abnormal weather. 
But the Chinese themselves are taking the lead in such environmental destruction. 
They emit 1/3 of the world's CO2 and pollute rivers and oceans.
The other day, the Huangpu River in Shanghai was filled with the carcasses of 10,000 dead pigs. 
That kind of pollution flows into the ocean, and Simplified Chinese marine debris pollutes the world's coasts. 
Everyone believed that the earth would be cleaner without the Chinese. 
But this is a nation of con artists.
In committing environmental fraud, they took steps to prevent individual accusations against Shina. 
Maurice Strong, the "Godfather of the Environment," was the one who accused Shina of environmental pollution on behalf of Shina. 
His aunt was Anna Louise Strong.
She was a Communist-afflicted U.S. journalist who was favored by Stalin and, after his death, flew to Beijing, where Mao Zedong loved her. 
Through her connections, Maurice became head of environmental affairs at the United Nations, where he first ranked China as a backward country. 
He also embraced Al Gore, had him talk about how the Arctic had become a flower garden, and set up a system whereby developed countries could buy C0₂ emission credits from China. 
Next, they spearheaded thermal power generation and sold solar panels made in China to the world. 
The Western industrialized countries, especially Germany, were foolish.
Believing that taking care of the environment would atone for the Holocaust, they became China's dupes.
Nuclear power was not a problem, but Merkel stopped it and replaced it with solar panels and windmills made in China. 
The landscape was ruined, and the electricity bill tripled, but the Germans are still unaware of Shina's scam. 
Shina next targeted car emissions and had Maurice say, "Shina's electric vehicles (EVs) are the savior. 
He believed that "EVs will save the environment," even though Germany has Wagens, and let the Shina-made EVs drive around. 
The Chinese people laughed at him and said, "Wang baageng" (王八蛋). 
In fact, EVs are nothing more than a larger version of toy electric cars made by a backward country that cannot even make an internal combustion engine.
They are not designed to carry passengers on the streets of Tokyo. 
And they have not been tested for safety. 
Wagen also tried to build one, but the lithium battery fire still needed to be solved.
They burned two more car carriers and reduced 7,000 cars to ashes.
When a lithium battery catches fire, it causes "thermal runaway," emitting a high temperature of 800 degrees Celsius.
Even water will not extinguish the fire. 
In China, the home of EVs, there have been many car fires of this type. 
If the car is stationary, the surrounding area burns to the ground, but all the occupants burn up if it is running. 
Recently, a Huawei-made EV was involved in a rear-end collision, leaving the three occupants burned out and in a crash that left them with no time to get off.
BYD, which has expanded into Japan, has had four EV showrooms burn down in the past year. 
According to authorities, seven EVs catch fire daily, some while driving, some while charging, and many while parked. 
It is said that "park EVs 15 meters away from your house" is common sense among Chinese people today. 
However, such stories are not reported by Japanese newspapers and TV. 
Is it because they think they should not speak ill of something that serves the environment?
It could be because they do not want to write anything that does not benefit China.


