文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

a spy heaven that will not be a crime if you acquire it later, even if you steal the technology and

2017年08月20日 11時23分37秒 | 日記

The following is the continuation of the previous chapter

Although SK Hynix has only 4.8 trillion won (about 450 billion yen) as of the end of March 2017 total of cash and short-term financial products on hand,

That's why they want to acquire Toshiba Memory Corporation until 400 billion yen is issued.

While the case of stolen technology, evaluation from the market is not greatly evaluated, while the PER of competing memory companies is 40 to 80 times stuck, but SK Hynix is just tenfold.

Of course, SK Hynix shares are low rating in the market because the two issues of future legal risk and can they innovate on their own discount factors.

However, it is capital relations with Toshiba Memory, even if "legalization of technology thief" is attained, SK Hynix can solve two problems in a breath.

That's why they want at any cost "Toshiba Memory".

However, if Japan permits it, Japanese companies will be evaluated as "a spy heaven that will not be a crime if you acquire it later, even if you steal the technology and worsen performance," Japanese products from the world will be it will a Trend of "stealing rather than buying".

As a result, Japanese products will not be sold anymore, even if a company is established in Japan it will be the factor that the stock price will be discounted by the country risk "spy legal state".

This draft continues.

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