文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

How do we defeat malicious China and Korea? That is what we want to learn. 

2024年06月10日 09時12分53秒 | 全般
Sep. 27, 2015
The following is a continuation of the previous chapter.
*~* is me.
Asahi now says, "Follow Poland's example" before this general election. 
The article was written by Tadashi Tominaga, a member of the particular editorial board whose meaning is always unclear. 

*Tominaga wrote a ridiculous tweet the other day, not only in Japan but also in French, in an attempt to criticize Prime Minister Abe.
It is the same man who even Asahi announced on its front page that he had been removed from his post due to the severity of his tweets!

The Japanese people who subscribe to Asahi should realize that they have been convinced that the childish and vicious editorials written by this kind of man are correct.
After analyzing Abenomics from the Communist Party's perspective, the issue in the general election is whether or not Abe understands history differently than the Asahi Shimbun.                
That is not true.
This time, the battle is between the foolish Ministry of Finance, which believes that raising taxes is the only way to increase financial resources, and Abe's theory that tax revenues will increase by revitalizing the economy.
Tominaga, who has not read anything, suddenly says that we should follow the example of "Poland, where the people choose the future of their country." 
Once, the Japanese people chose the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) recommended by the Asahi Shimbun, which endangered the country.
The Japanese have learned from that mistake and are now electing a decent political party.
We don't need to follow Poland's example. 
If we can learn anything from Poland, it is the history of the three times its malevolent neighbors have forced it to face the dread of national exile. 
How do we defeat malicious China and Korea?
That is what we want to learn.                               
(Dec. 18, 2014)
*This book is from his ultra-scathing criticism specialty column, "Henken Jizai," in the weekly Shincho and on a strip of paper featuring advertisements.

2024/6/7 in Nagoya


